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Posts posted by Shadowmoth2011

  1. Ahem.

    In a world where dinosaurs didn't go extinct and became the world's dominant species and are currently in the Roman ages, a little dinosaur (originally a Troodon, but after it was declared a bad genus I'm thinking of going with Gallimimus instead) wants to become one of the emperor's (an Anklyosaurus) most trusted advisors and guards. With the help of his love interest, the emperor's adopted daughter (a Ceratosaurus) and four female thugs (a tomboyish Pachycephalosaurus, a sensitive Spinosaurus, a mime Baryonyx and a silent, gruff but kind Tyrannosaurus), he conquers all sorts of challenges and even fights in some wars to protect the kingdom. Think The Good Dinosaur crossed with The Roman Holidays.

  2. I've been dealing with many feelings of sadness and depression lately, and there are many things I WISH I could have but they feel like they're a million miles from my reach. The most I can do is...well, wait on a miracle. :blush:


    It's like an edgier version of Equestria Girls with more universal appeal and less fantasy nonsense (I mean EQG is great if you like that sort of thing, but if you like slice-of-life there is NO show that tops 6teen in my honest opinion)

    Best Show.png

  4. I'm not quite sure if I'd fully call my current mental state "depression", but I do have a good amount of the symptoms (fatigue, occasional low mood, among other things), and I am pretty worried about it. When I'm feeling pretty down or nervous about it, it always helps me to look at pictures of my comfort characters or watch videos of them. I also found today that playing Spore helps a lot. It was a game I loved growing up, and even now I still have a ton of fun with it. ;)

  5. 13 minutes ago, stephsmlp said:

    I'd love to know why, I thought she was alright though I don't really like how she has Twilight's exact haircut. 

    Personally I can't stand Starlight pre nor post redemption, but I must admit I love her design and color scheme, she is extremely pleasing to the eyes. I also can't help but enjoy her voice, very nice.

    Essentially I absolutely despise her attitude towards Twilight throughout "Amending Fences". Twilight was nothing but apologetic towards her for not showing up to her party (a pretty minor thing that Moondancer honestly overreacted to, IMO) and even went so far as to throw a party for her with Pinkie Pie, yet Moondancer didn't treat her very fairly at all and even threw a grand mal tantrum at said party, making her seem pretty ungrateful. :scoots: She's not the cartoon character I hate the most (pretty hard to surpass Mr. Ridgemount from Stoked in that category), but she does REALLY bug me. :yeahno:

  6. Eh...I don't see myself being a villain. I'm highly empathetic and if I ever caused suffering deliberately it'd weigh on my conscience to the end of time. :-P

    As for what my OC does on the other hand...my idea was that she'd cause a LOT of crime and pain throughout Equestria. All the hate the ponies have for her, and the hate she has for them in turn, would draw in the Windigoes, who will promptly make a snow-covered mess of the kingdom and turn all ponies into popsicles. :devious:

  7. I like pretty much all of the AcoustiMandoBrony Elements of Harmony songs. They all go super hard. "Kindness" in particular reminds me a lot of my relationship with a certain lovable lemonhead. :mlp_wink:

  8. 1 minute ago, ExplosionMare said:

    Why does Canada have to be so good at making cartoons? :P

    Word on this, 4 of my 5 favorite cartoons are Canadian :derp:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. It's gotta be my favorite lovable blonde lemonhead! :mlp_yeehaa: She's not a perfect person, but she's incredibly optimistic, very kindhearted, and learns a lot over the duration of the show. She helped me through a lot of tough times, and I owe her a lot. She helps teach me to stay a good friend to the people I care about, and never be afraid to open up! :yay:


    • Brohoof 1
  10. Rainbow Dash: Kinda bucked up and nasty how windigoes drink hate, imo. Like, Pepsi costs a dollar seventy five
    Rainbow Dash: Hospital
    Twilight Sparkle: Who the buck is paying $2.30 for a Pepsi?
    Rainbow Dash: Not me, I'm paying a dollar seventy five.
    Rainbow Dash: At the hospital.
    Gilda: I pay like $2.50, but I'm Griffonstonian.
    Rainbow Dash: I feel like we are getting off-topic...
    Discord: Blood is free?
    Trixie: So is Pepsi if you steal it?
    Applejack: Why...why is Rainbow Dash getting her Pepsi from the hospital?
    Rainbow Dash: Because it's only a dollar seventy five.
    Rarity: Why in Celestia's name would a windigo drink Pepsi?
    Fluttershy: Why would ANYPONY drink Pepsi?
    Zephyr Breeze: #femboy
    Rainbow Dash: Huh?
    Starlight Glimmer: That's why I'm not a fan of the sexy windigo trope.
    1. It's overused and supports the current status quo of typical windigo supremacy: worshipping rich folk.
    2. Windigoes prey upon ponies and therefore symbolize capitalists preying on the working class.
    3. Timberwolves are much sexier imo.
    Rainbow Dash: *casually pulls out a picture of a ferret*
    Applebloom: Am I having a stroke???
    Sweetie Belle: You might wanna go to the hospital then.
    Scootaloo: I hear the Pepsi is cheaper there.

  11. Twilight Valley, and Out of the Shadows. Two fantastic Land Before Time fanfictions with a heavily dramatic, action-filled edge. When I think of ideas some might consider 'odd', but executed amazingly, those fics are always the first to jump to my head. They're heavy inspirations for some of my own story ideas. :fluttershy: Y'know, if I can ever stop procrastinating :-P

    (FAIR WARNING: If you seek out these stories yourself, I have to warn you they're pretty violent. ESPECIALLY Out of the Shadows)

    In terms of MLP fanfiction, the one that held my attention most was JusSonic's Total Drama Equestria. It wasn't perfect (I had MANY issues with Scott and Alejandro's writing...), but it was overall a super great and fun story with a fascinating overarching plot. :twi:

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