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Posts posted by lomk

  1. 432736

    Haha I always help my grandparents with things they can't do themselves. I'm just saying I don't need anything. And I don't want to blow a bunch of money on stuff. Like, I would be totally okay with getting nothing. Just eating, watching some football (the american kind), and hanging out. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 432734

    Gonna be blunt. I kinda hate Christmas. Call me a Grinch, but I don't enjoy it. I spend money I don't have on gifts for people. I don't know if the recipient is even going to like their gift. And in return, I get something I probably didn't need. 

    I want to do a giftless Christmas and see how many people show up. Then you'll see where everyone's values are. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Dawnchaser said:


    Thermal runaway on your S7?

    Try 150A





    "In 2006, a devastating lab fire in Arizona showed just how volatile Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner lithium-ion battery can be if its energy is not adequately contained.

    A single battery connected to prototype equipment exploded, and despite a massive fire-department response the whole building burned down" 



    Idk if you watch Thunderf00t but he did a video about this kind of thing. They're talking about this battery that can hold ten times the charge. But if that kind of energy can't be properly contained, the energy density would be similar to dynamite. Crazy thing. And battery fires don't go out easily, as I'm sure you know. 

  4. 432703

    My old laptop had a bloated cell. I just recycled the battery. But yeah, it was five years old with 8+ hours of daily use on it. It would go about 20 minutes on a full charge when I decided to do away with it. :derp:

  5. 1 minute ago, Fillypino Fries said:


    Rocking a used GS3. 2100 mAH and detachable. :maud:


    I remember these. I think the GS5 was the last detachable battery Samsung made, right? I kind of miss my GS4. I remember when they were touting the gimmicks like waving your hand to answer a phone call as if anyone would use that. I did once. It was stupid. :lol:

    My college roommate had a GS3. Honestly I can remember when 720p on a phone was badass. Now we're up to QHD and OnePlus keeps getting hammered for sticking to FHD. Honestly, on a 5.5 inch display, I can't tell the difference.

    I remember the GS4 pretty fondly. But that got ruined when my drunk brother pushed me into the pool. I still have my Motorola Electrify (Photon 4G) from 2011 tho. 960 x 540. Gingerbread. That phone never got an ICS release and I was so disappointed. 

    I miss the way old phones were made because the hardware can far outlive the battery. There's a way to do it on the OnePlus One but it has the potential for danger and finding a good replacement is something of a challenge because this was never a mainstream device. :/

    Fortunately, after a wipe, my battery can go a day and some change again. Think AccuBattery says I'm at 84% of my original battery life. Its like 2700/3100 mAh now. But yeah, the GS3 and GS4 were pretty much unkillable in that you can always find a replacement battery. So its no surprise you still use one. 


    • Brohoof 1
  6. 432642

    Yeah, I can remember being a kid and the computer at home was as loud as a vacuum cleaner. :lol:

    You know what I am glad to not have to have gone through? Driver discs. Like, I can imagine how frustrating it had to have been in the Win 95 era where if you wanted to get online, just having a modem wasn't enough. I do remember having to go through wizards on a few things. But I think I barely missed out on manually installing drivers. Now everything is plug and play and that's actually an amazing technology that nobody really pays attention to. 

    I do remember sometimes needing to pick up the hook to get online. I didn't escape dial up. :derp:

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 432640

    Haha that's great! Well I hope you can make something work with the connectors. :)

    I love having beefy computers in old cases. Its like a 1999 Corolla doing an 10 second quarter. :derp: Something fun and funny about it. 

    I think it was this one where he integrated an SD card reader into the floppy drive. 

    I'll say one thing they did right with pre build PCs is giving you panels to hide all your front IO. 

    Who misses this crap?


    Because I don't. :lol:

    • Brohoof 2
  8. 432638

    @Fillypino Fries Was the LG case all you had? Does it have a model number or even what OS came pre installed? 

    I'll bet a set of wire strippers would be nice to have for the front IO for rigging something up. I can only assume you didn't have enough left in your budget for a case. :lol:

    I kinda had to go Linus mode on my case as my 290 is about an inch too long for the gfx card bay. Instead of getting a bigger case, I went with Plan B (that's Plan Bend-The-Hell-Out-Of-The-5.25-Inch-Bay-Cages) to make my case accommodate it. :derp:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Dawnchaser said:

    Don't they do that when you drive along :derp:


    Good thanks, a pleasent Milan and back this am. Daughter had most of the night in her new non-cot bed, managed 8hrs after eventually getting settled and up at 6am ...and she's free to come and go as it's a bed :|


    The kiddo slept on the plane? Glad to hear you had a good flight. Bet you never get tired of seeing the world from all the way up there. Don't think I could, anyway. 

  10. 432629


    Basically just cleaned my whole house. Except the garage. Gonna try to do that tonight if there is enough sunlight when I get home. I also wanna rotate my tires. But we'll see on that. 

    How is everybody else today?

  11. 432463

    Looks like a cold front will come through Tuesday and take us back below 10 degrees. But this is nutty. Some of the deciduous trees still have their leaves. IN DECEMBER. 

  12. 432461

    Okay. I see, said the blind man. 

    So yeah. It's been entirely too warm. 13 degrees today, 15 degrees tomorrow, and it'll be about 20 degrees through the weekend. Good weekend to grill. 


  13. 432458

    Because you need the direct link to the image. Link should end in an image file extension. 

    Hard to believe it's December when the grass thinks it's April 


    Oh, I see. You want the album to embed. 

    Yeah can't help ya there. :lol:

    That kind of arithmetic is beyond my comprehension. 

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