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  1. To be serious. Its because of the sonic rainbow, it permanently changed her.
  2. But in that episode had nothing to do with those little cues it had to do with her noticing them after the fact... not eye contact or things like that... and understanding that some want to be left alone not to mention even though she might have learned things like that the mane six has all gone back of things they learned and reverted to who there were previous. Like when Fluttershy went to far on being assertive and mean and then we see that again in the Crystral Empire where she was talking to the couple and thinking of pouncing on them. Sometimes they re- learn things or go back to there previous states for a moment or go too far on what they have learned.
  3. When I say socially awkward I don't mean the definition of it but more of how for a extremely social pony she was never was good at certain social situations. Shes almost never in group mode and is more in her own Pinkie land. She doesn't really follow what group feelings are... I am sorry for explaining it wrong... it might still sound a bit wrong... I'm sorry... yes I worded this wrong. 1. The person I replied to had two posts one was talking about a idealistic version (In my mind of Pinkie.) calling Pinkie just silly. Then calling this version of Pinkie as crazy and insensitive so I just wanted to say that Pinkie has always been crazy and I don't see her as ever being insensitive especially in other episodes... but here as-well. 2. What I was trying to say is that it seems like the o.p of this comment was trying to paint a idealistic version of Pinkie... what I was trying to say was Pinkie is other parts as-well if we study Pinkie we can kind of find other parts of her then a idealistic part... 3. When I meant awkward... I don't mean in the regular sense but in lacking skill in following social skills. The reference to the rock farm what that she didn't meet many pony's as a filly so she doesn't understand some social cues... sorry if I made her sound like Fluttershy lol. 4.Yes, I agree with that but how is that insensitive? She is still feeling concern for others feelings. What I mean't by that was that though that happened it was clearly shown that when she made her cry... she was regretting it. Though it didn't help the situation Fluttershy wanted and needed to sound like a guy in that situation... all the other pony's were complementing her while she said what sounded like a in-between insult and complement. I understand that now it just kinda sounded from both posts that you rather have silly Pinkie then crazy Pinkie. Um, but has any of the episodes ever shown her learning how to stop that behavior... she has learned many things but not that... shes grown yes (Though I don't like that word much.) but not out of that... was there ever a episode that focused on that particular lesson?
  4. ... but shes not insensitive... if she was she wouldn't have cared and would have just done it on purpose she was never insenstive to being with... and shes always been crazy its her character shes supposed to be different from the norm and therefore borders many lines... her character development never told her not to be crazy. Everypony is still learning... and all characters have done something bad. She isn't just the more fan liked parts... shes also can be other parts... shes deeper then that. Shes comic relief because part of her lives to make others laugh... shes oblivious and socially awakward because she lived her childhood on a rock farm not with any other pony's but rockfarmers. Shes crazy because she sees the world differently thank to a sonic rain-boom. She gets mistaken by jerky because others see how nice shes always is so when something small like this happens they think it messes up her character... when its not even true... (My opinion.) and there is even more to her... If you take apart these things that she wasn't even teached to repress then she will finally be out of character.
  5. Just going to add this. Does this look like a insensitive jerky pony to you? e.c.t Yes Flutters was crying but if we think of how Pinkie is... this is probably what a pony like Fluttershys crying is worth.(She did this for a while.) Also there are more frowns throughout the episode far more then her normal...
  6. Pinkie is not mean... to me... one day of saying the wrong things isn't mean. I liked this episode... but I find the reviews sad(Though this doesn't add much im getting emotinal over ponys and im litterally tearing up.) as someone who is very much like both Pinkie and Fluttershy I understood both points... though everyone has there opinion I don't think Pinkie was trying to be insensitive in any of the episode... if you think about there viewpoints. Pinkie said the wrong things but I think she was only being insensitive once in the episode. I also find it very werid when others say Pinkies talent is trying to make other smile and be happy so shouldn't she be less insensitive... when was that her talent? Her talent was laughter yes she loves smiling but its related to making other laugh and letting them enjoy themselves... her talent is not charm for a reason. I relate with that as-well though I love making other smile laugh e.c.t I do not say the right things...I say what I feel. I say what I think is right. I am not a mind reader... most of the time. Maybe on Fridays... or Saturdays...or days that I am not sleepy... I am not on group hive mode. I don't know how to say the right thing for you half the time.. I am not a people pleaser. I might hurt your feelings by mistake and all I can say is sorry because I never want that to happen but it does... She wasn't even out of character to me ... If we could here a character p.o.v you might understand whats going on in her head. First time: Shes trying to make it sound fun and then she gets carried away and notices Fluttershes scared expression and makes it silly... but she goes for gruesome humor and fails... the only time I think she went to far. But Rarity hit her with a newspaper and treated her like a dog which even to Pinkie is kind of mean... I think that was payment enough! Second: She was just observing innocently. third: She was trying to be empathetic! She just had her tone too high and was too much of a storyteller... and she even said that was Unbelievable... she wasn't describing what happened she was talking about her voice... she went a little to far but she was just to high strung that was all think about how it would have sounded if she wasn't being high-strung and cartoonic? Which is her being PInkie Pie. When Fluttershy cries and she realizes look at her! Her eyes slowly go down shes confused... shes sad just for a moment... you can see it in her eyes. She doesn't even understand... because she thought she was saying the right things... This is Pinkie pie a sad look is like crying to her. 2 sad looks. Twilght tried to interpret what she meant. The whole time in the episode she looks shocked... she is trying to apologize buts saying it all wrong... fourth: She is supposed to sound like a dude... it wasn't like she wasn't supposed to have... she even said no offense and she was trying to just make her laugh. But Flutters was too sad to be logical at that point. Then shes like a great sounding dude... because she recognized her mistake and was just chattering... fifth: She didn't recognize some of her mistake's because she though she didn't make them. She is still processing. Oh and I am actually serious about the mind reading thing partially it seems like I can read someones mind one day and the next I say everything wrong...
  7. I liked this episode... but I find the reviews sad(Though this doesn't add much im getting emotinal over ponys and im litterally tearing up.) as someone who is very much like both Pinkie and Fluttershy I understood both points... though everyone has there opinion I don't think Pinkie was trying to be insensitive in any of the episodes... if you think about there viewpoints. Pinkie said the wrong things but I think she was only being insensitive once in the episode. I also find it very werid when others say Pinkies talent is trying to make other smile and be happy so shouldn't she be less insensitive... when was that her talent? Her talent was laughter yes she loves smiling but its related to making other laugh and letting them enjoy themselves... her talent is not charm for a reason. I relate with that as-well though I love making other smile laugh e.c.t I do not say the right things...I say what I feel. I say what I think is right. I am not a mind reader... most of the time. Maybe on Fridays... or Saturdays...or days that I am not sleepy... I am not on group hive mode. I don't know how to say the right thing for you half the time.. I am not a people pleaser. I might hurt your feelings by mistake and all I can say is sorry because I never want that to happen but it does... She wasn't even out of character to me ... If we could here a character p.o.v you might understand whats going on in her head. First time: Shes trying to make it sound fun and then she gets carried away and notices Fluttershes scared expression and makes it silly... but she goes for gruesome humor and fails... the only time I think she went to far. But Rarity hit her with a newspaper and treated her like a dog which even to Pinkie is kid of mean... I think that was payment enough! Second: She was just observing innocently. third: She was trying to be empathetic! She just had her tone too high and was too much of a storyteller... and she even said that was Unbelievable... she wasn't describing what happened she was talking about her voice... she went a little to far but she was just to high strung that was all think about how it would have sounded if she wasn't being high-strung and cartoonic? Which is her being PInkie Pie. When Fluttershy cries and she realizes look at her! Her eyes slowly go down shes confused... shes sad just for a moment... you can see it in her eyes. She doesn't even understand... because she thought she was saying the right things... This is Pinkie pie a sad look is like crying to her. 2 sad looks. Twilght tried to interpret what she meant. The whole time in the episode she looks shocked... she is trying to apologize buts says it all wrong... fourth: She is supposed to sound like a dude... it wasn't like she wasn't supposed to have... she even said no offense and she was trying to just make her laugh. But Flutters was too sad to be logical at that point. Then shes like a great sounding dude... because she recognized her mistake and was just chattering... fifth: She didn't recognize some of her mistake's because she thought she didn't make them. She is still processing. Oh and I am actually serious about the mind reading thing partially it seems like I can read someones mind one day and the next I say everything wrong...
  8. Nothings wrong with a song. Seriously though I welcome them.
  9. Wait a minute! Boneless was just returned to Pinkie it was already Pinkies. 0.o From her first party... He simply gave it back to her... not much a gift. Cheese is still a major Pinkie fan boy though...
  10. O.k so I found this episode to be perfect! Best episode ever! Also did Cheese say swear on canon there. But I think Cheese wasn't the only one that stole some songs from people. : Pinkie you stole Twilight's songs! Make a wish= love is in bloom. Pinkie the party planner= morning in ponyville. The tone is the same. Also both Pinkie and cheese have had fezzes... Cheese, Pinkies is purple and has golden balloons.. tis better. I really like the combined feeling of the episode. It reminds me of this song. I like how Cheese was shy before... it reminds me of myself. I love how she popped the balloon in a hug I mean its the most caring way to pop one. I really like how they addressed her pride I was scared that she was going to be very antagonistic. I really don't like when people get swept away... though it happens so much to some people and the ponys show us that. Though I think this has been this seasons theme.
  11. ... not a war but they weren't a million times better. This is Pinkies talent of course this would happen. Cheese sandwich relys on bigness and cheese (both literal and metaphorical and eccentrics) for his party's. Pinkie eccentrics are not the main focus. Pinkie rely's on the actual concept of the party. His might look better but he forgets the concept in the grand scheme of things. They both have different styles. Its why there was a ice statue at dashies party... Pinkies style: concept, imagination, childish, eccentric thrown in. Aesthetics. Specific style. Cheeses: Random, absurd, personality connected. Cheesy. science in it or the ignorance in science. No concept. Big. Food oriented. Pinkie thinks about the concept then apply her eccentrics to help the concept while cheese decides to just be him. Pinkie is chaotic while cheese is random and a bit logical. In myers briggs Pinkie would be ENFP while cheese is ENTP. Pinkie is good for a continuous party's in one town while cheese in one town would just start to annoy people if he stayed for too long think of him handling a wedding or funeral party... " start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy Everybody just gets crazy! Bored of snacks made by your mom? How about a giant party bomb? Huge piñatas filled with cake Or dive into my fruit punch lake!" Just let yourself go floppy, for now this is your chance Pretend you have no bones and do the rubber chicken dance! Think about that... Cheese is actually very different from Pinkie.
  12. Pinkiepie and Fluttershy. As you can see by my username. Pinkie is just generally who I am like. Quirky. Likes to make people smile. Adhd like. Happy. Laughs non stop. Does not value personal space. Hugger. Wishes to break all logic. Werid Makes things lighter. Exverted People do not like my singing. Werid opinions. Does not make sense to others. Crazy. Fluttershy. Doormat like. Shy at times. Withdrawn at times. Ignored. Failure to communicate. Angry when someone try's to hurt friends. Can't hurt a fly and doesn't wish to. Tolerant. Not generally angry. Kind.
  13. Just put some stress on her. Then make her do something horrible. Then she would paniac. Then she would become evil because she thinks she is evil. Twilight brain appears un-breakable but in reality it is the most flimsy when her self is questioned. Like Pinkies is when things relate to her bonds with friends. Twilight rely's so much on her knowledge that when her emotions are shown she doesn't know what to do like some knowledge dominated people.
  14. I don't understand why others insist on calling depressed and angry Pinkie Pinkamena there the same pony not a split personality... its like naming angry Pinkie. Pania. cheerno. She just changed her name... Cupcakes is stupid in my book she was out of character... she actually was... not to mention that depressed Pinkie wasn't even in the fanflic. >.< I find Twilight when she was insane far scarier Pinkie did nothing to any-pony while Twilight was willing to do anything. So lets call insane Sparlklania... What about new flutter-shy? No one calls her that but me... Should we start calling flutter-shy vampire flutter-shy? Since she kept her fangs?
  15. I was born on a Tuesday too Pinkie... I think...
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