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Gears of Halo Duty V

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Posts posted by Gears of Halo Duty V

  1. neptuneplanet.jpg


    Look at that beautiful planet. Neptune is where it's at ladies and gents.


    Sure it's one of the coldest planets in the Solar System with wind speeds that make an EF-5 Tornado look like a breeze on a warm sunny day. But hey, it's blue like Earth.


    And it's mothertrucking Neptune.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. When I first saw this on Toonami, I immediately thought "This is gonna be good".


    The whole idea of this show is what really draws me in. Who hasn't, at least once, wondered what it would be like to be inside their favorite game? To do things on a level not possible in out world? As a fan of mmorpgs, I'm really looking forward to how this continues.



    • Brohoof 4
  3. Bobobo bo bobo.


    Aside from Cowboy Bebop, Bobobo bo bobo is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Your mind cannot even fathom how crazy and funny this one is. It takes a poke at a lot of common anime cliches, and has left me intrigued, inspired, scared, confused and mindblown at the same time so many times.

  4. Some may see it as a waste of time. Some do not have the time to truly enjoy it. Essentially, why put forth all this effort and time on something that isn't "real"? At the end of the day you have have a high k/d or finally took down a raid boss, but how does that translate to real life? Most who see video games like this might say "Why play X when you could be doing Y?". Others might see it as escapism.


    Which is a shame really. So long as you don't spend so much time playing video games that it actually hampers your life and those around you, it's exactly the same as any other recreation that helps you unwind and have fun. There are a number of video games that have no rival in story telling and can be more fun or engaging than other activities. I've felt more feels in Metal Gear Solid 2 than I have in most of the movies or books I've read.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Ahh the old belt. Well all I can say is I'm glad that time is done and gone with in my family. My parents are both loving people and have given me much, but as a kid if I did something wrong it's a whack to the side and it's done.


    Post middle school, I received little to no disicipline. Why? Cause I did nothing wrong. We are all pretty considerate when it comes to how what we do is gonna affect others, and if there ever is a problem, we just talk about it and try to find a solution.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. When you see others play scary games and you see their reaction, real or fake, it's hard to not wonder how you yourself would react to it. It can be fun to get a little jump in you; you learn a little bit more about yourself and what really gets you, and it can bring some people back down to earth after playing so many action/adventure games.



    Fatal Frame is my top scary game choice. Sorry fans of Amnesia and Slender, but both of those games can't hold a candle to this classic.

  7. Yeah, funny thing recently I went to my local Target and the box was filled up (this was before i was buying the cards).  I come back when I start collecting them and the box has been raided.  Every trace of it is gone.  Anyways, you are right Hot Topic charges way to much and mine barely has any MLP stuff.  They said "MLP Wasn't cool anymore".  But yeah Online seems to be the only choice, thanks.


    >Hot Topic

    >MLP isn't cool anymore


    Seriously, I can't even this.


    Anyways, best of luck on your search of cards. Also, check out Toywiz and Enterplay, they sometimes have special cards for sale that you normally can only get at cons.

  8. Does anypony know a good place to find the card packs?  I mean all my stores are fully stocked on all cards except for MLP.  My walmart carries around 20 Gala Tins (for 10 bucks each) and a couple of RD tins.  But no matter how many times I look the MLP box is always empty, even though the other boxes are always getting refilled.  Any idea where a good place to get them?


    Target and Meijer also sell card packs, with Target possibly being the better choice as a number sell their cards much like Walmart (next to the registers, with most of their card selection right there).


    I would advise against going to a Hot Topic on this one as they mark up the prices pretty high, $3.50 a pack compared to the usual $2.00 at any other store.


    Lastly as always, online shopping is usually the best choice if you can. Considering you can pick up a 30 pack box of cards of Season 1 or 2 for only $40 on Amazon or ebay, it can be well worth it to buy online.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. 980.jpg


    There are bronies who will get butthurt over anything this show gives us.

    • Not enough songs? Have some!
    • Too many songs? Well f**k
    • Too little [insert pony]? Let's change that!
    • Too much [insert pony]? /ragequit

    The writers giving us a nod every now and then through a background pony is actually pretty cool. That doesn't mean they have to have an important role. Besides, if you're gonna leave this amazing fandom because a background pony is given just a few seconds in the spotlight or because something isn't headcannon with you, and not because of something that happened throughout the years, then perhaps you were never a fan to begin with.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. It has to be both.


    Iron Will is instilling certain values and beliefs onto those who actually go through his program. While being assertive is something one should have at the ready, the approach Iron Will takes implies being aggressive rather than assertive. He is a "teacher" and whatever he teaches his "students" will impact them, one way or another.


    Fluttershy then made these lessons her own, and obviously went overboard. The actions she took are her own, but where did they themselves come from? Herself and the lessons she received as an extension. While she may have acted like a jerk, she also might not have done what she did if she didn't learn from Iron Will.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. That tin I found at my store was the Gala tin!  I asked a little bit back what It was and someone answered me.  Thanks, also It was extremely cheep, It was only 6 dollars.  Has anyone else found it for that cheep?


    6 dollars for the Gala tin? That is insanely cheap for what you're getting. Normally its $12+ everywhere I look. Where did you find it that cheap?

  12. At my Restaurant Management class in High School, we made a variety of dishes from scratch that we would serve to students and faculty such as

    • Pulled Pork Sandwiches (this)
    • Chicken Poblano Soup
    • Garlic Bread
    • New York Style Cheese Cake
    • Baked Mac N' Cheese Bites

    and a whole lot more. If you've got a recipe in hand (or memorized), the ingredients, and a basic understanding of the importance of Mise en place (everything in its right place for you Radiohead fans), you can create a whole world of meals with your own two hands!

  13. As you said it best yourself, Rarity's cutie mark would be the safest choice. It is noticeable by other bronies but doesn't just scream MLP out the way Vinyl does. Not only that, I think it blends nicely with a solid black car and adds a nice touch to it overall.


    That said, RD's is still the coolest looking one out of the Mane 6 (I'm going to assume this is a universal fact). It is, after all, a tri-colored lightning bolt, making it one of the most easily recognizable signs of a fellow brony.


    If you want some flair and the ability to make your car move faster (red does this), go with RDs. If you want subtlety and your car to be best car, go with Rarity's.

  14. If they were born Alicorns, this would imply that there is a a fourth "race" of ponies that we haven't seen yet. Or perhaps a Pegasus and a Unicorn had children together, and both unique traits were combined together in a rare occurrence.


    If they were turned into Alicorns, this would imply they did something worthy to initiate this change. If it's like what Twilight did, they too would have had a mentor of a higher power do this. If it's different, perhaps they found a way themselves.


    Whatever the case, both options open a world of possible stories that can change how we look at the MLP world. Is there a mysterious Alicorn race? What could they have done that was worthy of this change? Or perhaps it's a philosophical question of "Which came first"? Whatever the case, a little history in S4 would be so very welcome.

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