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Posts posted by daviddaviddavid

  1. Pretty good, although I sometimes wonder if I'm so excited about future plans and developments that I miss out on really fully enjoying the present. Every individual moment is fleeting and I'll never get it back again - what if I'm so fixated on planning to make everything in the future as good as it possibly can be that I just forget to live in the moment?

    Not sure if that's something I need to work on, or if it's just anxiety trying to stop me from getting stuff done. Pretty meaningless problem to have in the grand scheme of things but still... 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Starting later. I regularly wake up at 6am without an alarm now, but when I was a teenager it felt like an absolute slog to get up even at 7:30. I'm really not even being dramatic, it was *so* difficult for me to not fall back asleep and if I managed not to I'd just doze off throughout the day since I was sleep deprived, even with 7-8 hours a night.

  3. Let's see, 2018: I was more significantly more awkward then than now (yes that's actually possible, I promise), pursuing a career path I didn't enjoy (software development), I was in worse shape (not awful but not great either), I was still living with my parents, had a shitty car from 2010 and had never had a relationship that lasted longer than six months.

    All told my life wasn't the best back then. Not awful, but reflecting back like that makes me very grateful for where I am now. Here's to 5 years in the future!

  4. I'd identify as libertarian before I'd identify as liberal or conservative. I think the government should be as small as possible and things should be, wherever possible, regulated at a local level by elected officials from within communities. There's probably a bit of overlap with both what people take "liberal" and "conservative" to mean in common parlance there - if you'd force me to pick one of the aforementioned then the truth is that it'd probably come largely down to the candidate.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Feeling alright, but more contemplative than usual.

    I finished my master's degree two weeks ago, and have been enjoying the new free time that has afforded me. I'll be starting a new job in 3 weeks which pays significantly more than my current one and is actually in the industry I want to work in (finance), so that's exciting. I've purchased a coach to try and take my workouts to the next level now that I'll have increased time to do them. 

    This morning, I found out that my ex-girlfriend has a new partner - we didn't really 'split up' so much as 'fizzle out unceremoniously' so it came as a surprise and it hurts, but I also acknowledge that I neglected her while working on the vast majority of the things I've listed above, so it's my fault for not properly prioritizing things in my life. I hope she is happy.

    It's always humbling when you turn a new corner in life and are so incredibly pleased with yourself and your accomplishments, only to be reminded that everything in life has a cost and that something has to be sacrificed for you to achieve your goals. Take nothing for granted, people - and don't end up sacrificing the wrong thing for the sake of your own ambition. Reading this back I sound like a 70 year old - I'm only 26 I swear!

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Feeling good. I've recently moved to a much quieter area, the weather's getting warmer, and new challenges and opportunities are entering my life and I'm feeling ready to meet them. Life is truly amazing.

  7. Yes, it's my second best instrument after guitar. I should really devote more time to it, though - I see all these videos of incredible pianists on YouTube and wish I could replicate some of the things they play. I'm certainly not *bad* at piano, but I also have a long way to go yet.

  8. I'm content with my weight (94.4kg @ 1.9m, as of this morning). Officially I think I'm on the border between 'healthy' and 'overweight' but as my body fat is quite low (well, kinda, it's probably around 15%) I'm not very worried. Part of me would like to shred down and get extremely lean just to see what my body is capable of, but another more significant part of me simply doesn't care and is happy to maintain what I have with minimal effort.

  9. On 2021-07-04 at 8:55 PM, daviddaviddavid said:

    Used to stay up quite late back in the day. In 2016-2017 at university I lived in a student house which was right next to a 24 hour gym, which in turn was next to a 24 hour supermarket - so I'd always train at 3am when it was quiet and then pop into the supermarket to get a whole cooked chicken afterwards. I'd then play games for an hour or two and then fall asleep, probably at around 5-6am. In 2019 I stayed up pretty late some evenings too as my work could mostly be completed remotely and standard office hours didn't really apply (I mean they sort of did, but they also weren't super strict about it as long as you were working efficiently), so I'd often go to bed at around 3-4am then.

    I'm only 24, but I don't have the youthful vigour that I once did. I find it hard to stay up past midnight these days.

    It's so weird reading a comment you wrote two years ago, as though it were a time capsule, and yet having every word still be just as relevant then as it is today. If anything I find it hard to stay up past eleven o'clock these days and I'm waking up even earlier (around 6-7ish without an alarm). I have no idea how my body survived the odd sleep schedules, overtraining and awful diet I put it through when I was younger.

    • Brohoof 1
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