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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Scootaloo™

  1. I am back! yay.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      Yay! Welcome back! XD

    3. Electrobolt


      You were gone? *shot* But seriously, welcome back... And don't pay mind to my avvie and name... For the name, I lost a bet in a forum game... Avvie, well... I... Ok I kinda like it X_X

    4. Scootaloo™


      It was hard for me to get the hang of this forum thing lol.

  2. Oh yeah Come on yeah ooh yeah come on yeah. • _ • pendulum is forever stuck in my head. It always has been, always will.

    1. WildCard


      One of my favorite bands :)

    2. Scootaloo™


      They are just one of those bands you can't hate.

  3. Music and ponies are a great way to start a day that will be filled with ponies like every day.

    1. ProjectRKA


      Yes indeed... music + ponies is just an amazing way to start the day :3

    2. Scootaloo™


      And to continue the day :3

    3. ProjectRKA
  4. <_< darn you pound cake...

    1. ProjectRKA


      Don't worry Scoot... you're still best CMC :3

    2. KBz


      I give you faith. I KNOW you can fly!

    3. Scootaloo™
  5. Not being able to sleep stinks...

    1. Shankveld


      Having the same problem :P

    2. Skullbuster


      I havnt taken a sleeping pill yet, I wanted to stay up for a bit

  6. Its almost time to see if Santa got me that Cintiq drawing tablet I really wanted.

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