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Lunar Follower

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Status Updates posted by Lunar Follower

  1. just watched a majority of equestria girls on youtune. My season 4 prediction is that...(drumroll) twilight will have a bunch of little "babies" of which hasbro will base their next gen off of.

  2. Just looking for some confirmation, but today I was told there was going to be a mlp movie. yay or nay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yamato


      But maybe they'll make another. Without "humans".

    3. Lunar Follower

      Lunar Follower

      What in the world... i thought you were all joking. But then i looked it up, im gonna go cry now.

    4. Lunar Follower

      Lunar Follower

      'My little humans: high school sucks™'

  3. I told myself i would go to bed as soon as my kindle died... then i plugged it into the charger. so here I am.

  4. Oh no, they got Jimmy!!!!

  5. Broke a polevault pole for the first time today, it was a very interesting experience.

  6. The moon was out this morning... go home luna your drunk. XD (I love my terrible humor)

    1. Retro*Derpy


      I love your terrible humor too xD

  7. what is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  8. omg gameboy just turned red!!! time for bed... ;) unintended rhyme at the perfect time. XD

  9. Once again Im not going to get anything done at track this year, seeing as we only get 30 mins for field events and i dont do anything other than a field event.

    1. Retro*Derpy


      Wow, a lot of people must be quitting, considering that is most of the reason why people join track.

    2. Lunar Follower

      Lunar Follower

      We dont really have a 'full' team anymore. We can all easily fit in the weight room, and with this whole shortened time i dont think coach realizes im shooting for records.

      Foiled again by coaches

    3. Retro*Derpy


      Yeah I don't care for the coaches, though web is cool because he lets things slide, though when he is mad its a hole nother story xD

  10. Got off school for snow. On my birthday. XD

  11. Anytime the loading symbol comes up (cadence) I think to myself, run faster.

  12. I wish I could stay up all night. But i have school tomorrow :( Night to all that read this. Or good morning if thats your thing.

  13. new season of duck dynasty tomorrow!!! I dont watch but its something to post. :)

  14. I just cant wait for another fant

  15. Swag.mov came out and made my day. Heres a link if youve yett to see. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQaisack_jc

  16. I had a thought. What if the producers decide to give luna her owl episode in season four. It would have to be episode 8 to keep the trend going tho. (s1 e2, s2 e4, s3 e6)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jadefire


      So, Season 4, Episode 8 is where Luna gets her own pet owl? I like that idea.

    3. Radiance64


      Well she is the princess of the night, it'd make sense. ;)

    4. Lunar Follower

      Lunar Follower

      Hey i wouldnt complain if owlowiscious left twilight and went to live with luna.

  17. Rarity-"your an alicorn, i didnt think that was possible." ... It shouldnt have been.

    1. ~Lawful Sturdy Wing~

      ~Lawful Sturdy Wing~

      Oh please, how on earth could this possible be a bad thing?

  18. Oh no twilights an alicorn. guess we have to alter all of the art.


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