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Posts posted by DarligPegasi

  1. Ok so I got this idea from this question posted on the forums about how MLP would turn out if Luna and Celestia died or something. So here it is!

    Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.



    The two princesses, Celestia and Luna have passed on suddenly without warning. At first everyone was devastated but they did not worry of their future because they knew Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor would do good in ruling them. Unfortunately Celestia never named Princess Cadence as her heir, so Prince Blueblood succeeds the throne instead!


    The spoiled and cowardly prince accepts the throne readily even though he has no clue what to do in terms of ruling, but the citizens of Equestria can't have him removed unless he gives up the throne himself. Which he refuses too because he's so greedy. Equestria is renamed 'The Blue Pony's City' in honor of their new ruler, and multiple ponies leave because they sense the impending doom that is sure to come with the new monarch.


    Now Equestria has caught the eye of Queen Chrysalis ruler of the Changelings and her newly freed and apointed co-ruler Discord. Half of Equestria is taken and re-named 'The Changeling District' where Changelings are treated like nobles and ponies are their servants.


    Blueblood is enraged because he has lost half of his riches but he is too afraid to do anything. So he sends for the Mane Six, a group of ponies who used to serve under Celestia and Luna but retired when they died.


    Chapter 1


    Spike groaned and rolled over onto his side as the sun rose clumsily into the sky. He glowered in the direction of the monstrous star and scoffed at how incorrectly placed it was in the sky.


    "That idiot, Blueblood needs to re-take his astrology class." he grumbled as he went to wake the girls.

    "Twi, get up!" he yelled into the large rock cave that the seven friends now called their home. They had moved into it, a year after Celestia and Luna had both died from some unkown disease. Of course the cave had been occupied by a dragon at the time, but it left as soon as Fluttershy had a private talk with it. No one knew what she said, but it sure had an immediate effect on the fiersome beast because it left in a hurry.


    "Spike, can you just wake us up nicely one day?" Apple Jack growled as she trotted out, with her mane looking a mess. But then again, at least it looked better than her hat. The once, clean and nice looking cowpony hat was torn in multiple edges and there were a couple of holes here and there.


    "Sure, whatever." Spike said rolling his eyes and curling up for another nap. It's not like they had anything important to do today. They never had anything important to do.


    "Uh uhn Spike, get yourself back up." AJ chastised, "Today's the day we distribute apples, and hay to the Underground Pony Stocks remember?"


    Spike sighed and reluctantly got up. "Fine." he grumbled, heading to the back of the cave, where they kept their food stocks. Twilight and Rarity where sparring with their magicly in the back. Rarity was stomping her feet in frustration, because she couldn't make a mark on Twilight and the unicorn in question was laughing because she had turned her mane neon green.


    Fluttershy was tending to her rabbit, Angel and Rainbow Dash was still sleeping. "Hey how come she get's to sleep, but I don't?" Spike complained, pointing at the blue pegasus.


    Twilight rolled her eyes, "Because, Rainbow spent all of last night, scouting for the Thunder Bolts that you said you saw!"


    Spike redened. "Well I did see the Thunder Bolts! I mean I thought I did!" he argued.

    The Thunder Bolt's where a group of five ponies who worked for Prince BlueBlood, they were loyal to him and only him. Two of their members used to be apart of the Wonder Bolts, but after their infamous break up, one of them became a hermit and the other two pledged their loyalty to the Prince. They did all of his work, and reported the ponies who talked about BlueBlood behind his back. No one knew what happened to those ponies who opposed him, just that when they returned they attacked robotically and never had anything bad to say about their situation or ruler.




  2. Ooh I like prompts like this. I think Prince Blueblood will succeed the throne but he'll turn out to be a complete idiot, but they can't have him removed unless he gives up the throne himself. Which he does not want to, because honestly? Who wants to give up riches? So the mane 6 are called in to clean up all of his messed everytime he screws something up. And perhaps Equestria will end up being invaded by Queen Chrysalis, and so Equestria ends up being split into two parts. The Changeling District and the Blue Pony City- Oh my gosh I just got an idea for a fan fic! This idea is copyright to me (Cloud Twister)! RAWR!

  3. Sweetie Belle --- > Rarity


    I just think its so cute how Sweetie Belle wants her talent to have something in common with what Rarity's talent is. And when Scootaloo was like "Who's the most awesome cool pony..blah blah." and Sweetie Belle is like :D "My sister?". And she does her best to meet Rarity halfway, like when Rarity needed to work and she wanted Sweetie to be quiet etc.

  4. Well its never bothered me, I didn't know his name was spelled McIntosh but now that I know, I prefer MacIntosh. Anyway AJ calls him BigMac sometimes and I always giggle, because it reminds me of the burger. XD Anyway, to each his/her own.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 1. What would you do if Pinkie Pie bit you?

    I'd yell at her and ask her why she did it, then bite her ear. Then we'd make up and have a party.


    2. What would you do if Sweetie Belle had a grenade?

    I'd scream "AAAH SWEETIEBOT!" and run for the hills.


    3. What would you do if you were watching MLP and the mane 6 came out of the screen?

    I'd make twilight turn my family and I into ponies so we could live in Pony Ville with them.


    4. Do you think Spike should grow a mustache?

    Yes. I think he'd look quite dashing with a mustache, but not one of those curly ones. Just a sophisticated bushy one. Can he have a top hat too?

    5. QUICK! A wild Squirtle appeared. You have 1 pony ball. What do you do?

    I'd scream "CMC Triple Spazz Attack Go!!" and watch as they successfully rangled the Squirtle. Then I would go for a swim.


    6. What would you do if you saw Rainbow Dash spying on you in the shower?

    I scream, grab her and dye her mane grey.


    7. What would you do if Applejack didn't make you breakfast?

    Demand to know what the hold up was.


    8. Ponies or all the money in the world?

    Ponies are cool but money all the way man.


    9. What would you do if Fluttershy was playing Skyrim?

    I knew Fluttershy was a dragon slayer. FLU TA SHA!!!


    10. What would you do if Twilight had a nightmare and wanted to sleep in your bed with you tonight?

    Only if she turned me and my family into ponies. :D

  6. Hmm first of all Pinkie Pie considers everyone her friend and possibly best friends so she doesn't seem to have just one. And in my opinion Spike is Twilight's best friend, but then again he's her pet. O.O


    Rainbow and Rarity have never had an episode together really so that's out. Rainbow might have stood up for Fluttershy when they were younger but that relationship seems to stop there. So I think Apple Jack and RD might have the strongest relationship but its more of a rivarly.


    Rarity and Fluttershy have been proven to be best friends in "Green isn't you color", but I still don't really see it. Rarity seems to be more big sisterly to Fluttershy then a best friend, as she gives her advice sometimes.

  7. I love all of the character's breakdowns and Fluttershy's was my favorite but Twilight's was hilarious. The teensy pupils and her creepy laugh and smile, was so awesome.


    Of course Pinkie's breakdown was cool too but it was expected in my opinion. Fluttershy's too actually. I mean the one who likes to party and have fun and is always smiling no matter what has a breakdown? And the shy girl who lives in the woods and tends to animals goes crazy? Kind of expected in my opinion. But the nerd going crazy, seemed kind of new.

  8. I think Celestia and Luna's parents created all of Equestria and then 'retired' (died). The powers of controlling what their parents created were passed to both Celestia and Luna but Celestia got more of it because she's older. That way, she was able to banish Luna and raise both the sun and the moon by herself.


    I always imagine Celestia and Luna's aprents as super tall Alicorns. A male with a long grey beard and a horn worn with age, blue eyes and a white pelt. And a female with weathered wings that reflect the stars, pink eyes, and a dark blue pelt.

  9. I think Sweetie Belle just doesn't need to rely on her magic. Maybe she can use it but she's too occupied with trying to find her cutie mark. Who knows? Maybe magic is what she's good at but she's doesn't use it so that's why she can't get her cutie mark yet. And Lauren Faust probably doesn't want to give her, her cutie mark without Scootaloo and Apple Bloom getting there's as well.


    As for Scootaloo...Well she just confuses me. Like why isn't she in Cloudsdale? And I don't think she can't fly because during episode 23, she used her wings to propel herself forward on a skateboard. So I guess maybe she could hover if she wanted too. Or maybe she'll end up like Fluttershy, flying slowly and usually low to the ground.

  10. Who's your favorite pony?

    It's a tie between Luna and Rarity but I shall speak of Luna.

    When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

    I started to like Luna after I realized that she did not have that big of a part in the show. I tend to notice the characters that aren't really maine characters or are lesser side characters. I also like her because of her background story and her voice when she's Luna and not Nightmare Moon.

    What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

    The second part of the first episode, when she apologizes to Celestia. But the episode "Luna Eclipsed" made me love her even more.


    Why did you like him/her because of that?

    I just loved her awkwardness! I'm awkward and she's awkward we both have slightly deep voices! It's awesome. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  11. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Well, I was searching the ages of the mane 6 and the link I clicked took me to a post on this forum. Then I saw the register button (which said Join the Herd!) and I was like, "Ok!".

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: In my 11th grade year, this girl in my tech class said something about MLP and I was like "Isn't that a little girls show?", and she said that it was funny. So over the summer I checked it out and fell in love with it. :D

    Well I am a 17 year old girl and I am about to turn 18, this month! :D I am planning to start college in the spring so I can major in Computer Animation. (Expect to see a lot more of Pony videos on youtube!) Hmm...What else? I like writing, mostly original fiction although I plan to write a pony fic eventually. I draw as a hobby and I think I'm quite good at it :D Let's see...I have a deviantart that I forgot the password too so that's not really important, i suppose.


    I love rping and I usually role play on te site that i write stories on, but the people there are a bit...Depressing. Hopefully the roleplayers here will be a bit more cheerful. :D


    I love j-pop/rock, k-pop, rock, alternative and techno. :>


    My favorite emote is :D As you can see. :D (Okay now I'm over doing it). Anyway I have a cat named Kiba and she's adorable and I'm running out of things to say.


    I love Rarity she's my favorite pony of the mane 6, but I like Fluttershy to. Luna is also one of my favorites and I hope we can see more of her in season 3.

    • Brohoof 2
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