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  1. I think they can be pretty cute sometimes. I seem to like them more on Princess ponies, with the longer legs, rather than normal ponies. Luna looked really cute in those pictures on the first page of this thread. But sexy? I mean.. they're ponies. I get that they have human personalities, and yes, if Twilight were a person, she'd probably be really sexy, but I have a hard time finding them at all sexy in the show. Cute, definitely. And if they can wear dresses and cloaks and hats, etc, why not socks? I think sometimes they look goofy, but sometimes they're really adorable.
  2. I know what you mean about master of everything. I don't like playing characters like that either, at least not on Skyrim. I have, in the past, done that. But it seems to suck the fun out pretty quickly because you suddenly don't need anyone else for any reason. I've already finished this game a few times, but my most recent character was a Khajit (my personal favorite) vampire assassin of the Dark Brotherhood. That's my favorite type of character to play, because she can hide from just about anything, and when I shoot with a crossbow, people don't stand a chance. It makes me feel awesome because I usually suck at both sneaking and any kind of sniper skill. But not in Skyrim.
  3. Hey everypony! I'm here in this new thread (outside of my usual commissions thread) because I'm hoping that I might be able to get some help from someone here. My daughter is 3 years old. She is the love of my life and she's an angel. Her father, my ex-husband, was abusive (in many ways) to me throughout most of our marriage, and for the first couple years of my daughter's life, he wasn't toward her. But now she's getting older, more independent, and she comes home from his house quite frequently with stories of the terrible things he makes her do and says to her. It's not enough for a judge, however. There's nothing I can do to prove that it's happening because there's no physical sign of abuse. So, this is what we're doing: we (my husband and I) are trying to gain custody of her so that we can keep her safe, and get her out of a, potentially, very dangerous situation. But it's expensive. Lawyers are expensive, court is expensive and we just don't have the money. I would hate to see my daughter have to spend more time than necessary with her abusive father simply due to a lack of funds. So I've got an auction on Ebay. I am not asking for anyone to give me money for nothing. There is a product at the end here, and it's already made, ready to ship. I made the Cutie Mark Crusaders, including Babs Seed, in the hopes that someone would be willing, and able, to help me out. Anything helps really. If you'd like to place a bid on my auction, the link is here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/190844280091?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Of course, if you would like to help, but don't want to bid on them, I am always accepting commissions. I will be doing a sale on them in the next couple of days, so please check for that here. Thank you for your consideration! Regards, Elizapony
  4. Ohh so many awesome actors! Morgan Freeman should totally be on it! And Weird Al, he would be amazing. I love Zooey Deschenel too, she's so cute! But I'd really like to see James Marsters. He's got a great voice!
  5. See, for me it just depends on which season it is. If it's spring, I can't wait for summer because I want to go swimming and lay out in the sun and such. If it's summer, by then end of it, my favorite is autumn because I'm done being too hot and I simply love love LOVE halloween because I love seeing what people dress as and I love making my own costumes. I like winter too because of Christmas, visiting with family and feeling just happy and joyful most of the time. But I don't like snow. I hate being cold. And I don't care much for dark. However.. my absolute favorite thing in the world, even though it's during winter, is when it has snowed and everthing is covered in several inches (or feet) of snow and it's really late, like 11 or midnight. So it's dark outside, but the light from the stars reflects off the snow and lights up the world in this beautiful bluish glow. It's just so beautiful!!
  6. When I was 3 or 4, I was in Illinois... or Kentucky or Oklahoma... lol I can't remember which state I was in. Anyway, I was staying with my family in a hotel one night and I was looking out the window, petrified, because there was a fairly large F3 outside. It was several hundred feet away, but close enough to scare the pants off me, and I've been terrified of tornadoes ever since. Not a terribly thrilling story, but I was 3... so maybe the details are wrong.. lol. I don't know, but I remember seeing it.
  7. Man, there's a lot of tension here. As far as I could tell, this started out as a fairly simple statement or question. But either way, I think it's possible because people have definitely done worse for less. There are plenty of people out there who are crazy enough to do something that stupid, but it's not terribly likely. I could happen, but I doubt it would.
  8. Here's a pic of me and my husband. I don't actually have like.. any snapshots of myself because I'm the resident photographer in my family, so I'm usually behind the camera. So you get a wedding picture! It's fairly recent because we had our wedding pictures taken a year after we were married because our wedding photographer SUCKED! So we got new ones.. they look much better.
  9. Ohh I like her. I love how you drew her tail, it's not quite as perfectly rounded as in the show, and I really like that about it. It makes it look cooler, I think. But I was an art major in school, so I tend to like the non-comforming type stuff. Only thing that really stands out to me as something that could be improved is her head. It's a little long. Like, from the back of her head to her nose, it seems longer than it should be. But otherwise, she looks lovely. Well done.
  10. Well, I'm a girl, not a guy, so it's not quite as awkward for me as as it for some people, but I just say heck yeah I love my little pony! People give me weird looks and then I explain that it's a really great show with really good morals and stories. They usually just sortof nod and change the subject at that point, but I don't care!!
  11. I kindof like the idea of a villain group. Though I like individual ones too. It's hard to say really... but that's why I'm a watcher of episodes and not a writer of them
  12. Woot!! That's awesome!! I've only been here a month or two, but yay us!!!
  13. Ok, I wasn't really sure where to post this, so I chose the Creative thread cause it seemed fitting. Anyway, some of you may remember my daughter is having her 3rd birthday next week, or maybe none of you remember, that's ok too lol. But it's all MLP themed and I've designed her birthday cake! I wanted to post the pic of it in case anyone has any other ideas. I just did it in Illustrator. I'm... well.. this is the first time I've been able to actually throw my child a real birthday party... I might be going a little overboard.. lol. But!! It's awesome! So I don't care. Anyway, thoughts? Suggestions? Or ideas for what else to do for this party? I'm planning on having balloons in the colors of the ponies' bodies and their strings in the colors of their manes and tails. Then I'll have coordinating plates, napkins etc. We're going to have a pinata made in the shape of the hot air balloon from the show and we'll play pin the tail on the pony. And we're going to have an MLP playlist. It's just gonna be fun. Plus, I'm going to make Parasprite cake balls. Man.. I need a life.. *laugh* p.s. The reason those are the ponies on her cake is because those are the only ones we have. So that's what we get to use. But Rarity is her favorite. And then there's wires holding the stars up.
  14. I agree that Chrysalis was trying to feed her people, so she does get a few points for that. But she did it with pure hatred and she was definitely enjoying herself while destroying everyone around her. So, major points docking for that one. But Discord was also enjoying himself while he made everyone around him suffer. Well.. except maybe Pinkie Pie ("Chocolate. Rain!") So he loses points too. I'm not sure who I think is worse, cause they're both pretty bad. But yeah, Gilda was totally awful.
  15. I think they should have a villain that actually sticks around for most of the season. I mean, they'd have to do it carefully because otherwise it would look less like a kids show, what with the whole lack of defeating the bad guy thing. But even sticking around for like 4 episodes would be cool. Just little signs here and there, not full on contact. They did a pretty good job with Discord, I liked him. It would just be nice if they could draw it out a little longer.
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