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Gears of Halo Duty V

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Posts posted by Gears of Halo Duty V

  1. So I'm sitting in my English 102 class where we have to do those first day activities where we have to get to know the people around us. One of the questions our teach suggested we ask each other was "What was the last TV show you watched"? The woman sitting next to me is a mother who has a daughter.


    Her: So what was the last show you watched?


    Me:I'm not sure, I don't even have a TV in my room. You? (Beta me)


    Her: The last TV show I watched was... My Little Pony with my daughter.


    Me: My Little Pony huh? Oh alright.







    Me: So... do you like it?


    Her. No, I hate it. I absolutely just can't stand it.


    Me: Oh, alright.






    Found the one person who mentioned MLP at my college, turns out they can't stand it. The search continues.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Ratchet and Clank
    • Metroid Prime
    • Guitar Hero.

    Every game listed by others are obvious prime choices; they are good for a reason, and will do the job nicely. 


    Ratchet and Clank is a fun series that lets you blow everything up with big guns and big explosions. With a solid 3rd person perspective and an array of titles to try and progress on, you can't really go wrong here.


    Metroid Prime, imo, ranks up there on the list of greatest games ever created. What really makes this game special is how the story is told. You the player learn about information, events and enemies by scanning everything and everyone. It's not laid out on a silver platter for you to pick off of; you have to piece together what transpired with what information you can gather. Puzzles, action, and a deep and eerie (almost haunting) atmosphere once you hit Echoes, the Metroid Prime series is my top choice. 


    Guitar Hero is just for fun. I mean, rocking out on a plastic guitar controller to some of the best or most well known songs in your living room? Just try and put that guitar strap around your neck without smiling.

  2. Empowered: This is where I always like to stay in everyday. Some of the stuff out there is seriously under-appreciated.


    The Avengers Theme - Alan Silvestri

    Bumblebee - Steve Jablonsky

    Why do we Fight?- Russell Brower

    John Adams Theme

    Ending Credits - David Newman



    Sad: Can't even find 5 songs for this one, I avoid this as much as I can.


    Mad World - Gary Jules

    Into Dust - Mazzy Star

    Teardrop - Massive Attack

    Tribute - Martin O' Donnell



    Dance: Nothing but feel good favorites here


    Mess Around - Ray Charles

    Ring-a-Ding Baby! - Icky

    I 2 I (Eye to Eye) - Tevin Campbell

    Footloose - Kenny Loggins

    Dance to the Music - Sly & the Family Stone



    Happy!: Just right next to Empowered, I stay here when I can


    Crescent Island - David Wise (#2 happy song here)

    Smile Big - Leftover Cuties

    Run Around - Blues Travelers

    September - TC Moses

    Viridian City (#1 happy song right here)


    • Brohoof 2
  3. I like to think the this whole MLP thing was a damn good storm. Maybe or maybe not a perfect storm, but a damn good one to say the least.


    The rise and mainstreaming of social networking has made it infinitely easier to have one's work or message spread and be seen or heard around the world than ever before. This whole thing took off around 2005, give or take, and MLP took off in 2010. By that time, we already had a firm grasp on social networking. We integrated it into our lives and made it easy to access and easy to use.


    Technology has also quickly advanced for the common man. Hurdles and obstacles of the past were quickly becoming moot, be it from creating a painting through digital means or utilizing instruments or animation tools to make something out of almost nothing. These tools may have been around a while, but time has allowed such tools to easily disseminate among the masses. 


    Now, the reboot of MLP brought in a lot of people, more so than anyone ever dared to expect. Whatever one's reason, the show drew in large numbers of people from all walks of life. Some are writers, some are artists, some musicians, and some are everything else.


    So you've got the means to create works of art on a quicker and easier (?) scale, the people to create these pieces of art, and the means to quickly spread it to others. Sounds like a good storm to me.


    So we have the how, but what about the why? Well, that's for another day.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Someone on Reddit took the time to compile a price list of everything offered in this package, as copied below.



    Here's a breakdown for all that:

    Space Flight: 250,000

    Lamborghini: 198,000

    Burj Al Arab: 133,405

    Prius: 24,500

    Super Car Membership: 20,968

    Face lift: 9,500

    Capsule Wardrobe: 4,968

    Flight to Dubai: 15,000

    Flight to DC: 3,200

    25 hours with personal shopper: 2,500

    Jefferson Hotel: 2,450

    Dubstep gun: 1,500

    Insurance: 1,200

    Spy Training: 252

    Hostage Rescue: 125

    Commander in Chief Edition: 59

    Total: $659,517 US


    This is all assuming relatively low-end versions of these things. The Gallardo could go up another $50,000, the plastic surgery, for a couple more procedures, could triple to around $30,000, the Prius by around $10,000, the flights by like up to $10,000 each if you were super extravagant and lived far away, the insurance by like $2,000, and the Jefferson by about the same. That would put it around $765,000 total.


    So basically price wise, you're better off saving about $250,000 and buying everything individually.


    However, the amount of publicity you'd get, and the fact you would go down as the single crazy motha who shelled out a cool 1 million on this thing, is something that might be hard to put a price on.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 436.gif


    It's happening again! And with Celestia this time as the choice of interest? Yes, yes, and yes to everything. Count me in on this one!

  6. When I was 6 years old, all I wanted more then anything in the world was to be 16, ah to drive a car that freedom and that feeling of I'm one step closer to being a full grown adult!


    When I was 16 years old, all I wanted was to be 18, I can go see R movies on my own, and I can vote!


    When I was 18 years old, all I wanted was to be 21! I can buy my own drinks now! and I'm a full grown adult!


    3 days(Aug/8/1990 is my B-day) in tell I hit 23, ah funny thing is all I really want now... is to be 6 years old.


    Isn't life funny that way? I grew up wanting to get older and older to do these exact things, yet it seems the older I get the more I sometimes wish I was still 10. I couldn't wait until I was 16 to start driving. I couldn't wait until I was 17 to buy "M" rated games on my own. I couldn't wait until I was 18, knowing that High School was going to end for me. Now 19, I'm looking at the end of this year to end the teenage years and enter "adulthood".



    Anyways, the happiest birthday I had was in the 6th grade, where I had a bowling party. Can't really go wrong with a few liters of pepsi, some cheese pizza and some rounds of bowling with friends.



    These days, my birthdays involve me replying to posts on my Facebook wall, and if there's a cake, I often bake it myself. Cause I'm cool like that.


    Story of my life right there.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I absolutely hate the circle-jerks in media that can be found online and in real life, from TV to music to video games. Apparently if I don't watch the same shows as you do, listen to the same music as you do, or game the same way as you do, something is horribly wrong.


    Saying "It's just not my thing" or even "I gave it a shot, but didn't like it" seems to be a red flag for a total lost cause.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. 50-60% constantly.


    It's low enough for me that I can still tell if someone is trying to get my attention, but high enough for me to actually enjoy my music without busting me ears. If the sound is too low, all the music does is become filler in the background and almost makes me tired when an exciting song is being played at such low volumes.

  9. For me it's not about saying "MLP is the greatest show ever", it's about me being able to say "MLP is great. Insta-added to my pile of awesome stuff".


    Of course there are going to be shows we deem that might not have an equal. I'm actually surprised I didn't see Avatar the Last Airbender on your list, or any of the Toonami classics.


    Overrated or underrated, it's really just about enjoying what you like and liking what you enjoy.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. It might have to be my Senior year, if only for two reasons.


    I don't know how many of you guys have PE that requires you to take Dance as part of the curriculum, but I decided to put that off for my last year. Well there are somethings that even mind bleach won't get rid of.


    Also, it was at this point that the classes my friends took reached that pivotal moment where they were all in the same classes together (heading to same majors) and I was not.



    That feel when you aren't friends with anyone in a class but everyone else knows each other, and the teacher yells out those three dreaded words on every project and assignment; "Get into groups!"


    • Brohoof 2
  11. I don't want people to be crying at my end, so this is how I want it to go.




    I want to be in my coffin, lowered into my grave slowly as smoke and fog, along with lots of lasers, pour out and fill the area. Soon as the song hits 0:31, BOOM. Coffin explodes and candy flies everywhere as people dance and party because I actually had full sized Crunch and 100 Grand candy bars instead of those wimpy "fun sized" ones.

    • Brohoof 3
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