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About Bubbles

  • Birthday 1997-10-03

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Everett WA
  • Interests
    Chemistry, art, music, many other hobbies & interests

Bubbles's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. there is a map of all the world with equestria > http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/335/a/4/equestria_and_beyond__rev_8_1_by_hlissner-d46wmzm.jpg Also i might not be able, im already super busy with Chemistry, but look online for background like what "Pony creator" used but on a larger scale <3
  2. Well what kind of BG are ya looking for? I have some experience but i mostly stick with SAI doesn't mean i can't make things just tell me what kind of BG, meaning like Dark, cheery, evil, party-ish, etc.
  3. Who here is a scientist brony? And what subject? me: Chemist brony, i work under electro and nuclear chemistry
  4. Welcome! To the forum enjoy your stay here!
  5. I'm too lazy to read today , anyways enjoy ya stay here <3
  6. Have a nice day in this beautiful forum, and enjoy ya stay!
  7. I got the vector, so i can give it to ya
  8. I drawed and colored something for my OC honey moon, marriage was yesterday
  9. Anime, Chemistry, pony art, Cloudsville, tumblr, mlp forum, youtube, etc. i can keep myself busy xD
  10. Welcome, you be best for my OC marriage xD
  11. Man i would get shot if i took my cracker butt over there :l
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