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Everything posted by Illusion

  1. I made my very first signature Its not very good though (imo) XD The signature features a comission I asked for a friend of mine to do (right) and the left features my drawing of my OC that I did a while back... but do tell me what you all think!
  2. This is looking good Keep up the awesome work!
  3. How do I add an image to my signature? Dx

    1. False Perception

      False Perception

      It's like you're posting an image in a thread.

    2. Illusion


      Thank you <3

    3. False Perception
  4. Although the music still continued to play, the darkness was like a maze full of twists and turns of neverending night. After running for what seemed like hours the alicorn had she lost sight of what was in front of her and then suddenly 'THUD' she had ran into a tree and fainted.
  5. Hi again everypony, I'm sorry for those who requested me to draw their OC that it is taking such a long time :( Recently I've been obsessed with changing the colours to my OC because even though I love Princess Cadence I don't want her to look like her T^T So again, I'm very sorry for the delay!

    1. Java Jive

      Java Jive

      I said you could take your time, dont worry about it.


      As for your OC looking like Cadance, have you put them side by side? They look nothing alike. You'd let your own creation go to waste if you change it just because of a few comments. Especially if YOU were and still are happy with the way she looks. :)

  6. Illusion tried to reach out to grab him, but he was too quick as he dashed off into the dark. "Please! Wait!" She called but her voice was too soft to be heard. She started to gallop after him, but she had lost sight of him and had become lost in the darkness.
  7. "Oh" She looked surprised. "Is there something wrong?" She questioned as she walked slowly over to Morning Star. Illusion didn't understand what was going on, but she looked worried.
  8. Same artwork as before, just this time I have added a background Hope everypony likes her!
  9. I'm so glad you like her Heehee Thank you very much! Thank you very much Thanks Morning Thank you :3 I loved drawing her, and I must agree she is a pretty unique pony
  10. I finally finished this picture! It took me a while to do, but I enjoyed drawing her ^^ This was a request from ShadowLadyEsme who also asked me to keep the background white I hope you all like her ^^ So please tell me what you think!
  11. Welcome to the herd! My day was just fine how was your day?
  12. Well Hello and Welcome! It is very nice to meet you!
  13. I found out why that person was griefing my OC... it was because someone did it to them :/

    1. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      and the same reason why i dont like it happening

    2. Illusion


      Anyways, switching topic.. I'll be uploading Esme's picture soon :)

  14. A vision of the new dark Illusion appeared in front of the ponies. "Well, well, well... I see you fillies have come this far...but you'll never find her soul in here" She grinned evilly. "Have fun my pets, you're going to be here... a VERY long time. "She turned her head away before quickly turning it back, "Oh, and send my regards to Princess Celestia... shes hidden away here to... Hahahaha!" The vision then quickly faded.
  15. I'm thinking about changing the design of my OC, what do you all think?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      An alicorn that can control other dreams? GREAT! the color scheme also is to be admired.

    3. Illusion


      If I do happen to change her, I'll be keeping her personality and what she does as well as her being an Alicorn, I'll just be changing her colours a bit, people have been complaining to me (on DA) that she looks too much like Cadence :( and its put me down a bit because they said it in a nasty way

    4. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Don't. and i'l explain why in the next post.

  16. I'm quite upset :'(

    1. MachineGunLola


      D: What's going on~?


    2. Illusion


      Just some things people have said :(

    3. MachineGunLola


      Well, don't let em' get you down! >:[

      People say mean things to make themselves feel better!

  17. Illusion put her hoof on his, which made her feel much better. It was nice to see a friendly face after being trapped in her own nightmare, she had seen so many horrors while she was trapped, but all was well again. She felt comforted by Morning Stars generosity and kindness, if only other ponies would have been as kind to her when she was younger.
  18. Illusion watched as the stars flickered and danced across the night sky while Morning Star played his harp and made beautiful music. She turned towards him and gave off a shy but soft and gentle smile before turning her head back to the night sky to watch the stars once again.
  19. That would be quite awesome Thank you ^^ If I could do it again, I would
  20. I had such an awesome day yesterday ^^ Thank you all for the Birthday wishes!

  21. The first piece of art that was given to me for my birthday was a picture of Illusion (my OC) and Ivy (my friend, Midnightive's OC), this piece was drawn by her The second piece of artwork that was given to me for my birthday is a vector image of my Night Elf Death Knight from World of Warcraft. She was drawn by MsChemi who a friend of mine from Deviantart, her work is brilliant, so I suggest you go and check her out! MsChemi's DA account: http://mschemi.deviantart.com/ MsChemi's Blog: http://poniesofazeroth.blogspot.co.uk/ Illusion and Ivy My DK, Magnosious from WoW
  22. Yeyyy! :D Its finally my birthday! <3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Illusion


      OH WOW! Thank You so much for all the Happy Birthday Messages and Videos! You all have made me feel so happy! So again, THANK YOU! :D

    3. Glaceon


      Happy Birthday AGAIN!!

      *Brohoofs* /)

    4. Illusion


      *Broohoofs back*(\ Thank you! :D

  23. "Whats wrong?" She said worryingly. "Don't worry about me, I thought it was going to be something bad...but it turned out to be something glorious. I'm very sorry for thinking that" Shes smiled slightly. "So what happens when all of the stars are in the night sky?" She wondered as she looked up to the sky.
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