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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. As Arcanel waited for Dawn's reply, a blue unicorn mare suddenly came in his range of vision, and he watched as she wiped Dawn's tears with a napkin. *I wonder if she watched the whole situation develop...* he pondered.




    "Shhh, it's okay. They're gone now," she told her with a soft, friendly smile. "And while I know they probably aren't going to apologize, I will do so for them. I have no idea who they are, but nopony has any right to treat others the way they just treated you. However, over the course of the conversation I did manage to hear that you were a medical pony. Is this true, and if it is, are you currently accepting new patients?"


    As he heard the mare's words, Arcanel couldn't help but slightly cringe. *As much as I agree with her... (Sigh)... I need to try and smooth this whole situation... otherwise... this will not be good in the end.* He decided as he took a deep breath and addressed the pony who was standing next to Dawn.


    @@Ice Storm


    "Ummm... hello?" he started off, his voice slightly shy. "My name is Arcanel and forgive me to interrupt you but... while you may not have seen me sitting in front of Dawn... I was technically a part of this... er... let's call it "plan". And, I will do, what you said any of us wouldn't do." He spoke as he then turned to look at Dawn in the most apologetic look he could muster.


    @@Key Gear


    "Dawn... I am very sorry... I really am. I... can't say that the others would apologize, although I'm sure at least Springer might, but... I want to apologize on my behalf, at least. And... you deserve to know the truth on why we decided to question you. Well... the full truth." The mailpony started to explain. "Sometime ago, as Lapis told you, we found a note in a train model that Springer had which was written in his hoofwriting... but it wasn't written by him. While this may seem crazy, it's almost literally impossible for Springer to have written said note. At that time, Magicon detected some magical movements from your source of magic, and while we weren't really accusing you of anything, we at least wanted to see if you knew anything about this. Although to be honest, while I had kind of guessed it, I, nor I think any of us, realized that Lapis had as much subtlety as Princess Luna has hate against the moon." He lamented, his right foreleg grabing his head as he shook it, but he continued to talk.


    "But... I think Lapis would not have been AS blunt had he known you would react like this... but I honestly wouldn't know myself. " He spoke with honesty, knowing that Dawn was an intelligent pony, and knowing that lying to her would be the worst thing he could do. "However... there is something that you said that caused me to think... you seem to be suffering from some things that Springer himself has. And... his symptoms are pretty much the reason we went to question you in the first place." He spoke, this time carefully choosing his words to avoid upsetting the medical pony more. "I have no idea if Magicon has something against you, or if he has, if his intentions are wrong intended. But... our original intention was to figure out what was wrong which would also end up helping Springer. I'm thinking that whatever is affecting him... also affected you somehow." Arcanel assumed. "If you, after you had some lunch and rest of course, were able to... I would appreciate it if you explained to me later how exactly are you affected. It might help us overall but, of course, I know you might not want to help any of us after... well... all this happened..." He offered the medical pony, hoping he was not making the mare more distressed. As he finished talking, he let out a long sigh. "I just want to help whoever needs help right now, to be honest... again... I'm very sorry Ms. Dawn..." he said in sadness. At this point, he returned his gaze to the icy blue unicorn.


    @@Ice Storm


    "Um... could I ask your name, miss? I... think you're one of the new passengers, right?" he asked to the mare hoping he wasn't coming off rude. "I, know a bit of what has been going on recently on this train, which trust me has been a lot. If you'd like to, I could tell you a bit from it." He kindly offered to the unicorn. "And... sorry again for interrupting you. I'll leave if Dawn wants me to." He finished as he slumped back to his chair and waited for the answer of both mares.

    • Brohoof 7


    “Yes, something did happen. I can elaborate later, but for the moment let’s just say Dawn and I didn’t have the warmest of greetings earlier on the train. I can’t say what she or Dusky are up to, but I can say it’s not good, especially with Dawn. Now, keep listening.”


    As Magicon's words left his mouth, Arcanel slightly slumped, but agreed with a "Very well" and went to listen on Dawn's and Lapis' conversation. *Well... that wasn't the answer I was expecting... but... I'm guessing that's all I'm going to get for now... hopefully he'll be able to tell me later.* He pondered.


    However, as he turned to look at Dawn's table, he inmediately saw something was wrong. The light blue mare looked like she was about to hurt somepony, that somepony being Lapis. *Uh... oh... this is bad...* he thought in worry. His worries however scaled further as Dawn's horn started glowing and her face grew more insane. *This is NOT good.... this is not good at all...!* he mentally yelled, his face growing more restless, but now flaring his wings in case he had to act. He also sensed magic to his side, which he guessed was Magicon preparing some magic himself, which was confirmed as he quickly looked towards the crimson uncorn, but quickly getting his attention to Dawn again.


    After Lapis's last words however, Dawn's face and reaction grew even worse. *Oh Lapis for the love of Celestia...!* he mentally yelled at the earth pony for saying things that were definitely not making things better. *That's it I have to act, Dawn looks like she's about to release that spell, now!* he yelled once and was about to jump from his seat before he realized that Dawn's magic and face started lessening in power, and were returning to normal, ending in the mare now crying on the table. *Phew... that was one save there... but now I'm worried about Dawn... or why this even happened...* he thought as his position lessened its alert and his wings tucked back towards his body.




    "I 'm sorry. I'm... I'm not sure what came over me... That's what I meant earlier... My problems..." She laughed softly, grimly. "They go beyond missing memories. I have moments when... I don't know quite what's going on around me. When I see things that aren't really there... I'm sorry for everything, really. I'm a useless medical pony."


    While Arcanel had just seen Dawn looking mad enough as if she was to kill somepony, the white pegasus was now feelinhg sorry for her, as he understood the feeling when your own mind played tricks on oneself. *I know that feeling all too well...* he pondered in slight sadness as he recalled some of the times he had acted in things he felt he really shouldn't have.




    "I'll tell you the answer to your question. When I went into Springer's room, I was looking for a light. I did see something that concerned me. He wasn't well. I could see that he wasn't well... I'm sorry for lying, but I was afraid of it. It was in there... That was the only reason that I had known to go there looking. I... I'm drawn to the light, and it was a light, just a dim light but it was a light. I could sense it. I thought that it was Springer getting better, but it wasn't. It was something else. I was scared... And... Just like I just did... I... I lost control. I ran away. I'm sorry... Springer... Please. Don't hate me."


    At this point, Arcanel just wanted to give the mare a hug, but he first waited for Springer's answer. *He's the one she's talking to. I trust Springer on this.* He thought, confident that the green pegasus would not say anything that might invoke heavier feelings on Dawn.




    "Dawn, I see no reason to hate you. You are, I think, a foolish pony, terribly inefficient. However, in this case, you did not follow through on you inefficient thoughts. That was, of course, the right decision to make. Ah... And, you must forgive my friend. Lapis still has much to learn in the ways of efficiency, himself. Speaking of which, Dawn, I could never hate you. Hatred, among the emotions, is the least efficient. However, I would be quite pleased, in fact, if you could recall exactly what it was that..."


    As Springer talked, Arcanel couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and grin. *Yeah sounds about what Springer would say if he was in different situations, and if he'd be just efficient thinking as he is now. And Lapis needs to learn some subtlety...* he pondered, knowing that that lack of subtlety was probably what ha caused the reaction in the first place. However, before Springer could keep talking, Vim showed up and had summoned both ponies to follow him to have a chat. *Oh dear... he's probably not happy with them if he saw what just Dawn did... I should probably go as well... I might have been reluctant, but I was technically a part of the plan...* he thought, his loyalty and sincerity showing up. However, before he could think of anything else, he heard a familiar voice, but in a whispering tone.




    “Well…that went, a little unexpected, wouldn’t you say? Despite what happened we got something: a light. Do you know anything about that, Arcanel?”


    It was Magicon who was now looking at him with calm face. *Just a little unexpected?* he thought sarcastically. However, the word "light" brought something up to him. *A light... memory problems... this is too familiar...* he pondered in reminscence. Arcanel then remembered that Magicon had just spoken to him and turned to whisper at him.




    "I'm afraid I know as much of the light as you do. Which is not much right now... but... there's something that now bothers me..." the mailpony said trailing off, the gears starting to turn inside his head. "Memory problems that are shared by Dawn and Springer... mysterious lights now having appeared twice... the spell that affected Springer... something else is going on here..." he said, taking a  pause before continuing. "You said that according to you Dusky is up to something as well, but you mentioned it as something separate... there's somepony else that is handling this... this seems to odd for not anypony else to be involved... but I might be wrong." He pointed out, before continuing once more. "There's also the fact that Dawn WAS right, you weren't able to feel Springer's spell... but I know this is for a reason... and the only one I find is that it somehow wasn't magic... Magicon... I don't know what's going on right now.... but somepony else is meddling with this is... and I don't think it involves Dusky or Dawn... I would however appreciate it if you could explain some things to me later, as you could find useful another point of view." He told the unicorn.


    "I know you are very suspicious of Dawn, but I'll talking with her now. I'm going to go comfort her because I can't stand seeing her being sad like that. She might be suspicious as you called her, but I'm not going to forget my own morals,even if they doom me." He said, his face filled with confidence as he talked. "If however you wish to see it another way, she's vulnerable right now, and had a very emotional moment. I can hope to figure out some things from what she said as well, and it probably would be good if she didn't see either you or Lapis right now. I know how to be subtle, after all. I may be innocent, but I'm not a fool." he finished and slowly walked to Dawn's table.


    @@Key Gear,


    As he reached her table, he did not sit next to it as he thought space was probably what Dawn might need. "Ummm... Ms. Dawn... are you okay?" he said to the mare, knowing that she was probably not in the best of moods, but feeling the question necessary to be asked.

    • Brohoof 4
  3. As Arcanel waited for somepony to come, he started feeling an scent in the room. "Wait... is that strawberries?... That's... odd... but I definitely don't mind... although it is getting slightly smokey in here, but at least the smell is fairly good." He pointed out. While he was still on alert for anything to happen, he had felt the smell was still a nice thing to have at that moment.


    Suddenly, he heard a door slam shut, which made Arcanel be on his hooves, ready for anything that came. *Something's going to come... and I don't need to be an oracle to know that...* he thought in waryness. However, his mind was yet again distracted by the sound of a familiar song. "Wait a minute... I know that song... almost everypony around here knows... but... why would it-" as he was talking, Arcanel interrupted himself as the sound of his room's door opening filled in his ears. As it did, he readied himself in his hooves and flared his wings. As the pony started entered, he had taken his guard down, if only slightly. It was the pony who was supposedly his girlfriend. *So... I'll probably know what's going on, it seems...* he thought, his mind still alert for anything that might happen.




    "Hello Arcanel", she started to talk first, "I'm really sorry about the... transportation. I hope Jim didn't go too hard on you."


    And at those words, the white pegasus raised an eyebrow. *Transportation?... Well... that means that if I really had any girlfriend, she isn't it, and that she had something to do with this. And she also knows my name... let's see what else she has to say.* he thought in waryness once more.




    "But know that all this did not happen without reason. You have to help us."


    *No, I'm going to guess it did not happen for no reason, but now they are asking for my help? Well, they better give a good reason on why.* he pondered sarcastically, as if he was mentally reminding the mysterious mare that he was hit on his head and dragged towards an unknown place.




    "Before you speak, let me tell you who I am first. My name is Vizen, Vizen Morealis."



    *Vizen Morealis... that name... it's familiar to me... but where did I...?* he wondered, as he tried recalling the name of the mare.




    "You might have heard of me as the leader of an occult movement in the outer ring, the Pentans. Which is one of the ridiculous name given by the Media to us."


    *The Pentans... oh, right... !* he shouted in his mind as he remembered. Normally, Arcanel was slightly oblivious to the news overall, even if he still checked from time to time, however, the Pentans had been a big name on the city, and  even he knew that they had been accused of several suspicious and dangerous crimes. *But... why in the world would they want me?... I guess I'll only have one way to find out... and it's also not that bad of a name...* he decided and thought before subtly shaking his head as he prepared himself to speak to the blue mare and Pentans leader, Vizen.


    "Alright... you want my help... and I'm always up to help others if I feel they deserved to be helped. But before anything, I need to ask some things." He started as he gave a small pause before continuing. "First things first, I got hit on my head very hard, thank you very much, but I'm guessing that's actually being nice, so I appreciate your "Jim" not roughing me up any further. Second, if you know my name, I'm guessing you know what I do and who I am, so I guess that's out of the way as well." He pointed out before going to ask the questions he needed.


    "Now... why me? And why would I help you? What do you need from me that would require my help? Or more importantly, I'm guessing I don't have a choice either way, correct? Otherwise, you would not have dragged me from my house and used a ruse to bring me here as well." Arcanel determined as took a small pause to take some breath before continuing. "I'm assuming that if the leader of an alledgedly dangerous group wants my help, it either means that you're not bad, or you want me to do something bad, so which one is it?" He finished, as took on a very serious expression, wanting to know as many details as Vizen was willing to give. "Will you answer my questions? And just for the sake of courtesy, hello to you to." He greeted, putting on a smile before fading to a serious expression again. It could have been odd for him to have been greeting his kidnapper, but he was polite by nature, and he didn't feel any dangerous vibes from the blue mare, this time trusting his instincts.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. A loud sound was ongoing around the streets of Vanhoover. This was the sound of the Equestrian Ore Festival at full force, the event which Arcanel was now walking through in his day off. Arcanel had heard that that day, many thing were happening at the same time at the city, iincluding the festival, but also the announcement of an important ore discovery. He had decided to check the festival first, and with a decent amount of bits he had collected, he continued to stroll through the festival.


    "Wow... this is huuuuuge! I don't even know where to go first!" yelled the white pegasus in excitement. This was the first time he was able to attend a festival of such scale and he was enchanted by it. This coupled with the fact he had an affinity for ores, made it all the better. What had originally surprised him was the message that Fast Post , his boss at the post office, had told everypony that day at the job. *Alright, this day, might as well be one of the most important in Vanhoover's history. And if that wasn't enough, today is the Equestrian Ore Festival, which is being celebrated in Vanhoover after a long time. Only a fool and a ruthless pony would deprivate you from this. Today, there is no work at the post office. Now go and enjoy yourselves.* After those words, the post office had almost celebrated their day off and everypony had gone on their merry day, knowing that if their boss was giving a day off, they should take it.


    "Well... I'll probably get more information about that ore discovery later. For now, let's see what should I do first!" Arcanel yelled in excitement once more. As he started watching through all the stands, he heard some noise from a particular point in the festival. As he looked towards that way, he noticed a stage and even music starting to sound from there. "Oh yeah, I remember that they said the festical would have some music! Well, might as well check that first. I'll probably get an idea of what to buy later, haha!" he laughed as he now almost galloped towards the stage in anxiety to hear the music. However, as he was moving forward, he did not see ahead from him and bumped into a pony, which had made him sit from the force.




    "Augh... dear Luna I need to watch where I'm going through...  ummm... are you okay? I'm so sorry for bumping into you." he apologized as he gave a hoof to help the pony stand up again. As he did, he noticed the pony was a blue coated pegasus stallion, but he also noticed an instrument on his back. *He must be a musician, I guess.* Arcanel determined. "Um... again... are you a musician from the festival?" he asked, now worried he migh have broken something or worse and worried that the musician may not be able to participate.

    • Brohoof 6


    "You are right Arcanel. Whatever the outcome, we may end up closer to some answers. When do you think Springer will get back to us?"


    Arcanel smiled when Lapis agreed with him, which he knew meant he had said something right. *If I can convince Lapis to agree with me, then that's something good, I think.* He determined. However, as he was going to answer the question about Springer, said pony arrived at that moment.




    "Hello, everyone... Ummm... My apologies for the momentary delay, I think that we are all just about ready to proceed? I think that... I think that I have an appropriate method for approaching Dawn when she arrives. It is rather crowded here, actually, so I rather doubt that my strategy of waiting for her to come to us will work. We will need to go to her, most likely, to prevent her from becoming distracted..."


    "No problem Mr. Springer." Arcanel said confidently smiling as the green pegasus apologized. However, as he mentioned the fact that they might need to wait for Dawn to get the "plan" into action, Arcanel's smile disappeared. *Well, it shouldn't take much now for Dawn to appear. It's lunch time after all.* He pondered. And sure enough, a little while after they had spoken, Dawn appeared and sat right across their table. At that moment, Springer had signaled Lapis to come with him and for himself and Magicon to remain listening, and both went to speak to the medical pony.


    As Dawn agreed to answer the questions, Arcanel gave a small sigh. *Well, that's one part out. At least she'll listen. Although when i see it, she could feel slightly intimidated by having two ponies question her...... I hope I'm wrong.* The mailpony mentally wished. and just slightly afterwards, Lapis started to ask the questions.




    "For the sake of getting much done at one time, I will ask a few questions before you can get a chance to speak. I do hope you do not mind."


    As soon as the earth pony had said this, Arcanel groaned. *Oh Lapis... that's not what you say to a pony who is not even expecting to be inquired almost accusingly of having to do with something that was odd or dangerous...* he thought. Dawn had seemed eager to answer the questions initially, but as soon as Lapis had started speaking afterwards inquiring about herself, Dawn's smile was becoming smaller and smaller. And sure enough, after she was asked to tell her backstory, the light blue unicorn's smile had completely faded, and now looked very distressed. *Uh oh... this is not boding well... for any of us...* and Arcanel was not having many hopes on Lapis being more subtle.




    "How long have you lived in Ponyville? If not all your life, where did you come from? Why did you accept the job of caring for Springer during his down time?"



    "Also, about the spell you've cast on the assistant conductor. Are there any side effects? No weird things are expected to happen because of your procedure, correct? Because, as you may not know, Springer has been having nightmares. I'm not one to blame ponies without evidence of some kind, but things point to the nurse treating him."


    The more Lapis talked, the more Arcanel had his wide open, and the more he saw Dawn become more distressed, now the mare herself having her mouth completely dropped. *Oh dear Celestia... Lapis, what are you doing?! This is not inquiring, this is being suspicious!* the white pegasus was yelling in his mind for Lapis to be more subtle. He knew Springer was not going to know or realize better than he was, so he wasn't about to give a hint to Lapis to stop. But as things were getting then, Arcanel now feared that Dawn was going to react badly. And if it wasn't that, at least things going south somewhere. *This is not boding well at all...* was all he could think at the moment.




    "Another thing. Magicon, my associate, has the ability to sense when large amounts of magic are in the air, or something like that. I'm not a unicorn. I wouldn't know. But the point is, it points to you once more. There isn't a unicorn besides yourself that would fit the description of a frequent magic user. So, what say you to all that, hm?"


    The moment Lapis finished those words, a lot of things happened. Springer showed his first reaction by slightly moving when the word "Magicon" came up. Dawn looked like she started to fear, and the thought of something happening between Dawn and Magicon came up again. And Magicon himself had almost fallen out of his chair the moment his name came up. As much as Arcanel wanted to ask Magicon what had happened, he was a bit lost at the current situation. *Lapis... what have you done... Magicon was supposed to have remained without being mentioned! Something DID happen between Dawn and Magicon, I'm now sure of it... but... Magicon is trying to look calm and collected, but I know something's wrong with him. Lapis didn't do the right thing when he mentioned Magicon's name... now I don't know what Dawn will do... or anypony for that matter...* he sadly thought, as Lapis had stopped talking. At that moment, Dawn cleared her throat which redirected his attention to her. As he did, he realized that Dawn looked more calm now... and as if she was decided to prove a point. *Well... now we'll see if she was offended by it or not... I'm hoping to everything that nothing goes wrong...* he wished, even though his own hopes weren't high.





    "Well... To all of that, I intend to say what you want me to say - the truth. I am not certain about the note in Springer's room, but I do know that something happened in Springer's room. That's why I went there, just to check on him. I saw that everything was fine, so I left. That's all. I don't know anything about any mysterious notes. Why should I? I'm just a medical pony, that's all. I came from Canterlot. I arrived in Ponyville as a student transferred from Canterlot, which is where I was studying magic, healing magic. Other than that, there's not much to my story. I have been having some memory problems myself, lately, but I can take care of those, myself. I don't need any help. I think I've always been forgetful."


    As Dawn started speaking, Arcanel sensed a tone of voice that intended to show she had nothjing to do with what was happening, which was what the mailpony was expecting to some point. *For now, everything that she said makes sense... although she's been having memory problems too... so... could it be that hers and Springer's problems are connected somehow...?* he wondered, but for now putting his question away to hear what else was Dawn going to say.


    At that moment, Lapis' asistant, Asteria, as he remembered, had come to help as well with the questioning, while the bluish-grey pony introduced Asteria to Dawn, while also assuring her that she was quite capable despite looking innocent, *Lapis... for Celestia's sake that isn't going to help at all either... I'm fairly sure that Dawn would not underestimate Asteria...* he pondered yet again.




    "I'm certain that she is quite capable." Dawn remarked considerately, returning a small smile to her face. "Now, as I was saying... I took the job of caring for Springer for two reasons. First, I felt certain and I feel certain that this is what I am meant to do. I have to care for Springer. For the second reason, I was asked by the train's conductor. What else should I have done?" She shrugged and grinned. "I'm sorry. If you are expecting some deeper motivation, I don't have it. I am just what I seem to be, nothing more and nothing less."


    Dawn's reaction slightly surprised Arcanel, in that he wasn't expecting her to be so calm... or even to grin. Which in some way disturbed him. *Although on hindsight, she is a really happy pony, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is what she did when confronted against such a situation.* He deteremined, as he kept on hearing Dawn's words, but so far trusting that the pony seemed to be telling the truth and that nothing seemed to be wrong with her answers, as most of what she said seemed similar to what he would say, albeit a bit more subtle.




    "I'm a medical pony. Now... The spell that I cast on Springer was basically a powerful spell to break a spell that had been cast on him previously. The spell that he had been under was one that I think I recognized from my studies in Canterlot. I only think that I recognized it, because I thought that the symptoms seemed familiar. He seemed like he was lost and drifting further away. Adrift like a boat in a storm, I think. With my own magic, I could sense this. The spell had tried to 'borrow' him or his thoughts, but whoever had cast it was interrupted or something before they could finish. Because of this, he was wasting away. It was like not putting the top on a bottle of water." Clearly in her element, Dawn gathered confidence as she spoke, directing her full attention to Lapis. "He'll be fine. My spell should have no long-lasting effects, but his recovery won't be instant. It will take time for his strength to return, and even then..." Dawn trailed off as she considered something that Lapis had mentioned, earlier. "You say that he's been having problems with nightmares? Were they nightmares or were they memories? Because, if they were memories, then this might be a memory that was lost in the original spell? I need to know more about the symptoms before I can make a diagnoses. However... Really..." Dawn's face grew serious.


    *So that's what happened... well... it seems to make sense... although I don't really know much about magic, and I didn't even know such a spell could exist... at least this means that Springer is okay for now... but nightmare issue is still there...* he pondered as he considered what Dawn had mentioned about her spell and what had affected Springer. While he was happy that Dawn had known what to do, he still couldn't help but to feel like there was something else going on.




    "All of this is pointless if you don't trust me. I don't know what Magicon has told you about me, but I promise you, I'm a good pony. I'm here to keep Springer safe, no matter what happens. That's what I was asked to do, and that's what I'm going to do. None of you can stop me. As for your associate's ability to sense magic. If he's so fantastic, then why didn't he sense the spell that was put on Springer? Also... Why isn't he here to ask me questions himself? Why did he send you and this filly, Lapis? I'm not afraid of Magicon. If he wants to confront me, then he shouldn't send others. He should come to me, himself. He shouldn't be afraid of me."


    As soon as Magicon's name was mentioned again this time by Dawn's mouth, he felt that somepony was watching, to which looked towards Magicon who was looking at him as if looking for answers, only Arcanel felt lost himself. *Oh Magicon... I would really want to answer you but... I don't know how... and it is true... why didn't Magicon sense Springer's spell...? Or... was he actually unable to...? Although.. I'm not sure Magicon confronting Dawn is a good idea right now...* he thought, his mind turning into a small machine to try and figure out the best course of action of a situation that was not starting to turn for worse very slowly.




    "Just another thing... This is really something that is about magic. I think that this is why you mentioned Magicon's ability to me? Well. Magicon seems like he knows a lot about magic. Maybe you should ask him to join us? I know that Asteria is capable, but if you really are suspicious of my magic usage, then a seasoned unicorn would be better able to ask the right question, don't you think? Lapis, you are intelligent, I think, but... You probably aren't as familiar with magic as Magicon is. Why don't you ask him to join us? I would like to talk to him."


    "Uh oh..." Arcanel said, unable to contain his sudden worry, but in a low enough tone. *I know that this is not going to end well... and if Magicon goes then this might end well if Magicon is that affected by Dawn...* he pondered as he looked towards Magicon who seemed to be deep in thought as well, and looked uneasy as Dawn had offered Magicon to step up. At that moment, Springer tried to take the attention to him, but he didn't know how that was going to work out. At that pause, he decided to ask some questions to Magicon himself, who was subtly watching a pony pass by, a dark grey tall unicorn. *I'm going to take a guess and think that that is the engineer, Dusky.* He decided, as Magicon stopped looking at him and went back to his own train of thought.


    At that moment, Arcanel felt slightly lost and started looking everywhere in the dining room. Dusky was now sitting with an icy blue pony and probably new to the train who seemed slightly upset about something, as if she was telling something that was not too comfortable for her. Elsewhere, Electrobolt and the cook, Ambrosia as he recalled, were now sitting with a with a sand colored pony. At that moment, he stopped looking around, he took a decision. He would ask Magicon some questions, knowing that now would be a very bad moment to ask them, but with the intention of lessening whatever could happen now. *Right now, I need answers.. and Magicon looks like he's about to try something... right now, Dawn might intend to answer Springer... this is my chance before gets her attention elsewhere makes this whole thing look even worse.*




    At that moment he turned to Magicon and spoke in a very low tone. "M-" he almost inmediately intrerupted himself because he remembered that Magicon had felt slightly uncomfortable when he called him "Mr." so he retried talking again. "Magicon... I know this is not boding to look well... but... I need to ask you a few questions." He said, still in an almost whisper tone. " Something happened between you and Dawn... and with Dusky there's also something going on... I need you to tell what happened. Otherwise, this could end ugly for all of us involved, and I'd rather that did not happen. Why were you so suspicious of Dawn? Are you so sure that she's planning something? And the same thing with Dusky? Can you tell what?" He carefully asked. "I want you to trust me... and want to help fix this whole thing as much as I want to, but I need to know as much as I can. Please..." he finished, knowing that he needed to be slightly more bold than he usually is. He knew something was going on, and he intended to help. He just hoped he knew how to... and that he was allowed to.

    • Brohoof 5




    As Arcanel had finished speaking, he realized that Magicon was about to talk, and he also saw a slight twitch when he called the unicorn "Mr.", but before he spoke, Springer had reacted first.




    "No! No no no no! This is not efficient! None of this is!" He sat for a few moments, attempting to regather his thoughts. 


    "Mr. Springer!" he yelled as he watched the green pegasus suddenly burst but quickly recovering. The mailpony was now becoming very worried about Springer's health, yet again.




    "I'm sorry, everyone, and... I hope that you are not offended by my outburst. However, I stand by my thoughts. All of this is inefficient. Magicon, using magic to lure Dawn to the Dining Car would not be needed. It is lunchtime, she will be there. Ummm... Besides. It would be better for you to be seen. The visible presence of another unicorn may deter her from even attempting anything unwise. Then, another thing. If she is spooked by your invisibility, she may react even if she's innocent of all wrong. That would give us bad evidence."


    The moment Springer started talking about the plan to inquire Dawn about the previous events, Arcanel was starting to think that the green pegasus looked now very, very distressed. *Springer... I don't think you should be sorry... but... you need to rest soon...* he thought, now wishing Lapis had waited until Springer rested before. Suddenly, the assistant conductor turned to him.




    "Arcanel. I don't think that you should be tasked with reading Dawn's emotions. You exaggerate far too much. If you read her intentions incorrectly, then again we would have bad evidence. Finally. The time for planning is over. We need to take action now. If we continue to plan, then we may be here until nightfall. I don't even think that I can stand that long. I am tired. I think that we should act. And, I know what we should do. After this, I do not think that we should do anymore planning. It is becoming dangerous - our plans are about plans. We need action."


    *Ouch...* was all he could think after hearing Springer point his flaws. Arcanel didn't feel sad that Springer had pointed his flaws, as one of his most common characteristics WAS that he tended to exaggerate things. Being very self-conscious, he knew his own flaws from top to bottom if somepony had asked. However, what Springer didn't know was that Arcanel had a great concentration power. Something that his workmates had pointed out many times in the past due to how sometimes the white pony needed to be shouted in the ear to regain his concentration again. He was able to purely concentrate just as easily as he could distract himself. *I know I exaggerate, but I don't think I'm bad at reading feelings... besides, I could at least point out the details instead of directly analyzing them myself.... though Springer is right that we need to start doing something instead of planning...* he agreed in the end. However, he started realizing that, the more Springer was stressed, the more devoted to efficiency he became.




    "I think that we should all go to the dining car. Here, Magicon and Arcanel are correct. I think that Lapis should ask Dawn questions. And... I think that Magicon should accompany him for safety. Arcanel and I will sit at a different table, nearby. Lapis will, I think, ask direct questions. That would be perfect. We need information quickly... Ummm..." 


    At the mention of the dining car, Arcanel slightly relaxed. *Well, at least that's something we all agree...* he thought with relief, glad that the green pegasus did not seem as anxious or nervous as he did right after his outburst.




    "Ummm... Wait... Actually, I will accompany Lapis. Dawn is here to safeguard me. If I am there, she would not harm Lapis. I am in a weakened state, so it would put me in danger. I think that this is something that she would not do. I would be a more effective guard for Lapis than Magicon. Then... There is another thing... If she is here to protect me and she suspects nothing of Lapis, then she would likely join us of her own accord. It would be a less confrontational setting. Magicon... You and Arcanel would sit nearby. If... If this course of action is acceptable, then, we should go immediately to the dining car and take our positions."


    "Wha...?" Arcanel said out loud, not loud enough to be heard. As soon as Springer considered that he should go along Lapis, the white pegasus had got instantly worried again. *Oh no... Springer is already stressed out a lot... would this even be good for him...? And even if he could handle it... isn't it too risky in case Dawn was actually dangerous?* he pondered. While he didn't think that Dawn could hurt if fly if she wanted to, he still had to consider every option, especially with the recent events. However, before he could protest, Lapis spoke up.




    "Yes, this is all perfect, or as perfect as it can be with our limited resources. I for one wish to get this underway immediately. If you would all go with me, I shall be heading to the dining car."


    "But...!" Arcanel was interrupted by the smell of food and fruits that had suddenly come out of the door. *Wow... that smells really... really nice... (Sigh)... I'm probably just hungry. I think we all are. We might as well think better when we do eat something. Hopefully make me think clearer...* he decided, hoping that a full stomach and less tension would make every head clearer.




    "Either way, I am dreadfully famished."


    "Yeah... so am I." He said, now truly realizing how hungry he was. He then muttered a small "thank you" to Lapis for having hold the door and entered into the dining car. After Lapis and Magicon commented, he hoped as well that the plan would go well and with no misunderstandings or just bad situations in general.


    As soon as Springer rushed out the door, he stopped to speak with a new passenger he hadn't seen before, a watery colored mare with different tones of blue. As he was thinking of going to talk to her as well, Magicon had decided first.





    “Come guys, let’s keep moving. Springer can handle this new passenger.”

    Arcanel sighed as the crimson unicorn spoke. Ever since he got in the train, he had basically had no chance to be in a normal conversation with either of the ponies in the train, which slightly saddened him. But now he knew that he was technically "working" so he had to focus. *Well... it's a long journey anyway... I'm sure we'll have time to relax later.* He determined as he followed Lapis and Magicon.


    As they kept on walking the train suddenly started moving, which indicated they were finally leaving Ponyville. *Well... at least Vim will be happy to finally go!* he thought in amusement, as he imagined the conductor releasing his frustration as he imagined that the detour they had taken was NOT a happy moment for Vim. After a bit more of walking Magicon settled in a table around the middle of the car, which Arcanel and Lapis quickly followed suit.




    So, everything is clear, yes? No regrets if I can't get any answers? Who's to say she won't lie? Oh well, I'm sure you can discern lies from the truth. I'm just a researcher. I get information and take notes."


    While Lapis' last statement made Arcanel raise his eyebrows a bit, he thought of nothing of it as he imagined the earth pony saying something like that. "Well... we get what we can get. I am trusting Dawn to tell the truth, but even if she does lie, we'll at least have something to go for, either her behavior or what she says, which is a clue at least other than having nothing." He declared, knowing that even if the did came up with nothing, Dawn herself might provide some clue with something else other than words.

    • Brohoof 5


    "I don't think that we need to go through all of this. We are not trying to discern guilt or innocence, I think. Ummm... What we are trying to do is to efficiently come to an understanding of what happened. For myself, I don't think that she is either guilty or innocent of anything, but the facts that we have now suggest that she may have had the opportunity to do something that pertains to my dream and the paper. We should act on this fact, discover if it is true or false."


    As much as Arcanel respected the devotion of Springer to efficiency, now he was starting to think that it was getting a bit out of hoof. *Oh Springer... I know that you want to act right now, as technically it is the best way... but... if Dawn's feelings get hurt in some way in this if she had nothing to do with anything, then this could turn into something much worse...* he thought, worried that Springer's wanton of efficiency might turn into something bad at the rate it was going. However, Springer wasn't finished talking.




    "Then, there is another problem. The spell that she used to revive me was powerful. If we were to trace her magical aura, then we would end up retracing her path back to this original location or into Ponyville. The train is about to leave, Vim rarely runs behind schedule by more than a few minutes. We really don't have the time to search all of Ponyville. Why don't we just go directly to Dawn and ask her something? Lapis is right. We need the answers that Dawn can give us. Arcanel, I think that the questions that you derived earlier would be the efficient ones to ask.


    As soon as the green pegasus finished telling the second reason, Arcanel agreed this time. *It is true... if there are traces, they would probably be more the main source of whatever tracer spell Magicon could use or even anypony else.* The mailpony determined. However, as Springer said that Arcanel had the questions that would be appropiate, he turned to look the assistant conductor directly in the eye.




    "Since you are the other pony on this train with an interest in my well-being and the questions were yours, perhaps you should go to speak with Dawn? She would conclude that you were simply looking after me, as you have been. Her suspicions would not be raised. In fact... Because of Magicon, we know where she is right now. You could trace her path yourself. Leave through the caboose, fly to the train engine. If she is there, then you can speak with her, simply, ask your questions, gather her answers and return. It would be a paradigm of efficiency. While you did this, the rest of us could... Ummm... We could seek a meal. I'm rather hungry and it is nearly lunch time. Is this plan acceptable?"


    *Wha...?!* was all Arcanel could think being left with eyes wide open as the thought of being himself the one who would have to, subtly, look for answers in Dawn, while also remembering that he didn't think she was guilty, as he also did not think that the plan was a bad idea overall. *Also... how come he can go ha-... well... Springer has been through a lot more than me... so I guess it would be okay. I wonder if Lapis could offer some support.* he pondered, wondering if said earth pony would offer assistance on what may be his new mission.




    "I think that is what would work best to get this done quickly." he said, addressing Springer, "And lunch is a wonderful idea."


    If Arcanel hadn't controlled himself, he would have protested outloud. *Wait, what? Oy! You're not the only one who hasn't had lunch in a good while!... (Sigh)... still, Springer's plan does seem like the best choice... even though I'm not sure how well would I do... oh dear...* the white pegasus lamented, not having imagined that he might be the one who would be in the direct course of action to take. Suddenly, another voice entered his ears.




    “Guys, please! Look, it’s obvious that we need to do something about Dawn. I like the idea of talking to her directly, but my gut tells me she won’t like that. Dawn doesn’t seem like the type of pony to just answer questions willy-nilly. That’s why I propose this solution: we come up with a plan. Thankfully while you guys were explaining yourselves I formulated a plan. Here’s what we’ll do. First, we’ll head to the dining car. It’s a social place and its unlikely Dawn would do anything really crazy in front of many ponies. Plus there will be witnesses to observe her every move.


    While Magicon started speaking, Arcanel couldn't help but feel that Magicon disliked Dawn more than he might have implied before. *Why is he so suspicious of her... did something happen between them?* Was the question that rounded the pony's mind as he got his attention back to Magicon's plan.




    “To draw her to the dining car or to prevent her from doing anything crazy there, I will cast an invisibility making myself invisible just before we enter the car. She may detect it, and she’ll probably know it’s me, but it adds the pressure for her to either come to the dining car or answer our questions. Then, if she’s there or if she comes to the car, Lapis would you ask her the questions. She really doesn’t know you and therefore doesn’t know what to expect. You might be able to catch her off guard.


    The more the crimson unicorn explained his plan, the more worried Arcanel felt about it. *I'm not so sure going into the dining room is such a good place to go anyway... And if that weren't enough... what if Dawn suspects something's up? I mean... if she's only supposed to detect Magicon... wouldn't she detect that there's something else going on as well? However, I have to admit... Lapis talking to Dawn seems like a better idea than me, given that I might be too biased... but...* he trailed off, unsure of what could happen if Lapis asked the question with the wrong tone and he didn't realize it.




    “Arcanel, since you know Dawn the most, I want you just to sit at a booth and listen in carefully, but discreetly. You’ll know if she’s lying or skirting the truth. As for you, Springer, fill free to grab some food; I’m sure Ambrosia is cooking up a wonderful meal. Then join Arcanel and listen carefully to Dawn and Lapis. If you feel you’ll need to interject yourself, do so. I will be near the conversation, invisible, but monitoring flow’s aurora just in case she tries anything bizarre. I know it sounds complex, but trust me, it’s not, but tell me, does this sound like a good plan to you guys?”


    As Magicon finished speaking, Arcanel now felt that he should voice his concerns about both plans that had been conceived. "Ummm... if I may... Mr. Magicon... I don't know about your plan, to be completely honest... I have my own worries about why the plan might not be the best idea that we could follow... however, I do believe that it's a good idea to get to the dining room anyway. We ALL need to eat something, I believe... for the record though, it's not that I think your plan is bad. It's that I want to make sure that you have thought of everything that could happen and be prepared for it. I believe I'd rather follow Springer's previous plan, but... I'm not sure either. Do you think we can finish discussing this while eating something?" he explained, now his stomach slightly corrupting his mindset as the pegasus hadn't much at all either. "Also... Mr. Magicon... if you don't mind me asking... you seem... awfully suspicious of Dawn... did something happen between you two?" he asked, hoping that he hadn't touched a sensitive subject.

    • Brohoof 5


    But...  but I didn't accuse him, I was just saying IF that was what he was trying to do, because I know he didn't actually say he wrote it. I just didn't want others to think that he was trying to steal it. 


    Oh... ummm... the way you worded kinda sounded slightly different than what you intended to mean Rizoel...unsure.png 




    You're right. I could have avoided the argument. I'm sorry, Dawn, for being a bit harsh on you. 



    There we go.img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png (I hope Dawn Rider feels the same way...) Um... I'd pat you but I fear that Crepuscule might want to hurt me, so I'll just ask her to give you a hug from me.derpy_emoticon1.png




    And for threatening to bite off your pride. 


    You know Crep, given how protective you are of Rizo, the phrase "Hell hath no fury like an angry woman" (in this case mare), completely applies to you... may Celestia have mercy on those who fail to see it.mellow.png  

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I don't understand why some people here are sensitive when others talk about tulpa.


    Well... considering how some people in this thread have had tulpas for years, and have become a very important part of their life, it IS  a big deal you know? You're not talking about something that is more silly, you're talking about your mind companionship for who knows how much years in your life, if not until you die. Sooo... some of them care a lot by what is posted here in order for others to enjoy the experience of a tulpa as properly as posible.

    @, @@Rizoel & Crepuscule,


    Now as for you three, Dawn, you could have tried asking first if what you posted was outdated for tulpaforcing, considering how there are people here with plenty of experience in tulpae and pretty much know what's updated and what is outdated, and it is true that you could have posted the thing in a spoiler and warn that it was going to be a huge wall of text... And Rizoel, Crepuscule, I KNOW you two care a lot for what gets posted in here, but that's not really a reason to be that harsh. While Dawn could have asked, you could have first told him that it was outdated instead of just accusing him of making it look like he wrote it. Not everyone who posts here has the last news on tulpae and Dawn was just trying to help, you know? It seems silly to have an arguement over this... I'm not intending to be a backseat moderator or whatever that means the same but... you two might have started an arguement that really wasn't needed to...

    • Brohoof 3
  10. Arcanel watched as Magicon took a deep breath and relaxed himself. *I think that explaining things like this is not something he thoroughly enjoys... I hope he feels comfortable enough...* he thought, wishing that the unicorn is able to express himself well.




    “Well…it’s difficult to explain, but I’ll do my best. Essentially, somepony just recently used a good ounce of magic near here and I was trying to figure out what the spell was and who might’ve conjured it. I have my suspicions, but I don’t want to give away anything until I gather more evidence. However, that being said, I feel like I should tell you my suspicions. My gut tells me not to, but we’ve all been working on this bizarre investigation and seen a few oddities. The more information I give you, the more we may be able to put these things together.”


    As Magicon started explaining, Arcanel couldn't help but feel that the crimson pony was starting to act quite a lot like a detective. *A kind of secretive detective, but one nonetheless...* the mailpony thought as Magicon finished his pause and continued talking.




    “From what I gathered, there was only one unicorn back here recently: Dawn, the young blue filly. Lapis met me in the parlor car and Dawn was there, with her cats I might add. Lapis and then went back to the dining car to decipher the paper with the bizarre story. Lapis then decided to head back here to talk to you, Springer. On the way through the parlor car Dawn was gone and so were her cats. We met up with Arcanel soon afterwards and then went to Springer’s room. As you guys just entered the room and woke Springer I felt the magic. Whether she was further inside the caboose or near the exits that we passed is unknown to me.  But what counts is that Dawn used a good strong ounce of magic.   Now as for the magic, I can’t tell exactly what the spell she did, but it was either a teleportation spell or invisibility spell. Either way she ended the spell near the front of the train. If I head over there I can figure out just exactly where she ended it. But, that depends on whether or not that’s related to what we’re doing. Perhaps this is entirely pointless and Dawn just used magic freely for some purpose. But tell me, perhaps there’s something we can figure out with this paper. Anything new that you guys figured out?”


    As soon as the words left the magician's mouth, Arcanel now felt intrigued, and slightly confused again. *Dawn was the one who activated the "disturbance in the magical force" or something like that?... Well... I can see her doing something like that. She seems like a very curious, cheery pony, and I know she can do magic strong enough and that she likes cats. I should know, I flied one of them.* He mentally recollected, as he recalled when Dawn disrrupted the spell that was upon Springer and carried Flo when they were coming back to the train. However, before he could voice his thoughts, Lapis spoke first.




    "Well, we don't know where to go from here, do we? What purpose is there in just sitting here and staring at a paper that may mean nothing? I can't figure out what it means. It's just a story, and not even a complete one at that. While I doubt Springer's dream means anything, I am suspicious of Dawn. She doesn't sit right with me for some reason. I could be just paranoid here, but maybe Dawn planted the dream in Springer's head? She is his nurse after all. And I've met some pretty strange ponies before. What her motive might be, I do not know. But this is something, is it not?


    By the time Lapis had finished, Arcanel was now worried. He never liked it when they pointed the hoof at ponies he didn't really thought could do bad things. He wasn't naive or innocent, he just disliked it, because he knew he could think of the possibilities if he wanted to. He just wanted things to be fair. *(Sigh)... looks like everything is pointing to Dawn right now...* he pondered in sadness, now wanting for something to clear the name of the young nurse.




    "Dawn might know something for all we know. What were the chances she put the note in the train? She had been here since before the search, right? Though any motive for such an act is unclear, the window for the events to occur is quite open in my opinion." he continued. "Unless someone else has some other idea, what's the harm in simply asking Dawn a question or two, eh?"


    While Arcanel didn't want to admit it, he knew the earth pony was right. Dawn could have had time to put the note. But the question would remain. *Why would she even do that?* as soon as he finished his thought, he went to voice his own thoughts.


    "Well... first things first, I'm sad to say that either of us were able to figure out something new Mr. Magicon. None of us can think of anything that can relate, other than Springer's dream maybe being related to it in some way." He started. "Second, in regards to Dawn, I know that she seems to be a fairly curious pony, and a very cheery one, and very fond of cats. I was with her a small time when I went looking for help to Springer. I wouldn't be surprised if she had teleported or done something similar just to investigate out of curiosity." Arcanel continued explaining, trying to get most things as detailed as possible.




    "However... while I don't like to point the hoof at ponies, she MIGHT have an idea of what happened. Whether she was the cause or she saw who caused. So I say let's do this. We can't exactly go and ask Dawn 'Hello Ms. Dawn, did you by any chance forge Mr. Springer's hoofwriting and messed with his memories and dreams?' now can we?" he said in a rethorical tone. "So I say that if she felt something suspicious around, we could ask her that. And also, she casted a spell that would in theory counter the one that was already on Springer that was altering his memories. Maybe we should ask if her spell has any side effects? After all, she did a check up on Springer's status, but I don't think we ever thought if there could have been a medical side effect." He determined, as he recalled the actions of Dawn and Springer's current health. As he finished that sentence, the white pegasus turned to look at Magicon. "Ummm... Mr. Magicon? Ummm... before you said you used magic to 'trace' the magic that you felt, as if it was a radar, right? Er... forgive the vulgar word, I know that as a studious magician such as yourself probably like their spells to be properly called..." Arcanel apologized, feeling slightly embarrased to call what is probably an important spell in such a simplistic way.


    "Well... I'm not sure if you could do it but... is it possible get a sample of somepony's magic aura, so to speak, or at least have it detected, and trace it back to any other places it might have been used before in the somewhat inmediate past? I mean... before when we were searching we came up with nothing because we didn't go looking for specific ponies who had done something and were mostly looking for that book which never turned up. Now we technically are looking for a specific somepony... I don't like thinking that Dawn is guilty, and mostly because I believe she deserves the benefit of doubt as much this should be fair, but at least this could dissolve any doubts any of us have about her, or maybe even, we could end up finding something in the end." Arcanel concluded, hoping that what he said made sense to everypony and that his idea resonated well within the group.

    • Brohoof 3
  11. As Springer started reading aloud what was written within the paper, Arcanel started feeling more and more confused. Even more than when he was told the story about the dragon. *What the... why would somepony write just a part of a story? It just... doesn't make sense? It has a meaning, that's for sure, but I can't even figure out which one it is... Why would somepony hide this in Springer's room in the first place?* the pegasus wondered, confusion filling every part of his face as he tried to figure out the meaning of the story.




    "I... I don't believe that I understand the significance of this. It seems to be, at best, incomplete. At worst, I would say that the story itself was completely meaningless. Instead, I think that this was perhaps some drivel designed to draw attention to the fact that this document was written in my hoofwriting. Well. I didn't write this. The story is inefficient. It conveys no information of any value, whatsoever. It's just a small part of a much longer story, something that..."


    Suddenly, Springer's word broke the silence, and after hearing said words, Arcanel felt even more confused. *If something is written in a non-efficient way, it's not by Springer, that's for sure. I don't think he would be able to fake that, even if he wanted to. So... how in Equestria is it written in his hoofwriting if he didn't write it? Someone probably forged the hoofwriting but even still...* the mailpony pondered. The green pegasus looked more lost than anypony in the room and he looked fairly concerned about something, which worried Arcanel, but he continued speaking after he regained his gaze.




    "Confusion is inefficient, so perhaps we can work together to understand this problem." He looked around at the ponies present, before continuing. "I didn't write this, but it is in my hoofwriting." After a shrug to indicate his lack of concern with the hoofwriting similarity, he continued.    "I would never write something so inefficient, incomplete, without a beginning or an end. Everything that I have ever written always followed the same structure. Beginning, middle, end. You start with a description of the problem or context. Next, you walk through the content necessary to understand the situation. For the end, you describe the solution or resolution. There is no need for anything else."   "This story. It is the opposite of how I would do things. It reads like a page that was torn from a book, in the middle of a story, but if that was the case, then wouldn't the words go all of the way down the page? If it was the last page in a story, then I would be able to understand; however, if it was the last page, then why is there no conclusion here. Then, there is... There is something else entirely, something concerning to me."


    *He's right in everything he said, but... oh no... what could be concerning him now if it wasn't all of the things before?* Arcanel thought, thinking that if finding something that had your hoofwriting but wasn't yours, didn't seem to gave a clear meaning, and deducting that somepony probably forged your hoofwriting wasn't troubling enough, he worried that something worse was probably affecting Springer.




    "The dream, it doesn't concern me by itself, because a dream is all that it was. It wouldn't be efficient to place much faith in it... Ummm... But... These words on this page. The voice in my dream was speaking them, I believe. Even though I didn't understand the language in the dream, perhaps... If the dream was a memory? Perhaps, in my dream, the words were obscured to prevent me from recognizing them? I don't know... Are there any other theories? Ideas? I... Don't know what this means..."


    As the assistant conductor finished recollecting the dream he had and said those last words, Arcanel now felt even more worried about Springer's safety. *Oh dear Celestia... his dream looked more like something going to turn into a nightmare but... but if the dream itself is related... then something outside is affecting Springer deeper than we thought... this is not good...* he thought, his worry about Springer now increasing even more than it was before.




    "Springer, I really can't see what this piece of paper means. But it looks like your own writing, and it was found in your train. Whatever it is, it must mean something. All I can think of is the end of a chapter like you said. Perhaps you write stories in your sleep?" he said, chuckling a little before giving a sad shake of the head. "I honestly can't fathom what it means."



    "That makes two of us..." he said with a sad shake of his face as well, now his improved mood having almost disappeared and depression now setting in him as he tried to figure out the meaning of something that could be dangerous to Springer. Suddenly, Magicon broke the mood with a voice that sounded like in alert.




    “I hate to be rude…but something’s amiss in the magical world. I felt something just now and I need to understand what that is. If you’ll excuse me.”


    As the crimson unicorn left left the room, Arcanel now felt confusion again. *Huh... what was that? Is Magicon able to feel disturbances in the air when somepony uses magic? Wow...* he wondered in slight awe, but his thoughts were interrupted when he saw Springer getting out of bed. Arcanel reacted quickly, and went to his side and help just in case. "Please be careful Mr. Springer..." he said with a worry filled tone of voice as the green pony slowly walked towards the door.


    He had faintly heard Springer say something that the disturbance could be related to this whole situation. And right now, Arcanel felt that the coincidence might as well be true. *There's nothing else now. And it's the lead that just suddenly happened. I hope that whatever it is, Magicon can tell us what it is.* he thought, hoping that if the disturbance had something to do with Springer's paper or the situation, it can help them solve the whole problem. As he finished the thought, they reached the door, and opened it right in time to watch Magicon start a spell.


    Arcanel had seen plenty of unicorns in action, but after Dawn's previous feat and now this, he felt slightly awed now each time somepony did magic of this heavy concentrating style. The spell seemed to not last long and Magicon had quickly turned back to look at them.




    "Magicon, this disturbance in the magical world... Ummm... What was it, exactly? I believe that it may be relevant to the strange sheet of paper and the other unusual circumstances at present."


    "Um... my thoughts are the same his, to be honest. Can you tell what was all that about Mr. Magicon?" he asked, hoping that it wasn't something personal instead which would make the whole situation awkward.

    • Brohoof 4
  12. As he stepped outside the house, he heard a voice.



    "Sorry hun"


    "Huh?" he said, confused, but before he could turn around, he felt a hard hit to the head, and fainted.


    When he regained his consciousness, he spoke in a drowsy manner. "Augh... what in the world happened...?" he asked to no one, confusion filling his mind. As the haze in his eyes started clearing up, he looked at his surroundings. "Closed room... no windows... candles... there's no one else here... where am I?" he asked to no one yet again, hoping to get a memory of a similar place, only to fail in coming up with it. Then he remembered Goal Shot. "Or whoever was posing as Goal Shot... Note to self: Clear haze in the morning before attending door.... er... second note to self: Get a better memory. And probably just a third in case of emergency: Trust your instincts more times." He said, as if he had a notepad in his mind. "Next time, I'll just stay in bed." He decided while groaning, noting it once more, before going back to the room he was in.


    "Well.. I was brought here for a reason... and... I can't even figure out why... maybe because I was about to have the pass? But... many others do already... or... was it someone in jealousy that I was getting the pass? On hindsight however... I didn't even TRULY know yet, I considered more a rumor than anything else...(sigh)." He finished saying, feeling dejected at being unable to find the reason of why would somepony do this. "Well... the door's there... and there's no guards, and I'm not even tied.... but... I should better wait. Who knows if it could be a trap waiting for me outside? Better know what in Equestria is going on first." Arcanel decided once more, now with his senses on alert position before going to sit at one of the corners in the room, close to some of the candles.

    • Brohoof 1

    "Yes, Arcanel, I do believe you are correct. See here, I know of a unicorn aboard the train, one of whom you know as well. We shall ask Magicon for his help." Lapis stated matter-of-factly. "Farewell for now Springer. I do hope you have a good rest."


    "I think that this is an optimum course of action. Farewell Lapis, Arcanel..." Feeling rather tired after the conversation with Arcanel, he added. "I actually think that the efficient thing to do now would be for me to get some rest... Perhaps with a considerable nap, I might be able to join you outside of this place..."


    As Springer finished speaking, Arcanel agreed with the idea Lapis proposed, and saw the earth pony leave the room. *Well, that's that. All we need is that, hopefully, Magicon will be able to get something from the paper.* He thought, deciding it was a good course of action. "See you later Mr. Springer. Thank you again, and please, rest well." He told the green pegasus, silently praying that Springer would be able to get a well deserved rest, and then went to leave the room and close the door as he saw the assistant conductor go to take a nap.


    As he went to follow Lapis, he started speaking to himself once more. "Ahhhhh... Dear Celestial Moon... I don't think I've ever felt so many emotions released since... oh... right... when I found out my parents were gone... darnit..." He stopped speaking, feeling disappointed at himself for bringing bad memories again.


    "Seriously... I need to STOP going back to bad things every time I talk to myself. It's going to be my doom." He sighed, knowing that most of the times, it was one of his rather undesired traits. "Regardless, I can't feel exactly bad now... or at least not now. I'm supposed to be helping Mr. Springer now aren't I?" He reminded himself, his confidence returning and now taking a faster pace while walking. "Wait a moment... isn't that...?" Were the words that escaped the mailpony's grasp. as he saw two familiar ponies walking in the opposite direction he was walking, just as he finished talking with himself. *Lapis and Magicon? Wow... did they find something that quickly?... Or was I too slow...?* he pondered, not knowing if there was something new they found so quickly, or his "chats" had made him too slow to be at the moment of meeting, again.



    "We've found something. I'm going to show Springer what the paper says. You are quite welcome to come."


    Had been the words that entered Arcanel's ears, who replied with a small "Ok." as he saw the two leave for Springer's room. While he was happy that Magicon had been able to find something that led them closer to find out about the whole situation, another thought entered his mind. *Wait a minute... Springer's supposed to be sleeping now... oh no.. I'd rather he at least rested a little, I can't have him almost faint on us again!* he suddenly shouted in his mind, now unsure if showing Springer any recent findings would be good for the pony's health. "Wait please!" he shouted as he quickly started going back the way he came, and into Springer's room.


    As he headed in and saw the two ponies, Arcanel acted quickly. "Um, first things first hi, Mr. Magicon." He said, giving a small smile and wave to the crimson unicorn, then quickly turning to the greyish-blue pony. "Now... Mr. Lapis, are you sure that bothering Mr. Springer is the best thing for him no-" Before the white pegasus could finish, he saw that the paper was already at Springer's reach. *Oh dear...* he thought, unsure of what the Springer would do now. "Um... what does the paper say?" Arcanel said, going along with the finding until the pony in bed spoke himself. 

    • Brohoof 5
  14. To say that Arcanel was having a silent nervious breakdown, would have been an understatement. The stallion had now stopped walking in circles, but his mind was still going haywire. *Oh dear Celestia... what in the ever living world of Equestria do I do... I can't fail either of them... I don't want ot fail either of them...* was all the white pegasus could think of as he started to have the desire to grab his hair and just pull it off. However, he suddenly heard Springer's voice.



    "Be efficient. That is my advice to you, my friend. In this case, it's exactly as you say, if you left in just an hour, even in perfect conditions, you would be late to deliver your letter to Los Pegasus. What is the probability of perfect conditions on this journey? It is probably not one-hundred percent, so there would be a risk of being late regardless of how you approached the difficulty."


    The words from the green pony had snapped Arcanel out of his reverie, and made him look in his direction. And as he did so, he saw a pony with a smile, one he hadn't seen in Springer for as far as he has known him, even if it wasn't a lot. It was the smile of a reassuring pony. *Heh... of course he'd ask me to be efficient... but... he's right. I'm no way in top shape to make the trip. So even if I wanted to make the trip to Las Pegasus by myself, there's a good chance I might just faint half way there, or worse, something else could happen.* He realized, as he heard Springer's logic, and how well it fit into his whole dilemma, and also feeling slightly happy at the thought of Springer considering him his friend. Meanwhile, the assistant conductor continued.



    "Not only this... Ummm... If you leave now, you would leave us without your contribution to solving this puzzle. If harm were to befall a passenger or even a crew member, then you would regret leaving for the remainder of your existence. The thought, the question, would always be on your mind. 'Could I have prevented a tragedy?' The answer would, of course, elude you. Take it from me. Gnawing thoughts are highly inefficient, it is because they gnaw. It would better if they just bit, outright, but I digress. It is much better to follow your thought processes through, fully, the first time, preventing their occurrence."


    *Hit the nail on the coffin with the "The thought, the question, would always be in your mind" part. And given myself, it would completely torment me forever.* He pondered, agreeing with Springer's train of thought. However, at the words of "thought processes" he felt slightly confused, as he didn't quite follow exactly what Springer was trying to say that had to do with his whole situation right now.



    "I have a recommendation. Leverage all of your resources in solving your problem. Optimize. Stay on the train. As a mailpony, you have a duty to not just deliver messages. You see, Arcanel, you are a civil servant. Like myself, your duties exceed your natural obligations and responsibilities. You answer to a higher calling than simply mail delivery. You must act, when given the opportunity, to safeguard others. This is something that all decent ponies should do, but as a pony tasked directly and explicitly with the service of others, it is an unspoken requirement of your position."


    The more Springer talked, the more Arcanel started feeling less stressed by his own thoughts... and started feeling more awed at the thoughts Springer was pouring out. *He's... right... never really thought about it, although I have always tried giving my best and 100% to help out any ponies that I saw in my way so long as it didn't really deter me in my deliveries, or unless the emergency was really bad...* he reflected, starting to reminsce about some of the times he had gone out of his way to help out ponies in trouble. After a small pause, the green pegasus continued talking.



    "This Fast Post... I doubt that, were you to explain these extraordinary circumstances... I doubt that he would hold them against you. If he did, then I would report him and confront him, because he would have forgotten obligations to the common pony. To merely deliver mail... That is not the task of a mailpony. I ask you this... If the ponies of Equestria were in dire danger, then what purpose would mail delivery serve? None at all. You wouldn't be delivering mail. You would be helping! It's about ponies, Arcanel, not about your letters. If there were no customers, then how efficient would it be to deliver mail to them?"


    The moment his boss' name came up again, his mind went through a small moment of sadness again, even when Springer had explained why. *I'm not quite worried that Fast Post would not understand. I'm sure he would. But... this is that one thing that is very important to me... however... this is important as well, and I wouldn't be selfish if it wasn't for the fact it's not just myself I'd disappoint, but Fast Post as well, even if he understood. Especially because I brought this dilemma on myself.* The mailpony reminded himself once more, slowly falling in a spiral of self-criticizement. However, hearing Springer's logic about the duties one has to the common pony, he couldn't help but admire and agree with the mindset that the tired pony was mentioning.



    "I don't mean to exaggerate the present circumstance, but just as I would go out of my way to help a passenger in need, you, too, are obligated to assist the ponies along your mail route. I know this for a fact, because... It is written in the codes. The mailpony codes are substantial, but I made certain to learn them at the same time as I learned the railway codes and those of other service areas. Let me assure you, my friend, you are well within your proper rights by assisting the passengers on this train. You are on this train. It is a part of your route. The definitions are simple. The situation applies. C'est simple."


    If Springer's words hadn't shook him before, his grin certainly did. While it was true that Arcanel hadn't met the train crew in the best of all conditions, he was starting to get touched by the assurance that Springer was talking with, and a smile was slowly making its way in the white pony's face, along with his self-criticizement going down. *It's... not something I would have ever considered... never ever, now that I think about it... but... he's not wrong at all... it's the exact opposite...* were Arcanel's thoughts as he started to reconsider with less trouble what he should be needing to do. This, coupled with the fact Springer had called him his friend again, was drastically improving the trouble pony's mood and mind.



    "This is how I rose through the ranks so quickly, Arcanel. I used the codes. I learned them early, because I was certain that this knowledge would prove more valuable than anything else that I could do. Earlier, I mentioned that you needed to use all of your resources, well... A full understanding of your task is an essential resource, is it not? Arcanel. You are needed here. I can't deny that I would be greatly concerned were you to depart, but ignore this bias, because my reasoning is solid on its own merits."


    As soon as Springer's words left his mouth, Arcanel opened his eyes widely. *He... would be concerned... if I left...? I am needed...?* Was all the white pony could think, as the shock he was feeling at that moment was quite big. It had been far too little time for him to even consider he could be more useful than any of the other ponies that he had met so far. Lapis was probably smarter than him, Springer had a definite level of determination and is the one they needed to help. Magicon seemed more than just a fairly capable unicorn, and Electrobolt probably was more level-headed than he was, even if he looked farily younger. And this was not counting Vim, who he knew would be a great help in figuring all these out, and also leaving out all the ponies he hadn't even met yet. The sole fact he hadn't expected to have caused enough impact to Springer that he would say those words was rather shocking and unbelievable to the 27-year old pegasus. He had been able to get help and probably save Springer's life, that was the truth, but he hadn't given it much more thought afterwards, even though, all the events that were happening at the train was making his head a little confused in how to feel at several times. Before he could add any other thought however, Springer continued.



    "If Fast Post troubles you, contact either myself or Vim, preferably me. I'd very much like to have a confrontation with a pony that doesn't understand his own business. I do that all of the time. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but... I know what I do, and I make it my task to know what others should do as well... I can deal with this pony, whoever he is; in fact, I would relish the task. Let him debate me, he'll be crushed. How do you think I became an assistant conductor so quickly and with such a reputation? It wasn't by being a foolish colt, despite what some think. My knowledge... It is the reason why, one day, I will be a conductor. Not just any conductor, but the greatest conductor that has ever lived."


    By now, Arcanel had a very visible smile on his face, and tears almost threatening to come out of his eyes. He felt happiness, because he could have been more glad at Springer's willingness to offer his assistance if something with Fast Post happened about this. He felt awe, at the sheer amount of determination and resolution that the green pony talked with, and the fire that could be seen in his eyes, tears slowly and lightly coming out of them. And he felt fear, because the sole thought of imagining Fast Post and Springer in a heated discussion, was something that made his body shiver. "Mr. Springer..." Had been the small, soft-spoken words that left Arcanel'smouth at that moment, unaware that they were out loud and not in his mind. *I... I don't even know  how to appreciate THAT. I mean... wow... just... woah... and the way he talked... no wonder Vim was worried about losing Springer, other than being his friend. Springer has the amount of determination and resolution that he'd definitely appreciate on his crew. And I'm sure he will go somewhere high. But... Springer arguing with Fast Post... oh dear.. abandon building and evacuate it. I would NOT like to be in that place when that happened.* He finished gathering his thoughts. While he hadn't seen Vim nor Springer in an angry or mad mood, he did NOT wanted to see those exact feelings, nor be around them when they happened, let alone if it was against his boss, who he knew how badly he could get angry.



    "I believe that we have a task before us? Lapis, Arcanel... I think that... Despite what I promised the nurse, I can remain awake for a while longer... So long as I don't move around too much. In the meantime, perhaps one of you could try some method of uncovering what's written in the invisible ink. You could try a method to heat the paper... Or, it might be safer to just seek the talents of a skilled unicorn."


    While he had paid attention at Springer's words, Arcanel hadn't truly listened. His mind was completely shocked, and instead did the first thing that came to it, and went to hug the pony in the bed.


    "Thank you... thank you so much for your words Mr. Springer. You have not a single idea, of how much they have helped. And I appreciate them, and you, more than I can probably show. There's also something you need to know." He started saying, considering that Springer might want a better explanation at his sudden physical act as he let go. "See... this is not just another trip for me. This is my very first trip outside Vanhoover... meaning... this is the first time I've ever went out of the city. And... this is the first time Fast Post has ever personally asked me on a letter delivery, and back at our office, being called by Post and get a personal request, especially it being a letter delivery outside Vanhoover, is considered a great honor among the mailponies there. And given how I'm not even the most experienced mailpony... this meant a lot for me." He explained, before taking a small breath, and continuing.


    "And given the fact how I technically caused myself all of this trouble by not being better prepared when I left, I was disappointed at myself, and was worried about how disappointed Fast Post would be. As much as I appreciate you giving me assistance, I don't think I'd need it. I know Fast Post would understand, considering how extraordinary these cicumstances are. But, I know that deep down, I would still let him down, because while not my fault in a small part, it was mostly my fault in the case." Arcanel continued talking, letting all of his thoughts and feelings out as he spoke more words.


    "But then... I don't want to fail you... or Vim... or anyone that wants this trip to be as smooth as possible, and to be able to help as much as possible. You consider me your friend.... which, to me... is something that could not make me feel more happier. And then I think it more... and I realize this would not be happening if I hadn't miscalculated when I left Vanhoover. I was able to get help for you, which probably saved your life. And now, I told Vim that I would look after you. So... I was torn , about what to do." He admitted, even though he knew that Springer figured out he was about to crash down on his thoughts. After a small pause, he continued speaking.


    "So... despite myself... I'll stop thinking about my whole situation for now. Your words have more than enough broken my reverie of self-criticizement. And as you'd probably call it, it would be inefficient of myself if I kept on it." The mailpony said, letting a smaile and a small chuckle make way in his body. "I'll try to focus on what I can do now, and help as much as I can. If worst comes to worst... well... I'll see what I'll do then." He finished, his smile getting bigger and  now his mood completely improved.


    "Um... I'm sorry. I know you probably weren't expecting that, but... I needed to get that off my chest. So... I guess thank you for listening and thanks again for helping me." Arcanel told the green pony, considering hugging him again, but deciding against it. He then took a long, deep breath, and talked a different, more determinated voice. "Anyway, you're right. We need to decide what exactly should we do. To be honest, heat could be far too dangerious because we definitely won't get a second shot if we accidentally burn it, so I agree with what you say Mr. Springer. Mr. Lapis... do you agree?" he asked, directing his look to the earth pony, now waiting for his answer. Before, he felt his mind was going to explode out of worry. After the words Springer said and the words he himself said, Arcanel now wore with a resoluted filled face, and felt more self-confident to be able to help better.

    • Brohoof 6

    Whether or not you'll accept the idea is up to you, but in the past when this has been pointed out, Rarity fans and, now myself, use the head canon that Rarity made a deal with Sweetie prior to the trip. Since Rarity made it more than obvious she hated camping and nature in general, she told her sister that she was going to make her earn this trip. Ergo, carrying all of Rarity's 'necessities' during the trip for her, in exchange for Rarity agreeing to spend a few days in the woods with her and the other two sister pairs. Since Sweetie wasn't complaining and wasn't at all hinting towards being tired, and kept trucking forwards, this idea seems to be a fairly good assumption.


    And besides, it's not the biggest of all secrets that Rarity's and Sweetie Belle's relationship is very pull-and-push. As in... they love each other to death, but, they have had, have, and will have more than enough disagreements that sometimes this can be seen if anyone asks me. So basically, they do love each other, very very much? Yes. Do they have an excellently stable relationship?... Um... not quite...


    This being my headcanon, it didn't bother me much, and instead was hilarious in my eyes. And plus, if Sweetie Belle can (almost) extort Rarity into going, why the hell can't she have some sort of payback aside from the deal?happy.png

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Inside the room of the Los Pegasus Express, there were three ponies currently in a downhill-headed mood. Arcanel, the white furred, brown maned pegasus who was a mailpony on duty, was one of them.


    *Gah... I can't believe we couldn't find anyone, or anything...* the troubled pony thought, his face in a deep disappointment and sadness for Springer at the same time.


    Hours ago, Arcanel had finally managed to catch up with the ponies who had gone with Springer to his room to see what had he found. After some talking and catching up with some small events, they agreed to do a search and investigation to locate Trixie and the book, or at least one of them if possible. However, the search had been fruitless and the book and Trixie had apparently vanished without a trace. Afterwards, Lapis, the greyish blue earth pony the white pegasus had met before, and Arcanel himself, decided to accompany Springer back to his room so he could get some of the rest he needed.


    During this visit, Dawn, the light blue unicorn nurse he met at the hospital while trying to look for help for Springer when he had been unconscious, and was now the medical pony that would keep the assistant conductor in check, had made a small visit to keep tabs on Springer. Arcanel was rather relieved when nothing else other than the tiredness that had been assaulting the green pegasus since his fainting hours ago had been his prognosis, but he still couldn't help but feel worry about Springer. And after a few quick talks and introductions, since Lapis hadn't met Dawn before, she left the room, leaving the three stallions on their own.


    *Well... at least Springer is just only tired... well... plus his memory thing... but... it's better than something worse being attached to him. He has been through enough by now...* the mailpony pondered, still remembering how distraught Springer had looked when trying to explain the thoughts of his mind  and the current happenings and possibilities back in the dining car. At that moment, Springer broke the silence.



    "I have an odd feeling." Springer began, addressing his statement to both Lapis and Arcanel. "I know that it is odd, because it definitely isn't an efficient thought. I have no evidence, no data. But, something concerns me. I just find it strange that we found nearly nothing out of the ordinary when we searched the entirety of this train. In fact, even that strange blue cat is gone. It can't be this simple. It just can't be."


    As Arcanel looked at the green pony, he felt an agreement with the mindset. *As much as it's better that nothing else is wrong, he's right. It was just TOO unusual for there to be nothing out of the ordinary for everything that has happened inside the train. But... what else COULD it be...?* he wondered, unsure of what else could be that is happening somehow inside the train without no one realizing. Right then, Springer continued.



    "Even my memories are improving. Trixie is gone without a trace. Vim is adding additional passengers to the train... I have no reason to be concerned. This truly is inefficient, but... Still... I just don't feel as though everything is over. I would advise the both of you to remain observant, and keep a close eye on the newer passengers. Trixie may attempt to reboard the train... Ummm..."


    When Springer mentioned effiency again, Arcanel barely managed to not roll his eyes. *There he goes again with efficiency. Honestly, that thing is gonna be the death of him one of these days.* the white pegasus thought in half-amusement, half-worry. However, he knew it was a trait that the pegasus assistant conductor considered probably vital to his life.



    "Actually... I... Umm... I just realized something. We didn't search the entirety of the train..." Springer gestured with a hoof at the immobile train on the opposite site of the room. "If one of you stood on one of these shelves, you could take my train down... Ummmm... Be careful with it though... Just look and see if you find anything... Ummm... That shouldn't be on a train."


    When Springer pointed to the toy train, the white mailpony felt curiosity and and slight oddity at the situation. *Erm... what exactly could be in a train toy anyway. A bomb?... Um... I should probably not think of anything unless I want to become mister paranoid. That would be bad in this moment...* he decided, knowing that he could think of a thousand possibilities if his mind allowed it to, which in this case, was not quite as helpful as other times.


    As he went to retrieve the toy train however, he saw that Lapis had gained the upper hoof and was already checking it to see if anything strange was on it. At that moment, he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous and anxious, thinking Lapis to be careful just in case something happened. However, Lapis' words were not the ones expected.



    "What in the name of knowledge....."


    The thing the earth pony had found was just a simple blank page, with nothing written on it. *Ooooookay... why would anyone leave a blank page in a toy train? That's... weird. Beyond weird.* Was all the white pegasus could think in that time.



    Springer, my dear fellow, this is what I found, which leads me to believe somepony put this piece of paper within your model train with some purpose in mind. But it is rather useless, at least to the naked eye. What I'm saying is.... Well, the paper is blank as you can clearly see. Not a smudge, not a pen mark. Curious to say the least." Lapis explained. "I could be wrong here, but perhaps whatever words to read are in invisible ink? Or maybe hidden with magic. Or it might be just a silly piece of trash. Who knows? I certainly don't."


    As Lapis finished speaking, Arcanel agreed with him. There was no way to determine if there was anything in the paper, unless maybe some sort of magic could prove it, or unless they proved every single way there was invisible ink or some other mechanism to make the whatever is written in the paper appear. "Well... if there's a special type of ink, I remember heat helps to uncover it. Just small heat however, nothing too big obviously. And I think invisible ink could only be revealed by magic? I'm not sure either however..." he spoke, telling some options to uncover the supposed ink, that he remembered hearing and seeing back at the orphanage in Vanhoover. *I'm still surprised there was invisible ink back there. I mean... invisible ink at an orphanage in Vanhoover seems rather.. odd... but then aga-* his thoughts were bluntly interrupted by a word that made him realize something. "Vanhoover..." Arcanel said out loud, unable to keep it inside his mind due to the so sudden realization. Right then, he slowly looked into his saddlebag, and found the letter he had been carrying there. The moment he saw it, the mailpony went wide eyed.


    "OH DEAR FAST POST! THE LETTER DELIVERY TO LOS PEGASUS!" the white pony yelled, horror suddenly filling his face everywhere. "This letter is supposed to be delivered today! If the train doesn't leave now I'm not going to make it in time!" he yelled once more, suddenly realizing that he had forgotten the deadline he was under, and, the task he had been commended to do. *No... this is my first long travel distance delivery... Fast Post himself wanted me to do this... I can't disappoint him now!* he screamed in his mind, completely distraught by the whole situation and starting to walk in circles in anxiety and contemplation. *But... I can't just go and ask Vim to accelerate the repairings. Not only it doesn't work like that, but why would he risk something or change the schedule for a simple mailpony he met TODAY?* he pondered, now getting even more anxious and more worry filling his mind. *And I can't leave the train either. Springer definitely needs as much help as he could and I told Vim that I'd be the one to be looking after Springer, other than Dawn now.* He remembered himself, his duty sense to help Springer still intact. *And if that was't enough, there's also the whole train situation that's going on right now. I promised Vim that I would help out in any matter I could in exchange for the trip. I can't just leave like this when I could at least lend a hoof!* the white mailpony thought again, reminiscing the talk he had when he asked Vim about getting inside the train. "What do I do...?" he asked himself out loud, unable to contain his mind any longer, and stlill going on around in circles.

    • Brohoof 8

    Dammit man, now I'm gonna see Applebloom every time I look at it.

    See what I mean?tongue.png Sorry.


    Anyway, goodnight people.smile.png  I'm having college in 5 hours...(Sigh)... here lies free time.sad.png  

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