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Cherry Blossom

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom

  1. "No they didn't hurt me at all, but they did start asking me a few questions. Oh and I'm 17." Cherry Blossom smiled faintly, but was feeling exhausted. She had been travelling all the way across the border. All the way on hoof and the Unicorn escort hadn't let her use her wings for anything more than hovering.
  2. "Yes I was, but I was captured by Unicorns along the way. So I wasn't able t-to get any information on the Earth Ponies." Cherry Blossom let out a sigh and just sat on the floor. "General Flame Dancer, how young are you?" she asked, wondering about a pony that looks as young as him, became a General.
  3. "Oh uh, s-sure," she replied as she trotted next to him, but she noticed that Flame Dancer seemed very nervous in his speech. "My name is Cherry Blossom. S-So what's your name?" she asked as she just smiled at him, but now, she just needed to get to Commander Hurricane.
  4. Cherry Blossom turned around and noticed a Pegasus with a flame colored mane following her. "E-Excuse me, but could you please tell me where C-Commander Hurricane is? I-I need to tell her some importan information about the Unicorns and I think it may help."
  5. After a few hours Cherry Blossom finally made it onto Pegalopolis and rushed inside of the Congressional Hall. She bumped into a pony along the entrance, but he didn't seem shaken by it at all. "S-Sorry." she said to the pony as she flew genty inside of Commander Hurricane's room. "C-Commander Hurricane." ((OOC: Random Sushi, did you just beat up a Pegasus? ))
  6. After a while, Cherry Blossom finally made it to the border between Unicorn and Pegasus territory. As she stepped hoof into her own homeland, the Unicorn escort started to leave and head back. "They were that nice to me, but how am I going to explain this to Commander Hurricane?... Oh no, what about Splinter and Windscar?!" she thought as she started flying towards the direction of Pegalopolis.
  7. The Unicorn guards opened the cell door and led Cherry Blossom out. They didn't seem very reluctant to let a Pegasus out, but orders were orders. She flew outside while following the guards, but it seemed she didn't get her grey beanie and sweater back.
  8. Cherry Blossom nodded as a sign of gratitude and got up off of the cell bed. "I-I think it would be best if I left the blanket here. It doesn't belong t-to me and another pony may need it more than I do." she smiled a little, but she gracefully sneezed again, showing she was inflicted with the cold.
  9. "Oh okay..." Cherry Blossom frowned and her ears drooped. It could be a while until they actually let her out, but it really bothered her. Her life at Pegalopolis and her job could be revoked because of this. Now she just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
  10. "S-Sometimes, but not when it's too pitch black dark. I'm u-usually scared of the dark and the only light that provides me to see, is the Moon." Cherry Blossom nodded before she replied, but she got off of the bed, still wrapped in the blanket. She headed towards the cell bars.
  11. "I-I was just heading there," she replied. At this point, Cherry Blossom didn't have any more answers to give. She explained to Aelicine everything she knew, but she could probably ask more questions herself. "S-So what are you Unicorns planning to do with this 'assignment'?" she asked.
  12. "I was travelling to the Earth Pony kindgom, but I was instructed to go by sneaking into their airspace by using a c-cloud." Cherry Blossom turned her full attention to Aelicine. "I only stopped to help theat unconscious pony and that is all I-I did here."
  13. "I w-was heading towards Earth Pony territory and I was just about at the b-borderline between all 3 territories. Then I saw that pony downed behind a rock, but it also seemed like she was heading somewhere south," she explained as she leaned back against the wall.
  14. Cherry Blossom slowly woke up again and she watched as the holding cell area was void of most ponies. She got up and sat on the cell bed and turned her head to the direction of the remaining Unicorns. "I-I would like to leave now, if you ponies just wouldn't mind t-that."
  15. Cherry Blossom movements were suddenly reduced to a mere cuddle when her dream was suddenly changed. She slept much calmer and more relaxed as she hallucinated in her mind, walking on the grass and viewing the night stars and the blue surrounded, and glowing Moon.
  16. Cherry Blossom was still sound asleep, unlike a few hours ago where she constantly woke up and fell asleep. She rolled over onto the other side of the bed, facing away from Aelicine, Vinyl Blade, and maybe others she wasn't aware of. She was having her usually nightmares she she fidgeted around a little and even rolled off the cell bed. Surprisingly Cherry Blossom was still asleep, alongside her constant gentle, breathing.
  17. "I-I was only going to help an unconscious Unicorn. She looked like she was freezing to death so I gave her my beanie and sweater." Cherry Blossom started feeling sleepy again, but it esd probably for the best that she got some more rest. She immediately fell asleep as she got comfotable with the fluffy blanket. ((OOC: Sorry, but I have to go to bed now. Goodnight.))
  18. Cherry Blossom nodded at Vinyl Blade and just stared at all of them. She was freezing and it seemed like they didn't care at all. Cherry Blossom wrapped herself in her wings to stay warm and it helped well. "E-Excuse me please, but w-would you tell me about this 'assignment'? C-Could I also borrow another blanket?"
  19. "F-For the questioning? Y-You're not going to torture me are you?" Cherry Blossom slight leaned back against the cold wall, but after she gently sneezed again. "O-Okay, I'll t-tell you everything I know, but you won't get any good information from me though." she looked back up to Aelicine.
  20. I heard thunder... I'm scared!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      Oh, you mean the line I quoted? Google Translate. XD

    3. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Oh :P

      Old Russian lullaby....

    4. Wubsie


      Thunder caught me off guard as well. XD

  21. ((OOC: Sorry if his escape is OP, but I don't think it would be fair if I got him captured. Just pretend he wasn't even there in the first place and don't chase after him. Oh, and I'm very sorry Random Sushi! I'll edit this post later.)) Splinter widened his eyes as he was surrounded by the Unicorns. He flipped one of the guards and just decided to run out of the holding area, with the closest door he could find. Splinter slammed the door behind him and locked it, but he also started putting wooden chairs to block it as well. He flew back on his cloud and started to fly away from Unicorn territory. Cherry Blossom blinked twice before being fully awoken from her nap. She started to shiver and the prison blanket wasn't helping. She let out a soft, gentle, and graceful sneeze as she wrapped the blanket around herself. "E-Excuse me, but w-what just happened here?" the shy mare asked as she huddled into the center of the cell bed. ((OOC: Plan B, disregard all of it! ))
  22. Cherry Blossom awoke to the commotion that was going about, outside of the holding cells. She rubbed her eyes and watched as Unicorn guards started to swarm around a Pegasus. "S-Splinter? What are you d-doing here?" she asked as she removed the tight sneaking suit off and put it aside. ((OOC: Can I get a summary please? With a Cherry Blossom on top?))
  23. I'm not sure if I should dress for Halloween this year.

    1. Solar Wind

      Solar Wind

      I'll go as your OC if you go as mine. :3

    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Problem is, I think I'm a bit too old to go celebrate Halloween.

    3. Solar Wind

      Solar Wind

      TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY!? NEVER!~ Pinkie pie

  24. "O-Okay well, my name is Cherry Blossom. I didn't come here to spy on you ponies," she added. Suddenly she was feeling pretty tired and her back slouched against the wall. "I'm so tired... I just can't stay awake for way too long..." she thought as she shaked her head to try and stay awake. ((OOC: Got to go to bed in a few minutes.))
  25. Cherry Blossom nodded, it was obvious she just wanted to get as far away from the holding cell as possible. She took off her sneaking suit and set it aside, now waiting for questions from the Unicorns. "I hope Splinter and Windscar are okay. I'd hope nothing bad is happening to them. " she thought.
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