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About ThatBronyGirl

  • Birthday 1996-09-17


  • Title
    Best Pony

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  • Personal Motto
    Don't back down.
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MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Cupcake (3/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Sound like fun I'll join with with Honey Swirl. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/honey-swirl-r1848
  2. Hello! :)

    1. Fanned



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    2. Scootalove
  3. Honey followed Faceless towards the hall. On her way over she tripped on a peice of paper lying on the floor. "Huh?" She stooped down and picked it up. Flipping it in front of her face, she saw a logo of some kind. "Hey," She said, dropping the paper. "Do you guys know who drew this? It's good!" She looked around the car, searching for the artist.
  4. She walked over to Faceless Flyer, leaving Note on the seat behind her. "Don't worry, we won't leave you to do this alone" She put a wing on his shoulder. "Besides," She joked "We couldn't if we wanted to, the train's already left." She smiled at him, hoping her feeling of loyalty would be shared among the group. If she was going to be stuck deep underground with some strangers, she wanted to be able to trust them.
  5. Oh my gosh! I love you for doing this! She looks so awesome and you even gave Note armor! You are the greatest! Aahh, a just love it so much!
  6. Isn't that a gender stereotype in itself? That it would be easier for girls? All the guys I know are pretty open about it. Fluttershy and Luna shirts, pins, locker stickers, doodles on binders.. maybe it's just that I have confident guys in my school, but I have yet to meet a brony in my school that doesn't advertise it. I even get complements on my Pinkie Pie shirt from male classmates. Most of my friends are bronies, girls and guys.. and they are certianly not hiding it.
  7. I was telling my mom about how Broncycon moved to Baltimore... and i said Baltimare.. I felt like such a dope. I need to get out of this pony rut!
  8. Honey Swirl zipped onto the train after the others. She settled down in a window seat, and let Note explore the one next to her. Their group leader clapped to get their attention. Note was trying to chew the edge of the seat. Nopony was siting together. "... Group name!" She looked up at the talking stallion. He seemed baffled at the looks he had recived in response to his suggestion. She thought silently for a bit, trying to keep Note from nesting in the seat cushion. Brainstorming for ideas, she thought hard about a group name. Suddenly she lept into the air, startling Note. "We should be the Pegasus Brigade! Or the Farther Feathers! Or.. Or.." She stopped to think some more, floating slowly back down to her seat.
  9. That's the thing. The Gak meme was created because the whole commercial was basically a one-liner. The whole thing was "GAK GAK GAK!'' Personally, it doesn't bother me. If it's a meme, let it be a meme. Nothing we can do about it. Think of it this way. The art that OP posted are totally different from each other. Even the things they say are different. The only things similar are ponies and Gak. How is that different than any other pony art? It's the same as socks, sweaters or wet mane.. The art is different, the subject the same. I can't find what you dislike about it. If it was like other memes, where you use the same picture and just change the words, I could see your point. But it isn't. The artists create their own thing, using the same inspiration.
  10. My pony officially knows Zhooves in another RP! So I guess that means our ponies have history?
  11. "Aha! We get to sit near the back! Do the windows open? Can we hear the engine from back there? Are we near the dining car?" She flew in circles around everypony's heads. She could barely contain her excitement. She needed someone to vent it to.Noticing Zhooves sitting on a cloud by the ground, she dropped down beside him. "Isn't this exciting? We're going to be riding on a train for the first time!" She chattered excitedly at him. "This is going to be so great, don't you think?"
  12. Okay, so I've only gotten one done, I just had a major Philosophy test.. So I'll have to catch up It might take longer if your pony has comlicated hair. I hope He's okay.. I don't have that much practice drawing colts.
  13. She grinned at the silent pony. ''Great!'' She trotted up to the edge of the tracks, and leaned out, looking in the direction of the billowing steam cloud. ''Hey everypony! I can see the train!'' She took a step back and looked at them. ''Can we sit in the front car? Or do you guys prefer the back?'' The train was getting closer. To be honest, she had never ridden a train before, not even to get to Ponyville. As a Gaurd, she was expected to fly everywhere, or be flown by chariot. when she moved from Filly to Canterlot, her family walked. She had always wanted to ride one.
  14. Honey Swirl shrunk back, hearing the grey pony yell at Iron Wing. She didn't mean to get her into trouble.. as the angry stallion stomped off she turned to Iron. ''I'm sorry. I should have waited for somepony to help me. You were right to call us thieves.'' She hung her head. ''I had no idea you were so busy. I hope you don't get fired.'' She walked dejectedly over to her bed and sat down. The sun was just slipping behind the trees. ''Good night Iron Wing, I'm going to get some rest, I hope you can sort things out with your boss.''
  15. ''Got it, one hour.'' She took a few flaps experimentaly, then shot off to where she was staying. When she got to the house on the edge of Ponyville, She made a mental list of what she would need. Okay.. Sleeping bag, sack of dried food, a canteen, some vitamins (D,C, Calcium), an oil lamp and oil, extra blanket, cloak. She wrote a quick note to the owners and put down some bits for rent. She grabbed her new saddle bags and put everything except the canteen in them. She then slung the canteen around her neck, plopped Note onto her head, and flew back to the train station. She fluttered down next to the others. ''Oh, I hope I'm not late! Did I miss anything?''
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