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Moondrop 💧

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Posts posted by Moondrop 💧

  1. One of my best memories is my step dad building a wooden horse with me so I could play Link irl. We were the biggest oot fans. 

    I'm not going to talk about the worst momories as they left me with severe trauma, self hatred and force me to get weekly therapy now.. But one of the really bad ones was when my teacher in elementary school told me to never go near my father if I saw him in town. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Lucky Bolt said:

    Yeah so is it just me or does my hair look a bit....1980s to you? :laugh:

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    You look super adorable. I'm low key jealous of your hair! 

    /has short, thin hair that's bleh

    • Brohoof 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Splashee said:

    Having a costume like that is quite difficult, especially if the jacket part is open. Well I guess the feathers hide the boobs :twismile:

    I use open chest binding with kinesio tape. Does wonders :catface:


    • Brohoof 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Splashee said:

    I thought so, I didn't want to guess and be wrong.

    It does take a long time to set up. I almost never use my dslr (which is sad because of the price). The quality though is incredible, with the right lens (again, price d*mnit!).


    It makes you pop out of the picture :bedeyes:

    But also the staff you are holding with all the little bottles, omg! How much work do you put down on your outfits?

    I use my dslr moderately often. Usually to take photos of other stuff than myself though lol. 

    I started the staff about a year ago. Back then I first came up with the character and he was somewhat plain looking. He and the staff develop constantly. Since it's an OC I can take my liberties. Cosplays of canon characters depend on how complicated they are. Some take two weeks to make, others several months. 

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I'd like to lose a few kg. Most of my 'overweight' is due to lipedema in my legs and I hate it. I have a very active job, work out and am muscular. But this doesn't do jack to the lipedema. I still feel like a fat blob. I do like my butt, thighs and boobs though haha

  6. Thanks dudes. Yeah Dani uses a Niko  dslr - me too to be honest. Just not for regular ole selfies. Would be too much of a hassle to set up each time. Usually I'm spending quite some time to prepare the setup and all when I'm taking photos with my dslr. :3 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Splashee said:

    You are really good at poses where your ponies are laying down. It is kinda unique (not seen that much in the show). Looks really cool!

    Shading is amazing! Seriously, good work!


    I dare say it already, this art is much better than G5. I have not seen G5 yet. I bet on it!

    Naw I'm really looking forward to G5. The concept arts that were leaked looked so gorgeous. All up my alley. But time will tell <3 

    I'll try to draw Luna in a lying pose today.

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