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Status Updates posted by Illusion

  1. I just adore my new OC, shes so cute! Even for a changeling! :D

  2. I'm slightly annoyed :/ I buy tickets for people to go to an anime convention and not even one bloody thank you...

    1. Midnightive


      ;_; i would of thanked you but but... i didn't go ;_;


    2. Abaddon


      That's horrible, I'm sorry that happened to you, so many people take kindness for granted, without realizing the harm they are creating.

  3. I had such an awesome time today at my second ever Anime Convention! I hope to be going to a lot more in the future! >:]

    1. Midnightive


      Take me with you next time :< x3

  4. I'm making a secondary OC!! I need a colour scheme DX and ideas?

  5. *SQUEEEE* I can't wait for the Anime Attacks convention on Saturday! <3

  6. I hate it when people call me fat T^T makes me so sad

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      well, ima troll so ima go lolipop chainsaw on ya:3

    3. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      *Ubers another Medic*

      Battle Medics anyone?

    4. Illusion


      Oh you guys! All your comments about TF2 made me laugh! Thanks for cheering me up :D <3

  7. So much rain, flooding, thunder and lightening... .__.

  8. So much flooding... .__.

  9. Should my alicorn have regular wings, demon wings or something special? I want to make her look unique >.<

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Whiteshade


      such as ballistic resistance

    3. Midnightive


      :o but my wings are bullerproof and they look normal~
    4. Marshmallow


      hummingbird wings :3

  10. Hi everypony! :D I have been thinking about my OC, and since she is the 'Queen of Dreams', I want to make her different from all of the other Alicorns. I've recently been playing Diablo 3 and I have been looking at Auriels wings and it gave me an idea, but I would have to design her new wings and I'm not that advanced in my drawing skills yet, so would anypony like to design my OC's new wings and give me some ideas? :3

  11. How do I add an image to my signature? Dx

    1. False Perception

      False Perception

      It's like you're posting an image in a thread.

    2. Illusion


      Thank you <3

    3. False Perception
  12. Hi again everypony, I'm sorry for those who requested me to draw their OC that it is taking such a long time :( Recently I've been obsessed with changing the colours to my OC because even though I love Princess Cadence I don't want her to look like her T^T So again, I'm very sorry for the delay!

    1. Java Jive

      Java Jive

      I said you could take your time, dont worry about it.


      As for your OC looking like Cadance, have you put them side by side? They look nothing alike. You'd let your own creation go to waste if you change it just because of a few comments. Especially if YOU were and still are happy with the way she looks. :)

  13. I found out why that person was griefing my OC... it was because someone did it to them :/

    1. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      and the same reason why i dont like it happening

    2. Illusion


      Anyways, switching topic.. I'll be uploading Esme's picture soon :)

  14. I'm thinking about changing the design of my OC, what do you all think?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      An alicorn that can control other dreams? GREAT! the color scheme also is to be admired.

    3. Illusion


      If I do happen to change her, I'll be keeping her personality and what she does as well as her being an Alicorn, I'll just be changing her colours a bit, people have been complaining to me (on DA) that she looks too much like Cadence :( and its put me down a bit because they said it in a nasty way

    4. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Don't. and i'l explain why in the next post.

  15. I'm quite upset :'(

    1. MachineGunLola


      D: What's going on~?


    2. Illusion


      Just some things people have said :(

    3. MachineGunLola


      Well, don't let em' get you down! >:[

      People say mean things to make themselves feel better!

  16. I had such an awesome day yesterday ^^ Thank you all for the Birthday wishes!

  17. Yeyyy! :D Its finally my birthday! <3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Illusion


      OH WOW! Thank You so much for all the Happy Birthday Messages and Videos! You all have made me feel so happy! So again, THANK YOU! :D

    3. Glaceon


      Happy Birthday AGAIN!!

      *Brohoofs* /)

    4. Illusion


      *Broohoofs back*(\ Thank you! :D

  18. Playing Diablo 3 <3

  19. I'm hungry :/ but its 3:30am XD

    1. Crispy


      Eat! Because food is yum.

    2. Illusion


      Indeed it is :D

  20. I'm getting quite excited now ^w^ My birthday is in 3 days! Can't believe how quickly it has come round! :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Chaos~


      No kidding!

    3. Illusion


      I can't believe i'm going to be 19 O.o I still feel 16.. T^T

    4. ~Chaos~


      Haha, i know what you mean, I'm turning 20 in September! I'm getting old :P

  21. I'm flattered by all the requests that I have been asked to draw :) but i'll have to close requests for now as I have so many XD Thanks very much everypony! ^^

  22. I have uploaded the first pony that was requested to be drawn! :) Prince Lightning ;D

  23. Greetings everypony! How are you all? :3 I've started drawing people's OC's ;) I'll have the first one up soon!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Illusion


      I have a list of ponies to do :3 and I have about 4 to do so far ^^ pm me if you want me to have a go at drawing your OC as I'll only take on a couple more >_<


    3. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Could you do a griffon? :P

    4. Illusion


      Possibly xD

  24. Thanks every pony for all the pms and comments to draw your OC ^^ I'll try my best to draw them all :D

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