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The Original

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Posts posted by The Original

  1. (Sorry for the late start! I had a lot of things going on yesterday)


    Arcane grabbed hold of a small tinkering device within his magic and brought it up close to the device he was developing for The Government. He had been studying the magic of 'invisibility', also known as light distortion. His eyes were filled with confidence, his focus completely on the device.


    Most of his work dealt with the magic aspect of technology. Enchantments, infusions, augmentations, power sources, etc. He smiled and set the device down. He pulled over a small glowing crystal; a diamond infused with luminescence magic. He fit it into a small opening in the device, his eyes following every little thing that would or could happen that could ruin it.


    Just as it was about to set into the device, a bright flash of light blinded him and made him fall back. Arcane quickly regained himself and stood up. He ignored whatever the flash was and went straight for the device and diamond. The device was sent flying across the room when he fell, along with many other things since they were in his magical grasp.


    Arcane found the diamond in the far corner of the room. It was fine and unharmed, but he couldn't find the device anywhere. He suspected it was destroyed on impact of a wall and its pieces scattered. He let out a loud sigh and rubbed his forehead with a hoof. "I have to start all over again..." he mumbled to himself.


    Arcane walked back over to his desk and lifted the diamond back onto it, that was when he noticed the pendant on his desk. It was a half star on a chain that looked like it had another part to it. He for some reason felt it wasn't meant for The Government to have, like it was meant to be sent here, for him. 


    Arcane quickly stuffed the pendant into his personal work bag along with a few other parts. He put the bag on and started to head out of his lab. He wanted to go home to personally study the pendant.


    He flashed his ID card at a slot next to the door and waited for a moment. The door slid open and allowed him passage. Arcane couldn't help but grow a small smirk on his face as he walked past and into the hallway. This always happened, since he knew it was his research that developed such a thing. He felt like he was making a difference in the world.


    As he walked down the hallway he was stopped by one of the security guards. "Heading out at this time Arcane? I doubt you have finished working on that thing of yours" he questioned. Arcane sighed and rolled his eyes. "Its fine Brutus. I forgot one of the parts back at my house, it shouldn't take too long to get it" he said and tried to continue on his way. Brutus stopped him again and raised a brow. "Are you sure? We have plenty of able bodied ponies that could go and get it for you" he tried to persuade. Arcane shook his head and motioned for the guard to move. "My house is quite messy and confusing. I doubt any of the ponies here could navigate through it all" he said, trying to hide his real reason. Brutus leaned in close to Arcane and stared him down. "You are actin' funny. You aren't hiding something, are ya?" he inquired. Arcane rubbed his forehead and shook his head. "I'm not having a very good day Brutus. Now can i please go?" he pleaded, but not desperately. Brutus sighed and moved aside so Arcane could pass. Arcane smiled and nodded towards him in thanks.


    Arcane was out of the building a couple minutes afterwards, heading home as fast as he could without looking suspicious. The feeling was much stronger than before. He needed to know what this pendant was for, and what he was supposed to do with it.

  2. I have a suggestion: Instead of having the pendants working right as they come in contact, how about they not work until you fall in love with the other pony? That gives it a bit more of a forced romance setting.


    I'll go ahead and join in with Arcane (link in sig), i prefer the Star Pendant


    Changed backstory:

    Arcane was born to a doctor and a nurse. Both had worked in a government controlled hospital, both poisoning and healing clients. The reason for this was to maximize profit by making the clients pay more. As Arcane grew, he came to dislike such a thing. Even though his parents didn't directly tell him what they do, he usually picked up on conversations happening in other rooms. Arcane was put in a very strict learning system, but he didn't care, since he enjoyed the studies and research. He excelled at his work, and was very quickly noticed by the government. The government contacted Arcane and offered him a job as a tech researcher, offering very little in pay. Arcane didn't care about the pay, as he was more interested in the research. He soon earned his cutie mark; an arcane symbol, representing his high skill in researching magical things. After a few years, he was moved into a larger facility in Las Pegasus.

  3. @,


    (Okay, i'm confused. What is the riddle?)


    Arcane rolled his eyes. He didn't bother to really look at anything anymore, he was too busy not caring. Ambrose obviously had no clue what she was doing, and seemed to shy to work with. 'How is anypony expected to work with another pony if they are too shy? What kind of game is this...' he thought. "We're never getting out of here, are we?" he mumbled.

  4. @


    Arcane looked up at the timer Ambrose was pointing at. He raised a brow at it and stood back up again. "Well... if i knew, i would tell you." He touched it, but nothing happened. He let loose the breath he was holding onto and continued to examine it. "Are you sure you have no idea why we are here?" he asked without making any move to indicate he was talking to her.

  5. @,


    Arcane looked over at Ambrose and smiled, but it was more out of her being funny than anything else. "I'm fairly sure the riddle is just to entertain ponies who ride this elevator. Its probably a trick riddle with no answer too..." he responded. He slumped down against the back wall and sighed. "Looks like there isn't a way out of here..."

  6. @,

    (Its just us two. Make sure to mention me. And wait for my reply instead of posting twice)


    Arcane continued to scan the door. When she mentioned the riddle (?) he looked over it, but just chuckled, shook his head and returned to looking for a way to get out of the elevator. "I have no idea how i got here, but i fear it was similar to how you might have. Only guess i have currently, was kidnap" he said nonchalantly. He brushed almost all of this off as if it was part of his everyday life.

  7. @,


    Arcane craned his head towards the mare and bowed his head the smallest bit. "I'm Arcane. Sorry i didn't introduce myself at first. I was just paying attention at the task at hand" he said. He turned towards her and extended a hoof, his gaze fixed toward the end of it in hopes of getting a hoof-shake in return. He had a backup plan in case this seemingly shy mare refused. "And you might be?"

  8. @


    Arcane groaned and tried to do a mental recap on what had happened, but he couldn't remember more than gas, a gas mask and doing research.

    He looked around the elevator. He almost missed it, but he saw a small bit of brown and ta- no wait, yellow. He turned his full gaze to the pony and stood up. It was female. He had only briefly scanned her, and he could already tell so much. The cutie mark tended to give off a lot, but there was more than just a talent to all ponies.


    "Ah... any idea why we might be here?" he asked her. She might have answers, and she might not. He looked around himself and noticed the bracelet on his arm. The same exact bracelet was on the mare as well.


    He sighed and sat back down. They were in an elevator, which he had just noticed. He looked around again, squinting his eyes at the elevator door. He stood back up and walked over to it, searching for a button that might open the door.

  9. @@Dawn Stripes,

    Magneus shutdown the computer as it would probably be awhile before a response came. "Its pretty far. At least a 12 hour flight." He got up from the chair and walked over to the pad that served as his bed. "We should probably get to bed now." He left for the bathroom so he could brush his teeth.




    Arcane looked over at Emily and shook his head. "No. I think i have everything i need at the moment... Thank you. Goodnight." He laid down in the bed and pulled the covers over him. It usually took him awhile to fall asleep.

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