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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by 5guysburgersnfries

  1. Do I want to go to Barbados or Austria? I can't decide D:

  2. There's a place in South Africa named Equestria? MY LIFE IS COMPLETE http://maps.google.co.za/maps/place?ftid=0x1e955e5c875906fd:0xa65176214cdebc80&q=Equestria+

    1. SXCJ40


      I knew it! Equestria is real!!! *travel there* What!! No ponies?! NOOOOOOOOOOO

    2. 5guysburgersnfries


      I haven't actually been there XD it's not close to where I live.

  3. There's a place in South Africa named Equestria? MY LIFE IS COMPLETE http://maps.google.co.za/maps/place?ftid=0x1e955e5c875906fd:0xa65176214cdebc80&q=Equestria+,+Pretoria,+Gauteng&hl=en&ved=0CA0Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=EkMYT5LNCcTq8QO0wJSBDA&sig2=zYiQcYq_6VOWRN-CTnUvlw

  4. I'm going to attempt finishing an episode of G1, wish me luck XD

  5. Busy sewing, I feel like Rarity XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 5guysburgersnfries


      Nope, I'm just messing around with a ratty piece of material and my sewing machine XD

    3. AppleShy Sparkle

      AppleShy Sparkle

      Ok, i just wanted to know if i should send a link to Art of the Dress.

    4. 5guysburgersnfries


      Haha XD I could always pretand I am XD

  6. An advanced member already? that was fast XD

    1. Finesthour


      Because you are plain awesome.

    2. Shankveld


      isn't this site addicting? :) ~

    3. 5guysburgersnfries


      Aww thanks PinkiePie :D you're pretty awesome yourself XD

      and yes, yes it is XD I love forums :D

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