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Posts posted by Kitty_Cat

  1. I’ve only been asleep for a few minutes, and then I wake up... In the office? Was it all a dream? What if I’m in a dream now? It can’t be dream; it all feels so real. I get off if the floor and check the time. My watch isnt working for some reason. According to the lights though, it’s night shift so I stay in the office. I pick up the monitor and... everything’s static. How long have I been out? What’s going on?

    Meanwhile, Twilight has heard some things from my room. She walks to my room and checks it out. When she enters, she sees me standing on my hind legs holding nothing but air in my front hooves. I’m still asleep apparently.

  2. I jump slightly as Winter has gotten my attention. I follow Twilight to her castle. When we arrive, I can’t beleive my eyes. It’s all so pretty! It’s so beautiful, I have no words. I just gaze at this magnificent citadel with open eyes. Twilight pokes me in the midst of my gaze, startling me. I jump back and nearly scream, but I hold back. I laugh at myself and Twilight laughs along.

    We enter her castle and she shows us our rooms. Once again, everything very neat and just beautiful.

    ”Thanks again for everything, princess.” I yawn again. “G’night.” Twilight smiles and says “Good night, Vincent and Winter.” She goes to her room to sleep.

  3. “I can help you with that, Winter. Cmon, let’s go to the castle. Vincent is starting to look a little sluggish.” she says while facing me. Meanwhile I’m just standing there with my eyes half closed already. I say nothing, as I am occupied by thoughts again.

  4. “I’ll run and you can fly. How’s that?” I say. Twilight nods.

    I yawn. I’m starting to get kinda sleepy. “I’m getting a little tired... I’m gonna find somewhere to sleep...”

    ”You can sleep at my castle for the night if you two want to. I’ve got plenty of guest rooms.” Twilight offers.

    ”Oh really? Thank you, princess.” I reply.

  5. “Do you really think so? I may not be a Pegasus, but boy am I fast! But to be honest, I don’t know how fast I can run in MPH... heh. Anyway, we should make a start and a finish point. What do you think would be great points, princess?”

    Twilight thinks for a moment. “How about you guys do the Running of the Leaves? The race is tomorrow.”

    ”I think that sounds good. What about you, Winter?”

  6. I shake my head. “Nah, it’s all yours. You need it more than I do, heh.” Pinkie places the pie onto the counter. “Here ya go! Hey Twilight, do you want anything?” Twilight replies “No, thanks though. I only recently ate.”

    I look to Winter, who looked pretty excited. “Hey, I can tell you’re the competitive type. Wanna race someday?”

  7. I saw what had happened. I’m quite impressed at the save. I’d clap for him, but I don’t know how so I just compliment him. “Nice save there, Winter!” I say.

    Pinkie is also impressed. “Great job! Thanks for that. Here, I do have a slice of cherry pie for 10 bits.” she says.

  8. We all go to Sugarcube Corner, which wasn’t too far away. We are immediately greeted by Pinkie Pie.

    ”Hiya Twilight!! Ooh who are these?” Twilight replies “This is Winter Bolt and this is Vincent.” I wave.

    ”Coolio! So, how can I help ya today?” Pinkie asks. 

    “Do you have anything under 10 bits?” asks Twilight.

    ”Yup! You can get two cupcakes for 8 bits!”

    Twlight turns to Winter. “What do you think?”

  9. Twilight grins. “Why of course we can go there! In fact, one of my friends helps to run Sugarcube Corner and I have another friend at the Apple Farm too if you want to see them. Also, I’ve got plenty of empty paper you can write a letter with.”

    I’ve started to get lost in thought. I say nothing and stare at the ground.

  10. “Oh really? Sometimes I can run so fast you can’t even see a blur of me. Like I said earlier though, it takes a HUGE amount of energy. I would only be able to sustain that speed for 20 minutes tops. A different way of transportation would likely be necessary.”

    Twilight nods. “Maybe we can find other ways in the books of my castle.”

    I smile at the idea. “I think that’s a good idea. What do you think, Winter?”

  11. “I have a paper map of Equestria in my castle that we can use. It’s not too far from here. Regarding your letter, Spike can send it. Travel is going to be an issue though...” Twilight says, thinking of a quicker method of travel.

    ”I can run really fast.” I say. “It takes a lot of energy though... Hmm... I wonder...”

  12. “Here, have this. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Heh.” I take a bag with toast in it and toss it to Winter. “And maybe you could find a job of some sort while we travel if you join. Always gotta keep hope. I learned that the hard way, and I’m gonna show ya how to learn it the easy way, heh.” I put out my hoof. “So, ya joining?”

  13. I look to Winter, who was looking a bit worried. “Hey, you can come along. I have a feeling you could use a good friend.” I have the sudden urge to sing... so I sing.

    ”We go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong! Remembered forever as shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom!”

    Twilight just looks at me like I’m insane.

  14. I try to bow as well, but I fall onto my face again. Twilight helps me up and giggles. I laugh at my own blunder as well.

    She speaks. “By accident? I wonder how that could’ve happened.” She turns to me. “Do you know what happened before you arrived.” I respond to her question. “I was working in my office quite late into the night. One of the robots I’d created had a severe malfunction and it attacked me. The next thing I knew I was here. That’s all I know, Princess.”

    Twilight nods. “I see... Maybe Celestia can help!”

    ”Heheh... thanks a lot for helping me out.” I say.

  15. “I understand that. Mistakes happen.....” I look downward a little solemnly, but quickly look back up so I don’t attract attention to myself. The purple pony by the name of Twilight sees us, waves with a smile, and starts trotting our way. I smile a bit and wave.

    When she arrives, she seems quite happy to see Winter.

    ”Oh my goodness Winter Bolt! Is that you?? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” she says with a smile. She then turns to me. “Is this a friend of yours?” she asks.

  16. “Oh really? Heh... Anyway, I’m Vincent, or Vince for short. Nice to meet ya!”

    I follow Winter around. I decide to look around and notice a purple pony with a horn and wings.

    ”Woah.....” I say to myself. Could this be an alicorn?

  17. “Perhaps. Whoever rules this place should know a way. This “alicorn magic” seems quite powerful already from what I hear from you.” I smile excitedly. “Cmon, let’s go already! We’ve got a quest to conquer, and I’m beside myself with anticipation! I’ve got quite the feeling this is gonna be fun!”

    My smile quickly fades. “Oh and uh... you’re not creeped out by my lack of irises or pupils...?”

  18. “I think I’m starting to understand what’s going on... So uh.. I’m not from here... I’m not really supposed to be, well, whatever I am now and I don’t know how things work in this place. Pretty much I was working in the office late at night and uh... I got attacked by one of the malfunctioning robots that I had made. Something strange happened while I was unconscious and I was sent here... That’s all I know.”

  19. Im not used to this posture... I fall over again, still stressed.

    “I mean— I’m not ME! What’s a cutie mark?? Am I a Barbie or something?? I’m filled with utmost confusion!! Nothing is making sense! I’m in my office and the next thing I know I’m here as something I am not!” I look to the blue and white... thing... and notice it has a similar body structure to mine.

    “Hold up.. I think I got it...”

    I attempt to copy the other’s posture and stand up. Success! Now that I am standing, I can finally take a look around. My eyes widen.

    ”Woah.... It looks quite calm here...” I’ve officially forgotten all of my fear and stress.... strangely...

  20. I am startled by this sudden voice. When I realize they’re just trying to help, I say “Uhhh... I don’t know! I don’t know where I am! I don’t know what I am!! Aghhh!” The thoughts are overwhelming me. I try frantically to get up, but still fail. How do I stand up with odd legs like these!?

  21. I attempt to stand up in this strange form of mine. I keep falling over onto my face. How the heck am I supposed to do anything, nevertheless get back home?? I continue to try to get up awkwardly. I suddenly realize that there may be others nearby. What would happen if they saw me like this??

    The thoughts of pretty much everything around me have caused me to stop my attempts of getting up and I just lay there awkwardly doing nothing but stressing out in my mind,

  22. @Jedishy

    OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/181501-rp-anyone/


    Vincent’s POV:

    It’m quite weary tonight. Today has been a long day, and now I’m in the office by myself since Mike got sick. I can’t concentrate very well due to my lack of sleep. As I watch over the monitor, I see an animatronic headed my way. It’s moving very fast, so I have to close the door quickly. Unfortunately, I’m too slow... the animatronic has entered the office. It jumps and attacks me; all I see is static.

    The static finally fades from my vision. I open my eyes, expecting to be dead. Well, I’m certainly not where I expected to be, and... what is up with my arms and legs? I can’t feel my hands. I open my eyes more and look at my... arms? These dont look like arms... I roll over onto my back so I can see my legs.... or...

    What the heck?! What happened to my legs?!

    Oh no... I don’t think I’m human anymore...

    Where even am I?!

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