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Posts posted by Yozer247

  1. I think the combination of the story of anime being so refreshingly original, the interesting characters and the high quality of animation is what makes it a great anime.

    But what tops it all off is the layer of mystery shrouding it all, hell your questions even confirm that. The amount of conspiracy and fan theory is so huge it becomes exciting to guess the reasoning behind everything such as why the titans attack humanity.

    If you have read the manga some of the questions you ask can be answered.


    I have answered why AoT is a good anime, but I can't fully answer why it is so popular. I suppose the actual story and overall theme of the anime was so cool that it just spread like wildfire in the anime community until eventually just about everyone and their mother had heard about it, and naturally wanted to take a look to see what all the fuss is about.

    Which is rather similar to a certain show about pastel colored ponies.


    To answer some of your questions I will put a spoiler tag incase some people dont want to see it (or if you dont want to see it)


    "What the hell was the colossal titan?"

    The colossal titan is another titan shifter, same as eren and annie, but I wont reveal who it is.

    "What happens between Eren and Mikasa?"

    Nothing really, they are family 0_o

    "What happens to Annie?"


    Well, as far as we know she is encased in that crystal thing and ain't coming out


    "What was up with that fusion at the end?"

    No clue, hell the manga didn't even do that whole fusion thing, it was actually pretty chill.

    "Why did Annie put Eren in her mouth instead of killing him?"

    She wanted to capture him and take him to other titan shifters, he is revealed to hold a power that the titan shifters desperately dont want eren to have.

    "how come after the episode where Eren was eaten by a titan they show him ok like nothing ever happened and then in the next episode suddenly he had to kill what appeared to just be some rogue humans and then in the next episode after that they all think he's dead and we just now learn of his titan form?"


    Rogue humans? I don't actually know what your talking about there x)

  2. *Tries to think of somepony for you to draw.*


    Uh... Discord?






    Sure! that will be interesting to draw all the different animal parts on his body.


    Also this is just a reminder, but I do require a single internet boop from each person as payment for the requests I have drawn  :squee:


    Draw Derpy coming out of a giant muffin, like one of those birthday cake things women do


    Here is your banana derp muffin, hot and ready to go!






    I had to some improvisation here and I have to say this isn't my best work.

    But I hope you enjoy the Derpy.

  4. Hmm...draw Maud, maybe?


    Are you happy with MS paint?


    Here is your maud good sir. You can print that out and put it on the fridge if you would like.






    And im good with MS paint for now, although if I get more serious I will probably try to start using GIMP.




    i would suggest a vinyl. Because you can never have to much djpon3


    You can never have enough, offical pon3 darts!






    Keep the requests coming guys!

    Perhaps something more complicated :D I'm new to drawing a simple pony, but something like them doing a specific action would be a real challenge.

  5. Hey guys,
    My name is Yozer age 16, and im opening this thread to offer my drawing skills out to the world.
    I have plenty of experience from drawing up to FIVE (I know, crazy) things on my rather hipster professional software, MS Paint.
    I know what your thinking, Yozer, with someone with your high end experience and skills, certainly you would want to get payment for your services! Worry not forum reader, all my requests cost a single virtual boop!
    I have done a few requests already so you may observe my art style and see if it is to your preference

    Fluttershy ( in the style of a hotdog )










    If you wish to have me draw a pony, include it in a reply with all the details you would like added on and your virtual boop included for payment.
    From my understanding a section of the boop must go towards the forums so make sure to send some of it that way aswell.

    And yes this is all an Oliver Age 24 reference! But im still serious about this, this is all for fun after all so go ahead and request already!


    In progress:



    Happy pony

    Pinkiepie nope

    Lightwing OC


    twistedtreeline OC

    Kirito waifu OC




  6. I have to say that BUCK was absolutely awesome.

    It was my first con ever and im not disappointed.

    The panels were funny and interesting and oh my god the cosplays were awesome.

    I actually met people and made friends with another person with the same name as me ^^

    I was a little sad about the lack of plushies on sale though :C


    I think my favourite part has to be at the end of the cosplay competition when the space marine walked in and the crowd starting shouting "FOR THE EMPEROR"

  7. I only really majorily played pokemon when I was 8 and im not as big a fan of it as I was back then.

    With anime I like it, but I always only watch the creme de la creme of anime that my anime fanatic friends pick out for me :D

    A lot of people in the fandom also seem to be very cutesy and enjoy a lot of things that are super cute and make you want to hug it. I can appreciate cute as much as the next brony but I cant seem to keep up with some people x).

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Im probably going to do A levels in college. Hopefully I don't get overwhelmed by them, they seem much more difficult than GCSEs.

    Also grats on the results, happy to see you did well :)

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hey there.


    If you are at the end of High School (year 11) in the UK you will be getting your GCSE results on the 21st

    To our cousins overseas these results are very important for getting into college and future education.

    Are there any UK teens out there getting ready for their results?


    Im finding it to be an anxious thing to think about. After so much work put into exams you have to wait 2 months for the results that will determine your future.


    I ended up moving to london during my holiday so I have to take a train up to manchester and stay there for the week in order to get my results. On the plus side I will be going to BUCK while im there and I get a new computer if I have good enough grades to get into the courses that I wanted. :D


    What do you guys think? This can be a place to tell your thoughts about how you think its going to turn out or how your feeling to finally get the results you need to go on to college.

    You can also discuss other exam results that are being revealed soon if that is the case.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I'm trying to understand your subculture.


    To be honest there isnt much to understand really. We just like Ponies, there isn't much more to it :P

    Some of us like pony music, art and stories. This forum is for people who want to talk about the show because they think its a good show and fun to watch.

    It's not all that complicated, there isn't much to understand. We like a TV show. Said TV show happens to be targeted to little girls, but it doesn't matter because the show is good. Some of us go to conventions sometimes. Others cosplay occasionally. It's like most fandoms these days, really.


    You beat me by a microsecond xD

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Ive been playing LoL for a while now with some friends but im still pretty damn new to it. Im slowly learning how the game works and im starting to experiment with more champions so I can understand all the abilities. I play support janna with my friend who plays ADC anytime we go against players. But other times we are mostly screwing around against intermediate bots. If there is anyone who wants a game you can add me with my name yozer247. I am EUWEST so im probably out of most peoples region :C


    ​also I haven't played a ranked game yet :3

  12. Do you like mechs? Did you like Pacific Rim? Do you get shivers when a character makes amazing bombastic speechs?

    Whatever you said to these questions it doesnt matter. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is one of the best animes ever and you should totally watch it!


    Seriously this anime is crazy good, you should watch it.

    Heres a good review of it if you want to know more.

  13. Ive had a couple drinks my parents would give me every once and a while. From every impression ive had of alcohol so far is that it tastes horrible and the only reason to drink it is if I actually WANTED to get drunk. I even got a small bottle of pink wine for my sixteenth, I managed to drink it but only over a long period of sipping, I don't think I will ever like alcohol.

  14. I would totally go for more discord episodes. His character is so much fun to watch so more episodes of discord and his antics is always good!

    Maybe to flesh out the more 'reformed' part of himself there could be an episode where the mane six rely on his help to save something. Maybe in a scenario where he has to choose to halt his chaotic ways for a moment to help them.

  15. Hi, Im one of the moderators from eqtv. We have noticed this problem and are trying to get the technical admin Applebloom notified so that we can hopefully fix whatever the issue is so that friday movie night can go undelayed. I'm sure its nothing drastic like Hasbro taking the site down so no need to worry that much :P

    • Brohoof 1
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