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Posts posted by Tol'Satha

  1. LOL Agreed, religion is supposed to guide you, not to control you. And I would probably reply back with a less provocative image xD.


    Yeah, i hate it when folks try to control you an tell you what to do (especially church)... It pisses me off, i just cant help it.

  2. What i hate about it is that its mostly clopping material (which isnt my thing). I might be wrong about this, but I've rarely seen pics like those posted above. In general i dont mind. If someone likes it, have fun, its just not my thing.

  3. Never let church or any other foundation control your life. They have no power over you and cant touch you.

    Such things just really piss me off.

    • Brohoof 3
  4. -Being a brony

    -Not being addicted to anything (drugs, alcohol, coffeine...)

    -Not listening to *Beiber* and similar modern crap.

    -Being told im very mature for my age

    -Being told im very smart for my age

    -Not being afraid of anything

    -Having nerves to confront people that none of my friends do (the principal of my highschool is a total bitch)

    -Winning 2nd place in the national programming competition

    -Knowing 3 languages

    -Surviving several injuries that could have easily killed me

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Some time ago me and some of my friends were all fans of Happy Tree Friends, and at that time i had a camo jacket that i wore all the time, so they started calling me Flippy (and he was my fav character too <3 ), and it kinda stuck B)

  6. I'm happy with this. Kids dont belong on the internet, atleast not without supervision, and what happened to Ol' Sarge really sucked and was undeserved. I'd hate it if something like that happened to someone again, because some ignorant parent decided to leave a 7 year old alone on the internet. That dad that called sarge deserves a good slap.

  7. Not all Americans. T.T


    I guess that's another one, I hate it when people think ALL Americans are stupid. Me, being an American, I like to think that there are some wise people out here. Maybe not many, but some. Just because all the people that have a big voice are idiots, doesn't mean we all are.


    I said uneducated, not stupid. I meant to say that your education system is really poor, and it teaches you very little about the world beyond the American continent. No insults intended.

  8. I find myself less judgemental and generally nicer to people. A lot of things that i would ussualy rage about (like people feeding in LoL), i now just let pass and stay quiet. I used to be quite depressed, even had suicidal thoughts (im not emo, just a messed up enviroment).


    MLP gave me something to love and enjoy and a community to share that love with, so i would say yes, it absolutely has.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. No for 3 reasons:

    1. Mayan calendar didnt include leap years, so it should have allready happened.

    2. Mayans foretold the end of an era, not the world. This would mean that if they were right, there would probably be an industrial revolution or something else that would make a great impact on humanity, but not the end of the world.

    3. I simply dont believe that mayan calendar crap.

    • Brohoof 2
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