Giving out money to the poor feels very generous in my opinion. I've seen a family out in a street and I just couldn't bear watching them like this. It seemed so upsetting and I just had to give them $5. It only depends on your persepective and the person you are giving money to. I've had a friend who donated $700 to Unicef, but I wouldn't see that as stupid at all. Some people who are in need, didn't even get a chance at a good life. That's why we have unemployed people in America, because they never got the chance they could. Why? There wasn't any jobs for them to work.
I've seen a poor people who had to scavenge for items in sewer drains by using a fish hook. Their hair was uncut, their clothes were tathered and dirty, and worst of all, they beg. It upsets me, all of it and I can't help, but to donate whatever money I can to the poor.
Now, if China were to lift that debt America owes them, I'm pretty sure it would be generous in moral, but very stupid in terms of business.