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Posts posted by Yozer247

  1. The closest I ever got to cosplay was in school in 'World book day' when I came as the Governor from The Walking Dead comics. It worked rather well, all I needed was a cool looking leather jacket and an eyepatch. Luckily none of the teachers actually knew my character and didn't ask very much, would have been awkward describing my character as someone who captures survivors and feeds them to zombies. (and all that brutal stuff with Michonne)

  2. Hey guys,


    So my mum is starting a business that will be focused on creating cakes and other sweet bakery confections.

    It will be an entirely home-based operation that will most likely not be very big, but still be enough to keep my mother busy while at home.


    Recently my mum asked me for some suggestions of names and I jokingly told her to call it 'Sugarcube Corner'. Im fairly certain she wont be able to use it but it got me thinking and has led to me asking the wonderfully bright members of the forum for some ideas and suggestions of a good name to use.


    Ideally it would have something to do with cakes and can include something to do with her name E.g. Adele's cakes, or Mrs T's Cakes. ( I don't really want to share last names cause you know, personal info and all that. You can just know that the last name begins with T).




    So anyway, lets see what you guys can come up with and who knows, you might even inspire the actual name of the business!  :squee:

  3. My last name is Tintinger. Im not too sure what it means.The Tintinger family seem to be everywhere, from south africa to ireland to america to new zealand and a whole bunch of other places. 

    Apparently we originated in Poland from a place that was called Titagne and that the first Tintinger to arrive in South Africa was washed up on the beach with a crate of alcohol 0_o

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Hey guys,


    Just wondering if there are any of you that plan on going to the british version of bronycon, BUCK!

    Its going to be held in Manchester and it would be awesome if I knew that other mlpforum members are attending :D


    It will be held on the 23rd to 24th of August, here is the website if you want more info: http://www.buckcon.org/


    This isn't a full meetup, just me checking who I can give irl brohoofs to when im there :)



  5. I don't seem to dream very much nowadays, but I had a lot of strange dreams as a child.

    One of the most memorable was me being some sort of bird learning to fly and eventually the dreams evolved to me full on flying, as if I actually started learning and grew up in some other world xD

  6. I've always disliked CMC episodes about their cutie marks, but thats all because of the one scene where it makes it painfully obvious what each of their talents are and they never realise it. I only wish they could have been more subtle into introducing their actual talents, and not make it into a bad joke :I

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 1. Nothing wrong with me


    2. I was born in South Africa


    3. Something's gotta give (im sorry)


    4. I have lived all over the world (check that siggy)


    5. I used to play competitive TF2


    6. I absolutely love the notion of being a mindless drone in a horde that takes orders (planetside 2, Napoleonic wars)


    7. I know how to do some of the Maori dance, the haka


    8. I never know who to support when it comes to Rugby, Spring Boks or All Blacks? D:


    9. I have no idea what im going to do with my life after college, when I think about it too hard it scares me.

  8. I have a wonderful story including the gradual infection of what is only known as 'teh ponis'.


    Week one: Subject has been in first contact with 'teh ponis'. Is showing an increasing amount of pony references and sarcastic jokes. Subject has not watched the show as of yet, however communication with an already fully infected individual (me ^^) has increased the rate of contamination.


    Week two: Subject has grown fond of 'teh ponis' and has been confirmed to start watching. Has started referencing the show while with group of friends, only me and him get the jokes. Subject and I have started exchanging pony memes and spending 3 hour sessions on skype talking and laughing about the show.


    Week three: Subject has watched all of 'teh ponis' and has been organised to watch the season 4 premier together with infected individual at subject's house.


    Convincing my friend to watch this show has brought lots of joy to both me and him and now we are considering going to BUCK for our 16th because we were born a day apart :D

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Well, i used to have a motto of "we can scratch that idea" because im not a very forward thinking person and my plans often went wrong in some of the simplest of ways, but recently ive been repeating the phrase "Why should i care" in response to whenever i feel that pressure that someone is judging me. 


    It would be probably just be "Why should I care?, I can do my thing anyway I want"

  10. Your warnings are fetid. A lot of songs we post can have some swearing, so don't feel fucking afraid to fucking post shit that has some fucking swearing. Ya fucking feels me? ;)


    haha i hear ya bro



    Not sure if trolling or mistype.



    Its just whenever i say the bands name someone seems to say "do you mean rage against the machine?" even though the only similarity is the first 2 words

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, ACDC, System of a Down, Metallica, Rammstein and Rise Against ( not rage against the machine >:I )


    My recent favourite songs:




    warning: some swearing


    Noone can defeat the metal!

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