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Everything posted by cmarston1

  1. I always wanted to see Sunset hook up with princess Twilight. I've wanted to see the dropped "Sunset is homesick for Equestria" subplot from Friendship Games be implemented somewhere in the franchise. I really think it could have made for a great story line for a EQG grand finale. Like have the girls be graduating high school and looking towards to the future, and Sunset could start getting homesick and realize she doesn't know what she wants to do now. It's a shame that we probably aren't going to see that happen.
  2. I thought that this was a cute episode, and especially a better last RD episode than 2,4,6,Greaat. I was spoiled about the whole villains reformation thing in this episode a whiel back, and I wasn't really sure how to feel about it to be perfectly honest. But after seeing the episode, I felt that it generally worked, or at least it worked better than I thought it would. I also found that this episode had some pretty amusing lines in it. My favorites being "It was written from his point of view. I figured it was an artistic choice.", "Also spider cruelty.", "So Daring Do doesn't kick puppies?", "That was one time! Accidentally!". Overall I thought it was a good episode.
  3. Finally someone said it! While I don't hate the fandom, this definitely is something that made me rather annoyed with it. Like it was really annoying to seeing the fandom treat liking a show about pastel colored ponies designed to sell toys to little girls, like it was the same as being part of a historically marginalized group (mainly the LGBT community). Thankfully this is something that I feel has lessened at least a little bit as time went on.
  4. One of the new MLP series finale promos.
  5. Luna eclipsed- A really fun episode that was a nice introduction to Luna's character. Sparkle's 7- A really silly episode where I can tell everyone had a fun time making it, and it really shows. Daring Don't- I just found this to be an overall exciting and fun episode, and I didn't really mind Daring Do becoming real, unlike others. Applebuck Season- Overall just a solid episode. Rock Solid Friendship- A good episode, and I really enjoyed Starlight and Maud's friendship, however Pinkie Pie brought it down a bit to be honest. On Your Marks- A solid episode where the CMC question where to go after getting their Cutie Marks One Bad Apple- Catchy song, but nothing much worth talking about. Fake it till you make it- One of the season's weakest episodes. I don't hate it, but it's not one of the better 4th episodes. Although I did enjoy all the different Fluttershy personas. Bloom and Gloom- Boring as tar. I don't care what kind of "deep themes" it has. Those can't save an episode this tedious to watch. One of my least favorites of the entire show.
  6. I thought that this was a pretty good episode. I have always liked the friendship between Trixie and Starlight so it was nice to get another episode focusing on them together. I wasn't expecting Spoiled Milk, Doctor Hooves, and Octavia to be in this episode, but each of them ended up being pretty entertaining. I was especially surprised with how much I liked Spoiled Milk in this episode. And I found the conflict in this episode to a pretty good one all things considered. Overall I thought this was a good way to end Starlight's arc in the show.
  7. 8/10. I really like the show a lot. But I have to admit it is a bit more flawed compared to others of my all time favorite cartoons.
  8. I really enjoyed this episode. It was nice to get an episode that was sorta like Spike finally getting over his crush with Rarity, which is a bit of what I interpreted here. Spike and Gabby surprisingly made for a cute friendship despite me never really thinking of the two as characters that would interact with one another before. Rarity being overly dramatic is always a treat, and Twilight's frustrations with the fainting couches was pretty funny. Overall I thought that was a pretty good episode.
  9. I didn't even think about this before, but the school of friendship actually could have been a good opportunity to give Cheerilee a little bit of attention. Like she didn't even have to teach there, but it might have been nice to have an episode where she helps out the mane 6 with being teachers. I think that had some potential. It's kind of a wasted opportunity.
  10. I can't believe that Sans from Undertale is actually in Super Smash Bros.

    I don't have anything funny joke to say about it, this is just really shocking.


    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I feel like we're going to

      have a bad time.

  11. I actually could see at least some of the characters working well with one another. Steven and Pinkie Pie would become fast friends, Rainbow Dash and Amethyst would get along pretty well and have fun pulling pranks, Twilight and Pearl would get along swimmingly due to their similar personalities. I also think it would be funny to see what would happen if Discord and Peridot met each other.
  12. Steven Universe: The Movie. It was totally worth the wait!
  13. Oh. That sounds much more promising. I wonder if they are all going to be part one whole story or if they are all going to be different one off stories. Either way it's nice to know that we are getting things that are more substantial than 2 minute shorts.
  14. Not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping we could get one last substantial EQG story, but I guess we're just getting shorts instead. I like the shorts, don't get me wrong, but still.
  15. The official release of Find the Magic. I absolutely love it!
  16. I really liked this episode. It was nice to get an episode focusing on Fluttershy and Angel's relationship, and I found it worked really well here. I found this episode helped to make Fluttershy's animal sanctuary goal more interesting as while I didn't dislike Fluttershy Leans In, I don't think it was all that great either. Seeing Zecora have an actual role in a episode was nice, and I liked how Angel got to be an actual sympathetic character for once. I also feel that this episode did a great job at showing Fluttershy at her best, and over all I thought it was pretty enjoyable.
  17. Nice! This bat pony rank is pretty cute. Definitely a good choice. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the new ranks.
  18. Finally we get another short on Youtube! This kind of ended up abruptly and I wish it was a bit longer, but this was surprisingly fun. My favorite moments had to be Celestia being awesome, and the bloopers for The Other Sid ft Rarity. I just found it overall entertaining to see the cast act like goofy teenagers doing the dumb kind of things that you and your friends would do in high school.
  19. My biggest concern is that it will turn out to be actually good, but people will be too attached to FiM to give it a fair shot, and as a result it won't do very well.
  20. Even with all the issues people have had with the show not only this past season, but in general, MLP FiM will always have a special place in my heart, and I consider it one of my favorite cartoons of the decade.
  21. I actually like the art style for the new Battletoads game. It's bright, colorful and I feel that it's cartoony nature really fits the franchise. That would be given that Battletoads is already a goofy concept to begin with, being a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles wannabe featuring anthropomorphic toads named Rash, Zits, and Pimple fighting The Dark Queen and her army of space mutants. Given that it was already a silly idea to begin with, so I see this bouncy cartoony style that kinda reminds me of Rise of the TMNT as the type of art style that would best fit the franchise. And I would rather see this over any kind of dark and gritty "realistic" style that people who are vehemently against the new Battletoads would say is better.
  22. Really like this new forums banner.

  23. I would have to say that I am a fan of both. When it comes to Pokemon it has the much better video games, while Digimon has the much better anime series.
  24. The trailer to The Rise of Skywalker. I'm not enough all that into Star Wars and I have to say that this looks pretty cool.
  25. Well this was an interesting episode. This managed to be both a nice wrap up to Twilight's character arc over the course of the series and an episode that is clearly advancing the overall story of the season. I didn't expect going into the season to really like the dynamic between Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow, but episodes like this really show that they are a fun trio to watch. I am interested in seeing what happens next with them and what the cliffhanger at the end of the episode entails. This episode also did a good job at showing that Twilight really is getting ready to be the next ruler of Equestria. Overall I thought that this was a good episode.
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