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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by darkmist

  1. Right now there is no one on that can invite you to the guild, bohtty will give you a message on here when he is on, so just keep a look out for him on here, then he will invite you when he gets on line
  2. Its awesome, I would have done this early but interwebs went down for 2 days, and it it just now came back on, anyways that was awesome video, the song was perfect for the area you where in
  3. sorry i have not been on lately, my internets has been down for two days. I was able to get on for a few minutes today then anet said that there is no comms with the servers so i can't log in. I try again later today. anyways. We will do some dungeon runs once people get to the right lvl for it. Hope to see you online. By the way vary nice Sky, i have yet to fight a dragon, but i seen one on a story mission. it was the one that breaths death and corruption. Welcome back glad to see you back in the Action.
  4. Welcome to the guild, just make sure you whisper Bohtty for the invite, if you haven't already. hope to see you in game. @Bohtty I'm lvl 52 now btw
  5. no you don't, just whisper bohtty for the invite. we have other toons on other servers, so you will be good, the only thing is you wont be able to join any group runs, unless you transfer to your server. @Bohtty Im Lvl 50 now btw @LFE you beat me to it oh welll
  6. yes you have to have the montage music, and do anything with out it I say. will hope to see you soon. I always have montage music playing, it always pony based though
  7. that blows, well i guess we will see in two days then. to bad you can be there when we do dungeon runs and what not. come back soon
  8. sorry if im leveling to fast for you guys, i tryed to slow down. but it didn't work. and the server caps being raised up is awesome. so lets hope some move to our server and get our first group run up and have fun with togather Here it goes again, I can't login once again because it keep saying my password is wrong and i can't got to forgot your password link because its down as well. WHY DOES THIS SHIT KEEP HAPPEN TO ME UPDATE: I can log in now YAY
  9. That is damn funny, so it was you the whole time i SEE. O.O watches you like a eagle from now on. Anyways, im back on playing, and lvling just for you Bohtty, 44 now btw. Ya i know its going to a bit hard for them to join us in group dungeon runs and wvw runs to.
  10. Thanks for the up i will have to try to get on when i get home from class tonight, i hope i can get on, and i was not hacked, becuse that would suck if I did get hacked Edit: Ok i got the email finally, I should be on when i get home tonight.
  11. I already put in a ticket to them, they say the I need to verify my email because im logging on with a different IP address, I have yet to play the on any other computers but my desktop. So if my IP address has changed from something its because someone hacked my account. Its that or anet never sent me the email with the the verify code
  12. Looks bad ass i love it, can't wait to see the rest of the site, whenever you get it done. lets all start the waiting game. yayayayayay, keep up the awesome work Well I think my account got hacked. so if you see me online, THATS NOT ME, JUST ASK ME WHAT MY FAV PONY IS: ANSWER RD
  13. I'll have to check it out when I get home from play magic, lets hope they have it right by then, away was I'll be back on sometime tonight talk to you later
  14. sounds good to me, can't wait to see it, ya putting it on EQD would be a good idea, just like that other pony guild did, we can use more ponies
  15. @Bohtty Looks like you go things handled, what is going to be a time frame in which we can go to the website? basically asking when it might be done. well anyways see you in game
  16. sounds like a good place to me, for a website. make sure Bohtty know about it, if not he will not see it, but he checks these forums more then i do at times OH YA I HIT LEVEL 40 AT 4:00AM MY TIME YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA
  17. Vary Vary nice, i like it alot but i will wait until im that level to get there. It is going to be epic though from your pics. can wait to see it. Anyhow i got nothing more to write. its that stuped 100 letter thing
  18. sounds good to, i look forward to see it, when ever you get it done that is, Random typeing yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay evern more randomness anyways it would be get to have a place for that stuff
  19. Ok you got me there, maybe the dont break it all the time, just look at aion, that was just bad. well enough about aion for the next month. But you are right. it all about better tech. and sometime the game play (for me it has to be the game play, every other mmo i play the game play was lack luster) @Bohtty you said that you were going to make a small web page for the guild, whats up with that?
  20. I have, i'v been play guild wars since the start of guild wars 1. there is nothing better, Anet is always breaking the mold with guild wars. that why i like it so much. I played every guild wars 1 expansion to by the way
  21. give it a try, you never know you might like it, that be said everyone has there choice if they want to play it or not, it's all up to yourslef
  22. @ LFE That is vary helpful, and good to know. its nice to know that if you do bad you will fight lower servers, if you do good you fight high ranked servers. sounds like that they got it down pat to me. lets just hope the next one we are in we can do better then this one.
  23. Ya i saw that to, there kicking our ass hardcore. but i do think the rest everthing evey so often. so its not always one side to one server over the next, but thats just a guess for now.
  24. Thanks for the undate LFE, now that i know that i just might play some more PvP or even get into WvW. well thats a maybe anyways i would like to finish the story first.
  25. i don't know. but if i had to guess it would have to be on your chosen server. wvw is a bit different only three server on that one
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