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Dimitri Hammer

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Posts posted by Dimitri Hammer

  1. Wrath growled at Acheron and Draco's comments. "Shut your FUCKING mouth Acheron! Listen to me Dimitri, join me and together we can beat the Seneschals. I do not have access to the chamber that holds the six, but if you and I work together we would become unstoppable! The Seneschals might not have killed her directly, but they let her die when she was ill. They imprisoned my mind, and it has taken me years to regain control of it. Your so called friends are FUCKING holding you back like they did to me! Sex, greed and envy! That is all they are! I am just trying to help you realize your power! If you really love her you will FUCKING listen to me!"


    Wrath walked up to Dimitri and sat beside him. He gave a piercing glare to Acheron and Draco.

  2. @,


    I came to America in 2009 to help my older brother who had two kinds of cancer.


    He could not work because he was extremely weak from the treatments, and I decided to come to America to help him. I left Russia for other personal reasons too such as the passing of my wife, but mainly for my brother.

    And Sadly, I am tired because I woke up early and not got much sleep yesterday :P


    So, I leave it on that. Such a "cliffhanger" right? laugh.png

  3. "Oh, Dimitri. Ignore that....GREEDY FUCK." Wrath yelled, but regained his composure. "We are more alike than you know...I was once like you. I loved a mare, and I devoted my entire life to her. We were together for so long. She was taken by the Seneschals. I tried my best, I fought and I bled and I went through hell to get to her...." Wrath began to walk in a circle around Dimitri.


    "She died...all because my beloved friends held me back with their bickering. They took too long with their false FUCKING promises. I killed them all. I slaughtered my friends, and afterwards the Seneschals captured me. They showed me how to control my feelings. I am nothing but a husk, Dimitri...I have been a slave to them for years. I have been trying to get my FUCKING revenge for years! I do not want the same to happen to you. Forget your so called FUCKING 'friends' and let me help you. Together we will save your wife, and I can avenge my fallen love as well.

  4. Dimitri sat himself down and looked at the horizon. He manifested a small ember and pushed it around with his hoof. "No matter what, I need her..." He whispered and then said aloud to Acheron. Dimitri then felt a throbbing pain in his head. "ENOUGH OF THESE FUCKING LIES!" He winced as the voice screamed. Dimitri involuntarily got up and touched the ground with his horn. A cloud of black mist emerged from his mouth, and a fissure opened where he used his magic.


    Magma flowed from the fissure, and the black mist went right into it. After several seconds, a large figure emerged from the fissure. He was tall, and rather strong looking. His mane was pure white, as were his eyes and pupils. He had a small goatee which was pure jet black with white streaks. Scars marked every spot on his body, and a black smoke emitted from each scar like fire. He wore a black set of boots, and had on torn pants. "Dimitri, why do you listen to this whelp?" the entity spoke as he levitated and then threw Acheron several meters away.

  5. Dimitri shook his head violently. "No, no, no..." he managed to say as his eyes stopped flaming. The thin layer of blue flame dissipated from his skin as well. Dimitri walked towards Acheron, and closed his eyes. "Моя маленькая бабочка...I can not go on with her not here..." He started to breath slowly. Each breath was still black as charcoal. He then heard Draco, and his eyes began to spark up again. 'My character is not in question here...you want to speak about character? How about we go on about you then, Draco?"

  6. Dimitri growled. "You think I am showing you my full power? Do you think I want to decimate this place? I am purposely restraining myself..." he quietly uttered as he shook himself. His insides felt like they were just baked and turned upside-down, but he just shrugged it off. "You just do not fucking understand....I . Need. To. Find. her.......all of you are keeping me back. What am I without her? I am a husk. I need her.....but all you do is slow me down! Stop fucking speaking about her like that dammit!"

  7. Dimitri laid upon the ground. His eyes were still burning intensely, and they grew more intense with each second. He breathed a few deep breaths, and ran his hoof over the cracked armor. It seemed to repair itself almost completely. He twitched as he tried to pick himself up. Acheron's forced vision then entered Dimitri's mind. Dimitri fell back after he witnessed it. He was silently sobbing hard, but the tears were quickly turned to steam by the heat from his eyes.


    His horn glowed black yet again. He got up, and shouldered Acheron away from him. He did not speak at all, but the air became even hotter than it already was. His beard and mane were now burning wholly. A thin layer of blue flame covered his whole body. He stomped on the ground and sent a shock-wave, almost like a small supernova, out around him.

  8. Dimitri blinked his eyes at Acheron and walked closer to him. He got closer to him and put his head near his ear "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY YOU WOULD HURT HER!" Dimitri yelled. He tackled Acheron and was on top of him. "NEVER FUCKING SAY THAT!" The air around him combusted and he made sure Acheron was the center of focus for it all. Dimitri's eyes were replaced with streams of blue flame, and the tips of his mane and beard began to light on fire as well.


    Dimitri struck Acheron on his side several times, and slammed his shoulder into his nose. Dimitri jumped back, and off of Acheron. He winced and collapsed slightly, coughing up more red/black blood.

  9. Dimitri grunted as he stepped back from Acheron, but he soon felt a sharp pain in his back legs. He turned to see a shadowy wire-like manifestation form around his legs and start to spread to his waist. All the while it sent charges through his body. Dimitri tried to move, but was then struck in the chest hard with a blunt device. He coughed hard, and spit up some blood. The blood was its normal red color, but had black splotches in it as well.


    Dimitri could feel that his sternum was cracked, but he shook his head. If it was not for his naturally strong muscles and bones his whole ribcage might have been fractured or completely broken. The armor was cracked and broken. "Lies, lies, FUCKING LIES!" Dimitri shouted as he stumbled himself up. "You promised many things Acheron. You would betray us all for a little knowledge. You were just lulling me into a false sense of security so you could take her for yourself! Just like you did to Diamond! Fucking greedy bastard!"

  10. Dimitri picked himself up. He looked at his shoulder and ran his hoof over it. He snapped it back into place, and cringed after doing so. The burns over his shoulder stung when he touched them, but it just made him sigh with a euphoric tone. "Stop fucking lying! You have been planning it from the start! You and your sick fucking greed! You and that Draco have been plotting against me since the beginning! I've seen the things you want to do you sick fuck, and you will never get to her without killing me first!"


    Black smoke came from Dimitri's nostrils as he circled around Acheron. He ran up and slammed his back hooves into Acheron's side.

  11. Dimitri did not speak. He only looked upon Acheron with flaming eyes. Dimitri exhaled and black smoke emitted from his mouth. His armor took the brunt of the force, but he could feel some bruising underneath. "You won't fucking take her from me!" Dimitri yelled as he charged again at Acheron. Instead of going straight-on, he quickly took a left and slammed his shoulder into the back of Acheron's neck.

  12. "I will refrain from using my magic Acheron. Let me see how you take a punch. Last time we fought I am pretty sure I broke a couple bones. This time I will not be so fucking easy on you...but I will be the gentle-stallion here. You give the first hit." Dimitri smiled and walked forwards as the ground quaked around him and fissures sprung up. "Stop fucking mocking him. Do you know what he is doing? He wants her to suffer. Once he gets rid of you he will make her suffer!" The voice growled and projected several horrid images into Dimitri's mind.


    Dimitri put a hoof to his forehead and winced loudly, tears started to come from his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no....I know what you are doing...trying to take her for yourself and that lustful fuck too. You fucking dare do that? YOU FUCKING DARE?" Dimitri's pupils became little pits of smoldering blue flame. He ignored his previous statement of letting Acheron have the first hit. He ran up and charged his shoulder into Acheron's neck.

  13. "All you do is brag. How about you come and show me what you can do. I tell you this: You get the first hit. Go ahead..." Dimitri laughed and pointed at his jaw again. "Strongest hit without magic. I dare you. Go ahead and break your little hoof on my fucking jaw." He rolled his eyes and sat himself down. "Why do you hold back? Why are you not showing him everything?" The voice whispered. "Oh he does not deserve to see it just yet. Let the bastard think he has the advantage for now. This is very fun for me."

  14. "Oh simple-minded Acheron. What influence do you think I am under? This is all me. My deep hatred for this group. It has not been influenced in the least. His horn glowed a deep crimson red yet again, and he looked at the sky. "These skies are mine. The climate and the pressure of the air belong to me!" The sky became darker and the temperature in the air was beginning to become unbearable. The air-pressure around Dimitri began to compress, and it was hard to breath as the heat was so intense.



    "How about you hit me like a real stallion. No magic. Hit me with your brittle little hooves you greedy fuck. Oh boo-hoo, I killed my friends and I have deep problems with socializing! Get over it you fucking pussy. I watched my parents die. I killed tons of ponies since I was a small colt. I killed those who I once called my friends too. It made me stronger. You need to stop fucking complaining about it." He motioned for Acheron to hit him in the jaw.


    Dimitri looked at Draco next as he anticipated Acheron's retaliation.. "You will do no such fucking thing! I will not let you take her away from me! Now, how about you get the fuck out of my sky!" Dimitri yelled as flames shot from his horn and straight to Draco's wings.


    ((Oh how I despise vulgarity...))

  15. Another fissure opened up only several yards from the first. The black goo was boiling, and Dimitri rose up from it smirking. "Scared of you? A greedy fucking gnat? No, I was just getting something..." He chuckled as his eyes went completely pitch black. The wispy trails that followed his eyes turned into a blood red. Dimitri looked at the sky and whispered in Sovestrian: "Он встает..." The sky almost immediately lost its color. A storm seemed to rush in and it began to thunder. The wind was strong and hot. It began to blow dust around.


    "You see Acheron, I not need any wraiths to help me out. Only the weak need aid..." Dimitri laughed. His horn glowed a mixture of crimson and black. A large clump of sand lifted from the ground. The black liquid from the fissure coated it, and it spontaneously lit on fire. He stopped levitating it and picked it up himself, and threw it at Acheron. Dimitri turned his attention to Draco. He whispered again. "Силы..." A large gale force wind hit Draco. It was steaming hot.

  16. Dimitri began to burn the liquid at a hotter temperature. "Simple blood magic? No, no my greedy fucking friend. This is something your meek mind would not be able to even grasp the concept of. You have not seen anything yet." He said as he looked up at Draco next. "Barbarians? You think I am a barbarian? I don't go around fucking mares and leaving them in the middle of the night. I don't break hearts like you do. You are weak minded. Your lust would consume you."


    Dimitri looked up as lighting came down upon him. He smirked as he let the bolts strike him. Some hit him in the back of the neck which caused some third-degree burns. The rest hit his armor and was absorbed into it. "FUCKING FEEBLE!" He yelled at Acheron. The black liquid boiled intently and a grotesque skeletal pony emerged from it. Dimitri smiled and reached his hoof to the figure and grasped it. The skeleton pulled Dimitri into the liquid and the fissure closed up behind him.

  17. Dimitri recoiled from the sickle's impact. He laughed as he wiped the fresh blood that was coming from the back of his neck. He turned to look at Acheron. "Oh, thank you Acheron....I needed this..." He took the blood and let it pour into the open fissure. The ground trembled and quaked violently for a few seconds then ceased. Dimitri looked up at Draco. "Fucking things left and right. I mention it because it is true. Your lustful nature is strong. Would you try and seduce my wife? You have no idea how FUCKING angry that makes me."


    The fissure opened up a little wider, and black goo began to stream from it. It began to bubble. Dimitri's horn went back to its red color and he aimed it at the liquid. It began to boil and steam. He made some of the black liquid shoot at Acheron and Draco as he still boiled the rest.

  18. "Mocking Acheron? Your defense mechanism is very flawed. Though, I did not expect better from you...all the knowledge you have stolen, and not any of it was intelligence..." Dimitri laughed. The color of the aura around his horn turned from a deep red to a jet black. "Hey, I know some dark things too Acheron..." Dimitri whispered as he touched the sand with his horn. Another fissure sprung up, and it opened wide. He charged towards Acheron and slammed his forehead into his.

  19. Dimitri looked up at Draco. "Oh...there the slut is! Hey, I have not seen you for about thirty minutes....how many things did you fuck?" He laughed. "You think I would even let you near my wife, let alone speak her name, knowing that you are nothing but a lustful being? Think again." Dimitri hit the ground again, and from the fissure; a stream of magma shot up at Draco. Dimitri walked right through the magma as it streamed upwards. His jacket was completely burned off, and in its place appeared shining grey armor. "Oh your threats are feeble Acheron...I dare you to hit me. Go ahead. Make me hurt. I fucking love the feeling."

  20. Dimitri gritted his teeth and yelled. "Answer the fucking question Acheron..." He began to slowly walk forward, and as he did the intense heat followed right along. The shadow barrier Acheron put up was beginning to waver from the heat. His jacket was starting to burn, and the leather started to warp and shrink. "Did you bring the others? Is that lustful whore Draco here too?!" Dimitri slammed his hoof onto the sand/melted glass and a fissure sprung up, slightly spitting out magma. The scars on his face started to become darker and seemed burned.

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