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Everything posted by Sepul-Coloratura

  1. I think the biggest letdown for me about the villains wasn't about who Grogar was, because frankly I didn't feel anything personal about him. If he was just a stronger version of Tirek, Pony of Shadows, it would be just meh. He just felt like a superficial threat and an excuse to make an epic final battle. However, what I expected more of other villains, is the little fraction of humanity and respect they showed to each other at Frienemies. I thought an unstoppable villain like Grogar would force the other three villains to unite and show a little bit of redeeming quality and show them choosing to do a right thing at the moment of truth. Partially because of their own survival and ambitions depended on Grogar's defeat, but also the three started connecting to each other in a person level (they think they aren't but they are). I thought I would get something like a Vegita moment from those three, less or more. Grogar seemed irredeemable, the other three had a little bit of humanity. The moment Tirek kept his words and returned his power to Chrysalis was so powerful, and I hoped to see the extension of that in the finale. TLDR : The three villains should have shown some friendship towards each other so to speak.
  2. But I thought she looked liked the perfect blend between the two and that's the exact reason why I first thought she might be their daughter.
  3. But it's not like they matched the timing for having kids at the same year and the parents aren't confirmed to be the same age either. They look like the same age, but we don't know for sure just for looks. The epilogue happened on a future distant enough for the age differences between the 2nd generation's age.
  4. Was the student at the last episode daughter of Starlight and Sunburst?
  5. Have you ever thought of the possibility of ponies getting their cutie marks changed, upgraded or getting a second one? I mean people can change so as their purpose of life or what they do best can change. I'd like to know what you think.
  6. Watchmen getting a Hugo award : "Am I a joke to you?"
  7. It was a nice way to wrap things up and was a nice touch at the end. I usually don't like fanservices, but this time it actually matters because it's an epilogue where every little details matters and shows how the characters are afterwards. It's hard to not be emotional watching this episode. And I'd say it was an objectively better episode that 24+25. And it was more genuinely enjoyable than I expected, I laughed at the apple sauce.
  8. It was a far more better two-parter than the premiere. The only huge flaw was how and why Discord did things at the beginning and at the previous episodes. And also, there were moments that were exactly like what I envisioned before watching the finale, like the riders of Rohan moment, that was awesome. Starlight is the only unicorn that knows how to properly fight and others got nerfed.
  9. I thought that the school of friendship was a setting that kinda limitted season 8 and 9 rather than helped expanding new ideas. The basic idea was from Star Trek, One-Piece, James and The Giand Peach... you name it.
  10. I presumed that someone might think of a similar idea, but thanks for actually finding it for me. Gonna check it out.
  11. I get that. Maybe just an exploration to other worlds might be a better reason. I think it might be better instead of Celestia and Luna retiring and leaving Canterlot for good. Maybe this could be the last test that Twilight has to go through to be the true ruler of Equestria. To be honest, I think Twilight's achievement as a princess of friendship (not as a national defensive weapon) was underwhelming, considering it has been stated since season 4 and she is one of few princesses.
  12. What would it be if Twilight built the aircraft of friendship embassadors and spread friendship outside Equesteia instead of making the school of friendship? How would the entire season change and how would they balance Ponyville episodes with the Mane Six in it? How would the school of friendship episodes change? I think every school of friendship / student six episodes could be replaced with episodes visiting different kingdoms like The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone or Gauntlet of Fire. This is the idea that the movie barely touched and it could be even better than the movie. They would recruit new members from different kingdoms they visit (they still could be Yona, Gallus etc.). This way, thay would keep making new friends every episode and it completely matches the theme! The whole season could be like friendship trek. Different profound characters would have more dynamics and chemistries, writers could be more imaginative about writing stories in a whole different settings, they could explore beyond Equestria which is the idea that I'm not a fan of but I'd like to see the show trying new things and making bold moves. And people would love that stuff. And about the Ponyville episodes, they could either make less of them, or make them without the friendship embassadors, or just make Ponyville episodes just like usual. Say that they are off duty like the school of friendship era episodes, or say that they always stay ay Ponyville and move to other places when the map calls. Think about the idea and imagine how it would play out, share your thoughts if you please.
  13. A Friend in Deed : A+. The episode that made me a fan of the show. A great song that sets up the character and the premise, the story also works very well. It's a rare case of showing Pinkie's annoying aspect and still make us love the character. The tone of the episode is just magical, the characters are set very well. This episode shows the best of Pinkie Pie, and also the best of ponykind as well. She Talks to Angel : A. The episode that gave Angel a life as a legit character. Now we know how Angel actually cared or starts caring about Fluttershy. I don't want to smack Angel at the face anymore. Maud Pie : A-. An episode heavily relies on character based comedy. But it's the heartfelt moments that makes the characters truly shine and completes the episode. Buckball Season : B+. A slice of life episode with mundane issues. But it's not boring and almost has no flaws. Crusaders of the Lost Mark : B. I actually didn't cared if the CMCs get their cutie marks. And when it happened, I still didn't care that much, and thought it should have happened earlier. Later on, I figured out that people flipped out at this episode. The Show Stoppers : B-. This episode is considered as the cornerstone of bad CMCs episodes. This showcased that cuteness can't fix everything. It is still not a bad episode, but the predictable typical and tedious aspects might bothered some people. Daring Done? : C-. I don't find anything interesting about this episode. Yakity Sax : D-. Persue your dreams no matter how much others pays the price? How about showing some considerations for your old friends? A case of character completely collapsing for the sake of cheap comedies and fanservices. They didn't understood the character properly when writing this episode. And some plot points went to 11 without proper adjustments of the nuance.
  14. All the Pinkie's songs that are shorter than a minute. (not the History of the Wonderbolts one tho) Sweetie Belle's 99 Buckets of Oats. (shows her talent in singing) Applejack's lullaby and Fluttershy's lullaby. Pinkie's Present and if you also count EQG, Coinky-Dink World. Those two completely embodies the genre conventions while being memorable. Tricks Up My Sleeve, the most well written song of the whole series. (except for the lyrics)
  15. I think season 5 feels like the true beginning of FiM mark 2, which means it wouldn't have happened if there were no early seasons, and it relies on the early seasons to a certain extent. It feels more meta and has more direct fanservices, it has callbacks and connections to the earlier seasons. I is more spicey. These aspects rejuvenized the whole series and made it feel fresh and energetic again, but it also lacked originalities, nuances and the fable-like qualities of early seasons. Once you start to mix strawberries to the yogurt, you can't get plain yogurt anymore. I think it is an inevitable phase not just for FiM but also for many serieses, but I do prefer the early season's charm and it's less frequent, less blatant ways of fandom recognition and continuity.
  16. How about Celestia had a Dragon companion just like Twilight and Spike (or like Pinkie and Prince Rutherford), but after she laid an egg, she died and gave Celestia the egg?
  17. Hearts and Hooves Day : A-. This time, the CMCs are actually cute than annoying. And you know what? I'd rather see Big Mac being with Cheerilee than such an empty replacable character like Sugar Belle. Stare Master : B+. A good Fluttershy episode. Brotherhooves Social : B+. Good heartfelt moment at the end. Other than that scene, the whole episode lacks nuance. To Change a Changeling B+. A pretty decent adventure episode. I sympathize and agree with with Pharynx's point. Dungeons and Discords : B-. Seeing Discord build friemdship with othrers are interesting, but the whole episode isn't that tight enough. The Summer Sun Setback : B-. Lesser than Frienemies. Somepony to Watch Over Me : C+. Something feels wrong about this episode, especially the ending and the lesson. The End in Friend : C-. A feeble attempt to try to make an episode revolving around two characters differences like the old days. But it feels unnatural and contrived as much as Twilight's attempt to 'teach' friendship here.
  18. Sonic Rainboom : A+. One of the best, if not, the best episode of MLP. The pacing, buildup and resolution, characters, settings, comedy and action, details are all great. The first episode that made me actually care about the show. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies : A-. A good lesson and how Fluttershy's connection to creatures can bring some interesting episode ideas. I consider that Fluttershy's arc is completed here, and the sanctuary episode is just a fanservice. Read It and Weep : A-. I can't help but put extra points to how cute the character is. Also the only Daring Do episode that I really enjoyed watching. The Times They Are a Changeling : B+. Almost an impossible task that the story made for Spike to face it. It almost feels like a fanfic. There are some clunky parts here and there. Campfire Tales : C. The only one I qualify as a legit story is Mistmane's story, and it's the only redeeming quality of this episode. A Trivial Pursuit : C-. Really weird episode, almost feels like a team of completely different people worked on this episode. It feels like a MLP related dream rather than an actual canon episode that I watch on the screen. Pinkie and Twilight shows their worst aspects as a character in the technical side of storytelling, let alone the personal side. The whole episode was not that much enjoyable to watch and the conclusion didn't feel satisfying. Made in Manehattan : C-. There is nothing wrong with this one except for being completely boring. Friendship University : D. Worst character portrayal, worst cast of characters (except for Twilight and Rarity), the story isn't natural, pacing is bad, not so logical episode.
  19. Are we starting this? I can't even find where to start this conversation.
  20. Twilight Time : A-. The only portrayal of princess Twilight that feels like she's a princess in a way that makes sense. CMCs are causing trouble again, but this time it is very likely for many children to do such thing. 28 Pranks Later : B+. Do you think the zombie prank was going too far? Rainbow Dash putting a brick into a sandwich was going too far already. Triple Threat : B+. I can really relate to this situation. The whole 'Spike being Spike' feels more true and believable this time. Feeling Pinkie Keen : B. It's an entertaining episode, but the lesson is the only lesson in MLP that I think is truly toxic. I think it's not just about religion, but it is about abandoning logical, scientific thinking, which I think are essential to human beings. Science is much more profound and fundamental than mixing chemicals in flasks. Rarity Investigates : B-. It is just a simple and basic episode. These kinds of episodes solely depends on the more superficial side of fun, which is not that great in this case and that's why it's not an A to me. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 : B-. Flim Flam episodes has been all boring to me. This episode especially, the conflict wasn't dealt justly and fairly. Nobody ever had a chance to taste the SSCS 6000 when it's done normally (Applejack knocking the cup out of RD was such an annoying bulls**t), the Flim Flam brothers were labeled as evil businessmen from the get go, the contest didn't make sense. The Hearth's Warming Club : C. The students are bad episode generators for me. This time, the teachers act strange and wrong. The only interesting part is how different kingdoms spend their holidays. But other than that, the plot is contrived. 2, 4, 6, Greaaat : D-. The opposite and the worst of RD. Writers of this episode clearly doesn't understand RD. Let's say RD was in character, but this is simply a boring episode and that is enough to make it below C.
  21. Suited for Success : B+. This is a realistic situation for all sorts of designers. Nice buildup and payoff, good lesson as well. Filli Vanilli : B+. Fluttershy's anxiety and Pinkie's behavioirs are criticized for reasons that I agree in a certain extent, but it didn't ruin the whole ride and fun of the episode for me. Canterlot Boutique : B. A nicely done episode and a Rarity episode about capitalism and market. Sassy Saddles could have been a typical greedy villain but instead, we have a more reasonable character which makes the whole conflict more true to its nature. The Last Roundup : B-. It is a good episode, but I don't like how far Applejack contradicts her own elememt. She leaves her family and friends without twlling them why (which she should have knowm way better than other ponies) and she lies by 'technically' not lying, which is the worst kind of dishonesty. But other than that, it's a fun episode. Fame and Misfortune : C-. I don't like why this episode was made. I don't like how late those references are and how irrelevant those topics became, I don't like the lesson and how it's being uaed to justify other iasues, I don't like how they used M.A. Larson's name. The Cart Before the Ponies : C-. Just plainly boring and no other reasons. It's quite impressive to ne honest. The Last Laugh : C-. Same reason with the one above, but this one also wasted such a good opportunity. And they got Pinkie wrong. A Matter of Principals : D. I don't like Discord in this episode, I even don't like Starlight in this episode, I don't like the dumb plot causing their conflict. The School of Friendahip is not a good setting for an episode.
  22. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? : A. It feels better than typical premieres and finales. The ideas and storytelling feels more imaginative than usual and unstrained. It has heavily contains fanservices, but the biggest merit of this episode is the pacing. Could have been better if the Tantabus was explained better and the story about it was better. Magical Mystery Cure : A-. Totally rushed episode. It would have been better if it was a two-parter. The ending and the shorter 13 episodes made season 3 to be considered one of the worse seasons, but I don't think so. This finale also has a story that looks familiar and it makes itself seem to be overdone. Overall, it might not be efficient, but as a whole it's a good episode. Fall Weather Friends : A-. It has the exact charm of early season episodes. Overall, it's a slow paced but detailed and heartfelt episode. Ponies run to make leaves fall, we don't get to see those kind of magical things of Ponyville these days. Simple Ways : A-. Another episode about two characters differences. Rarity imitating Applejack's accent is just ridiculous. Baby Cakes : B+. A cartoon TV show is never complete without a babysitting episode. And this is in the same vane of cartoonish comedy like A Dog and Pony Show. But it has more than that. It shows how Pinkie faces a seemingly impossible task, being responsible, and accomplishing it. I think this technically completes Pinkie's character arc. Baby Cakes calling Pinkie's name while sleeping at the end evokes strong emotions. Stranger Than Fan Fiction : B. Being meta can be interesting, but it can be shallow. Quibble Pants is witty and annoying at the same time, I don't know what to think of him. The Perfect Pear : B-. One of the biggest fanservice episodes. If it wasn't about Applejack's parents and was just about two random ponies, would the story still be considered as interesting? I doubt it. Between Dark and Dawn : B-. I think Princesses acting like normal ponies are overdone. They are special ponies and the story should somehow reflect it. The same story could have been told with Rarity and Sweetie Belle or any other two sisters in Equestria. It's a mediocre episode for such great potential. The ending felt rushed as well. The Mean 6 : C-. Such a wasted opportunity for such an IDW comics idea. The pacing is bad and the whole story goes back and forth. Chrysalis failing miserably in every tedious steps of her plans devalues the character.
  23. Amending Fences : A. Very emotional episode. The whole story flows naturally and the situation is very real. Really feels like an episode of a cartoon show called 'friendship is magic'. I still consider Moondancer is a better Starlight Glimmer and should have been replaced her. The slight downside is that they tied the episode with S01E01 too specifically, that part feels too much like a fanservice. Discordant Harmony : A-. Two characters interactions and difference made the episode. The relationship felt very heartfelt, maybe the best in the whole show, and it has a satisfying ending as well. Discord is one of the only villains of the show who stays true to it's character while still being reformed. Pinkie Pride : B+. It is a great episode and an entertaining episode, but without the bells and whistles, the basic story isn't as good as A Friend in Deed. I think most jealousy related episodes unfairly manipulates the audiences emotionally in a certain degree to make us feel a certain way. Family Appreciation Day : B. Granny Smith is awesome. Diamond Tiara gets what she deserves at the end. What can I say. Call of the Cutie : B. I think the early episodes of CMCs members especially understood better about children. The idea of finding a cutie mark was good, but it feels overused over time. This episode is the first one, and it's free from that. Games Ponies Play : B. A nice episode with humor. Spice Up Your Life : B-. I liked the episode, the story, characters, but I can't help cringing to the Indian inspired song. Marks for Effort : C. A silly attempt to put a twist villain in a show like MLP. This episode explores the School of Friendship, but the more we get to know about it, the more it feels shallow and not so well thought out coherently. The Last Crusade : C. "Here's Scootaloo's parents!" Such an afterthought and didn't have interesting story.
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