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Posts posted by Princess_Molestia

  1. get really drunk, like ungodly drunk, and go outside and do a Wiccan chant to Luna, Princess of the Night


    if that doesn't work... well... support brony artists who draw great comics and make awesome animations with her in it?!

    (that Doctor and Derpy thing is hilarious)

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Oh, okay. phew, okay. Sometimes I can go bit crazy and not know it's freakin comic and comics are supposed to have cartoons! I'm still deciding though if it's possible for me to draw a whole cover. :huh:

    its not a really insane cover, and when I say cartoons I mean less realistic perportions and look and style and stuff

    its not gonna be a pinnicle of art work here, and that's half the point of it

  3. Aww, thanks but I will get it done. My promises to everyone who's ask me for a request and I will not let them down!

    Anyway, like I said, it may take awhile to finish. Traditional Art is not like Digital Art but if you grow so inpatient, please let me know.


    Hm.... I'm not sure. I love drawing ponies and I've been doing them for at least 3 years or so. Plus I'm not so good at drawing realistic people etc. Still, I'm thinking.

    they're cartoonish people, not wholly realistic

    you can draw the Gen 3.5 Sprinkles for me if you absolutely are dead set on ponies (let me know so I can start offering info/pictures/etc)

  4. jeez this thread is really kicking off more then I thought it would...


    About Alicorn OCs, I think Concords is the only good Alicorn OC I've ever seen, it's canon friendly since apparantly he's supposed to be part of the royal family.


    But anyways, about my OC here is a picture of him, I have actually art people drew of him too. (Especially Firebolt, she is awesome)


    But here is just a generic one with a side view. I tried to make the colors complimentary and not too strange by making them all shades of green.


    so much green... he reminds me of a plant, can I see the other artwork, maybe it looks better in drawn not ponymaker format

  5. Can I haz some critism for my ponehs? Links in signature. Also, have a summary of them.

    Goldseek: Used to be pirate before could walk. Parents gone. Always in the middle of action.

    Demence: Insane. Hates own race. Knows how to escape prison cells extremely well.

    Mirror: Nothing. Nothing. More nothing. Copies things. Alot more nothing.


    1. I kinda like the pirate thing... not sure how ponies use swords nor did I ever think they built ships...

    2. I don't like when people use the whole "he's insane" thing to be edgy or have their OC be an outcast or whatever... mental illness is not an easy thing to write and most people do it wrong, offensively wrong

    3. reminds me of a BJD character I made, one of the worst and yet oddly fun characters to write (when its not played seriously)

    I didn't think Equestria had a bio engineering program

  6. I have to disagree, not all dark coated OC's looks bad you just have to know which colors make sense and which colors compliments your OC's mane and tails. Motion has dark fur (fine, not as dark as Luna) and many said that he's a very well designed OC and cute and sexy





    I admit that I'm always reluctant when it comes to pony maker's ponies because the outcome looks always so generic. I like the colors of your OC's but I don't like the mane designs it's one of the limitants of Pony maker.

    true on paper she looks more fluant, your OC looks rather natural, in terms of colour, brown you can't really go wrong with, because its what actual ponies often are.

    I do like your OC and your colours are simple yet work very well together


    Yea, that's a pony tail. And I like bright colours :3

    Anyways, can I have some criticism for my pony's personalities? Or don't you do dat? I dunno.

    And, my first ever OC was a pitch black pegasus with evil spiky mane. And I called it regular. So, I think my OC's are gud

    I was only doing colour first but, sure I guess I could give it all the old collage try... don't everyone swamp me at once, takes longer to read then it does to look at a picture : P

  7. villain? hmmm minotaur/centaur who wants to bring eternal night with his rainbow of darkness and enslave ponies to pull his heavy metalesque death chariot?

    evil witch who enslaves balls of fuzz and is generically evil because she hates ponies?

    a giant slime monster that eats anything in its path?
    a huge penguin that wants to freeze the whole world and kills small children...


    got a lot to pick from

  8. I just feel it would suit that OC's colours rather than the orange merging with it in a way. 



    But its up to you I guess. And if you wanna take at look at my OC, the link is in my sig.

    dunno bout the blue in the mane, looks a little out of place, otherwise good colours



    I agree with you that I'm not a huge fan of Alicorn OC's, and while its partly due to the fact I think they should be cannon as only really royalty, but to be honest a good chunk of OC's just look.. Weird as Alicorns.


    Like for instance when I was a noob to the community I made my Oc at first an Alicorn, and he was ugly :P. So I changed him into a Unicorn which looks better.


    Also I agree with ligher colors, you have to use pretty bright colors to make things look good most of the time.


    btw while I'm here I'm curious as to what you think of my Oc :P. I have no backstory or anything, but just design wise I'm curious what you have to say.

    Heres a bigger view of it if you need. If you can I'd like to hear whatcha got to say :).

    have the blue blend with the green a tad more, give it a sort of neat water effect...

    • Brohoof 1
  9. It has been confirmed that Rarity will have multiple episodes in season 4, so apparently Hasbro doesn't see it the same way. Applejack isn't insanely popular, but she got her own episode basically in season 3, so there is that.


    Wait, wouldn't dropping Rarity and Applejack, oh I don't know, destroy the whole 'Elements of Harmony' thing? Yeah, let's see them do that and expect the actual fan base to stay quiet.

    I'd say season 3 was Applejack love, she got the most attention, I guess to make up for lack of attention before

    Rarity has had a lot of episodes in both seasons prior... she's doing fine.

    I'd like to see a racist Celestia bag

    • Brohoof 1

    It represents the fact that he (I) is very loving to others, since it is a heart behind the symbol of peace. Also, I don't really see why I would need to shrink its size...

    I just felt it was a little big, its just my opinion and that's...generally why I assume you came into my thread...of opinions...to recieve my opinion...



    Can I haz some critism for my ponehs? Links in signature. Also, have a summary of them.

    Goldseek: Used to be pirate before could walk. Parents gone. Always in the middle of action.

    Demence: Insane. Hates own race. Knows how to escape prison cells extremely well.

    Mirror: Nothing. Nothing. More nothing. Copies things. Alot more nothing.


    1st- I don't much like those two colours, they don't flow well together, that bright teal is just...well it looks weird on anything

    2nd- hey a Zebra... looks fine to me, good mane choice

    3rd- the green hurts my eyes, tone it down a tad, maybe a little duller, what's that thing on the back of her head, a ponytail?

  11. The only two alicorn OCs that I have are-

         Myriad Alloy - Paradimensional Princess Cadence - Hardly uses wings, rather uses jetpacks or other random machines

         Stisenagon - Isn't even a real pony, rather is a wasp - Only has wings and a horn because the horn represents his stinger, and wings represent his original wings. - Rarely turns himself into a pony, prefers being a wasp.


    One OC I made before was born with both wings and a horn, but could hardly use either of them.

    But anyway, I can see where you're going with that point. Most alicorn OCs are just total f*ck-ups.


    If anything, one "Don't" in my book is to use boring old words for names. Most common ones are like "Fire" "Flame" "Lightning" etc. I like it when I see someone use a different word that I don't hear often.


    If you want to critique my Ponysona, Satyr, then here is his basic appearence:



    very Colgate colours, which I like, though the cutie mark is strange, what is it?

    if you made it smaller I think it could work but it seems too big


    The color of her mane is actually burnt  orange, so it looks red until shaded. So when it is shaded, it's a nice affect.


    And her cutie mark isn't as detailed as you may think...

    looked more detailed in the photo I will admit, I would have the lightning bolt outlined a tad so one can tell its there, with those other things its hard to tell what it all is

  12. Arguably, Princess Molestia is an Alicorn OC... just saying.


    I personally haven't been satisfied with anything I've thought of for a RP-capable OC, just a few names that I'd work into more complete concepts if I had need for one of them. I also don't care about others' OCs, and I'm not going to say that certain things never work or attempt to offer criticism of aesthetic choices, at least not right now.

    well I do critisize things, its in my blood and its who I am, and that's the point of this thread

    btw yes Molestia is kind of an Alicorn OC but more is just an altered Celestia... and I didn't invent her


    yeah green could work, but at the time the orange just spoke to me...

  13. I intentionally made her that kind of dull colour, i could never picture her being bright and vibrant, something more realistic.


    Well on to the OC, I like the red-white combo, those two colours do work well together (though I see a tinge of orange in there, might just be me) the eyes work well too, why are her wings grey?

    The cutie mark seems very detailed and cutie marks rarely are (they aren't in the show) over detailed cutie marks don't often blend well to the pony itself, I find

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