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Posts posted by lilymalady123

  1. Scootaloo had finished stalking rainbow dash and was now searching for someone else to study. She never knew why she liked to stalk every pony. She just liked to know EVERYTHING that was going on. She scooted around. Suddenly she ran into sweetie belle and apple bloom. "oh, hi guys!" she said.

  2. "thank god you don't know." lily chuckled. "mother is very good at keeping me a secret" she bowed her head " princess lily of the clouds." she announced. "daughter of celestia." lily laughed. " mind if I join you on your stroll?"

  3. Lily stalked out of the castle. Her mother had no idea where she was. She went to a diner. She saw Shwartz walking out. "hey! Cousin! Who's the hotty?" she giggled. The pony was a newby, she could tell.

  4. Lily smiled. "blaze, come with me." she led him up to the attic stairs. "don't touch the second or fifth step, they'll break." she led him up the stairs into the attic.


    The attic was certainly very girly. It had peeling pink walls and rotten wood floors. There was a window seat and a big, pink, fluffy cushion on the floor. There was tons of paintings and drawings all over the wall. There was a pink and purple rug on the floor and stuffed toys in the corner.


    "This is where I have my first memory, and your the first I've shared my special space with" she smiled. She magically locked a small jewel encrusted box. "but that I will never share" she laughed

    • Brohoof 1
  5. " we'll, I don't know about you, but blaze and I are going to fix up this house. " lily winked at blaze. "there are plenty of rooms. I think there are about 9 in total." she looked at the pink paint. "that's for redecorating the attic."

  6. Congratz auntie Luna!!! Mother says the same. Also, I bought you 'the pony scrolls 5: skyrim' as a celebration! Have fun at the party! Sadly I cannot attend.

  7. Lily smiled. She walked out the door. She flew away to ponyville. She wasn't wanted by the law, so she went to the store and collected a few things. She then went to the DIY store, got some more things. She went to the police station, leaving an anonymous note, saying that it was all a misunderstanding. She was careful to not leave any prints and to change her writing style. She was a premium flyer and multitasker, so this cycle took about 4 minutes. She then returned to the house, carrying tons of stuff. She placed it infront of blaze. " wanna help redecorate?" she asked.

  8. Hehe I see. I got some musical chops. So how are your video games?


    Soooooo good! I just finished 'the pony scrolls 5: skyrim' soooo good.


    Oh ok and what do you think of your cousin prince blueblood?


    A) he's my 2nd cousin 57 times removed

    B: I HATE him with a passion

    C) he wrecked my dolls when I was little so he could use them to practice his make up

  9. "oh, blaze!" lily hugged blaze tightly. "we all know the truth, isn't that all that matters?" she thought to herself for a second. "look, I'm not wanted, I'll go into town. If they try and attack me..." she tapped her horn. "I'll be right." she smiled warmly. "come, let's get back to the house." she kissed blaze and wiped his eyes. "we'll be right, blazey boy"

  10. How come you are never seen at all?


    Mother likes to keep me secret-ish to protect me from press. I don't really mind either way.


    Hi there. I wanted you to know that Aunt Luna was very impressed with your Royal Canterlot Voice!!!!!!


    Yes I saw!!! That means a lot to me! Auntie has the most amazing voice! I can also sing, but I'm often to shy to do so.
    • Brohoof 1
  11. Lily heard blaze's rage. She sighed. "I better go talk to him." she thought.

    She looked out the window as blaze flew off. She stretched her wings. "I haven't used you guys in a while." she smirked to herself. She went to the attic window. It was small, but big enough to take off. She flew after blaze, staying far enough away to not be seen. She landed at an old burnt house. Blaze was yelling and kicking things around.


    "got a problem have we, blazey boy?" lily said jokingly

  12. Scootaloo was on her scooter wizzing around town. She saw rainbow dash and stopped behind a bush. She took out a notepad with rainbow dash's cutie mark on it and started to write.


    '10 am. Rainbow dash is late for her meeting with friends.

    She also missed her 9 30 am toilet stop.'



    That was very good Lily. I knew you could do it! :)


    Yay!!! Those classes took forever! Now I can play more video games!


    May I hear it, Lily?



    *clears throat*



    Waddya think?

  15. Lily looked around. She sighed, she had to tell them sometime. "really, I don't remember much, but..." she looked around "I distinctly remember them saying something about me being the 'mother of nova'" she sighed. "I think they..." she looked out the window. She ran out of the room crying. She ran up to the attic.

  16. Lily had come in and out of that attic plenty of times while she was at the house. She was the only one who could get up there. The steps were tricky. She came down and walked into one of the old rooms. Blaze was awake and drinking. "hey blaze." she said, completely normally. She acted like nothing happened. "feeling better?" she asked, still somewhat distant in thoughts.

  17. Lily stayed silent the whole walk home. She kept her face straight but her mind was racing. Did they really? She shook her head. She dismissed it and continued walking. As soon as they got to the house she walked upstairs. She sat on her pillow and closed the door, locking it with magic. She flipped through her diary and added a new entry. She drew a picture. Of her and blaze, happily together. She stuck it on the wall with the rest of her pictures.


    Her crayons were almost gone by the time she had finished drawing. She had been gone for a while. She hoped the others wouldn't wreck the stairs if the looked for her.

  18. "BLAZE!" lily yelled as blaze slipped again. She stormed over to Linus. "so help me if I was strong enough right now you would not exist!!! One more word from your mouth and I'll kick you into next week!!!" she was turning red with fury.

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Lily murmmered infer unconsicious state. She slowly opened her eyes.

    "not to sound cliche or anything but, where am I" she coughed a little as she stood to her feet. She looked around. "BLAZE!!!" she yelled as she saw him lying on the rough, dry grass. She knelt next to him and cried. "oh blazey boy, why are you always doing this to yourself?"

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