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Thorgir the Mighty

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Posts posted by Thorgir the Mighty

  1. I’d find a weapon,go find it,stay there and guard the area,grow a awesome beard,and live off rats,snakes,rabbits(sorry angel it’s survival),and other animals,learn forbidden magic,and create a magical necklace that can’t be opened and carry it around and call myself,”The Gaurdian of the Element of Mass Destruction”

    also make it to where I can still use some of the magic :P

    And if Celestia tries to take it...well...consider them screwed

  2. I have not drawn him yet,but I’ll post it anyways!

    King Spartacus

    King of Sparterriah

    is a Warlord over 5000 years old,still looks good too!

    has conquered major areas of uncharted cities is Eqeustria

    Known as a hero,but also as a tyrant.(Celestia....)

    Has mastered dark magic,philosophy,manipulation,      Mind games,archeology,time manipulation.

    His appearance is a male alicorn,black Mohawk,skin is tan,has dark brown eyes,has a straight horn,normal wings,and wears a necklace that contains the “Element of Power”,wears dark gold spartan armor,and has a worn maroon cape. And carries a Greatsword.

    his cutie mark shows a Greatsword crossed with a scroll,symbolizing that he has fought in Great Wars,and has mastered other various arts involving paper.

    he is a chill dude but also very serious,and has anger issues. He onced opened the Element of Powers case once,but then he turned into his alter ego,Emperor Wartrocitus! War-tros-i-tis.                 And similar to Luna, he was banished to an unknown desert planet.

    Emperor Wartrocitus appearance

    His eyes turn purple,his skin turns black,his wings transform into dragon wings,grows sharp teeth,horn gets jagged,tail and hair turn into a purple aura looking thing(imagine Luna’s hair,but purple,and more mohawkish)

    also is mentally insane in this form,has similarities to the Joker and carnage,and makes bad puns,and talks like a MANEiac.

    did you get that? No? You know MANE? Maniac? Oh nevermind...

    anyways that’s mine 

    • Brohoof 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Kyoshi said:

    Did not notice this at all before, kinda funny, though...

    The R&M fanbase being all elitist? What a shocker.

    "BLEH how dare you put a little shoutout cameo to OUR AMAZING SUPER INTELLECTUAL cartoon that only smart people understand, in a dumb, lame show about ponies, a show that ISN'T super amazing intellectual smart stuff. Our show has goddamn PICKLE RICK, the EPITOME of comedy, and we shall not be tainted by some lame-ass pony show BLEH."

    As a side note, I know that not all R&M fans are like this, but the fanbase's loudest are.

    Sounds like Rick needs a mlp reference in his show...in a good way though. Wait...that may be a bad idea

    Earth P-593 the pony Earth!

  4. 1 minute ago, Porrot said:

    Did someone say "autistic?" 'Cause I'm on the spectrum, honey... And one of my best friends has a 20 year old severely autistic son who can barely communicate, has seizures and potentially lethal health problems linked to his developmental disorder. Don't make life difficult for people who already live in Hell, please? Thanks,

    That’s sad! I’m sorry!

    • Brohoof 1
  5. It was a great movie...though I was forced to watch it a few times but it was good.it has enjoyable songs,newer characters,and a king for once! (Also what is he? A monkey? Harambes uncle?!?) the only thing I didn’t like was how the princess’ were so easily captured. Also how twilight manipulated pinkie and co. to steal the dragon ba- er... I mean the orb! But all around it was good! (Lol spike pufferfish)

  6. I am currently making one now!

    the OCs name is...King Spartacus! He’s a evil Alicorn overlord who will turn good later on! I’ll draw him one day to!

    Feats I came up with

    Master of Dark magic

    Warlord nearly 5000 years old(still looks good)!

    An expert at trickery,psychology,archeology,and mind games!

    but he’ll be beaten by another one whom I’ll make up later.Wish me luck!

    I just realized it said Weird OCs not an actual oc... oh well sound cool?

  7. Banned because Celestia banned Luna to the moon,henceforth banning nightmare moon,and then banning discord,then banning the evil changelings,while banning Queen Crysalis,then banning the Storm King,then so on and so on!

    i think I missed a few  :P

    also non offensively,some of those are WEIRD fanart.Scratch that one,very disgusting and perverted fanart!

    banned for making those fanarts,again no offensively

  8. PewDiePie,Jacksepticeye,And Markiplier. Indeed these would be cute

    But yes,either fan art(nonperverted),background ponies,and so on. Even characters from other pop culture. This is why I love mlp it has a bunch of pop culture!   :P

    But if I had to choose I’d cross one of my favorite things,DEADPOOL. It’s been done multiple times but to me it’s adorable! It’d be awesome if they referenced Deadpool as a background pony!

    *Credit goes to ZantyARZ on Devientart*



  9. 1 hour ago, Sliding Bolt said:

    The family from one of the greatest TV shows of all time :please:.


    Seriously though a pony version of this show would be hilarious. :D

    This show is amazing and I would love to see a ponyized version!

    1 hour ago, King of Canterlot said:

    Lieutenant Rip Van Winkle, make this happen!

     Image result for lieutenant rip van winkle

    Uhm sorry bro that has a Swastika in it.....

    1 hour ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

    Rick Sanchez of Earth C-137!

    (oh, and Morty, too)

    Lol!!! Your wish is granted!!!

    S8 Episode 5


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