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Status Updates posted by BobCoffin56

  1. its been a while. how is everyone?

  2. 60 inch tv check popcorn check recliner check blanket check alright now im just waiting for the ponies

  3. gonna play some left for dead 2

  4. on the forums at work is only a good idea if youre the boss, kinda like me

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Okay good, I hiked Siberia before. It was tough but worth it to see the beautiful scenery.

    3. BobCoffin56


      if i ever get the money and the time off ill be sure to check it out

    4. Dimitri Hammer
  5. vacations are fun, work not so much

  6. its nice to have a day off every now and again

  7. internal bleeding? meh just another thing to my list of ailments.

  8. well its time to go to the ER

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bow Heart

      Bow Heart

      THAT'S BAD. I suspect foul play with that messed up rib cage of yours. IT'S A TRAITOR. >:o

    3. BobCoffin56


      I agree it is a traitor

    4. Bow Heart

      Bow Heart

      Hope everything turns out okay! And replace those ribs, they obviously are working for the evil team!

  9. hate being this sick

    1. Molester Man

      Molester Man

      You sick person, you.

  10. i have to babysit my irresponsible older brother for a week? oh joy, not

  11. Nothing like a day of rollercoasters to tire me out

    1. Bow Heart

      Bow Heart

      Rollercoasters FTW

    2. BobCoffin56


      Dont go on rollercoasters with a broken rib lol

    3. Bow Heart

      Bow Heart

      Yeah that's kind of a bad idea too but as long as you didn't get seriously hurt lol

  12. cleaning my desktops internals leads me to consider rebuilding it

  13. My name is Legion for we are many.

    1. Xebec


      Does this unit have a soul?

    2. BobCoffin56
  14. i wake up to half my family walking into my house.......wtf!

    1. Marshmallow


      At least you weren't naked! :D

    2. BobCoffin56


      true but still they could have atleast called or something

  15. stupid family reunion

  16. i got a puppy!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BobCoffin56


      i like kitty cats but they hate me

    3. Azura


      Oh well, I guess you'll have to stick with dogs.

    4. Thunderstorm


      Lucky! Puppies are awesome! I have three :P

  17. family reunion this weekend? wtf!

  18. cracked rib? stupid stairs!

  19. just realized i forgot to hook my tv up to my sattelite

  20. all moved into my new house! glad thats over with.

  21. why cant i sleep. i need to be up in 3 hours!!

  22. its sleepy time for me everypony i gotta be up nice and early

  23. Doc says i have apendicitis? just you watch ill be better in a week

    1. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Ohh. Both my sisters had that. Was no fun for them. Get well soon.

    2. BobCoffin56


      ill be better by wednesday

  24. goodnight everypony

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