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Posts posted by duidamasterXD

  1. Just went and saw it yesterday with my family, and it's either my favorite or second favorite Pixar movie (it'd be second only to The Incredibles). Wherever I rank it, it was easily the most emotional of the bunch :derp:. Terrible and obligatory joke aside, I mean it in the literal sense too. It's a real rollercoaster that had me and several others in the theater openly crying, and then smiling and laughing again minutes later. I came out of the theater feeling fresh, reenergized, and happy to be alive. It really did hit me on every level, and I plan on seeing it again soon.


    Any worries I had before watching the film were taken care of before long. Can you really have a nuanced cast when each character is defined by one specific emotion? Turns out the answer is yes, and the main few emotions were developed nicely by the end of the movie. I'd like to praise Joy as being a particularly well-written (if not always likable) character, and Sadness was great as well.

    • Brohoof 6
  2. To be honest, I've never been a huuuge background pony fan. I've enjoyed the art and some of the fanfics, but I'd never been able to get into them the way so many people have. And this episode proved that you didn't have to be to enjoy it all :). Mayor Mare's speech at the end was a nice and touching moment that rounded out the episode nicely and brought everything back to the same page, after a very chaotic twenty minutes. Lyra and Bon Bon were delightfully fun in particular, and I'm pleased to see that @Batbrony was pandered to in the best possible way :D. May he drown in more fluffy fanart than ever before.


    I am also pleased both that Celestia and Luna still do cute sibling things and that Spike (naturally) has his act even more together than they do -_-. Dragon boy is special enough to headline episodes and crash the wedding :)

    • Brohoof 6
  3. Caught the finale a few hours ago with my siblings. While I haven't really been following the show since Across the Second Dimension, I was very sad to see it go. P&F was one of the things that got me back into cartoons after giving them up for much of middle school, and I have many fond memories of watching it along with my family. I think I'll always be able to look back on the many lighthearted episodes and catchy songs (that I still know all the words to :derp: ) and smile.


    As for the finale itself, it worked as a fine sendoff to the series. In a way, it kinda figures that Candace going all Endless Eight was the only thing that could end that darned endless summer for good ^_^




    Nice mix of creative hijinks, emotional moments, and suspense. I liked that it wasn't so caught up in wrapping up the series that it forgot to have fun along the way.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I was diagnosed early this year and it was honestly some of the most relieving news I've ever gotten. So much about my life suddenly made sense. I've been working these past few months on learning to manage it with some success, and it should get even better once I'm home this summer and don't have so much going on.

  5. The episode when RD finally becomes a Wonderbolt could be one, since by now it's had more seasons of buildup than Twilight's alicornification did. I have trouble imagining their cramming a moment that important into a regular, run of the mill episode since it's something we know she's been working towards ever since her introductory scene. Just have her severely tested, doubt herself, turn to her friends, triumph and kick ass together, profit. It's possible that they'll pull a CMC and just wait until the end of the show to make her a Bolt, or have an episode where she decides she wants something else out of life, but I'd prefer if she had her moment of glory where she finally proves herself worthy.


    One about loss and the Apple family would be fantabulous(ly sad :( )



  6. Griffon the Brush Off is one of is one of my favorite early episodes, so it was very nice to see the loose ends from it all tied up. I thought AKR handled the more adventure-y aspects of the episode well, and all the exotic aspects about the setting blended nicely into what she was doing with the characters. I've felt that the problem with some of the previous adventure episodes has been getting all wrapped up in all the new cool stuff and having to hurriedly or sloppily finish the story because of that, but it all worked great here. The episode struck a pretty good balance between exploring the characters, exploring the setting, and keeping the mood lighthearted with little stuff like this




    And Pinkie's strange new statue obsession :blink: .


    Another thing I liked about the ending was how natural Rainbow Dash's forgiveness of Gilda felt. While Gilda's felt just a little hurried, RD's was just what we've seen from her before. Abrasive, but willing to forgive in a heartbeat when she knows the person is genuinely sorry. Balance comes to mind once again, and the episode struck a great balance between making Gilda sympathetic while not excusing how crappily she'd treated everybody before. Now she's yet another victim of the shithole Cloudsdale Flight Camps, where nopony remains untraumatized >_>.


    Overall, great episode. One of my faves in Season 5 so far.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Tap water from where I grew up is my favorite, bar none. Probably because it's the most familiar to me and because it set the standard, but it's always as clear and refreshing as any filtered water I've ever had.


    Tap water where I live now is trash, and I make sure to stick it in one of those refrigerator filters before drinking it. I'll probably do that for the rest of my life unless other, better options arise. Bottled water has never compared to the stuff I'm used to drinking and it comes at way too steep a price. I tend to avoid it except in rare situations like road trips/natural disasters/etc.

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