@TS Lightner
Ah It's so nice to see this project hasn't been abandoned like so many others before have ^^
As for samples I don't have much I am allowed/able to show right now with the exception of a small .gif I made a couple of days ago ( https://www.deviantart.com/kitana762/art/Bouncy-Bouncy-860051126 ), but I have several things in the works and planned so I'm positive that I can give you much more examples of what I'm able to do within the next couple of months.
Also I do know a thing or two about storyboarding, which I think I can give you a small example of a scene I work on on another project within the next couple of weeks, if you're interested in seeing it.
Where should I submit those examples once they're ready though? Shall I post it here, on CastingCall or do you have an E-Mail or Project Discord Server or something, you would like me to send it to?