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Posts posted by lilymalady123

  1. "uh, sure" lily smiled, "Ill be here when your ready." she was kinda put off by this. She was an adult and had never gone further than a kiss. She sat back into the chairs and sipped at some punch.

  2. Lily kissed back. She lent into him and stroked his mane. She put her hoof on his shoulder and pushed him until he was lying down. She lay partially across him and, her chest on his, stuck her tongue down his throat. She kissed with passion. "mmmmmmm, your a good kisser." she said between kisses.

  3. "oh, shut up!" lily full on smooched splinter. She kissed him so hard her lips hurt. "follow me, I know a perfect place for a make out sesssion." she winked and led him to a beanbag seating area. She sat down. "are you just gonna stand there and drool, or are we gonna make out?" she giggled

  4. Lily giggled. "oh, stop it! I was named after my mothers fave flower. I like to think it also labels me as unique." she fluttered her eyelashes once more. Lily blushes a little and flicks her mane. "so, splinter, where are you from? I'm from manehattan myself." she looks into splinters eyes and holds back from kissing him. She knew she wanted to, but guys should always make the first move.

  5. Lily turned to face the stranger. She battered her eyelashes. "hello there!" she flicked her mane. " my name is lily, what's yours?" she took a sip of punch. She smiled warmly and giggled.

  6. Lily skipped over to the refreshment table. She magicked a cup over and filled it until it was nearly overflowing. She lifted it above her head, and, while tilting her back, poured it into her mouth. She felt her body tingle. With one more suggestive flick of her mane she grabbed a lolly and threw it into her mouth.

  7. Lily, slightly hypo, skipped into sugar cube corner. She saw all the drunk ponies. She squeeled with delight. "PONY PARTY TO THE EXTREME!!!" she yelled with excitement, then continuing to the table of refreshments. She flicked her hair in a suggestive sort of way. She was very attractive, well, for somepony like her that would be the only way to land a date.

  8. Hey guys! New RP!!!


    You all know how much I love to escape my crappy life, so let's go to canterlot.


    It's a normal day in canterlot. Sun shining, Luna asleep, kids playing in the streets. Some wake up alone, but others, well, let's just say they got lucky. as the sun shines in the window, you wake up. Wether you wake up alone, or with someone, life goes on.


    RULES: (yes we need them)

    1: ok, LOUD AND CLEAR!!! NO LEMONS. a blackout is required if you intend to do a cyber nasty.

    2: no alicorns (no, don't give me that face!)

    3: no fillies or colts. Your character must be at least 16.

    4: no murdering, volience or cursing (but ponyfied curses are ok)

    5: have fun!!!


    Oh, and no canon ponies, OC's only. Please only join at the beginning of the day (in RP) or at least start with your character waking up.


    Ok! Let's begin!


    Me: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lily-maya-r1382 -lily maya. Deal.

  9. Ok, would you like a list? Lol, just kidding, but I do have a lot of things wrong with the working of my brain.


    First off, I have aspergus. I know, everyone is saying that they have it, but I'm being serious. I take two kinds of medication to hide anxiety and mood swings. It really has effected my life as, although I am brighter than some kids in my grade, I suck at being social. That is why I am here, on the forums, while multitasking to hack my brothers computer. Fun. I always saw aspergus like this:


    Everyone has certain traits, correct? Better at some things but worse at others. I always see a video game. Like, in the loading screen you set up your skills, say:


    Smart: 00

    Brave: 00

    Banter: 00

    Insert random traits here.


    So, where as I have 20 smart, I only have 5 banter. I can not detect body language, talk without being socially awkward, or even notice that I am seriously pissing some one off.


    The next thing I have is schitzaphrenia (I think that's how you spell it...). This has only been diagnosed recently. there are two types of schitzaphrenia, positive and, of course, negative. Where positive schitzaphrenia can be treated, negative often can't. I have negative. Oh well, I guess the voices are here to stay!


    Along with this, I also have paranoia. I fear someone is stalking me or following me, or the tv tells me to do things. It drives me bonkers, really. See, just then, I got up to look around and check the cupboard, and every time I open the door, I get that feeling like a bear has just walked in with an assassin, followed by a swarm of bees and an angry alien. It's a sort of dropping feeling, like your heart has sunk to your stomach but beats twice as fast.


    That's just to name a few... I'll round off with the fact I also have depression, but sugar cures everything. Nuff said.

  10. Lol as an alicorn I can answer those, well, with what I understand


    Long lived. I reckon 5000 years


    No, they don't ( apart from feld0 ) but the have kids. (me!)


    Yes, fausticorn. I kid, I do, but mother said that she was created by the magic of equestria.


    They are a different breed. Nuff said.


    I love my hair SOOOOOOO MUCH


    mummy's hair changes. It became rainbow after she used the elements. The blue, idk, she said the designer made a mistake.

  11. Lily laughed. "Let's go, blazey boy!" she galloped ahead. "come on! Hurry up!!!" lily went to the town and blaze followed after. "have a look around, I'll be right back with the groceries." she sped of towards the shop.

  12. Lily laughed. "I'll make you look like a donkey, then at least you'll have an excuse to be stubborn when I drag you into caroselle boutique." lily lowered her head, her horn flashed. "done! Let's go!"

  13. Lily spread her wings. "I'll go to the shop and get the supplies! If you figure out how to use he oven, it should still work, I'll make the best chocolate self-saucing pudding you've ever tasted!" she walked over to blaze, "wanna come? I can use a disguise spell I learnt ages ago."

  14. Ok, here we go:


    I'm a furry...


    Wait a second, the site didn't block me. You see, the thing is, not all furriers are yiffs. I know this has been said a million times on this thread, but I'd like you to know this.


    I first saw the brony fandom on a mine craft forum. At first, I was judgmental. Well, what do you expect? Something new is sometimes a bit of an excuse to be unsure. Then, I remembered what people thought of me being a furry. Being what I am made people think differently of me. So, instead of hating, I embraced ponies and here I am.


    I guess the moral is, though furries and bronies are different fandoms, it has the same reaction from the public. I'm not saying all of you are haters, but if you are, think about how the public sees YOU as a brony, and embrace the furry. Who knows, you may like it.


    BUT I still think yiffs are disgusting. Just like cloppers.


    (I'm sorry if I have offended anyone in this post. These are simply my views.)

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