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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. Well. Not to me. I think they are equally good. But I'd like to give my opinion on something.


    Comics and TV shows have different ways of being enjoyed with. The idea is that you both outlets manage to give an enjoyable experience to its readers/watchers.


    So a lot of the times, the difference will be on whether one likes reading comics, or likes watching TV shows better. The other part of the difference to me, is how brony-orientated both parts are.


    For example, the comic has MUCH more leeway than the show to do not only brony related stuff, but even MORE injokes, and being darker than the show has been able to be. So a lot of people can judge both things based on that. But this doesn't make the show better or worse, and it also applies for the comic.


    In my opinion, both things are MARVELOUS in both their outlets, and with their restrictions or freedoms, and would replace neither. :)

  2. @@Arcanel

    "Honey!", a soft voice spoke before jumping on him, giving him a hug. Soon after, the pony let go of him, revealing to be a female unicorn, about the same age as he is, her Cutie Mark was a... football. A creeping thought told him that he already saw her, some sort of Deja Vu. She would then force herself inside and close the door. "Why didn't you call me back? I have been waiting the past week! Could it be that you are trying to bail out?", she frowned and her ears drooped. "You promised! You can't just go and break that...", she would push him away slightly and look at the ground. "I just hope you're still loving me."

    "Woah!" Arcanel shouted, completely caught off guard by the invading pony and the hug, only for the same pony to force herself in and close the door behind her. "Woah, wait a minute, what's goin-..." the moment he looked at the pony, he realized who she was. *Goal Shot...* he trailed off as his mind starting turning all the gears and now remembering what he had been supposed to do. *Oh no.... I completely forgot...* he shortly thought before quickly talking back. " Nonononono... honey, please, don't be sad. I'm so sorry I didn't call you back... I have been... totally distracted these last days...but no, I'm not going to bail out. I will be going to watch your football match, I promised, didn't I? And I never break my promises." He said, putting on a big smile and returning his loved one an equally big hug. "And you silly, of course I still love you! How could you ever think that? Besides, you should know by now I'm a total klutz when it comes to memory..." he said, scratching his in embarrassment before going to talk again. "But again, I'm really really sorry that I didn't all you back. Can you forgive me?" he asked, putting on the most pleading eyes he could manage. If there was something he was not going to let happen, was making Goal Shot sad. No, that would be outrageous to him.

  3. After he had finished speaking, Arcanel felt relieved. His concern, worry and confusion had been growing too much to not go out and say something up until that point. *I'm just glad I didn't scream or something like that. Point for me I guess.* He thought, relieved that his mind hadn't got the best of him. That's when he heard the first response.




    "Um, I'm sorry but I don't think I caught your name. And as for your questions, I think I may easily explain. Actually, I may need to explain everything."



    While the sudden change of subject slightly caught him off guard, the mailpony reacted fast. "Oh um... my name is Arcanel. Nice to meet you! And as for the explaining everything... if you wouldn't mind, then yes, please do." He responded, glad that he was finally going to get some answers out of the whole situation.




    "Yesterday had started like a normal day I suppose. I had been reading in my room when a knock came at my door. I do believe it was Springer, or whoever had looked like him. He had knocked on everyone's doors, as some of you may recall."



    "I arrived at the dining car mildly hungry. As I typically choose to sit by myself, I picked an empty table. Before long though, I acquired two table mates. Ambrosia and Flow." As he named them, he casually pointed at them in the dining car.



    *Well, the calling was probably for dinner, so nothing wrong there, and it doesn't seem like the doppelganger had done something out of the ordinary. So far anyway... well, at least now I know the who of two more ponies in this train, so that's nice!* he thought in small joy, now knowing the names of the lemon colored mare that was lying on the floor, and the cream colored filly who had been standing on the right. *Ambrosia eh?... Just like the famous nectar of the gods... pretty name if I say so myself! She must probably be the cook too. And Flow... like flowing through the clouds I'd presume or something similar. Although her cutie mark suggests something a bit more... radical. Still a cool name anyway.* He pondered, as he thought of the names of the ponies he just learned about. After finishing doing so, he continued hearing Lapis' retelling.




    "Soon, Trixie arrived and insulted the food. Since Ambrosia is the cook, she became upset. I felt concerned, so I followed after her when she fled. And where I found her, she told me about how the day before strange light could be seen underneath the door to Trixie's room. Wait, didn't you say you were unaware of who Trixie was, yes? She is a stage pony, a performer of simple magic tricks."



    At the mention of Trixie's doings, the white pegasus recoiled in shock. *She did WHAT?! Okay... learned some things right now. One, this Trixie is an absolute jerk. Who in the world just outright insults the food they're being served? For Celestia's sake that's just... I don't think even rude fits it. Two, Lapis doesn't really show emotions, but he's a nice pony anyway. Glad to know he went to comfort Ambrosia.* He pondered, slightly interrupting himself and giving a small smile before continuing with his thoughts. *Three, Ambrosia IS the the cook of the train as I thought. Four, the reason Trixie was here was because she was a performer of some sorts it seems. And five, there was a strange light in Trixie's room... ooooooooookay, there are a LOT of things I missed before I came in here. This is going to be tough...* he lamented, almost regretting making Lapis go through a lot of things that happened in the train to satisfy his curiosity. But before his mind went elsewhere, Lapis continued.




    "I became interested. Ambrosia had also said Trixie had been acting differently the day before as well. You can see my concern. And together, Ambrosia and I, went to investigate the problem. We had chosen to seek out Dusky first. It was Ambrosia's decision actually. I was okay with anything that would shed more light on things. When we made it to the engine car, where Dusky was supposed to be, all we found was Vim. He informed us Dusky was most likely sleeping in the caboose. Not a very good idea on the part of Dusky if I may say so myself.



    *So... both Trixie AND Springer, or who was supposed to be Springer, were acting strangely in that day. Given what happened to Springer... and the light coming from Trixie's room... there must a connection somewhere... but how? Also, an engineer of the train who's sleeping when supposed to be working? Hoo boy... Vim must have a whole lot of trust in this Dusky, otherwise, that would be really bad. If Fast Post caught me doing that... no... I don't even want to think about it...* he flinched as he finished his thoughts, shuddering at the sole prospect of his boss catching him asleep when supposed to be working. However, he slightly shaked his head, and focused to keep on hearing Lapis.




    "On our way back to the dining car and then on to the caboose, we encountered a green pegasus. He was zipping around and knocking on doors. It was certainly most peculiar. It was Springer's doppelganger. Ambrosia noted how the pegasus was different from the Springer she knew. And then Ambrosia proceeded to go into Trixie's room. I wasn't wholly against it, but then light poured out from under the door. She promptly stopped at my behest and we continued to our destination."



    *Well... if there was a change before from the other Springer, this was definitely it. And there's also that light again. (Sigh)... what in the wide wide world of Equestria is going on? This looks like it's much deeper than it seems. Strange lights... doppelgangers... scrambled memories... mystery books... ponies trapped in boxes... Dear Luna this is like a mystery story. Only we're in it.* He compared, sighing a little at the amount of things that were happening that had not an apparent explanation.




    "When we arrived at the dining car, Springer's clone stopped us. He told us to come see the magic show. He was overjoyed with the idea of it. It made me ill to say the least. He also said he had been to the caboose and found no Dusky there. I reasoned it would be best to watch the show. And what a show it was."



    *The way Lapis mentioned the magic show, it doesn't seem like it was really exciting or fun, but I don't think it was because of that...* he wondered, unsure of what had prompted Lapis' particular way to mention the magic show. Then Lapis started making a small synthesis about what had happened in the show. And the more Arcanel heard about it, the more he started disliking Trixie. *Okay, I don't care how good she is or what, but that's just ridiculous. Shocking a pony to try and figure out the cutie mark? Throwing a pony into a portal to a TUNDRA?! What?! That's just... I don't even... why is she still here?(Sigh)... at least I'm glad Magicon was able to save Flow. Otherwise...* the pegasus trailed off, not wanting to think what could have happened to the poor filly had it not been for Magicon's heroic feat. While he wanted to try and figure out just why Trixie would do all of these things, Lapis moved on to explain what happened after the show.




    "And when the show was over, I spotted Dusky. He had seemed to appear out of nowhere. Not wanting to take my chances with the bubbly Springer, I went after the engineer. I took him back to my room and interviewed him. He told me a great deal, and I even took some notes. Somepony else must have them, so you'll have to read it later. He told me about a book, an old book. I do not think he was specific about it. After he concluded, I went to sleep. I woke up only after Ambrosia had found my assistant Asteria stowed away on the train. Otherwise, I may have slept a great deal longer. I arranged for a meeting with the other passengers, and here we are now I suppose."



    After Lapis had finished talking, Arcanel couldn't help but raise his eyebrows a bit. * "Otherwise, I may have slept a great deal longer"? Okay, note to self. Lapis is a facts pony. That's definitely for sure after those words. Regardless, let's recount. Strange light in Trixie's room, Trixie is a jerk, Magicon is a strong magician too but a nice pony, Lapis is a facts pony. Springer had or has a doppelganger, Dusky apparently had some information, and even Lapis' asistant got in without same pony's knowledge....... wow... I missed a lot.* He decided, still a bit shocked for all of what had transpired in the train, and that only being from Lapis' point of view. He felt a bit overwhelmed at all the bits of information he had just received and the worst part was, that while he gained some names of other ponies which was always nice, the fact he still didn't know what was happening made him slightly unnervous. *Well, good news, I learned some insight on what happened yesterday. Bad news, I don't know what in Tartarus is going on. (Sigh)... gotta be positive, right?* the white mailpony reminded himself, trying not to let being overwhelmed bring him down.




    Ah, here they are actually." he said passing them to the mail pony. "When you are finished, let Springer see them. What you are about to read was supposedly written in the margins of the book Dusky mentioned."



    As he kept on thinking, he almost failed to realize that Lapis was giving something to him, but was quick to react and took the notes, while also realizing that there was the filly from before that was next to Ambrosia, now waving at Lapis. *Hmmm... she waved at Lapis like he was her brother or something, or at least somepony she knew... she's probably Lapis' assistant then... although she looks too young... but I wouldn't really know. And if she is, then she's probably Asteria... again, nice name! But anyway... let's look at this notes.* He decided, starting to read the words written in the papers to see if something could help him over the whole situation. *Dragons... knights... a mystery monster maybe?... This... this all sounds too surreal... why would Dusky tell Lapis all of this? Does it even have to do with anything? I know it's a story but... it still looks like a random thing to say in an interview as Lapis put it...* Arcanel wondered, unable to make out the sense of notes. *Well... that wasn't much help... maybe Springer would like them?* he pondered, thinking if he couldn't think it out, maybe Springer could, and so went to give the notes to the green pegasus.




    "Actually, that's alright Arcanel, I would rather not read those notes. What's written in the margins of the book is not nearly as important as understanding where the book fits within all of these... Distractions..."



    The response of Springer had taken Arcanel caught off guard. He hadn't expected Springer to dismiss them so quickly. Despite this, he quickly went to out the notes away and look at Springer, who looked like he was contemplating, with his eyes closed and hooves on his temples. *(Sigh)... the poor pony must be so overwhelmed... I can only hope Lapis' explanation gave him some answers... or at least something that makes his mind more at rest.* He thought, wanting nothing more than the green pegasus finally being able to catch a break. However, Springer opened his eyes, put down his hooves and started talking again.




    "Besides, we have a lot of things to review before the notes are of any importance to me. We have to go in order, the efficient order for solving the puzzle. Efficiency is important, without it... Well, without efficiency, I should have been left within the box."



    Once more, the mailpony was caught off guard. *Ooooookay... so Springer likes efficiency a lot. But... did he just... imply that if he wasn't efficient... he should have stayed in the box...? But... that would mean...* Arcanel, trailed off, unsure of what to think about Springer's devotion to efficiency. But before he could give it any other thought, Springer spoke again.




    "My apologies for not answering earlier, but I was deep in thought and I was also waiting until everything of importance had been said. But now, there are a few questions that I would like to address…" Springer turned to Lapis. "You asked me where I had found the book. The answer is that I didn't. I'm positive that my own hooves were never allowed to touch it."



    Arcanel quickly snapped from his reverie and went on to hear Springer talking about the book that was mentioned before. While the book felt like it was something important, he didn't really know what he could think of it. *I don't know much about it in the first place... and the book did come out of nowhere...* he pondered.



    "You also asked me about my relationship with Dusky. Well, to be frank, I tolerate his presence. That's the nature of our relations with one another." Springer stopped and looked around the room. After satisfying himself that Dusky was not there, he continued. "I only checked just now, because I think it is rude to talk about other ponies behind their backs. If Dusky was here, I would go up to him and tell him these things to his face." He shrugged, but stopped short of the full motion, his shoulder felt stiff. "I've done it before, and we have an understanding on the matter."



    While he was intrigued in Dusky's character, as so far it had been slightly strange, the way Springer was bringing it up felt rather weird to Arcanel. *It looks as if he was going to talk about a really bad pony... that's... odd... I think?* the white pony pondered, unsure of what to think at the moment, but still looking at Springer struggling to make most of motions and concern filling his mind once more.




    "Dusky is arrogant, rude, and judgmental. Worst of all, he's inefficient. It takes him too many words to say what he means. Even then, he'll often say things with more than one meaning. He'll even say things with hundreds of meanings, talking in riddles." Springer's rosy red eyes glowed with frustration, and strangely, they looked rather like Vim's. "Frankly, I also think that he is a liar, but before every lie, he convinces himself that it's the truth. From all that, you can surely determine the nature of our relationship. I can work with him and we can get stuff done, but we both know where the other stands."



    As Springer finished describing Dusky, the white pegasus felt his eyebrows rise quite high. *O...kay... I wasn't expecting all that... he really seems to dislike Dusky. But... could it really be that bad? I mean, I'd have to see for myself but still... that's... a bit too much. Although I don't want to discredit Springer. Yet...* Arcanel trailed off again, slightly surprised by the description that the older pegasus had done about his coworker.





    "Now, Magicon, earlier... Umm... Yeah... Earlier, you had asked me about about the unusual book that I saw. Well, I know that the memory is in my head, but I am unable to recall any additional details at this time, unfortuna..." Springer cut off for a moment as a thought struck him, he continued awkwardly. "ately... Right, I'll come back to that. Well, actually... Ummm..."

    While the mailpony recovered quickly as he broke his thoughts about the engineer with the supposedly bad personality, his concentration went back again to Springer only to notice him acting like he was lost and confused. *Uh oh... Springer's looking confused again, like his mind is elsewhere... so either now he's really tired... or at the stop, just realized something.* He determined, unaware of what exactly could have caused the green pony's sudden interruption, but kept on hearing to see it through.



    "Electrobolt... You know, now that I was on the verge of answering your question, I actually somewhat recall a dragon being mentioned. The strange thing is that I didn't recall this same thing when you originally asked. But, now, I can remember it... But only vaguely. I know that it has something to do with a book, yes. However, I'm not certain that... Well, I'm not certain that these books are the same. In fact, I recalled a library... A place that was filled with books. In fact, I... Ummm. It's the Canterlot Library? Well... This is odd... I've only been there once... I doubt I was there today..."


    As Springer finished speaking to, looking rather absentminded, start eating, Arcanel started worrying again about what had just happened to the older pony. *Wait... so he remembers a dragon... from something he hasn't even read? But... how... why is he having all of these thoughts right now? What triggered Springer's memories like this?*  he asked to himself, feeling more confused the more Springer talked about what he could remember. Before, he could have thought it was once more due to the tiredness Springer was suffering. But now, he thought of something else.



    "Something is wrong with my memory. I don't think that its entirely mine. There was a calendar in the library that I just recalled. If it was to be believed, then that memory took place some time before this train was even actively commissioned into service. That, my friends, is the first piece of this puzzle, I'm certain, and I can tell you why I'm certain."


    "Earlier, you described my 'clone' as using the word buddy a lot. Well... That is something that I used to do, quite a while back when I was a young colt. I don't do it anymore. The behavior was obnoxious, so I unlearned it. Now... What if... What if my clone and I shared memories, but only partially? Then... Maybe the transfer worked both ways... Which would mean that I would have memories from them and they would have memories from me... They would have had to have enough memories to be able to 'act' like me..."


    "When I was a young colt... I had actually liked magic quite a bit too. It was a silly thing, because pegasus ponies can't become magicians, but I was young. Maybe that explained the wild enthusiasm of the fake me. You know... I was also a good deal more 'bubbly' back in those days as well... But, being like that isn't very professional and certainly isn't efficient, so I unlearned that behavior as well. See... There is evidence to support my idea... This idea of shared memories... This evidence is, admittedly circumstantial... But... It is a beginning, isn't it?"


    When Springer finished talking about how he used to be, the grin he let out made Arcanel slightly smile too. However, he now felt even more concerned about Springer's wellbeing. *So... Someone... whoever is doing this whole thing... has taken memories from Springer that date back to even his colthood? But... how is that even... who could even DO something like this!?* he mentally screamed, starting to get desperate about the whole situation. Until the green pegasus recovered, being certain that he was well was Arcanel's main priority, but now, he couldn't even know who could even have done something like what Springer mentioned. And now that he thought about it, he didn't even know if it was possible to create a doppelganger. *Just... what is going on? I can't protect Springer if I don't even know what's affecting him... (Sigh)... I'll just... make sure he doesn't tire out again. That's the least I can do for now.* He decided, unwilling to let his lack of knowledge prevent him from fulfilling his "duties".



    "Ah, I'm sorry Magicon... You said something of importance earlier... Tremendous importance... Ummm... But, I didn't answer it at that time, I was gathering information. Answering you then would have derailed the flow of conversation for others, which would have been... Highly inefficient. Now, though... You recall that you mentioned that you were placing your trust in me that I am the real Springer? I believe that you mentioned that I would not want to break your trust. Well... No, I would not want to break your trust, but... Perhaps I already have? And... Perhaps in several ways?"


    "If my copy used my memories to act, then I think that I am at least partially responsible for their actions. That is one way. If this copy and I exchanged memories and those memories enabled them to be me, then perhaps I have some limited ability to be them? Perhaps, I really am not the real Springer? That is another way."


    "There is one, last, possible way that I could have already betrayed you. Perhaps, I'm not the Real Springer at all? Perhaps I'm actually the fake? After all, I assume that my duplicate and I were exactly similar in appearance. Given that this is true, there is the possibility that... I am the fake. There is the possibility that the spell somehow divided and recombined memories between the spellcaster and Springer."


    "After this, what would be the difference between the two of them? Nothing. Whichever was the more powerful would put the other in a box and then go on about their business. Because the memories of both were mixed, then perhaps... The motivations were as well?"


    "Who's to say that the real Springer didn't put on the magic show? He would have been powered by whatever thoughts and motivations that the spellcaster would have had. Perhaps the memories mixed in such a way that the real spellcaster became mixed in with Springer's better nature, while the real Springer was... Corrupted? Magicon... You see.. There's no real assurance that... I'm... Me... So, trusting that I am the real Springer may be premature at this point, I believe." As he concluded, Springer calmly reached up a hoof to wipe away a tear that had sneaked out of an eye.


    "Ah, sorry, I'm still tired... That's..." Springer cleared his throat, and he raised a neutral gaze to Magicon, and he calmly awaited a response. "That's all that I have at this point in time. I leave your actions from here up to your own discretion."



    *Springer...* Sorrow was all Arcanel could feel for the poor green pony at that moment. He couldn't even begin to describe how Springer must have probably felt. *I'm pretty sure Springer is not the type of ponies that let out tears easily but... this is just too much. One pony shouldn't even have to go through this. I don't know who is doing all this but... this is just too cruel. Trapped in a box? Not being able to remember what happened afterwards? Memories taken away to transfer to a doppelganger? And even making question one's own existance? That's... that's too much.* The mailpony concluded, feeling too overwrought with sadness about Springer to continue. He was almost starting to cry as well. If there was one thing that always was able to get tears from him, is seeing a pony like Springer having to struggle like he was doing right now. And this was more than a particularly horrible case.


    However, before he could even go to comfort the older pony, Magicon spoke first.



    “Springer…look, I guess…all I can really say is I’m sorry for you. You’ve been terribly victimized. My original hypothesis was incorrect but my new one is on the same lines and it’s far worse. You weren’t just knocked out and hidden and the imposter took your place, you were controlled, manipulated by somepony who knows you, at least from your colthood. They used a sort of memory manipulation to take control of you, bring out your past memories and habits, and use it to their advantage, all while your body was their puppet. Yet by doing such a move, they exposed themselves and their memories to manipulation. That’s how you have some memories that don’t quite make sense. They have retained some of your memories while you have retained some of theirs. You were a puppet to a very cruel puppet-master.


    “You state that you have already betrayed my trust and I honestly don’t know what to say. I don’t even know if you have. I mean…I feel like a fool for just making assumptions about you, yet at the same time I can’t help but feel incredibly sorry for you. Maybe you have betrayed me, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’re being honest with me, maybe you’re not. But from what I observed just before and what I’ve seen on this journey is that this, you sitting here right now, this is the real you. Why do I assume this? I guess you can call it faith or trust. I have to trust something and somepony because if I don’t, I’ll be paranoid and go mad. I can’t have that, especially now, so I have to trust somepony and that’s you.



    “But it’s more than that. It’s about you. You were the victim of a terrible and cruel plot that has yet to be uncovered. We have pieces of the puzzle but we need more to put them all together to make a coherent picture. So, if you can bear with me, maybe we can figure out who did this to you and why they did it, so that way justice can be done and you can strengthen yourself against in the future. So, if you don’t mind, Springer, I need you to dig deep into your memories and see if you can find anypony you either disliked or fell out with during your colthood when you had a different type of personality. See if you can find anypony that would know your colthood habits and would be willing to use them against you. If that pony is a unicorn, great, if not, that’s ok too. Let’s just see if we can find anypony.”


    As Magicon's mouth stopped moving to let all the words sink in Springer's mind, Arcanel felt rather happy that the crimson pony had comforted the older pegasus in that way, and let out a smile. Fact was, while he wouldn't have used the same words, Springer was similar to Lapis in some ways, and maybe somepony who was more fact speaking and to the point like Magicon would have made a better dent at Springer's sorrow. *It's not what I would have said... and I'd rather Springer have some rest now... but... if Magicon is right about somepony that controlled Springer's mind... then... maybe Springer might have the key to all this... and... I don't think he will rest or sleep without fear until he finds whoever did this to him. I don't think Springer feels himself with much of a choice, especially if he's considering the whole thing as a sort of puzzle. But we need to solve it, no matter the cost, for Springer's sake. Otherwise... something really bad will happen soon. Somepony in this train, or somewhere else, is really bad. And we need to find him, or her, fast.* The white pony decided, his face now of determination to help Springer find whoever had done this to him, now hoping that the green pony had any clue of what Magicon was talking about.



    "Well, unfortunately, as far as I can remember at this moment... Ummm... I didn't have many friends or enemies when I was a colt. I was... Well... I was rather boring. There was something that I remember though… But I think it's one of those memories that's locked off, somehow… You wouldn't happen to have any spells that you could use to help someone remember things, would you? Maybe it might counteract the fog that's in my mind right now. Ummm... It may not be safe though, maybe we should ask a medical pony first... Maybe the one that saved me? Hmmm..."


    The mailpony watched Springer as he tried to concentrate all his power in looking at his memories only to come without an answer. *Well... it was still worth a shot... although I don't think a spell so soon is going to be a good idea with Springer's current condition.* He determined, thinking that any change at Springer's body might well make him collapse again. It was at that moment when Lapis' voice interrupted the silence.



    "Springer, are you sure you cannot remember more about the book? While your predicament is most unusual, there is not much I can do to get to the bottom of it. Unless of course your doppelgänger were to show up so that we may question them."


    The bluish-grey earth pony's words made Arcanel chuckle slightly. *Haha! Well, if there was something to break the mood, that was it. I kind of needed that after all this. Hope the same can be said about the rest.* He thought. *But now I wonder... Lapis thinks it's a doppelganger... Magicon thinks it's a puppetmaster... and both theories seem plausible enough so... which one is right?* he wondered, unsure of what could be the answer to Springer's situation.



    "Yes, that might be useful indeed. But, what questions would we ask?"


    Arcanel chuckled once more as Springer followed Lapis' train of thought. *I know he wants to know as soon as possible, but I don't think the doppelganger is just going to show out of nowhere Mr. Springer.* He thought in amusement.



    "Actually, I think we should try to find the fake Springer. Or whoever it is that is not the Springer before us. Maybe they are in his room?"


    As much as Arcanel felt like agreeing to Lapis' idea, he still didn't know which theory was right, which made him slightly reluctant to instantly agree and follow with the earth pony's plan. *I would have already gone to search Springer's room with his consent, but I'd rather know first which theory is the most plausible before doing something else. I just hope we can find it in time.* He pondered, wanting to find the answer to the theories as fast as possible.



    "The fake me? In my room!? Unacceptable! The monster!"


    The moment Springer shouted, the white pegasus recoiled from the sudden burst from Springer, but inmediately reacted when the green pegasus fell, unable to being more stable. "Mr. Springer!" he shouted in worry, only to watch Springer quickly recover once more and start speaking again, but in a rather desperate manner this time.



    "Electrobolt. Do you know anything about the status of the train crew rooms? Has anyone gone into my room?" Behind the curtness, it was easily evident that Springer was shaken by the thought of anypony venturing into his room. As he continued talking, his agitation was plainly evident. "I... I think that we should check it at once! If there *is* another Springer there, they need to be removed! They should be handed over to the authorities in Ponyville immediately! Oh, blast it... Come on!"



    And as soon as the words left the green pony's mouth, Springer quickly left the table and onwards towards the other cars, quickly followed by Electrobolt who had reacted almost inmediately. "Wait for me to-WOAH!" Arcanel suddenly screamed as he fell to the floor. In his rush to catch up with the green ponies, he failed to see that his left hindleg hadn't quickly left its place beside the table legs, making him trip, and making a hard noise as he hit the floor. "Ow... that hurt a lot... that's what happens when I don't see where I'm going..." he said in a voice somewhat filled with hurt, the pain from the fall and his leg tripping still recent.


    As he saw Magicon start to leave to follow the absent ponies as well, Arcanel tried moving once more, only for his left hindleg to start hurting again. "Owowowow... oooookay, so it really hurts... great... maybe I should probably stay sitting in the floor for a small bit until they come back. I can trust Bolt and Magicon to look after Springer better than I would do anyway but... (Sigh)... why did I have to be so careless?" He said in a lower voice chastising himself, lamenting that his rush made him now stay in the floor right beside the table. *Springer is struggling with a lot of things and he's still going. I trip and I stay here. Sure, what a GREAT job I'm doing...* he thought with sarcasm, disappointed in himself.



    OOC: Okay guys, I'm really, really sorry for not posting in so long, and I'll be absent for another time as well. This Saturday I'm leaving for holidays and I'll come back, approximately, in a week and a half, so I don't think I'll be able to make a post until then, but I might try if I have the opportunity. I apologize for the trouble. Arcanel right now is feeling rather bothered by his hurt left hindleg, so he'll wait until he feels absolutely sure that his leg won't be a bother to him, aside from the fact he'd rather not use his wings as they are still slightly tired. So... I hope this doesn't cause too much complications.


    • Brohoof 6

    Belly rub

    Agreed.  :wub:



    Too bad my sister is no longer cute, though. She looks like a walrus now :c

    Wut? :blink: 



    Well, if you can actually see the place where two Libbies can co-exist peacefully, say hi to Lovecraft for me :3

    If I created a machine that could make Lovecraft's world real, maybe we could put Libbies ever there. :huh: But I'd rather not. :mellow:


    Especially because his carrot can be rotated, and I often act like it was a gun and I would be all "pew pew!"

    And I repeat the same thing I did before. Forgive me for the fanboyism, but I'm making the image in my head I go all "That's sooooooooo CUTE!" :wub: 



    Two 'me' is okay, but two libby would spell instant thread enclosure :V

    Can't disagree with that. :mellow: Problem is, what would happen if we had THREE Libbys.....................................................Oh lord.... I don't think I want to imagine that image...

    • Brohoof 1

    Was visiting my parents yesterday, I found out that they still have the old plush that me and my sister once played pretend house with. Almost teared up at the sight of it.

    I totally know that feel Star. I totally know it. :D  :mellow: That's a really adorable plush Star. :wub:



    How is that a bad thing?

    I don't think he said it as a bad thing, rather as a surprising thing. And then we have two Star's.....................the thread might not be able to take it. B)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Yea, i agree.. but i can do them sometimes. Backhands are also another hard thing to learn, not really a whole lot hard, but i do backhand slicing because it's easier for me, but you have to time it right like you do when you bring your raquet back to do your forehand return or backhand.



    Note to all that live in TEXAS: If anyone lives near Lewisville, or at least close enough to where it's like an hour drive.

    I would love to meet alot of you guys! and coach you and practice with you and just have fun playing. Think of it as a Brony meet up sports edition  :)

    Know that feel about backhands bro. Are you one-handed or two-handed? I'm two-handed myself, but sometimes I forget that. :lol: I also like doing dropshots, but I can't do good slices at the moment. :(


    And I'd LOVE to meet up and do some sort of tennis MLPForums brony meetup! :D But I'm in the other side of America. In Argentina to be precise. I'm too far away. :(


    Serving though is one of my weaknesses. I can serve pretty well, however, it's harder to learn to get the ball into the square that your serving 2. All about using the right grip and control, and using enough power to get it over the net.

    This. So much this. I think I could fare myself a little bit better if could serve better than I currently do. One of the hardest things to master in my honest opinion.  I know I have started practicing again a few months ago (4 and a half to be exact, but I DID practice tennis and then stopped some 5 years ago), but it's the one thing that bothers me a whole lot.


    And backhand volleys. Those are hard to do to. Blocking the ball is not easy at all...


    which are poorly designed, button wise, if you ask me

    I think it's more or less getting used to it. I had never played with a 4 button system before, but I didn't mind it that much, and this is coming from someone who mostly played fighting games like Marvel vs Capcom. It's actually a nice touch IMO when you add the D or Magic button.

  10. well, for 1, im using an old laptop, so thats a point to take into account, but it barely effects gamplay


    and i use asdf instead of asdq  


    dpad for movement of course

    I see... well... does it complicate you to have to make movements with the right hand instead of left, like in a joystick?


    See, I couldn't get used to that, so while I was using keyboard, or when I have to use it, I use movement:


    W: up

    S: down

    A: left

    D: right


    And for buttons A, B, C and D (or Weak, Mid, Strong and Magic, if you want to refer to them like that).


    1: A

    2: B

    3: C

    4: D


    This being in the numpad of course. Since I don't know if you have one, maybe you could try adjusting it?

  11. Like you said, you know I do DF! :D Tennis is such an excellent sport IMO. It's perfect for me to play. While it's true that you would require stamina to stay strong after some hours, normally, the way to become active there is through short bursts of energy, which are my forte for the most part. And like DF said, there are so many styles that sooner or later, you can say "It's like X player" but never "plays exactly like". each can add their own twists and turns to make their own style if they are inspired in another one. And it's always amazing how they can go on for hours non-end. Just ask Nadal, Ferrer, Federer, Murray, Del Potro, Djokovic, Isner or Mahut, Tsonga or Raonic, in the current days. They'll know what I'm talking about


    As for me, my favorite player is Ferrer. Being 30 years old, he can go in a 5 hour BATTLE and STILL run like it's no big deal. And like our commentators call him, he's "una pared inteligente", which means "an intelligent wall". And it's true. He's, in my opinion, the best defender in the tennis world currently, will run any ball throw at him and make a good shot anyway, and will complicate your life and make you want to throw your raquet in pure frustration. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 2

    i cant get one while im shit broke, fastest way for me to make money is or my monitized youtube videos to be watched nonstop, and i doubt you guys would help me with that

    Can't say that we could... let me ask you, what's your button configuration in the keyboard? 


    that felt good to get out

    Well... Static... you could get an adapter to use your own controller like a PS joystick or a XBOX joystick or whatever you use. As for the rest, it's about practicing dude. :)  

    • Brohoof 1

    That's... weird. Very unexpected. I give it that much

    I don't know if it's weird, but I love it. It's a really nice voice. :D 


    But, it's time for me to go to sleep. And with this image.




    I go to bed, forgive the 9gag thing.  :lol: Goodnight everypony! :)

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Hm, those two look nice. I guess I'll give them a try later



    Not sure about you, but I tend to associate songs with some certain 'feel', so when I need to remember how does it feel like to have that 'feel', I just play the appropriate song. It's much easier to write sad post when you're listening to that song that reminds you about the sadness from days before :P

    YAY! :D


    And I know that feel. Normally, I try to put a song that just really puts in the... er.. let's call it meditating wring mood. Something chill that adds to the ambient I'm writing, but not distracting enough that I stop writing. Although it would really hard to hear, I don't know, Smile Smile Smile in a moment in the RP where someone just died, for example. ^_^


    Speaking of SSS, check this thing out.



    I don't know if it's better than the original but... wow... :wacko:

  16. As long as it's not some kind of cover of a song from the show, and there is no one name repeated over and over, link me plz :3



    Instant imagination? img-1201859-1-DrVv5.png


    Have you tried 'associating' the roleplay with a song? So whenever you read or writing in that RP, you will always hear that one song. It's kinda familiarizing yourself with it.

    Well... I don't know if this will help you any or is what you mean, but here you go anyway!




    The first guy has done very little brony songs (just two) but they are awesome IMO.


    Orchestral Design should seriously consider getting job at making orchestral scores for movies IMO.


    Yeah, I derped with "instant". :blink: What I meant to say was imagination and inspiration. Sometimes... they just fucking fly away.


    Hmmm... not quite... maybe using songs to write, but not associating just one... hmmm... intriguing...

  17. The orchestral music that can be set on repeat without breaking the 'illusion' is damn rare :V


    Most of those musics are set to 'get downhill' real fast once it's over, so when you set it on repeat, the illusion broke



    Seems like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place img-1201653-1-G16t5.png


    I know sometimes it's required that your OC reacts to every stimuli in the Trixie Train, but you should know you don't really have to do all that every time :z


    What truly matters is your OC's actions and reactions, not the uber-small details.

    I could show you two brony musicians who are really good at orchestral music, IMO, if you wish.




    And I know that. But sometimes if it's not WHAT I write.. it is I have no instant imagination. Sometimes, the mind of a writer sucks badly. :(



    I will try my best to get in a post for it tomorrow. I can't write without my creative spark, and that only appears during 11 AM to 1 PM EST.


    No worries Berry I understand. :mellow:




    over a year ago, when it started to happen again. they told me nothing was physically wrong with me. over a year later i find that very hard to believe.

    Yeah, I'd prolly try to get an appointment ASAP.

  18. i've told my father i want an appointment at the health center again. i just don't think it's fair when i look at my brother and what he eats and he's totally fine because of it, whereas i am getting complete repulsion in return.

    When was the last time you had an appointment over there Viscra?


    Now you reminds me... What happened with the Dreamescape?

    I still have to whip up a post... the wait for me to post in the Trixie Train RP made me inactive as all hell RP speaking...crap. :( 



    It's kind of unfortunate that we don't have any more musics like this

    Also, I don't know if it would be the same quality as that, but i'm pretty sure that there's a lot of that kind of orchestral music Star.

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