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  • Title
    The Rainbow Ninja

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  • Location
    Somewhere in this or the four other known universes
  • Interests
    I dunno, I like pie. Does that count?

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  1. If I was a voice actor for Friendship is magic , I would never want to voice Equestria girls. I wouldn't be caught dead doing that. But if I was dead I probably couldn't voice it anyway.
  2. I saw the orginal concepts and literally gagged. Just... i dont even know what to say. However... That's actually pretty good. If it was like this I'd give it half a chance.
  3. Ok, for this topic, there are two points of view, each with a different question to consider at the end. Ok? Ready? Go! Point of view A: Imagine you, in the present, are sitting around, doing whatever, and all of a sudden you hear a knock at the door. You open it up and, to your surprise, it's Twilight Sparkle! You invite her in, and she explains that she needs to practice her time travel spells, and you, for some reason, are just the one to do it. So she asks where you want to go, and you say you want to visit your past self, before becoming a brony. She says ok, and her horn starts shining, and you are both envoloped in a bright light. In a few seconds, you are in you living room a few years ago, and your past self is staring at you. Twilight shouts "It worked!" What do you say to your past self? Do you want to explain everything to them? In the second point of view, what you say here will be called (x). Point of view B: Imagine you are sitting on your couch, flipping through channels, before FIM came out. You stumble across an earlier generation of MLP. You just get done making fun of it when you see a flash of bright light by your TV. It gets bigger and bigger until you see this purple pony- you notice it's a unicorn- step out. Followed by this purple unicorn is someone that looks strangely familiar... It's you. From the future. The purple unicorn shouts "It worked!" And then your future self says (x). How would you react? PS. This had nothing to do with the episode It's About Time. It's totally different. I thought the whole thing up myself. Honest.
  4. The leading scientists in Equestria have devised a new kind of silverware that sticks to a pony's hoof when he/she touches it, using a special magic adhesive. Now everypony can enjoy acting civilized and using silverware. Call now, and you'll get 2 sets of magic silverware for just 300 bits! But wait! If you call within the next 30 seconds, well double the offer! That's right, double! You'll get 4 sets for just 600 bits! Call now! Subject to taxes and shipping and handling. Must be 18 years or older to order. We accept most major credit cards.
  5. Oh cool, thanks, Jack Durango. I guess you could say that I am in the Mario fandom then. But Runouw.com... So... Many... Troll faces... *shudder*
  6. Inexperienced brony question: Can somepony please give me the definition of a fandom? Is it just being a fan of something, or do you have to join a forum, or what? If it is that, I'd say I was (not am) in a Mario fandom. I joined this forum called Runouw.com but I left it because it was too "internetty" for me. It was there, though, where I saw my first FIM related thing. It was Rainbow Dash, and it was in someone's signature. I thought it was stupid manely because I didnt know what it was, but at the same time I felt oddly attracted to it. I forgot about that for a while, until I discovered it again, and now I am in this fandom! P.S. I still love Mario. He's the best. but if a fandom is what I think it is, then I'm not in a Mario Fandom.
  7. Right in my disclaimer, may not for you... Anyway, as soon as I made that post it stopped working for me, too. In all, I got 100 gems from that, but I still don't have enough to get Rarity! Stupid freezing made me buy Sweetie Belle by accident!! Not to mention all those stupid Hearths Warming quests!!! Also, while this topic is on frustrations, anypony else use Tapjoy? Mlp is in fact on tapjoy but the gems I am supposed to eat never come. They do on all the other games I have on tapjoy... Hmm...
  8. You know, there is an easy way to get gems. Alls yous gotta do is click on the place where you go to buy gems. Then, at the bottom, it says "GET FREE GEMS!" Click on that, and there should be a video. Watch it- the longest one is 30 seconds- and bing bang boom! You got yourself a nice, shiny gem. You can do that 10 times a day, sometimes 20, until you save up enough for whatever you want. Rarity, here I come!!!!! PS. This works for me. It might not for you. Add me on GL Live: larry45238
  9. Sure, Equestria would be great! Being a pony, meeting all the mane 6. It's great. But, you soon realize it's not all it's cracked up to be. I seems like you would have to live a perfect life, or have that Go directly to Hell. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Anyway, you'd have to make a living, and then, suffer hardships that come with mortallity. Also, there can be villains and Discords that can spring up, though it would be cool to watch the Mane 6 work their magic. In Heaven, there are no hardships. Everything is perfect. You wouldn't have to wory about not killing or going right to hell, because there is none of that in Heaven. And, since Heaven is perfect, you could probably have the choice to temporarily become a pony and visit Equestria, without having to become mortal. And when you're done, you go right back to Heaven and live in Paradise with God forever. Heaven > Equestria. That's my opinion. EDIT: Some of you are saying that Heaven being perfect is too boring. That the imperfections in Equestia are what makes it good. That's saying you can be better than perfect? Last time I checked, perfect is perfect. God will make it not boring in Heaven, because it IS perfect. Don't get me wrong. I'd love Equestria. I'd take it over Earth. But not Heaven. I'm not trying to be mean with any of this. If I am sounding mean with this post, I'm sorry. I can be a strong Catholic.
  10. I'd love to be a unicorn. I think it would be great. But with greatness also comes some drawbacks. I've had this example in my head for a long time, and this is the perfect place to say it. If we were all ponies, then keyboards would have to be huge. Imagine typing with big hooves and no fingers. Whew, not fun. Believe me, I've tried.
  11. (I think I might have replied to a topic like this before but never mind) I totally understand. I can definitely see why you would dislike her. She can really tend to get conceited at times, and way to showoff-y. Despite having said that, Rainbow is, and always will be, my one favorite. It's like, Rainbow Dash. 20% cooler. For absolutely no reason, she just stands out above the rest for me and that all it takes.
  12. Dang, reading some of these comments has made me feel kind of stupid. I should have at least talked to the guy or commented on his hat... But I saw him, walked a few more steps, and realized: "Oh my gosh, that was a brony!" If I had the power to go back in time five seconds it would be so handy sometimes...
  13. I call him steroids pony. I call him that because... 1. He is big and looks like he's on steroids. 2. He is a pony. Steroids+pony= Steriods Pony. It's crazy, right? But math doesn't lie!
  14. So I was walking down the street in downtown _____(insert city name here) and a guy wearing a Princess Celestia hat and holding a Twilight Sparkle plush toy walked past me. If was the first time I've ever seen a "real life" brony, so it was sort of a big deal for me. Of course, most, if not all, of you have probably seen (or are) these people, so it's probably nothing that important to you. So if you were walking in downtown ______ (insert city name here), holding your Twilight plush toy and sporting your favorite Celesta hat, then I know where you live. MUAHAHAHAH!!! Not really, though, ____ (insert city name here) is a pretty big place.
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