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Posts posted by BookWorm

  1. Even though i sometimes do enjoy the darker side of the fandom that doesn't mean im not left disturbed sometime (Yes im talking about Cupcakes the movie The Rainbow Factory and the .MOV series)


    So I'm guessing this was no exception? Anyway, that's not only completely understandable it's also part of the desired effect. Stories like Cupcakes have always been around to creep people out, like ghost stories and H.P. Lovecraft. If I read this to someone and got no reaction then I either did a bad job writing or my dear friend has a few mental issues to sort out. Anyway, thank you for reading it!


    Welcome ^~^

    It only has a few kinks (or it could just be my bad singing lol. Im no singer.) to it, otherwise it does indeed fit really well. Mostly when saying "Pinkamena" instead of "Pinkie" or "Pinkie Pie".


    Yeah, it still bugs me that I had to use Pinkamena even though it's one syllable too long. Using "Pinkie Pie" would undermine the effect of the song, though. That, and I'd like to keep Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena as mutually exclusive characters in my mind. Even though Pinkamena evolved from Pinkie Pie she has really become her own character in a way. Pinkie Pie is adorable, and would never kill anyone. Pinkamena, on the other hand... well, she's a whole different batch of cupcakes.


    Besides the issue with Pinkamena being too long, what are the other kinks? I may be able to find a way to reword it to make it fit better. Also, I say this a lot, but thank you for your critique. Your tips and comments help me make my work 20% cooler.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I love this song. I have been known to enjoy the darker side of this fandom, such as the ask paranoid twilight or ask lil miss rarity tumblrs. This needs to be set up with some legit music and a good singer. Shame I can't do either...


    Thank you! I'm glad you like it. Singing it would be easy with a karaoke version of the smile song and a good singer. I'd be so happy if someone actually did that.


    Nice work man! It fits so well! The one thing that stood out to me is this line: "I give a knife, I get a life". Maybe "I get a knife, I take a life", it just seems to make a little more sense. Otherwise, really good job!

    Is it bad if I sung this while reading and listening to the original song?


    Thank you! I made the line "I give a knife, I get a life" to mirror the original ("I give a smile, I get a smile"), but I see how saying take instead of get would make more sense. I'll make that change. Also, as to singing it to the original, I'm actually glad it fit well enough to do that. It's a great feeling when something I write is interactive on that kind of level.

  3. H.P. Lovecraft's stories are great and terrifying. "The Cats of Ulthar" made me give suspicious looks for a long time, "Ex Oblivione" has the absolutely beautiful line "native infinity of crystal of crystal oblivion", "The Festival" felt darkly disturbing and unsettling the whole time, "Sweet Ermengarde" is suprisingly hilarious for Lovecraft, and I could go on and on. What I like about Lovecraft's horror, though, is how he doesn't reveal the horror all at once. He pulls you along, drops hints here and there, and creates a perfect eerie, tense mood before revealing the horror in a single, monstrous event. Lovecraft also creates enough doubt in your mind that you're never sure if what's happening is a dream or real life. Not enough horror stories do this anymore; it seems like it's all about gore and getting immediate scares. I'd like to see/ read more subtle horror be put out. "At the Mountains of Madness", actually, was VERY close to being made into a movie that would have been directed by Del Toro. It was scrapped, however, since Del Toro would negotiate below an R rating.


    Anyway, Another thing I like about Lovecraft is how he influenced Stephen King, another favorite author of mine, and was influenced by Edgar Allen Poe. It's so cool to see how great authors influence each other, like they're passing a torch along through history.


    As for the Necromicon collection, in my opinion, it's pretty cool. I prefer the complete collection, though, since it has all of his work. I don't think "Sweet Ermengarde" is included in the Necronomicon, but it's very enjoyable. It's not like Lovecraft at all, but that's part of what makes it so much fun.

  4. This would make an adorable Valentine's Day card. I can see it now: a pink background with balloons and candy and a smiling Pinkie Pie holding up a cake with the poem written on it in icing. The back would then be covered by a top-down view of a cake with the "to" and "from" boxes also written in icing.


    ... That would look so cool! :lol:

  5. Now those look like good glasses to drink some cider out of! :lol: I like how the designs are transparent in places so that, depending on the color of your drink, it'll look slightly different each time. Just a little thing, but little things like that make me smile.

  6. FAIR WARNING: "Cupcakes" related material.



    I feel like this has been done somewhere before, but I couldn't resist writing it anyway. In the spoiler box is a parody of the Pinkie Pie smile song rewritten to fit Pinkamena. I hesitated to post this, and I feel like no amount of "WARNING: CUPCAKES" signs are enough but I also put too much work into it to not share it. So... LOOK OUT IT'S CUPCAKES! BETTER WATCH YOUR SIX, 'CAUSE THE CUPCAKES ARE ON THE LOOSE! MY EYES! THE CUPCAKES! OHHHHHH NOOOOOO, IT'S CUPCAKES TIME! I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM FOR CUP... SCREAM... CUP... CAKES! Hey, I just joined steam and my user name is so cool, wanna know it? It's bongobananza1213! ... WITH CUPCAKES!


    :blush:also, um... I need to tell you, if you don't mind... there's, uh... there's cupcakes material... MEEP!


    It's really not that bad; I just want to keep this away from people who might have their perception of Pinkie Pie ruined... again. Anyway, here it is. I hope you like it! Well, not in the sense that... just... DISTRACTION! (Disappears in cloud of smoke).



    Pinkamena- Cupcakes Song (Come on Everypony Die, Die, Die)


    My name is Pinkamena (Hello?!)

    And I am here to say (Where are you?!)

    I’m gonna make some cupcakes out of all of your rema-aaains!

    It doesn’t matter now (Come on, now!)

    If you can run or hide (Howdy!)

    ‘Cause chopping up my friends is just what I am here to do!


    ‘Cause I love to slice you wide, wide, wide!

    Yes I do.

    It fills my heart with sunshine all the while!

    Yes it does.

    ‘Cause all I really need’s a butcher knife

    For these happy friends of mine!


    I like to hear you scream (Awesome!)

    I love to see you bleed (Rock on!);

    The mixture of your blood and tears

    Is Pinkamena’s dream (hoof-bump!).

    But if you are a fighter

    And you refuse to shout

    I’ll work real hard and do my best

    To turn that tough frown inside out!


    ‘Cause I love to cut your face, face, face!

    Yes I do.

    Carve it up from ear to ear, and leave no trace!

    Just give me all that pretty face, face, face

    And you’ll fill me with good cheer!


    It’s true; some days are dark and lonely

    And maybe you feel sad

    But Pinkamena will prove to you that it isn’t that bad;

    There’s one thing that makes me happy

    And makes my whole life worth while

    And that’s when I get a new victim and make them die!


    I really am so happy

    Your death fills me with glee;

    I give a knife, I take a life

    And that’s so special to me.


    ‘Cause I love to make you bleed, bleed, bleed!

    Yes I do.

    Tell me, what more can I say to make you see

    That I do.

    It makes me happy when you bleed, bleed, bleed

    Yes it always makes my day!


    Come on everypony die, die, die!

    Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

    All I really need’s a batch of cupcakes

    Of these happy friends of mine!


    Come on everypony die, die, die!

    Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

    All I really need’s a batch of cupcakes

    Of these happy friends of mine!


    Yes a perfect gift for me (come on everypony die, die, die)

    Is a helpless, stranded pony (fill me heart up with sunshine, sunshine)

    To make me happy as can be (All I really need’s a batch of cupcakes…)

    Die, die, die, die, die!


    Come on and die!


    Come on and die!



    • Brohoof 2
  7. I'm glad you got the clock applied to your desktop gadget clock! It is quite the challenge, I was pondered on my first attempt to make this work correctly.

    In the .ZIP file your downloaded there were two separate files, the "en-US" folder and the "images" folder. Inside the "en_US" folder is the locations for where the hands center around. My first question is, did you apply the "en_US" file to your computer? If so, I'm a bit pondered on why your clock arms are drastically out of place considering I modified the location point of the arms myself for best location.

    I know for certain that the clock arms are a bit off on some points but most of the time it's pretty right on, if you did apply the "en_US" file to your computer it should be fairly in ballpark range of the best locations for the arms. Since the arms aren't sticks like the default clocks, they were a bit harder to fondle.

    Reply when you can, i'll be happy to give as much assistance as I can to the matter.


    I put the "en_US" folder in the right location, if that's what you're asking. I'm not sure if that's what you meant by apply, though. I don't know how much this will help, but I'll walk you through everything I did.


    I got rid of the previous "en_US" and "images" folders, then copied and pasted the folders I got from your download. If it means anything, the downloaded folders now have two locations: inside the original zip folder that I downloaded into a folder in my pictures library; and in the "clock.gadget" folder. I looked in the "en_US" folder and looked at both "css" and "js". I didn't try opening the files in "js" (java script items entitled "clock", "settings", and "time zones"), since I got a pop-up asking if I really wanted to and I generally have no idea what I'm doing. The "css" folder, though, contained two notepad documents, both with the message "this code is not approved for use in/on any other UI element or product component". The "clock" notepad file also says "body { width: 130px; height: 130px; margin: 0px; }" and the "settings" file also says "body { width: 278px; height: 355px; font-family: 'segoe UI', Tahoma, Sans-serif; margin: 0px; } #settingsButtonTable {font-size: 12px; } #CurrentIndex { width: 15px; text-align: center; } #maxIndex {width: 15px; text-align: center; } a { color:#0066cc; text-decoration: none; } a: hover { color:#3399ff; text-decoration: underline; }". In "en_US" there were also three other items, two that have the google chrome logo for an icon and are entitled "clock" and "settings" and a third with an icon that looks like a piece of paper with a world in a set of < >'s entitled "gadget". The "clock" icon opens a blank chrome page, "settings" opens a chrome page with an image of the clock settings command box except the arrows for scrolling through clock appearances are broken jpegs, and "gadget" opens up an internet explorer page with the following text:



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    -<gadget> <name>Clock</name> -<namespace>


    microsoft.windows</namespace> -<version>

    <!--_locComment_text="{Locked}"--></version> -<author name="Microsoft Corporation"> <info text="www.gallery.microsoft.com" url="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=124093"/> <logo src="logo.png"/> </author> -<copyright>


    © 2009</copyright> <description>Watch the clock in your own time zone or any city in the world.</description> -<icons> <icon src="icon.png" width="48" height="48"/> </icons> -<hosts> -<host name="sidebar"> -<autoscaleDPI>


    true</autoscaleDPI> <base src="clock.html" apiVersion="1.0.0" type="html"/> -<permissions>


    full</permissions> <platform minPlatformVersion="1.0"/> <defaultImage src="drag.png"/> </host> </hosts> </gadget>


    This isn't really how the text is oriented, though. If it would be more helpful to see how it's indented and such, I have a screen-shot I can post. I know that posting all that script makes this post really long, and maybe unnecessarily so, but I thought I'd write it anyway so you can see if anything got slightly changed somehow. Also, as I said before, I have a general idea of how programming works, but I still have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. I'd rather have an exhaustive description and not need it, over possibly leaving something out.


    I hope this helps to point out the problem. If you need more information, though, I'll gladly share it.

  8. I like how the hooves fade to green. I don't think I've seen that effect before, but it's really cool. The cutie mark is also very interesting. It's very pretty and reminds me of Celtic knot-work. What does it mean?

  9. It took forever and a half to figure out how to get it to work, but it was well worth it. Nice clock design! I like how Fluttershy is facing forward, so that the positions of the clock hands are never too unnatural looking.


    I have one problem, though; my computer keeps moving the clock hands slightly up, so that they center somewhere on her face. Is there any way to fix this?


    In any case, thanks for the download! It's much appreciated. :)

  10. I love what you did with The Resistance cover art. It's Muses' best album cover, in my opinion, and it looks really cool with the ponies. If I may make a suggestion, you should try doing pony art of The Beatles album covers. Album covers like Sgt. Pepper and Revolver would look sweet ponified.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I am of the opinion that people put too much faith in unconventional poetry. Part of its beauty and its challenge, I believe, is finding the right words to suit the emotion as well as the rhythm. On that note, congratulations, as this is an excellently crafted poem.


    Unconventional types have their merits, but it definitely feels more rewarding to put hours of work into getting a conventional form to work right. Also, I'm glad you liked my poem. Thank you for commenting.



    Well, that was really good, I'm not one for poems, I usually get bored and stop reading halfway through, but that made me want to read it to the end.

    Well done.


    I'm so glad to see that even people who aren't fans of poetry to begin with are enjoying this. That means so much to me, as a poet. Thank you for commenting.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I have no idea what sheet music is but that sounds like it could be that complicated music thingy I can't do, so yeah some chords would be much appreciated, maybe some hints as to where I should be changing too.

    On the subject of backing vocals I think I might know just the guy, he actually preformed at a gig thingy earlier today (or yesterday depending on your view of time).

    Finally on the subject of different parts I can play pretty much anything required on guitar but I can't do any other instruments right now due to lack of resorses but I could probably find a bass/keyboard/drum plate somewhere


    So... any chance at those chords or am I going to have to guess?


    That was only 64 characters so I have to type this too


    Sorry, I was on vacation and had no internet connection. If you're asking about chords to strum, the guitar part is all single note plucking, with no chords. Will that be an issue? Also, I have the tracks for your parts isolated and in .wav format and I'm halfway done writing them on paper. The only problem is I can't attach documents onto messages or replies in these forums. Would you mind emailing me at lucianpmoser@gmail.com so I'll have your address to mail the files to you? Thank you.

  13. This idea came from one of those moments when two unrelated things somehow come together. After downloading one of DJ Gruckey's electro swing mixes (check out his channel, btw, his mixes are awesome), I noticed one of my gifs synced with it perfectly. I originally used Haters Gonna Hate as the caption, but decided that it didn't fit with the whole "love and tolerance" attitude of the brony community. So, instead, I had fun with swing and class puns. It was much more fun, anyway.


    I hope you enjoy it!





  14. That's a cool OC. I like his color; there aren't many green ponies out there. I'm not sure about the name but I'm sure Vinyl Scratch would have some endearing nickname for him only she's allowed to use, him being her apprentice. Something related to the fact that he's young and learning music. Quarter Wub? Half Rest? 8 bit? MINI (a play off of MIDI)? These are just suggestions, though.

  15. This looks like a cool movie poster, like a desert adventure of some sort. I'm getting a strong "The Mummy/ MLP" crossover vibe from it, actually (even though there's no mummy; it has the same feel). Nice job!

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Before I get into what I think, I'd like to give some advice. You don't need to follow it, but I feel like I should share it with you. My tip for you is that there isn't any need for you to rush these things, especially if you'll be dissatisfied with the end product. There's no feeling quite like spending countless hours on a single project and coming out with something you can really feel proud about. Also, and this is an unrelated personal thing, but I also take the attitude that nothing I ever do is just a throw-away project. All of them are equally as important, and deserve the same amount of time and attention to detail. It's a huge time commitment, but it's so worth it, when it's all done, to have a finished product that makes you feel good about the time you spent on it. But that's just me.


    All of that aside, that's a cute outfit for Applebloom. I like how frilly it is, and the medallion necklace is a nice touch. Also, blue is a good color for her. Great work! My only concern is that I'd hate to see you post more rushed pictures that you don't like. I hope my advice helps, even if in just a small way.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Well firstly; yes, I am still so interested in this!


    Also sorry for the mix up with the whole heavy thing *~* and I've never been taught to read all those quavers and semi-quavers and all that fancy jazz, I'm guessing that might be a problem in the grand scheme of things?


    Do you mean you can't read sheet music? Because that's not that big of an issue. Would it be easier if I just wrote all the notes in order? You'd figure out the rhythm from the isolated vocal track. By the way, if you'd like to play electric guitar as well I'll send that part your way, too. There's no limit to the parts you can cover, if you're willing. My only preference is that back up vocals should be done by a different person. If not, thank you for doing main vocals. I really appreciate it.

  18. That poem was really cool!I bid you good luck for the song.




    Bravo! *jumps to feet clapping* Time, stop! Thou art so beautiful! Excellent poem, I'll brohoof to that.



    Thank you for your kind feedback! I'm glad you liked it. :lol:



    it's kinda... 8-bit isn't it? It's not a bad thing it's just that I thought you said it would be heavy


    That's because this is only a demo. The 8 bit parts are emulating the vocals, back-up vocals, and keyboard parts. It'll sound a lot different when it's recorded. And I didn't really say it would be heavy. I said it would be heavily electric, but in the sense that it will rely heavily on electric instruments. I hope that clears it up for you.


    Also, I was actually working on creating the sheet music for this today. If you still want, I could send you an mp3 of the isolated vocals track (as emulated by an 8 bit synthesizer) and the rough sheet music when it's done. Fair warning, though; the sheet music creator for FL studio is a bit derpy so it'll be notated all weird. The notes will all be correct; it just likes to do weird things like putting quarter rests between every note and stringing together two quarter notes when it could have just used a half note. This is why I'll also give you the isolated vocal track to give you a reference to work with. Are you still interested?





    Really, it's super awesome.


    Thank you! The final product will (well, should) be much better.



    I don't want to be a flamer, or to sound like a jerk but...well, altough it's much better than many things I've seen, it's not that good



    *Runs away to avoid getting killed*



    The truth is, I, as an outsider, don't know much about the characters, but as I see it...it's not that well, maybe she's arrogant, I don't know, but simple lyrics like:



    "I’m rainbow Dash!

    And I’m the rainbow queen.

    I’m Rainbow Dash!

    There’s no one else like me."


    Well...isn't a little bit...the only word that comes to mind is "Cocky" (I don't know any other words that mean the same as arrogant), but the problem isn't it in being arrogant, the problem is in the....structuring or...


    I know exactly what's wrong from the 5 years of music classes I had, but not in english, let's just say, that it lacks focus


    I still like it, though, it's awesome


    Again, not flaming, just...I'm not good enough at english to explain why I don't like it...but for what I heard, hearing it in my head, I love it!


    You don't have to apologize for having criticism; it's not only expected but also very helpful when taken correctly. Anyway, I think I see what you're saying. Cocky and arrogant are words that could apply to Rainbow Dash, so I'm glad I got her personality across OK. As for lack of focus, does that refer to the song or the poem?


    You also mentioned English isn't your first language. I just bring this up because if your first language is French, that's my second language. If this is the case, and you're not comfortable enough to write a reply in English, then feel free to reply in French (that is, if it is indeed your first language).


    Lastly, if you don't like the poem you can tell me and I'll understand. It's totally cool, and if you have ideas for what would make it a more enjoyable poem please tell me. I love writing more than anything else, and I take much pride in my work, but I also value having the ability to entertain and make people happy when they read my work. Like Pinkie Pie, I love to make people smile (sorry if you don't get that reference yet). If I'm doing something wrong, and no one tells me, I'll never know and I won't be able to do my job right. Please don't be shy, I take criticism to heart just as much as compliments. Thank you for leaving a comment, and have a good day. :lol:

  19. With me, flattery will get you everywhere! B)


    Wow! Vinyl Scratch as I live and breathe. You got me interested in mixing music again. I know the sound isn't 100% professional yet, but I'm working on it. Thanks for commenting. May I ask what you thought of the song? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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