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Ooc chat for mlp infection au. Heres the IC group. https://mlpforums.com/topic/202555-mlp-infection-au/#comment-6223818
I just wanted to make a roleplay about the mlp infection universe. In this universe, swamp fever has grown out of control and has mutated into a highly contagious disease. If a pony is infected, they start with a fever, harsh cough, fatigue/weakness, and the best sign is orange spots appearing all over the pony. The next stage is confusion, as their mind starts to rot from the disease. They can become aggressive, depressed, confused, or extremely hungry and thirsty, sometimes all the above. This is when the cannibalistic mindset starts to kick in. The final stage makes them loose their magic or flight power, if they had any, and their skin begins to rot while their bones stay exposed. They are no longer a pony, and now a mindless forever flesh hungry zombie. They groan and can walk, some trot or run depending how rotted they are. A few ponies can be naturally immune, but they wouldnt know it unless they got bitten and just never changed. Strangely enough, the infection seems to take longer to affect unicorns (so in this rp a majority of the immune ponies should be unicorns. I imagine the disease has a hard time fighting through their bodies magic, but also feeds on it making the unicorn feel sick and weak even if they are immune.) This is just the first few weeks after the infection started, and equestria was put in quarantine. No pony could leave their town, or city, and was highly encouraged to stay indoors. Zombie sightings have been seen all over equestria, and its even more dangerous at nighy, when the zombies seem to become more active. Heres the ooc group https://mlpforums.com/topic/202557-mlp-infection-au/ Sunny left her house, feeling nervous as she flapped her wings, hovering above the town as she headed to the market. Many homes were boarded up and shut, and normally the town center would be bussling with ponies, but now only a hoofful remained out, seemingly in a rush just like Sunny to get back to the safety of their homes. She approached ont of the only few market sellers left, buying some apples from a familiar apple farmer mare. "Thanks.." Sunny smiled as she handed over some bits. By the looks of it, she managed to buy the last bundle of apples. Food was becoming more and more scarce.
Sunny seemed to relax a bit given permission to go home and her ears perked apon hearing of Bluelights praise. "Really?.. He said that?.." She asked and suddenly felt a pang of regret for leaving him alone with screwy earlier. "Oh..-" Her eyes shifted down to the ground for a moment, before she lifted her head back up, a big forced smile on her face. "Er- on second thought.. I think ill just tough it out. Id hate to leave Bluelight short hoofed.. Im sorry to bother you, sir." She blurted out, turning and closing the door before waiting for a response. "....." Sunny did her best to clear her mind, feeling a heavy weight in her hooves as she forced herself back to the medical department.
Sunny approached Shadows office after taking a few minutes to cool down. She knocked on the door a few times then poked her head in. "Do you have a quick second, sir?" She asked. "I was just going to ask if its alright if i head home early today.. I dont really seem to be needed.. And after the long day ive had.. I just want to get some rest." She sounded a bit tired and defeated.
TechnoZ started following SunnySkies
"Well.. I see you've got this handled.. Ill just go and see if i can make myself useful else where.." And with that, the mare turned and began to fly away, hovering just a few feet off the ground. She flew around the medical department, soon flying past a room with a security lock on it. She saw a random pony exit the room, amd noticed as the door closed loads of pill bottles and other medicines behind the door. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly, pausing in air to stare at the evil door. "..." Sunny gulped and forced herself to keep flying. "Ugh... I need a drink.." She groaned as she flew to a water fountain, guzzling down mouthfuls of water and even holding her head under the cokd stream. "Only a little bit longer.. Then you can go home."
Sunnys ears perked hearing Bluelight use to study medicine. "Wow, really? Thats so cool!" She then winced when she heard the metal crash sound and flew up a few feet, looking around. "W-whose there?" She looked to Bluelight, who approached Screwy and Sunny winced, staring at the mares strange looking eyes. 'Shes probably on something.. Lucky foal..' She thought quietly. "...." Her smile definitely put Sunny off, but she seemed fine for the most part. She looked to Bluelight and shrugged, letting him handle this patient so she could observe.
"Oh, hello again, sir." Sunny smiled, closing her book and remained sat on the floor. "I feel alright.. Im happy to be promoted, and i love how these stockings look on me." She awed down to her own legs, looking at them in the white cloth. "I guess i just have alot on my mind at the moment. This entire factory isnt exactly what i thought itd be.. But a job is a job, right?" She smiled weakly, using a hoof to fiddle with her nametag. "How do you feel about working here?"
SunnySkies started following Have you ever made an idiot of yourself?
Have you ever made an idiot of yourself?
SunnySkies replied to Tom Snyder's topic in General Discussion
Yee -
For now, Sunny roamed arou d the medical department, finding out where the rooms where for the patients, the break room, the supply area, and ect. After about an hour of wondering, and not finding any pony who could use her help, she sat in a small section of the medical department that had some books on health. So, she began to read them, sat in a corner on her own.
Sunny nodded and smiled, hearing her job sounded pretty basic, and something she knew she could handle. "Yes sir, thank you sir. Ill be sure to let you know if i need anything." Sunny beamed, trotting off deeper into the medical department, with a rather chipper and bouncy spring to her walk.
Sunnys ears dipped back at Bluelights warning, and she clenched her teeth to keep her thoughts to herself. "Yes, sir.." She said when she was told to get dressed. She flew off to the locker room and changed out of her weather vest and into a medical white coat, with white stockings for gloves, and a new badge that had a hospital red pkus sign on it, showing her new rank. She trotted out the locker room and looked around the main office area, wondering what her new job would involve.
Sunny narrowed her eyes at the band aids and took a slow step back. She looked oddly disappointed. "Er.. Thank you sir.. But i think ill be alright." She said, holding up a hoof and refusing to take the band aids. "I appreciate your concern.. But im content focusing on my job and not my feelings."
Sunny forced a weak smile, her eyes eyes shifting back and forth as she debated on telling Bluelight the truth. She knew better than to lie to a medical professional.. She was almost certain they could smell fear and money, which she only had one of. "Well- er.. Im just.. Er.. Use to have an addiction to painkillers.. Im a bit nervous about working around medicine.. The cravings come and go, you know?.. I think i just liked the high, and the numbness of it." Sunny rubbed her forearm with a hoof. "But im still a hard worker. Ill do anything you ask of me to the best of my ability." She promised.
Sunny smiled sheepishly at Bluelight, extending her hoof and offering to shake his. "Im Sunny Skies, Mr. Bluelight, Sir.. Its nice to meet you. I look forward to working with you and-" her eyes drifted off to the side for a moment, looking past Bluelight and more into the medical department. She could see the main area looked like a regular hospital office, but she could feel a faint tickling of old habits start to brew in her mind. 'Theres definitely narcotics here.. Somewhere..' The mare thought in her head, feeling her mouth start to water. Her eyes shifted back to Bluelight, and only a few brief seconds had pasted. "-...and... I just know being here will bring me the fulfillment ive been looking for."