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Posts posted by lilymalady123

  1. my favourite shop selling ponies? MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!! ALL THE FEELS!!! jhgdcyuvaclixbharfabnurgcbwyrynfiucybcrxrjjrbc <- epic button mash, but still, YAY!!! i have three build a bears already and ive made pony plushies, but ALL THE FEELS

    • Brohoof 1
  2. "princess celestia is an awesome princess who cooks the sun everyday, and then luna eats it everynight!" cupcake stated factually. "or at least, thats what poundcake told me..." she giggled slightly. "they are both really pretty!" she concluded. she pulled a cupcake out of nowhere and nommed on it.

  3. pinkie laughed. she turned to sunlit. "ive learnt a lot about sweets on my journeys, so this party has a CANDY CANNON!!!" she sat down next to her husband and cupcake sat behind them. it had been a while since her last trip to canterlot. she giggled as she hummed a song she wrote. she patted the chair next to her for someone to sit next to her.

  4. cupcake bounced around in circles. she went around and around sunlit and emerald and apple doom. "oh, you boy are so silly!" she giggled with glee. she bounced higher and higher. 


    "hiah everypony!!!" cupcake turned to see her mother, pinkie pie, walk off the train with her father.


    "mummy, daddy!!!" cupcake giggled and ran to her parents. she gave them a huge hug. after a geneal catchup, her mother told her to get on the train.


    "we are going to canterlot!!!"


    cupcake bounced onto the train, followed by her parents. "come on everypony!!! dont want to be late!!!"

  5. cupcake giggled. she licked the pie off her face. she bounced around some more on a sugar high. she turned the sunlit and starlight. she gasped. "TO THE TRAIN STATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she started to bounce off in the direction of the station, she haddnt seen emarald in AGES!!!! plus her mum was nearly here. she bounced really high and sang 'smile, smile, smile' a song her mum taught her.

  6. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck, now you see such a bad memory i have, i even forgot Angel, but she hasn't been online in like, forever. Anyways, the inmate will be added but it won't be treated by me, maybe Dr. Stable or Dr. Blackheart can treat her.

    also, can i please be involved in this little "meeting" you got going on in your office please? lily is bored








    Hello? im a patient!!! electro, autumn and ME!!! so three patients. dude seriously


    what are you going on about?


    he forgot us again!







  8. cupcake bounced around ponyville on her break from running sugarcube corner. she had left it with the cake twins, they were older than her, but they always treated her equally. she had a smile on her face and a song in her heart. her mother and father were coming in today. she was so happy to see them, it had been at least three, maybe four, months since she saw them. they had left on a trip around equestria to taste all the different treats. she bounced by everypony, greeting each with a smile and a cheery "hello!". everyone had told her she was so much like her mother when she was younger. her mother had matured somewhat, but cupcake still acted like a three year old. she stopped and smelt the flowers. she looked up to see the library ahead. "i know!" she said, "i'll visit starlight!!!" starlight was a close friend, compared to the tons of other friends cupcake had, so giving her an excuse to not study seemed like a fun idea.

  9. "oh hi! my name is lily. this is kismet and izazi. whats your name?" lily responded with a strong, confident voice.she smiled at the new pony. she looked nice and all that. she looked like the kind of pony she was hoping for in the new town. 


    ((ooc: sorry i took so long. i was sleeping :P)

  10. lily awoke with a start. her alarm clock was going off. she looked at the time. "SHIver me timbers!" she said as she jumped out of bed. she brushed her teeth and mane, she didnt have time for breakfast, and called out for her cats. "kismet! izazi!!!" suddenly two cats came running down the hall to her. both were burmese cats but one was brown and one was grey. she packed a few items she missed. she pulled out the cat boxes "i know you hate them, but its regulation. comeon, in you go." she put the two cats in their boxes and put on her saddle bag. she used her magic to carry her cats into town. she got to the blimps and the pilot greeted her. "invitation is right here!" she said as she levitated the invitation to him. he nodded and smiled. she chose the purple green blimp and got on. she put her luggage in the luggage bin and her cats in their boxes on the rack above her head. "i know i know calm down." she sat down and waited for someone to approach her. she was feeling a bit shy.

  11. Yeah, lets keep goigng, seems like my question lily was not answered.

    Lily i asked you something in the RP, you can't ignore some posts.

    Do not listen to Yavodil posts, he is no longer in the RP.

    i did? i went over to the table nd ate cupcakes with you guys... its to late now, im back in my room. seriously lily, why are you eating my fedora?


    btw im totally not making a twisted pony plush... 


    yes you are...


    shhh lily





    but seriously, i am. i love it!

    • Brohoof 1
  12. may i make a list? ok:


    • her back legs look a bit short
    • i recommend tracing pony bases of deviantart to get a feel of the shape of the body
    • her tail needs to look more hair like. it should go up and out at the roots and then swish!
    • i recommend, as her other frontleg should be at the back, draw a line to separate it from the rest of the body
    • her face is a bit pointy, at the angle she is holding her head, there should be a distinct circle, then snout.
    • her neck is too thick for the rest of her body, try and smooth the transition.

    apart from that, its great!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I have no idea what happened here...can we just move backwards a bit and forget most of whats happened? xD

    sounds like a plan. so, we are in the cafeteria. im talking to myself (as usual) and we are eating cupcakes. i highly recommend we keep this rp going, as i actually love rping as a mental patient. mostly because i am one myself. lily, seriously, get out of the closet you are starting to smell like my socks.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. But do NOT worry, you aren't under pressure to post, it's just that your character has so much to demonstrate, oh well, thanks!

    BTW, when get to post again you'll notice that my character has a question to ask you.




                        CURRENT SITUATION OF THE RP              PLEASE READ!




    The mental institution has gone  back on it's roots, with mental therapy and other things. 50 guards were hired and the police force is also on the loose to guard. I'm now the Director of the Asylum due to lack of personnel. These are current status of the characters as of Jan. 06 15:24 GMT -3:


    Dr. Abyss: Interviewing Slicer and becoming the new director.

    Angel Feather: On the same room as Autumn and they have become friends. She is also waiting for a response towards Celestia's letter.

    Autumn: Friend of Angel Feather and renamed her bunny, which became considerably sweeter and became a pony.

    Yavodil: Is in the same paddle  room as Mystical but they are both on a straightjacket). Is attempting to kill anyone who wants to harm Mystical.

    Mystical: See above. The 2 characters above frame Dr. Abyss for something he haven't done: Torture.

    Blackheart: Dissapeared.

    Darkerlight: Dissapeared.

    Slicer: Has become more violent and has a desire to kill Abyss which is something i have yet to understand why.

    Electric Dash: On a paddle room with a straightjacket, plans to do a bloody vendetta on Dr. Abyss's mascot, Minion.

    Minion: Grown larger and stronger, it's a force to be reckoned with. He has become more and more violent and has shown more respect towards Abyss.






    New break system added, please read page 17.

    Hope this have cleared it up.


    PS: This is Minion as human if you are wondering:


    what happened to me? you didn't mention lily!!! now she's upset and I have to deal with her. *rolls eyes* lily, get out of the closet

  15. hiah! i kinda need a desktop...


    can you put my oc, pic in my avatar... or in my character profile... meh. anyway, i would like her to be standing on the balcony of canterlot castle. can she be looking into the distance with a look of dispair? and around her put four random ponies. well, i say random, but one is red with yellow hair and an angry-face cutie mark. one is yellow with a blue mane and a happy-fce cutiemark. another is blue with a green mane and a sad-face. the last is green and red mane with a nerdy face. they should all be randomly floating about, slightly transperent if you could. oh, oh, her mane should blow too!!!!

  16. i sat on a toad stool with my magical fairy friend. she is a bitch-gamin! anywho, we decided to go and see my great great great uncle heran. he transported us to a land filled with marshmellows. i scoffed myself silly and i barfed. it was cray cray tho because my puke was a giant marshmellow. then i turned into a guinea pig and was chased by a carnivorous zebra. (this is all a dream i had)


    ps. i just made it way easy for the next pony

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