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Posts posted by BookWorm

  1. If you know of any funny, insightful, cool, etc. examples of captioned still shots of MLP: FiM, feel free to post them here! I like seeing how people interpret still shots, and would like to have a thread for people to post and share them. I have two of my own below, to get things started.


    Have fun!



  2. This is the fifth in my series of poems based on the main 6. I already have Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity done if you want to go check those out.


    This poem can be sung to the tune of Johnny Lee and Lane Brody's "Yellow Rose of Texas". This song just felt like an Applejack song, to me. I'll include a link below the poem. Fun fact: you can also sing every Emily Dickinson poem to the tune of this song, as well.


    I hope you enjoy it!





    (Big Mac) There’s an apple in Equestria

    The finest mare I know;

    My honest, working sister

    Can tackle any chore.


    (Applejack) I love to help the pony-folk

    Any way I can

    ‘Cause this apple of Equestria is glad to lend a hand.


    (Big Mac) You know, sometimes, you’re stubborn.


    (Applejack) I like to call it pride.

    I don’t ever leave a challenge.


    (Big Mac) Sometimes, I wonder why.


    (Big Mac and Applejack) Like the sun above the country

    And the trees that grow below

    She’s the apple of Equestria

    She’s the applebuckin’ pro.


    (Big Mac) There’s an apple in Equestria

    She’s likes to get her kicks

    From her rodeos and races

    And stunnin’ lasso tricks.


    (Applejack) ‘Cause even though I need to work

    I love to have my fun

    And when I’m with my friends I’m glad I’m not the only one.


    (Big Mac) You know, sometimes, you’re stubborn.


    (Applejack) I like to call it pride.

    I don’t ever leave a challenge.


    (Big Mac) Sometimes, I wonder why.


    (Big Mac and Applejack) Like the sun above the country

    And the trees that grow below

    She’s the apple of Equestria

    She’s the applebuckin’ pro.


    Yes, the apple of Equestria

    Is the applebuckin’ pro.




    Here's a link to the song:



    • Brohoof 2
  3. I'm sorry to hear about your great grandma. It's good to see you're using art to cope, though. That picture is very good.


    Also, here's some music I hope will help you in some way:


  4. This is really calming. It reminds me of a series of fascinating albums done by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson with ambient music designed to stimulate the brain in different ways. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson maps brainwaves of patients in various states of mind and converts the maps into inaudible pulses of sound. The theory is that, when embedded into ambient tracks, the brain will pick up on the pulses and mimic them. He has albums for everything from delta wave sleep to meditation. The ambient style of those tracks sounds a lot like what you did, so it's probably worth a look (if not for the theory, then for the music).

  5. I wonder... if I fall asleep by it, and instead I played it backwards, would I wake up by it?




    Tried I, it me and changed.



    This is really nicely done, it is sweet and relaxing. I like to play my bass along to this, I find doing so calming :3.


    Thank you! I've been writing music for a couple years now, but you're the first person to play something I wrote. That's a really cool feeling, and I'm glad you shared that detail.

  6. It's apsolotly WONDERFUL!!! :mellow:


    If it was any calmer, I'd propaly be sleeping right this minite!!!


    Love it!


    Why thanks so much :3 this was so relaxing to listen to. The picture of applejack & her sister is so cute and peaceful... I wish I could be there laying down & listening to her hum the lullaby :).


    This is lovely and soothing. I hope you can make more, because this is great. Good luck with future work.


    just watching that picture with AJ and AB in the sunset made me so relaxed and sleepy. good work and bravo!


    Thank you! I'm glad y'all liked it.


    P.S: I never thought I'd be happy to hear my music is putting people to sleep. It's like being happy your Freddy Krueger costume makes you look exactly like the real thing. You feel good because you know your hard work paid off, but there's still a nagging feeling that that the only thing separating you from the opposite reaction is context.

  7. I love Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania. The similarities in game play and difficulty between the two are uncanny, actually. Whether this is because their game mechanics were a standard thing when they came out or some other reason, it's the main reason I like them. Ninja Gaiden is a tougher game, in my opinion, but it's a great feeling to beat a level on either of them.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. The first time I noticed Applejack didn't have her hat on was like seeing someone who wears glasses forget to put them on. There's a hat that I wear all the time, actually, and people have told me my head looks bare without it. I'd say the same for Applejack, but I wouldn't say she looks naked. Incomplete is a more fitting word, I think. Nevertheless, she looks fine either way; I'm just more used to seeing her in a hat.

  9. One day my family decided to give code names to every family member. I can't remember why, and the names didn't stick long, but it still crosses my mind from time to time. My code name was easy to pick, since I've enjoyed reading from an early age. I haven't been called Book Worm by anyone in a long time, but it's a fitting code name. That's why it's my username, and also the name of my OC.

  10. I'd really like to start a college brony club, since it would be cool to get together with fellow bronies in a place where we can openly discuss the show and such. My plans so far include the club and a possible radio show to be broadcast on campus radio. My only problem is that I'm not sure what I'd do with this club if I started it. I'm not looking to do anything ground-breaking, I just want a club for bronies to get together. You don't have to answer all the questions, but I would certainly appreciate it if you did.



    That being said, what kinds of things would you want out of a brony club? What would attract you to the club, besides just ponies, and what would get you to stay? What should the core officers of the club, like the president, vice president, treasurer, etc, be called within the club? Would you prefer to call the president "president" or something MLP related, like "Princess Celestia"? How should these officers be appointed? How much time would you be willing to commit? Would you be willing to fund raise, or would you be fine with little to no budget?



    Also, what kinds of things would get you to listen to the radio show? I'm hoping it won't be just me doing the show but that maybe other club members will fill other slots too, so a general program would be a very handy tool. At what time would you most likely set aside time to listen to the show? What types of songs, besides songs from the show, would you like to hear? What songs do you never want to hear? Where is an optimal place to put the link to web streaming in order to truly reach out to the brony community in general?



    Going off of radio, what other ways can the brony club get involved in campus life? If you can think of any other possible extension of the club, feel free to suggest it. I don't expect to have a gigantic, sprawling club right off the bat (or at all), but the sooner I know all the ways I can expand the club in the future the better I can prepare (if it expands at all).



    Every club needs a web page, too. What kinds of things would you like to see in the brony club web page? What do you not want to see? What kinds of things would make navigating it easy and convenient for club members? Should the club have an online membership outside of my college, or should I keep it solely on campus? I know I'm looking to reach the brony community at large with my radio show, but I'm a bit hesitant to allow non-campus people to join the club itself. Is it bad policy to allow people to listen to the show but not join the club?



    Lastly, what about non-bronies? Is there a way I can possibly attract them into the club as well? Should I even target them as a possible demographic at all? The way I see it, I can either have a small, devoted club full of true bronies, or a watered down, but significantly larger, club. Is there a happy medium that I'm not seeing, and how can I accomplish this?



    The more I think about the possibilities, the more excited I get about this. I have the motivation and a general idea how to run a club, I just don't know what to do with it. I have the structure of the club, all I need now is for fellow fans of the show, like you, to help me fill it with quality content. If there's anything you'd like to tell me about this venture that I didn't address in the questions above, feel free to include those in your response. I know this is a lot to ask, but it would mean worlds to me if you'd help give my club a direction. And as I said before, I would prefer if you answered every question but it's not required. Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day.







    P.S: as an added bonus, here's a Derpy, free of charge :



    Posted Image


  11. though I loved writing it still never really filled any void, it was an escape, not a passion-despite the fact I thought it was one

    having aspergers has really shown me the uglyness in this world, I realized early on that I was the odd one and had to change, and despite how much you try, you are still separated from everyone

    stuck in your own broken mind

    and thats what its like for me, and it will be like this forever

    life is ugly, everything about it


    Having Asperger's is a daily struggle, but that doesn't make you or your mind broken. You just think differently. Society will judge you for it, but this is the same society that idolizes Jersey Shore and spray tans. If anything, it's you who has to suffer their broken minds. If you feel separated from those morons, you should feel better about yourself for it. Even if cutting ties with that many people may make you feel alone, you will never be alone. If you have an problem, I'm sure anyone at MLP forums would be willing to help you. Find the people who care about you and who you care about, then find your great passion in life. Life is too short to spend with people and things that make you miserable. You mentioned writing but said it was just a distraction. Every passion is a distraction, really. The place where it gets mixed up is where every distraction isn't a passion. Think of it this way: a distraction is a fun thing to take your mind off reality; a passion is a distraction you want to devote all of your time to. It's something you feel is worth taking the time to do right.


    In short, society is dumb and you should spend your time with people who care about you instead of them. Once you find your crowd, then find what you enjoy doing. As a writer, I'd be excited to see you pick up the craft, but it's up to you.


    By the way, this guy is all kinds of awesome and he also has Asperger's. Maybe he'll help to cheer you up somewhat:


  12. I also have Asperger's, so I understand what that feels like. I also agree with you completely about the "back room" thing. That being said, there's some experiences and advice I'd like to share with you from one aspie to another. Take it or leave it; I just feel as though I should throw in my personal experience with dating.


    I've dated before, and it was just awkward most of the time. After three unsuccessful attempts, I eventually realized that I love writing so much more than any one woman. I'm a writer, through and through, and I would so much rather spend my alone time reading my books and perfecting my craft than awkwardly trying to connect to someone on a romantic level. Romance is great, but it isn't necessarily the most important thing. What it really is, in my opinion, is one way to give meaning to life. That's great, but there are so many other ways to find meaning in life, whether that be art or charity or what-have-you. You don't need to now, but at some point in your life you'll see what really gets you passionate about living. Whether that be another person or something else is up to you. I discovered writing; I wish you the best in finding your calling.

  13. I've watched all the playgrounds I frequented as a kid be replaced with plastic. It's definitely disheartening, since it's like watching a part of my childhood disappear. On the other hand, that doesn't necessarily make plastic playgrounds a bad thing. Hear me out; before playgrounds, kids would have climbed trees and explored the countryside for fun. Those people would have considered hiking and climbing trees to be superior to playgrounds. It happens every generation; something changes, and everyone expects the next generation to become spoiled by it, or something. I can only imagine something will replace plastic someday, and the young generation now will look back on the "good ol' days" when the playgrounds were plastic. Sure, plastic playgrounds have their share of flaws, but so do wood playgrounds. Personally, I prefer wood playgrounds because of their sentimental value. On an objective level, however, there's nothing wrong about making future generations' playgrounds out of a new material.


    As for the ridiculous levels of safety, these are most likely because of those annoying parents who sue whenever their child gets hurt anywhere. They're concerned for their child's safety, yes, but it's just bad parenting to blame the playground for their injuries. It's not the playground's fault your kid got hurt because they were doing something stupid. In any case, they get to ruin the fun for everyone... or do they? Fact is; children will always find ways around the safety limitations. Think about the "do not blow on game cartridge" warning on the old cartridge games. Who really paid attention to that? Really, who? Whether they find a way to exploit it or outright ignore it, they'll always find a way. My generation has a tough time seeing this, though. We grew up with safety rules as well, but that never ruined our fun. We found ways around it. It's when we encounter a new system that we become confused. This is because our old tactics don't work anymore. The new system requires a new way of thinking. Maybe it's too late for my friends, but the kids of today will find ways to use today's playgrounds in ways that we can't or refuse to see.


    As for losing out on imagination and growing up, neither of those things come from cool equipment on a playground. It's all about the mind of the child growing up. As a kid, I had fun because I wanted to have fun, not because the playground was inherently fun. The fact that the playground was, in fact, fun helped, but only marginally. A good playground acts as an aid to the imagination, not as imagination itself. Even if a playground is poorly thrown together, I don't see how that would make anyone less creative.


    Anyway, I appreciate a good wooden playground like anyone else but I will only mourn their passing out of sentiment. Plastic playgrounds aren't that evil, really, they're just new. If anything, I see resentment of change more than anything when my friends complain about plastic playgrounds being boring. And that's just human nature, so even though it bugs me when I hear it I understand why it happens all the same. Maybe the kids, like me, who grew up in wooden playgrounds will suffer the change, but I wouldn't worry about the future generations. They'll find ways to have fun, just like we did.


    P.S: whose idea was it to remove recess entirely? I've heard of other schools doing that, but I didn't want to believe it. If anything it's decisions like this, not making playgrounds plastic, that ruin all the fun.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. This song is simply beautiful. I'm listening to it right now as I type this. What program did you use? This is so...peaceful. :3


    But really, I mean it. The song is so calm and relaxing. It IS the type of song or lullaby Applejack would listen to before going to sleep. You should really make more! It's so beautiful! It kinda reminds me of a song from Pokemon...which brings back many memories. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you do more songs in the future!


    Thank you! I've only recently started playing Pokemon (Yellow, currently) so I'm not sure what Pokemon song it sounds like, but I'm sure I'll hear it eventually. I use FL Studio, by the way.

  15. I'll listen to it right now early in the day so I won't fall asleep. Plus i'm on a sugar high so sleeping isn't a option yet. :lol:


    Yay! Thank you! Also, the Pinkie Pie emoticon is probably the best emoticon to put next to a sugar high.



    It's beautiful :) So relaxing and melodic. It actually reminds me of music from an SNES game. And that isn't an insult by the way. I LOVE SNES music!


    Keep up the great work :D


    Thank you! I also love SNES music, and some NES music as well. I especially like the Link to the Past and Super Metroid soundtracks. I think what sounds most like the SNES is my song is the string section; it sounds a bit like the strings used in A Link to the Past. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it!

  16. Posted Image

    Seriously man, this makes me tired. I can.... just imagine Applejack singing this......



    Thank you! That's an awesome use of a Metal Gear Solid screen shot, by the way.



    I can't listen to this it's to late at night i don't wan't to sleep rather watch ponies. haha 100 Charters


    That's understandable, I too would choose to watch more ponies.


    :blush:but, um... would you maybe be interested in listening when it's not so late? I mean, only if you want to... MEEP!

  17. How fiting that the young Pinkamena would get a lovely llttle song for herself. O but how is she to know if you don't tell her how bout you head over to her tumblr and give it to her i'm sher she'll move you done the list for it...

    I myself did enjoy I do hope that you may make other songs for the other yes...


    Pinkamena has a tumblr? I'll go check that out. Thanks for mentioning it!



    lol what the heck? That's really good actually, nicely written and good for a dark-humored laugh. :lol:


    Thank you! I was worried people would get offended. It's cool that people are enjoying it, instead.

  18. Totally sorry for taking so long to reply, I fell asleep XD


    "‘Cause now you’re in my basement and I’m plotting your demise." - This feels really odd to sing to the tune. Possible change could be: "'Cause chopping up my friends is just what I am here to do.".


    "Burst it out from ear to ear, and leave no trace!" - I know it follows the song, but "Cut it off from ear to ear--" would just make more sense. It's not an extreme problem or anything, but I just thought I would bring it up.


    "I like to see you bleed (Rock on!);" - A really small thing, but could say "I love to see you bleed" just to follow the original a little closer.


    "But Pinkamena will go prove to you it isn’t that bad;" - Hard to fit within the timing of the original, well, for me atleast. I managed to get this to fit and feels a tad bit better to me: "But Pinkamena will prove to you that it isn’t that bad;". Again, that's just me and my weirdness acting up.

    I do believe that is everything.


    Alright, thanks for your advice. I'll make those changes as well. I may not use the exact wording, but it'll be close to what you suggested. Here's an extra bro-hoof for all your help as well! /) I almost offered you a cupcake until I remembered the context of this thread.



    hey this is cool :D


    especially seen as cupcakes was one of if not the first thing i saw from the fandom, anything to do with it has a special meaning ><


    Thank you! I must say, though, that Cupcakes was probably the worst way to get introduced to the fandom, ever. Like "Hey, you should check out the brony community, they're awesome people!"


    Turns on internet machine: "Pinkamena wants to make you a cupcake!"


    But it's not like I can claim a different story, since my introduction to the fandom was the .MOV series, so it's all good. And I'm glad you liked my parody, as well. Thank you for commenting!

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