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Posts posted by lilymalady123

  1. lily had just gotten home from... well... home. she walked into her dorm and started to clean it up. she made her bed and cleaned up her floor. she logged onto her computer and inserted an sd card. she started flipping through photos of her and a certain young foal. after what they probably heard, saw or thought last night, i guess i can trust them... she thought

  2. "haha, indeed." lily chuckled, glad no one noticed her mumbling. if anyone should know... "how about we talk about something else?" she decided to change the topic. she looked at hunter, she seemed to be googling at her. her phone rang. "awww god..." she said with fustration. "i have to get this guys." she jumped down from the bar and walked into the corner. "really? god linus, get blaze to help you. what?! fine, find rooke. i dont care if he is reading. ive been gone for two days and my 9 year old son acts like a 3 year old. alright, im at a bar in town, ill come home for the night. zym will have to get over it eventually." she hung up


    she walked back to the bar. "guys, ive got to go. im so sorry, ive got a problem at home. ill be at the school tommorrow. i only live in town so its not like i live in ponyville. ill see you guys soon." and with that she said her goodbye's and galloped off.

  3. "haha its ok, i only drink it for the taste. i hate being out of control of my body ever since..." once again... "uhhh... long story that one" she sighed. "oh boy..." she pulled out her new phone she got as a gift. she heard it beep. "uhhh, sorry guys, this message is important." she started to mumble the message as she typed it out. ok.... tell zym-my ill be home soon... and that i love him... mommy misses him... "sorry bout that." she chuckled "so after dinner, wanna go to a club?"

  4. Sweet ^.^


    Real Name- Prince Robyn Lackland


    Vigilante Name- 'Hood', 'The Hooded Bandit', or 'The Masked Archer'


    Sex- Male


    Age- 24


    Height- 5'9


    Weight- 170lbs


    Build- Athletic


    Sexuality- Asexual


    Status- Single


    Story character- Robin Hood


    twist- King John is Robyn's father, thus he is heir to the throne. He is secretly a vigilante/monster hunter fighting against his own father's tyranny. 


    Family- King John Lackland (Father), Isabella of Angouleme (Mother), Henry Lackland (Younger Brother), Richard Lackland (Younger Brother), Joan Lackland (Younger sister).


    Equipment- Light set of armor with mask and hood, bow and arrow, twin daggers, basic survival gear.


    Skills- Proficient in close combat, bladed combat, stealth and ambush tactics. He is also quite clever, being a master tactician. He is also a master archer. 







    personality- Robyn is quite reserved. He doesn't like to talk much, and prefers to be alone. He can be ruthless, but at the same time he can be very kind and generous. He does not like people who waste his time.


    back story (not the original bedtime story)- Robyn Lackland is the eldest son of Isabella and King John, and heir to the throne. As a prince, Robyn was raised in a household of luxury. He grew up well educated; being taught in the most expensive schools across the land. Being a prince, he has also been trained in various forms of combat. He most excelled in Archery however, being hailed as one of the best archers in the land. 


    When he came of age, he began to notice his father's tyranny more and more. Poverty ravished the land, and Robyn couldn't take it anymore. Seeing as his father was still in power, there was little Robyn could do on a political note, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He dawned a hood and an iron mask so that nobody could find out his secret identity, and he became a peoples hero. He would raid his fathers caravans, steal money from the wealthy and hunt monsters for profit; all to give the money to the people. 


    His vigilante persona is known by many names; the peasants sometimes call him 'the masked archer' or 'the hooded bandit', though the authorities simply call him 'Hood'. 

    accepted! nice app btw!!!




    name - The Grinning Cat

    age - Unknown

    story character - The Cheshire Cat (Alice In Wonderland)

    twist - The Cheshire Cat has always had a strange and sometimes murderous looking grin. He can also seem insane at times.

    appearance - img-1016327-1-Alice_Game__Cheshire_Cat_b

    personality - Murderous, strange, intelligent

    back story - The Grinning Cat had originally been a friend of all. But after most of his family had died, he had slowly began to lose  his sanity. Many of his friends tried to help him through the rough times, but this lead to The Grinning Cat screaming and trying to attack his friends. After he had lost all sanity, he became a accidental psychopath killer. Due to his loss of sanity, he could not tell reality from imagination anymore. When he thinks he is tickling his best friends, he is actually brutally clawing him. This has led to a insane smile worn at all times. He doesn't mean to do the things he does, but he can't stop his insanity from taking over.


    Can it get in? I don't really care whether I get in or not. I just REALLY need to start roleplaying again.

    creepy, but accepted!!!




    Alright, I'm getting excited for this. When are we going to start? Do we need more people? I'd recommend one or two more.

    definatly, i reckon two more and then we can start.

  5. "wow, i never get over how beautiful this place is. even when i went to..." once again she stopped herself "went on holiday." she looked up and saw the stars, she always found them pretty. "ok, so the bar rooke suggested is around this corner." she stopped and looked at the bars entrance. simple but pleasing to the eye. she turned to her friends "in we go!" 


    lily walked in and sat at the bar. imma have a hay-lalua cocktail." she passed the drinks list to hunter "what do you feel like? remember, dont go cazy, we wnt to looke respectable at the resteraunt later! " she joked.

  6. "not to shabby yourself, hunter! theres a shop in town i buy them at. they import straight from a place in ponyville called 'the carousel boutique'. wonderful store." she smiled "ok, so i think we should eat at a resteraunt around 7. maybe until then we could sit at a bar? i hear they have crazy cocktails this part of equestria." 


    ((brb imma have a shower may be slow replying))

  7. lily finished in the shower. she went to her dorm and got dressed. she saw azure outside of his dorm so she trotted over to say hi. "your ready already? cool! that was nearly as quick as when linus..." she stopped herself "at that popcorn at the movie!" smooth moves lily. she thought to herself. "we can wait here for hunter, she wont be long. " she said with a smile

  8. lily threw her clothes all over the floor looking for a dress to wear. eventually she decided on a baby blue bubble dress with glitter and saphire earings. she laid it on the bed and went to the shower room to have a shower before going into town. she walked into the familiar room. white tiles laced the floor and walls and a central shower row stood in the middle. she stood under one of the lined up nozels and turned on the water. she started to sing to herself as she used her magic to clean herself up.

  9. "so its decided!" lily said with glee " we'll go out into the city tonight!" she heard azure talk about canterlot. "i've been there once, i didnt really like it. well, when i say went there, i mean i was in a cave outside of it, in a secret base and i..." she stopped herself. shut up, if you tell them what happened, no party. "i drank some soda." she concluded with a plastic smile. "imma go get a dress on or something, cant go clubbing or dining without a gown!" she chuckled. "nothing to formal, okay?" she trotted of, leaving her magic game of tetris in the clouds.

  10. "haha nah, its not boring!" lily saw azure in the distance. "azure! come sit with us! the more the merrier!" she said with a smile. " hunter this is azure." she looked at her two friends. she had an idea. "hey guys, how about we go out into the town? we've got no more classes and tommorrow is a free-day. it might be a good excuse to check out the town as adults!"

  11. "all righty, but dont think im a weirdo." lily blushed " i was found in a house in the evergreen forest. i was moved to manehatten to live with my foster parents. then a whole lot oh shit went down, thn i came here to learn music." lily chuckled "most of the bits inbetween i dont like to talk about..." she trailed of. she snapped back into focus "so what about you?"

  12. classes had finished for the day and lily walked out to her usual place in the garden. she started to sing and hum and she started to play tetris with the clouds once more. 


    flying above the sky so clear

    motherless and full of fear

    taken from her hidden home

    onward she goes that alicorn.

    but why is she, why is she an alicorn?

    why is she, why is she

    that alicorn?

  13. lily had lost track of time. she had sat staring out the window for too long. she got up and started to walk to the music room. when she arrived she saw a young colt on the floor. everyone was around him. the voices rang in her head:


    go on, you know a healing spell, help him.


    but he has nothing to do with us.


    death imminent.


    fine you can help him


    no one asked for your permission


    lily rushed over to his side and started to cast the healing spell. soon enough he was better, but still unconcious. "ill take him to the nurse." she said

  14. "you cant run from us, lily, we are a part of your mind." the voices rang through the room. it was black. the walls, floor and ceiling all black. there were no windows, no doors. red curtains lined the wall with no purpose. they moved, but there was no wind. "we are here to stay, lily! its all your fault, you should have fought back. why didnt you? are you weak?" lily was galloping down a never ending hall. 


    lily awoke to her alarm. it was morning. her first day of classes were awaiting her. she arose from bed and brushed her mane. she walked out of her room and down the hall to the cafe for breakfast.



    this RP is a bit, well, weird. all the characters from your favorite bedtimes stories live in a world full of myth. for example: snow white, prince charming and others. the all live in a world full of forests and villages. many stories are not as the are told at the side of your bed.

    - general RP rules
    - there must be a twist in your character (eg. red riding hood is a werewolf)
    - romance is allowed but, please, nothing above pg.
    - when fighting (no guns) make 1 move at a time, so the other person has a chance to respond. (please dont dodge every move unless both agree to end the fight without injury.)

    app form/ or character database (take your pick XP)

    story character- 
    back story (not the original bedtime story)-
    anything else-

    use my app for an example:

    name- Ally
    age- 14
    story character- 
    Alice (from Alice in wonderland)

    the mad hatter is her crazy uncle and she herself is somewhat insane.



    eccentric, curious and happy. always looks for something to involve herself in.

    back story -
    ally lived in a small cottage with her uncle and his friend. her uncle Harold (mad hatter) and his friend, Marvin (march hare) raised Alice so she could do anything she wanted. she was taught how to survive should she get lost in the thick woods and how to use a dagger for combat. she always traveled into the wood to see what was about. the weird family always had tea parties in which they would discuss theories of how flowers and animals can speak and why mock turtles are always so sad. the day she turned 14, she left home to discover the world and discover herself.

    anything else- nope XD
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