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Posts posted by Shadowmoth2011

  1. Well, the days of Smash Ultimate speculation are behind us. Last year, Sora from Kingdom Hearts was revealed as the final DLC fighter for the game.

    Overall, I am very happy with the Smash Ultimate roster. There are still things I would change, like swapping Min Min out for Ribbon Girl and for corn's sake ADDING VIRIDI AS A PLAYABLE FIGHTER ALREADY (she's pretty much my Ridley/K. Rool by now), but as is I'm fully fine with how things are. Byleth was one of my most wanted characters so I was one happy camper when s/he got in back in 2020 (their moveset is also *chef's kiss*).

    And of course the "Everyone is Here!" tagline meant that Corrin was in from the get-go when everyone thought he'd be cut. And Isabelle from Animal Crossing isn't even an Echo Fighter. WHINING FOOLS BEGONE!

    At the end of the day I'm just very happy with the final roster, and the inevitable cuts in the next Smash game will probably make me very sad. I don't want to lose Corrin, Isabelle or Byleth...(but if they get swapped out for Ribbon Girl or Viridi, I wouldn't mind)

    As of now I'm trying to hone my skills at playing Smash. Never felt comfy with the Gamecube controller so I'm happy with the standard Switch controls. And I'm improving my Corrin quite healthily. :) Though I need to start playing Isabelle, Byleth and Yoshi again.

    So as a summary of this thread, as well as your final thoughts on Ultimate, I'm askin' these questions:

    • Who's your main? (Me: Corrin)
    • Are you happy with the final roster? (Me: Yes)
    • Who do you think will get in the next game? (Me: Waluigi, Bandana Waddle Dee, and a new FE protagonist)
    • Who do you think will get cut? (Me: Corrin unfortunately...and probably Sora too :/)
    • Who do you WANT to get into the next game? (Me: RIBBON GIRL, VIRIDI, and Grima from Fire Emblem Awakening)
    • Any other thoughts? (Me: Screw Kirby's Final Smash. Give the poor guy a new one, Ultra Sword is just so BORING)

    And in the words of Sakurai himself, "One more thing..."


  2. Horror films - not because they're at all badly made or cliche or anything like that, but mostly cause I just feel uncomfortable and sad watching them. I hate seeing people suffer or die, especially in live-action and seeing what happens to people in these movies just brings me down a bit. :worry:

    • Brohoof 1
    • Spore is the greatest game EA has ever made, even if it didn't go for the more scientific route it was going for during development.
    • Sonic as a franchise is great and always has been, memes be damned. Oh, and I really enjoy the Deadly Six.
    • On the other hand, Ratchet and Clank has been on a sharp decline ever since Tools of Destruction. The games, while functional and fun in a gameplay sense, have completely lost their soul and strayed VERY far from what made the first few games (especially the masterful Going Commando) so great.
    • I'm not really bothered about the abundance of Fire Emblem characters in the Smash Bros. games. Hell, I actually really wanted to see Byleth get in and was joyous to see him get revealed. Now if only FE games didn't cost a fortune here in Britain. :okiedokieloki:
    • I don't actually find Kirby that cute :muffins:

    Now excuse me as I run for the nearest bunker. :-P

  3. *bursts through the door* I heard Sonic

    I am a huge fan of this series. Always have been since I first played Sonic Heroes, eternity ago. From the start I always found all its characters SUPER super memorable and fun. Particularly Amy, I love that crazy fun stalkerhog. I especially love how she's more than just a stalker - she's also a loyal, caring friend with a lot of compassion. I really like that style of character.

    Spoilered: Volcano take


    And am I the only one here who really, really likes the Deadly Six? I really enjoy their goofy, fun and distinct personalities and how despite their differences, they still work amazingly as a team. Sega's really doing them dirty by putting their laser focus on Zavok and not giving the other five (except occasionally Zazz) the time of day. They need another chance as a group. Give them development and let them be their fun selves together. This goes double for Zeena and Zor, who are my favorite Sonic characters overall I also ship them but whatever. I need more of these two being a lovable lazy valley girl and mopey emo cutie respectively, please and thank you Sonic Team


  4. Where do I start :-P

    • Time of Dying (my first I heard, and perhaps still my favorite)
    • I Hate Everything About You
    • It's All Over
    • Animal I Have Become
    • Never Too Late
    • Riot
    • Get Out Alive
    • Break
    • The Good Life
    • Painkiller
    • Landmine

    ...Three Days Grace is one of my favorite bands if you couldn't tell :muffins:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. This is an easy question for me...there exists a trilogy of Pokemon fanfics where Ash and his Pikachu are in a romantic relationship.


    AND THEY HAVE SEX :crackle:

    And they're all super long...and they kill off Serena and demonize Misty to kingdom come and for some reason Cameron (the guy from Best Wishes everyone hates) is a major character who is banging his Lucario and honestly I could go on and on and on here. Pretty comfortably the most disturbing story I have ever laid eyes on. And I've read Cupcakes :blink:

  6. A few of my favorites: Friendship is Magic (natch), Grossology, Totally Spies, Ed Edd n' Eddy, Detentionaire (but of course), Total Drama, Stoked and Miraculous Ladybug

    Obviously you know by now, however, that 6teen is my all-time favorite. There's absolutely nothing like it - a lovable cast, obliteration of the censors, tackling important issues, amazing interactions, and it's just been a huge source of comfort for me as long as I've known it.


    • Brohoof 1
  7. Motherfucking Soul. I don't think there's a movie that speaks to me more deeply than this one. I listen to "Epiphany" on the regular. It's a movie that's really helped me appreciate my life all the more, even as I fight the symptoms of depression that have been crowding my mind recently. Luca is also a movie I feel a strong personal attachment to

    • Brohoof 1
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