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Status Replies posted by TheNewBrony

  1. i'm new to the herd, can you tell me what is mlp forums?

    1. TheNewBrony


      It's a friendly community where fans of My Little Pony discuss the show, showcase their art/stories or just talk about life, all in their respected categories. Welcome to the herd!        

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I just made a short video about Derpy Hooves and a completely safe, totally won't end the world button using images and gifs I found, and the line "I just don't know what went wrong!" It's not the best, but I had fun making it! All the sources I used are in the credits at the end of the video. 

    If the video below doesn't work, try this: https://clipchamp.com/watch/jwTYk3mB92c

  3. I just made a short video about Derpy Hooves and a completely safe, totally won't end the world button using images and gifs I found, and the line "I just don't know what went wrong!" It's not the best, but I had fun making it! All the sources I used are in the credits at the end of the video. 

    If the video below doesn't work, try this: https://clipchamp.com/watch/jwTYk3mB92c

    1. TheNewBrony


      Oof, I didn't realize I kept the "Add Logo" at the beginning of the video.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to redo my old profile picture that I originally made almost exactly a year ago. :o Today, I finally finished it and I'm very proud of it! :kindness:  I've made it a lot closer to how I originally wanted it to look because now, it looks like we’re all standing next to each other rather than getting progressively smaller. :D I couldn’t fit Rainbow Dash in so I put her in flying over us. :ph3ar: 

    There’s also a new picture of me and a new backdrop. Just picture the seven of us on top of a mountain together watching the sunrise. :wub:

    I hope everypony likes it! :ooh:

  5. New Year, new forum look! :D I think it's fantastic and I can get used to it very quickly. :dash: One teeny thing... can we make the banner bigger? :adorkable:

    Good morning everypony! :applehat: Have a great New Year's Day! :flutterhat:


  6. Awww, I want them! :ticking:

    *faints from cuteness overload*

    (From Peruserofpieces on Twitter. :mlp_smug:)

  7. I finally dreamt about them again! :pinkie:

    Good morning everypony! :ph3ar: It's Friday so let's make it a great one! :ticking:


  8. wooo birthday! time to sit around and do nothing until class starts and then gorge on cake and pass out :oh_golly:

  9. Do you ever get that feeling where after a long day, you decide to watch some MLP:FiM, you hear that theme and you think, ‘I’m so happy right now!’ :pinkie: Only me? :blush: Okay... :please:

  10. And that's a wrap for today! :D Goodnight, everypony! See you all tomorrow! ^_^


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