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Dimitri Hammer

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Posts posted by Dimitri Hammer

  1. Dimitri frowned. The sarcasm was a little...irritating....he just was asking. "Do you want me to do anything? I not great alchemist or healer, but I know something that can make the wound numb, and stop it from getting infected too." He took off his knapsack and looked inside. "I have a herb that will make it numb. Takes pain away. Just need to rub on the area. Is like gel, and it might sting a little but it will take the pain away." He took out a small jar and uncapped it. Inside was a gel-like substance. He looked at Diamond waiting for her to either accept or refuse his offer.

  2. Dimitri felt the pressure on his legs cease, and he slammed his hoof into the ground. "Finally!" He said as he looked upwards to see the fight unraveling. "Well, I can not fly....so...I will wait to crush his skull when he is down here..." He said as he looked over his allies. He noticed Diamond in a pool of blood. He rushed over to her, and acting like his normal self, he knelt near her. "Are you okay?" He asked. He wanted to make sure his comrade was fine before he had another mental breakdown.

  3. Dimitri was struggling to move. He glared at Reyo. "This again?! More trouble? Are you fucking joking me?!" Dimitri angrily yelled as he tried his best to move. His legs quivered, but it seemed almost useless. "Sadism is an act that is severely punished back in my home country, and I personally enjoy gutting them too..." He yelled at Reyo, hoping to draw his attention from Diamond. "Draco said himself that he does not care about the mares anymore. If anything, hurting me would probably make him do something. I am his friend. These mares are nothing to him anymore."


    Dimitri kept trying to get Reyo to hopefully attack him. Maybe provocation would work. "Are all Equestrians as weak and lazy like this? I thought Draco's relatives were tough. I guess that is not true. Well, unless you come over here and knock sense into me, but I doubt a тупица like you could." Dimitri chuckled as he glared into Reyo's eyes.

  4. @

    ((Is okay, no worries...))



    Dimitri smiled at Diamond. "I understands...I am having hard times myself with this group. I sorry if I have been a part of the problem, because I know that I have. I just can not take the stress and pain of knowing that my wife is in trouble, you know? It hurts me. I can take any other stress, I can take being hurt or being mocked by these cultists....but knowing that my wife is out there and I can not save her immediately really hurts me." He sighed and looked away for a moment. "This waiting is rather ridiculous....I not know how much more I can take. This is killing me.....I feel so useless...she is in pain, and I am doing nothing..." He started to tear up.


    "I am sorry. Crying is not solving anything.....just makes me look stupid." He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. Dimitri tried to change the topic. "Well, as long as you are okay, I am content.." Dimitri tried to move, but noticed that he couldn't. He looked back to see Acheron and Delia, and also two other beings.

  5. I was never popular. Just because I was tall, and strong in high school and college does not mean I joined any sports. In fact, I hate "jocks" and all that high school and college groups and whatnot. I mean, people acted like they were my friend, but it was all a facade.


    All the friends I have now are friends I have met in the past four years. All my old friends back in Russia are either dead or have abandoned me. After my wife passed away I found out who my real friends were.....and that was no one. No one comforted me when she passed away. I realized that the four people I thought were my friends did not care for me. So, I not care if they're dead or living a bad life. That is their problem.


    The friends I have in America are the best people in the whole damn world. My brother is the only "original" friend I have since we have been great friends since we were children :P


    My four friends in America are great though. I know that they care for me. They really care for me, and I love them so much for it. The people on these forums are also fantastic and I consider better than any previous friends I had back in Russia. So, no I was never really popular. Only because I was a little anti-social, and disliked the idea of being popular. But, I have great friends now. They are few in real life, and they are many on here, but I love you all nonetheless. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Besides Ponies and Fluttershy?


    I would say my friends. If it was not for them I would not have a reason to be here. Life would be so dull and empty without my friends. Depression would come back, and I highly doubt I would still be alive if I did not have any of my friends. I love my few close friends.


    I also love making people happy. Making people cheer up. I have struggled with major depression before, and I hate when I see others who say things and are depressed. It makes me sad because I went through such a horrid time in my life and I know how it feels. So, I like cheering people up as well. Makes me happy if I can help a person change their outlook on life from bad to good.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Dimitri shook his head. He rubbed his forehead, and sighed. He could not stop hearing the voice. He tried to ignore it the best he could, so he looked around for something to do, anything to do. He thought about his wife. He knew the others would never understand him, but he could not blame them. They never experienced what he experiences every time he looks at Fluttershy. Dimitri rubbed his eyes because they started to become slightly wet.


    "Are, you okay?" He asked Diamond. He saw her wince after putting on her saddlebag. "Still hurting? Magic is sometimes not enough, I know this. Need any help?" He wanted to try and connect with Diamond. He was hoping to redeem himself for when he acted violent and angry. He knew he could relapse into that at any moment, but maybe if more than one of his allies knew that he couldn't handle it...maybe it would bring him some comfort.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I have a fairly good idea. 

    Btw I'm making a fic which has Fluttershy transform into a legendary warrior of kindness, any ideas to what creature would represent her and kindness the best? I was thinking something like an eagle or a swan or something. 


    OT: Da boss.

    Still doubt you knows me. Never argue with a Russian who is not great at English :P

    Swan is not bad idea...


    OT: A something :D

  9. I love all my friends! Like how I love all of you on here! It might be the Internet (which I am still not used to using :P ) but I not care.


    I love all my friends, but five standout for me in general.


    My brother Roman : He is related to me, but I do intensely love my brother as a great friend. He is a caring man, and though he acts immature sometimes I still know he has a good heart. He is always here for me, and I will always be here for him. I really love my brother. I love that idiot :lol:


    My friend Dan : He is fantastic. Though a little provocative and dirty sometimes. He is understanding, and cares for me greatly. I know him very well, and I live very close to him. Known him since 2009, and he has been the best American friend I know. He might have affection for me, but I do not...go that way. I appreciate him though, and love him greatly. No matter what I am here for him as well.


    ~HistoricallyInaccurate~ : My American, history buff, American Civil War loving, friend on these forums. He is fantastic to talk to. Always very funny, and cheers me up whenever I feel down. Has helped me with some problems, and is a amazing person. Great conversations I enjoy with him, and I love "goofing" around with him. I love him as a great friend!! I will help him if he ever needs it too .He helps me with my English sometimes also :lol:


    TheBronyHeart : He is a deep individual on these forums. Very caring, and smart, and understanding too. He is fantastic, though we do not talk as much as I want...I will hopefully be resolving that soon. He is a great aid, and has helped me just as all my friends have. He has really shown me ways to view life. He is very good. A very good soul. I love him as I do all my friends. I'll be here if he ever needs me as well.


    Motion Spark (Эмма): I call him Эмма. More of a affectionate name for me to say :P but I love him too. He has been the greatest help to me. Has helped with my depression extremely, and he is also a great soul. I can not put into words how much I love him. He is a great, great being. So very kind, and nice and supportive of me. I can not accurately say with words how much I care for him, but I do. Only person I let call me Dim :wub:


    I love all my friends, but these five stand out greatly. I intensely appreciate them all, and I am proud to say they are my friends.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. I believe I do. Since only a couple years ago though. I can control my feelings and the actions I do towards others. Right when my wife passed away though, I could not control my feelings. I became utterly depressed and angry at everyone. I hated myself, and anyone who came in contact with me. I did not think about the consequences of actions. I hurt people, and I did bad things for two years after my wife passed.


    I used to be able to contain myself. I am not ashamed to admit that I cry. I cry over things. It does not make me less of a man, and if you think it does I do not care. I could not control myself from 2006-2008. More anger and depression than anything else. People made me mad, I would not think it through. I would respond violently.


    I like to think that I changed. I do sometimes have problems coping with the loss of people. I get a little attached and "needy" because I feel like I can not lose anyone like I lost my spouse. Now though, I am in much better control. I think things through like I used to. From 1986-2006 I was in a perfect state of mind and I was in control of myself. Sure, I got angry and stuff like that but I always thought about it and talked it out.


    I am better now. No longer am I as angry at myself or innocents. I regret the past, but the past can not be changed. I just have to redeem myself, and I am doing just that. I have been my normal self since late 2008. I experienced hard depression from 2008-2012. I am better now, and I am moving on. So, all in all, I am in control of myself now. Much better than ever before even. People can say what they want, but this is my philosophy and my opinion.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Dimitri heard Acheron after he started to walk back after he was done having his inner conflict. He stared at Draco who was up in the clouds, literally and metaphorically. "I...I can not be slowed down anymore. If I lose Fluttershy, I lose my reason to live. I vowed that I would protect her from any harm. I would die for her. I love her more than words can even begin to describe, and I feel a strong connection to her. When she is in pain, I hurt worse because I hate when she is sad or hurt. I am sorry, but I will not be stopped. No matter what happens, nothing will stop me from seeing my love again." Dimitri said as he approached Acheron.


    "I am with Acheron. I not care who leads this group. I will do this myself if I have to....but I am going to save my wife. I am saving her." He stepped over near Acheron, and looked him in the eyes. "I am with you, but no matter what happens I am saving her. You are a good friend, but if you start to become like Draco....become insatiable...I will leave you too....I am sorry, but I need to save my wife...no matter what happens to me."

  12. Dimitri has only worn a suit on one occasion and that was his wedding day. He considers suits to be too high class for himself. Yet, when Fluttershy becomes involved he cares not about what he likes and does not like. My inspiration for this was...I recently saw "The Great Gatsby" and I've read the book hundreds of times as well. I wanted to do something relative to the 1920's and that movie kind of.


    I have Dimitri wearing a nice classy suit though, he left his mane a mess a little bit :P

    I tried to get Fluttershy in a 1920's style flapper dress. I not think I did a great job on that one, but she is still adorables :wub:


    Minimal background done on purpose so it draws more attention to the couple.




    • Brohoof 3
  13. Dimitri started to walk off slowly by himself in a random direction. He kept looking at the horizon, then the sky, and he kept rubbing his eyes. "She will lose her love for you, if you don't save her....you can't be useless now...she Needs you. You need to abandon the others and go already." the voice sternly retorted. "I need the others in order to find where she is......I....she will not lose faith in me. I promised her I would never let anything happen to her....I swore by my life that I would keep her safe. No matter what happens to me..." Dimitri whispered to himself.


    "But you don't need the others! You and you alone can save her and the others too. The others have different motives...greedy motives...they are using this to make themselves look good, and are doing this for personal gain. They don't care about Fluttershy. You have the strength and the anger to do this yourself. You could kill them all if you wanted to..." The voice yelled in Dimitri's mind.

  14. Dimitri didn't react immediately after Delia hugged him. He wasn't expecting that, and his eyes teared up a little bit actually. "No worries..." He said to Delia as he returned the gesture, yet he couldn't speak in that moment very well. He was thinking about his wife; the only mare who ever really hugged him. Thoughts of his love in pain plauged his mind still, and he couldn't just calm down. "This moment is nice, but we need to press on...please we really need to press onwards...I can't take the waiting any longer. She needs me, I not know what is happening to her or where she is. I need her..."


    "She is in pain. You need to go right now. Go and find her. The pain you are in is excruciating, yes?" the voice whispered in Dimitri's mind. "We need to get going...please.." Dimitri said through shambled breaths as he wiped his eyes. He was starting to feel useless towards her. The pain in his heart was increasing by the minute. He loved her with such great intensity, and knowing she was scared hurt Dimitri.

  15. "Listen. I am horridly angry. I am horridly depressed and scared as well. Sadly the stability of this group seems to matter. If we can not pull together, I might lose her....do not do that to me....do not take away any chance I have in seeing and saving her..." Dimitri said with a stern, yet sullen disposition. "Still think they are useful? Listen to him, these 'rest stops' have been awful ideas! He is lucky that you are not going to kill him. He is useless, as are the others...all that matters is her. Kill them if they try and stop you..." The voice in Dimitri's head hissed. Dimitri just rubbed his forehead and winced.

  16. Dimitri finally took it too heart. He didn't want to wait around any longer. He looked back into the tent. "Is all okay in here?" He walked back into the tent. He wasn't feeling like himself, but he just decided to ignore the feeling. "So, while I was gone, who did you kill? Was another General, yes? What exactly happened?"

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