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Posts posted by Princess_Molestia

  1. I see, everytime I come here, good OC's and bad OC's. Even before I read anything (and I have read some doozies) the art work alone usually tells me what I am in for.

    I'd like to share, a little of my own personal opinions and what not, when making an OC.

    I like to think I understand something about characters, what with all those damn books I've written.

    But I digress...

    Do note, for this first bit, I will mostly be concentrating on artwork rather then background.


    Obligatory Point - No Alicorns

    Good god, no alicorn is ever done right, (I tried, even once to make one, she was born with like deformed wings but I still thought it was dumb so I scrapped it).

    Alicorns are special, they are the royalty of Equestria and unless you are royalty (and you are not) then it doesn't work, ever!


    So then we move on to our main point...

    Pick some proper colours!

    I see so many OCs with a random haphazard of colours (dark colours rarely work on a pony, which is why most of them are very bright, your OC is not Luna, and if she looks like Luna, congrats you're unoriginal)!

    It assaults the eyes sometimes, the mane and tail having no real uniformed look, just some random hash of stuff from the ponymaker programs.

    I admit I can't draw Gen 4 ponies, so I use the same maker, and I will let you be the judge if they are any good...



    this is Sprinkles, a g3.5 OC originally (though I am not sure how to get my drawings on paper to the computer)



    This is Applewisp, an actual Gen 4 OC, she works in a jarring plant, corn division. No she isn't related to Applejack or the Apple Family, I thought the name Applewisp sounded cute. She has no cutie mark yet.


    From here I offer you to critique mine and I your OC's. And I will add more do's and don'ts as time goes on...

  2. I hated my childhood and am glad its over. I'd say the simple things like not having a job, but I've been working since I was 10 (in the summers every summer until 17, then I started full time and haven't really stopped)

    It was just a barrel full of crappy memories and sub par events. Sure my life isn't perfect but its better then it was

    • Brohoof 1
  3. for some people the art work can make or break a tv show

    As I said I will take a chance but I really dislike the art work there.

    But the main reason is they aren't ponies.

    That's a part of MLP I liked, the world was so dramatically different then our own. I don't wanna watch humans being human (or whatever in god's name they are) if I did, I'd just watch anime

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So, they're the equine equivalent to nekos/catgirls, now.  Lovely.  x,x  I'm not encouraged.


    As for everyone wondering how in the world wings and ears are going to be explained to the humans the mane 6 are supposedly going to be around, remember, we don't know they're traveling to Earth.  It could very well be another world with 'humans' that have little traits like these, so the girls don't stick out so much.


    You might ask 'if that's the case then, why amputate the horns?'  I would guess that they couldn't find a way to make the horns look natural on the humanized characters.  I'm sure  there will be a plot device concerning the horns, too.  Something like: they only appear when they use magic, or the horns have turned into magic wands, or the horns 'sank in' and magic is channeled through a fingertip now...  It doesn't really matter, they just have to pick one and stick with it.  They all have their pros and cons.


    I *really* hope the show isn't a high school fluff series, because that would be about as far-flung from MLP: fim's roots as you could get.  I'll still give the show a try, but I'm disappointed in the character design for sure.

    hasbro already tried a show where ponies dealt with school shit and what not, it was called My Little Pony Tales and it was trash (some mistakingly call it gen 2, though it technically isn't)

  5. That comic is already confirmed as non-canon. You will never see anything that happened in that comic referred in the show :V

    yeah its more brony oriented I find, good stuff

  6. whenever there is something that someone likes, there will be someone who dislikes it

    a lot of bronies are far too gung ho and rub people the wrong way, often times they make the haters due to their over zealous nature

    and other times its dicks being dicks

    • Brohoof 1
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