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Posts posted by lilymalady123


    Nope, I'm talking Celsius xD Maybe if New York doesn't work I'll move to Australia an' become your sister. That is, if your parents will adopt me... :3


    Lol, they adopted me, why not! Then again, you wouldn't like them. They are on their second warning, one more bruise on me and I'm outa there.
  2. I heard all you guys say it was 100 where you were and was like "what the!!!" the I realized you would be talking Fahrenheit. Lol. Anyway, I live in Australia and it has been rainy all of last week and now it's overcast, but warm. It's the middle of winter though so its freezing at night.

  3. Thanks for your help, guys. I'll probably start making some back up ones before I do commissions (extra plushies Incase I get sick and cant do them etc.) so I can always be in business. Keep on voting tho cause I need to know how many of which to make so I don't make a derpy and everyone wants it, or I make tons of fluttershys and no one wants them (who wouldn't?). Anyway, after I get my new sewing machine and do the back ups, I'll show some of my work and start taking commissions

  4. I mean, I don't want to sound like a jerk saying this but I do look for the best quality of the plushie, along with how closely it looks to the actual pony. I should be nice anyway and just get the best that you tried, but...ugh I just want to get my money's worth....

    *awkward pause*

    Posted Image

    Sorry I just feel like a real jerk to you right now, and I apologize.


    Lol you didn't come across that way at all. No sweat.

  5. Around how much would one cost? I'm curious and I might purchase one from you? Most plushies aren't amazing and cost around $90. :huh:


    Well, I'm reckoning that they might cost around 40- 50 bucks each (depending on fabric prices and whatnot) but I live in Australia and I know that the majority of you live in the US, so shipping might be pricey.
  6. If you are going to make these plushies, can you show what the finished product looks like? If it's really well done and looks great, I will consider buying one from you. (:


    ill be adding examples of my work when I make the commission thread. At the moment all i need is the numbers for popularity. I don't want to get a lot of purple and no one wants twilight, or practically no blue and everyone wants trixie
    • Brohoof 1
  7. Lily smiled.


    "ill be fine" she said to herself, "I'll be fine"


    sat near the wall with the explosives. She smiled. "3, 2, 1" she said. The explosions went off. She cast the spell.

  8. "shut up, blaze!" lily said jokingly. "I'll be right!" she smiled warmly. " let's do this!"

    Lily shoved blaze and rook behind a tree about 15 meters away.




    ((Filling up space lol, dum de dum de dum. Lollage))

  9. Lily stuck her head out of the cave. "are you guys nearly done?" she was sipping tea in between sentences. "we better hurry."


    ((OOC: Sorry, I'm impatient, please hurry up. Grrr boredom))

  10. Lily rushed away as the stallion looked in her direction. She stepped out of the shadows, hiding her fangs and wings to make her look like a normal pony. "why, hello there!" she said, trying to smile without showing her fangs.

  11. Lily saw the sun set. Being a vampire lord (or lady, as she preferred) she could go out at anytime, but night was the time were her clan could be with her. She smiled, showing her fangs. She was in the ever free forest with her clan as they were preparing to feed. She walked slowly into town. It was dead. Quiet as a mouse. Nopony was awake, except for them.


    Lily looked around, she was mistaken. There was a pony sitting on a doorstep. "what are you doing up?" she thought to herself "are you not tired?"

  12. Hello Lily, how are you today?


    I'm well. I have finished my classes and I am playing my computer.


    hello there niece. what would you do if we were to tell our sister that you have been answering all these questions on the dangerous internet?



    Eeek!!! don't! please! Mother will not ever let me on the Internet again!!!
  13. *waits patiently for rook to return*


    Lily: you do realize I'm going to kill you after this.


    Me: why not kill me now? Your sitting right next to me


    Lily: I don't want you to die all over the iPad!!! I need that for school!!!


    Me: please! You don't go to school! I do!!! I'm the smart one out of us!


    Lily: why you little...


    Me: you hypocrite!!! You used an ellipses!


    Lily: grrr...


    Me: and again!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  14. "Hmmm, well, when the spell is cast, I will be unable to move. I will cast it in the confusion of your explosion." lily explained "we should do it soon before they catch on to what we are doing." she concluded. Lily sat by the fire to stay warm.

  15. "gimme a sec." Lily magics up a book. "this book is a magical conjurance so I need absolute silence to read it." lily flipped through the book. "picnic, pollen, p- p- p- pulse! got one!!!" the book disappears and she turns and smiles at blaze.

  16. Lily sat next to the fire and stared into the flame


    "stop the running, end the chase

    Cease the never ending case

    A simple trick

    To make her fall

    Will she be, that alicorn?

    Who is she, where is she

    Why is she

    Will she be that alicorn?"


    (you cant take medicine for AS. its not curable. you can though take medicine against hyperness that might come along with it)


    I don't take it for the AS but for anxiety so it is a little less obvious. Also, I'm not allowed red cordial cause I go insane.


    How are you today, by the way? I forgot to ask, how rude of me!

  18. (i have the same thing *high five!*)

    we see. we hope you have found a good way to deal with this.


    When I saw that I nearly screamed. I have the same thing and I have to take frickin Medicine for it. Grrrr


    Anyway, here is my question. I'm sure you know me as I am your sisters daughter. I would like to ask what you and my mother did as children? I always wonder what you would've done for fun

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