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Posts posted by SpikeyWikey07

  1. I play games for fun, for the enjoyment of fantasy gaming consisting of many genres of gaming. I always preferred games from the retro years. I enjoy gaming on NES, SNES, Genesis and N64. IMO, they don't emphasize the factor of skill/gain as they are today. Most people tend to claim that the skill they earn from their experience makes them seem better in general, yet that isn't true at all. When I'm gaming with friends, I call my 'skill/gain' a experience that is constantly growing and making a better adjustment for future gaming of games, that are within that genre and/or similar game-play that is used.


    Gaming is nothing more that an escapism/departure from reality to allow yourself to believe that you can do tasks/actions that society will prevent from doing. ;)


    Anyways, that was rather long for a quick reply. Derp. :blink:


    Brohoof, anyone? :unsure:

    • Brohoof 2
  2. well that sounds like a lot of fun I haven't actually done much voice work yet but I'm really looking forward to starting. do you have any tips or tricks to help me on my way?


    As for advice, I can tell you that you should be confident and positive, because you will go through a lot of criticism, mixed with troll bait and proper critiques. Don't like the trolls bug you, in turn causing 'flame'. It's never fun. Also, just have fun and make friends within the community. I've made plenty of friends on YouTube for my voice work.


    As for tricks, just improvise when it is necessary. I use acting to gain the proper emotion for the character that I'm playing as.




    This is that dub I mentioned on my previous reply.


    Hope you enjoy it! ;):unsure: .

    • Brohoof 1
  3. This is a simple topic upon Spike the dragon from the G4 series. You can discuss about how you like him, or don't like him. I will respond to anyone who may interest me to discuss with. Otherwise, go right away and post your mind. Of course, follow the rules.


    I enjoy Spike from G4, due to how Lauren Faust gave him more exposure and slightly more recognition to the audience. I've seen a few from the original, G2 and G3 and I understand to most bronies that he isn't that much to be excited for. He's the only reason why I enjoy the show. 2nd reason is that Lauren Faust is a wonderful person in the means of Hollywood. She's just great. But anyways, back on topic...


    Topic is all about Spike, love or hate, follow the rules and have fun! :)

  4. My favorite moments from the show would have to be everything consisting of Spike. The best from him would be from Secret of My Excess with his line, "Who else has a present for Spikey-Wikey? *hiss*, Discord at every moment I've seen and the Diamond Dogs especially Rover! Scott McNeil FTW! :lol:



    This post might be rather vague, but I have to say it.


    5-letter word to sum them up.


    G R E E D !


    Instead of putting any likely effort to create something original or look upon the many tales from the Grimm Brothers, which is where most of their films are from. This has simply drove me away from them and in most ways, away from the big-name companies and stuck with independent filmmakers who try to make a proper effort to entertain the audience which isn't always easy.

  6. Let's get to the real question here! Something that means even more than this foolish argument!


    WHY IS THE TOPIC NAME WRONG! It's "Why" do furries hate bronies. Not "What" Shame on everyone who hasn't seen this mistake!


    LOL, I've seen this. I just never said anything about it, just for the lolz. But for the matter, yes, I can agree on your point.


    Whoever started this topic, fix that error right away!

    • Brohoof 2
  7. i have never before seen any type of anti-brony/furry art and i have never heard anypony say anything bad about them but i would like to just to have another opinion on this subject


    I have never seen any ideals and/or demonstrations on any anti-material upon the brony fandom between the furry fandom. If such activity should happen, my opinion is correct. Judging others based upon their liking, just to gain dominance for the other. Typical.


    Also, if you want an opinion... check out my previous post on this topic. It might help.

  8. As a scaley, part of the furry fandom, I think this is rather ridiculous... Annoying and everywhere... Whoever thought of that really never realized that furries are identically the same as bronies. Yes, I know there are differences. I've met a few furries who were annoying, and when they saw my pin of spike... they complained about it. I said that it doesn't really matter, Spike is a dragon, hence I like dragons and I'm a scaley. Some people just need to let small situations, such as this, evacuate their mind and continue on with their own liking. If they don't enjoy something, then avoid it. Who is forcing 'you' to join or hate a fandom? No one! That choice is yours, and yours only to decide for yourself. Basically, it's opinions taken too far. :unsure:

    • Brohoof 2
  9. but i thought you wanted whining


    Hehe i really liked it! The only thing that i noticed was Rarity sometimes had a thick accent x3 But.... i loved Raritys boice and the three diamond dogs!


    I thank you very much for enjoying this fandub, I even got to meet Scott McNeil who did the voice of Rover from the Diamond Dogs, the leader of them. Did the voice for him, he liked it!

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @@DeiStar,


    I understand how most fan fictions are critiqued. Personally, if I am critiqued... it would be best to explain the problems in the story as its own, not having include the original show in it. I mean, I do use Twilight in it, but she doesn't have much recognition as in the show. She just there for letters that she sends to Sunlight.


    But thanks man. :)

  11. I dunno why, its just this show doesn't lend itself to that kind of material for me.

    I can understand that it might best to avoid such fictions. I've read cupcakes and I don't mind it as long it is written well. But based upon the show's fanbase, it is obvious to gain some ground to various ideals besides its hunky-dory looks from the show. Heck, I'm writing fictions too with a more dark look but not grim of course.

  12. Regardless of the term and its various definitions, I don't see the whole Bro thing as a negative or needing to have any relation to gender. I just consider it a name for this fandom that I am apart of and nothing more.

    I agree with this, after all... in my college I attend to, the anime club's president likes the show too. He believes that there isn't really much of a problem to it. But that's his opinion, and I don't mind it unless otherwise.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I tend to never get involved with these 'flame' wars but if to be certain... Is that seriously what fans/bronies truly get aggravated over and claim that user to be a hater? Damn... I've only enjoyed the show because Lauren Faust is an amazing figure to Hollywood today and I always like Spike over all the characters, IMO. :P


    Word of advice... If anyone claims me as one just due to this post, LOL :lol: ? I have nothing against anyone's opinion on who they like from the show.

  14. I'm back at Champlain St-Lambert college for another semester for Creative Arts. I've only been in one class for now, got an assignment and finished it already. Got one more to conclude my day. But what I'm really excited for is my drawing course I've taken. It's going to be great; I will be able to update my deviant art page with new pictures. As for negatives, I have humanities to deal with and UGH... I hate these courses but I must get through them! Another good point is that I've developed/improved my social ability here and I've made some new friends and caught up with some old ones as well. Hoping to have a great semester!! Hope for anyone posting to have a great one as well!!! :lol:

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