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Posts posted by lilymalady123

  1. char. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hunter-incendiare-r1872

    dorm number: 14

    Years in uni: 1

    Subject: drama


    I'm currently using a phone but tomorrow I can be in pc


    Hunter's parents are very wealthy canterlot ponies and sent their daughter to college, she wishes to be an actress and hopes to find love

    accepted!!! imma make the rp thread now, so if u wanna join today or tommorrow your free to do what you like :3




    Character link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/azure-scythe-r2173

    Dorm number: 85

    Years at university: 4 years

    Subject: Art

    note: this would be my first roleplay, so heads up.


    Azure belonged to a wealthy adoptive parent who died and put her money into his name.

    lol sounds great!!! accepted!!! 

  2. ohh yes, she can be pretty stubborn. 

    and we are doing splendid. a lot of work is stacking up during the weeks but we can handle it. (project weeks in school.)

    but soon we will be on holiday. this saterday we will go skiing with a friend and spend heartswarming eve with her.


    that sounds wonderful!!! i myself am spending heartswarming eve alone. i will be spending the time being independent, mother has promised me that she will let me have that day to prove i am reliable.

  3. in this rp you are a very rich or extremely talented pony (or both!) who got accepted into the highest rated uni in all equestria!



    music & drama







    to rp, fill out your student form:


    char. link:

    dorm number:

    years at uni:



    my form:



    char. link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lily-ringing-bell-r2153

    dorm number: 13

    years at uni: 2

    subject: music


    RP topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42758-manehattens-university-for-the-rich-or-talented-sol-rp/

  4. Hi aunty luna!


    sorry i kinda dissapeared, mum and i had an argument and she grounded me from the net (you of all people know how stubborn she is) i was just wondering how you were?

  5. i myself had some really... lets say weird dreams.


    my fave being where i had the power to turn into a guinea pig. i found a clothing zip in my bedroom wall and, quite casually, climbed through in guinea pig form. this led me to a cave with a farmer on a computer. he saw me and started trying to shoot me with a rifle yelling "I HATE RODENTS!!!". in my panic i climbed through another zip and ended up in an arena made of marble. doby and smeagle were there and fought a three headed dog, each pulling off a head. suddenly the dog became my dog. anyway, smeagle offered his head to me, saying "a head for my mistress". completely grossed i climbed back through the zip and into the cave. once again the farmer tried to shoot me. then i turned into a worm from worms warfare. sudden death started and i woke up.


    your turn. tag!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Lily went to her mirror and brushed her mane. She called out to the butler. "BLACK TIE?!!? BLACK TIE CAN YOU BRING ME A CHOCOLATE HAYSHAKE PLEASE? THANK YOU." lily lived being rich, but she didn't let it go to her head. She walked over to Hercules. Sweetly, she kissed him on the forehead and said goodbye. As he trotted out of the room she finished preparing herself for a day on the town.

  7. Wow..I wouldn't even consider Scootaloo my favorite CMC but this is terrible :/. Endearing almost.The day they make an episode about that fimfiction would get flooded with scootalove


    sees your signature and gets even sadder...


    Poor scootaloo. Im going to go and work on my book, imma fill it with scootalove now.

    • Brohoof 1

    What we see in FiM is just a small proportion of life in Equestria, and since FiM is a show for little girls, they will never release some kind of book that contains the "expanded universe" of MLP where we can see every little thing in great detail.

    all we now about the FiM universe is from fan speculation and vague descriptions from the website


    challenge accepted!!!
  9. Lily took one bite of the cupcake. Suddenly, the sugar reached her brain. She started to shake. She started to tap her hoof. Her heart beat went really fast. All of a sudden, she jumped um. She ran across the room and started to literally bounce off the walls. She ran straight up to the wall and flipped of it.

  10. "oh, ok. sure!" lily said. she smiled. she looked around. "i need a cupcake..." she majicked a cupcake over. "wanna share?" she asked splinter. she flicked her mane and giggled slightly.


    (OOC: lol, my girl is sooooo socially awkward XD))

  11. I am new to roleplaying on the forums but I am a very good writer and I can come up of some neat ideas in a matter of minutes.


    Question: Do I need to have multiple OCs to participate or can I just have one?

    Here is my OC: http://mlpforums.com.../_/marvel-r1389

    Please let me know if you are interested in letting me join. Thanks!


    accepted!!! you only need one :)



    Ooooohhh...Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...........does this mean that I'm accepted? Because I would really like to join


    of course!!! i would never give up on a chance to roleplay with good old blossom XD
    • Brohoof 1
  12. I am all for a good romance... and I would like to join if that is okay with you


    My two characters have an interesting story to say the least Discere http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/discere-r1102

    and Star Light http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/star-light-r1325


    please tell me if you would like me to join.


    Accepted !!! Sounds very interesting. Look at my previous post for rp thread. Lol, gotta love dem sappy poems! ;)
  13. i was looking through some of my old art folders and came across this. i made this when i was just learning to drawn ponies.




    my best friend is an amazingly creative and loves to write and draw. i love to escape my life and read novels. i believe this was the first time i drew my friend as a pony. i have changed her many times since, but she mostly the same.


    feedback is much appreciated!!! :3

    • Brohoof 2
  14. No lemons means no sex. An example of a blackout is:


    ___ and ___ walked into the bedroom together. Hazey with passion. In a frenzy... (include make out sesh here) "i love you ____" she whispers quietly, "oh please, be gentle"


    *black out*


    Then your next post would start off like:


    ___ walked out of the room, still slightly aroused...


    Posted the RP thread!




    Have fun my friends ;)

  15. Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/28705-romance-city-sol-rp-canterlot/#entry664232

    Ok, let's go! Starting in the morning!



    Lily woke up with the warmth of the sun on her face. Someone had opened the curtains. She looked around. Somepony was silhouetted against the morning rays. She sat there pondering for a moment, then relieved the night before. It was the first time her boyfriend had stayed the night. It was amazing. Her one true love and her bonded in ways unimaginable.


    She sat up, while stretching. "morning honey." she yawned, still drowsy.

    "morning, sugar." he replied.


    (OOC: yeh, forgot to mention, she has a boyfriend, his name is herculies. Let's see how long this lasts XD)

  16. Lol, I shall post my real middle name here:




    No joke. That is my actual middle name. It means crazy and physco in Swahili or something


    But if I had to choose a quality it would be physco. I have to much sugar. Nuffield said

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