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Posts posted by Yozer247

  1. Ive been afraid of big foot since i was like 8 years old. I would think i hear him climbing houses trying to find me. I would have nightmares of him taking me away. If I ever think too much about bigfoot the memories come back and I get scared again. :(


    The second thing I had a nightmare that the world was coming to an end. I cant remember the details but now if I think about an overwhelming force that can destroy the earth and we have nothing to stop it with. I get a bit more scared inside. This basically counts for anything that can do that, asteroids, ozone being burnt out, aliens, you name it.


    That spider in the ear canal picture made me cringe. ITS JUST SO CREEPY!


    I don't really get scared much by creepypasta, maybe a little jumpy and paranoid but thats it.

  2. My username was created back in the days of Adventure Quest!


    I believe yozer was a term for user but im not sure, i cant really remember ^^

    and the 247 is the phrase for 24 hours 7 days a week.

    It was also part of a name of a website i used to go on a lot and it sounded kewl so it stuck.

  3. If i was a pegasus, definitely Cloudsdale, it would be awesome to see how weather is made and im sure they will have some pretty awesome snow buildings and Colosseums to see and/or live in. And I can just fly anywhere i want if i want to visit. I would probably explore everywhere of Eqeustria and see all the sites. I would love to have a cloud home in Cloudsdale but also a small hut cottage at every other major city and Ponyville for when I visit. This would be my ideal set-up for a life in Eqeustria.


    If I was anything else I would be living in Ponyville and spend lots of time meeting all the ponies there including the mane 6 and all my favourite background ponies. I would also visit canterlot via train when i feel into the high society life and maybe even get a chance to be introduced to luna and celestia by twilight.

  4. Huh, I cast my vote and now the top two options are tied.


    Which leads me to this question: Why in the name of Tartarus and Celestia was Octavia losing? Goodness you guys! C'mon! I mean best pony needs your votes. NEEDS them! Seriously!


    Octavia is my favorite, classy, hot, good looking, gorgeous, plays a cool instrument, and is far more refined than Vinyl. Not that I dislike Vinyl, she's probably my second favorite or something, but Octavia is just...


    So awesome.


    EDIT: In terms of Music: Tell me you can't see Octavia playing this:



    I love classical music.


    In terms of impact: Octavia, because she spiked an interest in me learning music. I've already purchased an Ocarina.


    In terms of awesomeness?



    Posted Image



    Does more need to be said?


    I absolutely love two steps from hell! :D

    But i also am really getting into vinyl's style of music aswell.

    hmmm i wonder if someone were to combine them

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I always looked at it as a silly fanbase that liked a little girls show. I had a friend who was a brony and ive seen lots of ponies before. I never really thought wrong of bronies, i more so see a pony thing and just laugh under my breath and think, oh you bronies.

    one of the moments where ive laughed the most was on a tf2 spray and the spray had my friend i was talking about pulling a hilarous angry face with the text "DAFUQ u say about mlp?" xD

  6. Human: go freak out lyra, stroll around casually as ponies gawp at me, ask for a place to stay at twilights home, get work, generally just live life as if nothing was wrong. Then one day they ask what the hell i am.


    Pony: Depending on what kind of pony i am (pegasus, unicorn, earth pony) learn the skills of that race, meet everypony in town with a massively planned backstory, live life as if nothing was wrong. Then one day i break it to everypony and laugh it off :)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. :D Team Fortress 2 is my main game of all time, ive been playing it for about 4 years now, my favourite class would be pyro! mmmhmmmhmmm!

    I hate gunslinger engies with a passion and i even play competitive :)

    I would be happy to join anypony in a game, just make sure your on my team ;)

  8. Im afraid i will not be able to join today as i am going to be busy in a tf2 match :(

    will we be doing this again?


    EDIT: Cancelled plz add me on steam or skype or something when we start

  9. wow, just played a life on dayz, i found a dead guy and he had guns on guns. Next to him was a car. SOO the logical thing to do was to drive to cherno singing iron maiden and crash into a group of survivors, kill a few and then die :lol:

  10. Mass effect 3 came very close to making me ragequit as i kept making accidental mistakes in conversations that cost me either my romance(tali) or my war assests. Or just general dialouge things that i really wanted to see.

    My problem is that my previous save was always like an hour away.

    So i must have replayed about 6 hours of that game


    Mass effect 3... it's a great game and all, but the fact that Bioware have potentially screwed up their chance of getting "one of the best games in history" award by not confirming/adding the whole indoctrination theory people have been fussing about for quite some time. Seriously, if they do not confirm that Shepard was being indoctrinated by the reapers since Mass effect 2 and only successfully indoctrinated at the end of Mass Effect 3 with future DLCs they are going to lose a bunch of fans (including me) and their games will go down as the worst game in history.


    I rage quit the game until they prove/disprove the IT.


    Didn't you think the extended endings made up for the bad ending and that they kind of disproved most of the indoctrination theory?

    • Brohoof 1
  11. just played dayz for about an hour and a half, its actually really fun when you get into it. I ended up finding a whole load of stuff, a new bag, an akm which i cant use because i need bullets and when i picked up my ak i somehow lost my hatchet so im basically screwed if any zombies find me ^^

    • Brohoof 1
  12. These days im playing:

    Mass Effect 3(trying new endings),

    TeamFortress 2(I play competitive :D),

    Minecraft(On a good small pony server),

    Sims 3(because i get bored and i can)

    and soon will be geting arma 2(Dayz), The walking dead and killing floor. Amnesia is also on my wishlist!

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